a111: 2017-12-22 <indiancandy1> okay
mircea_popescu: i dunno, iirc she just showed up started talking some day
mircea_popescu: a right, wouldn't write on them or something, i dun recall. might've been one of the earliest
mircea_popescu: i suspect this might've been one of the candidates that didn't make it for... recall i was auditioning for whores to do some reading or the other at some point ? ended up with this high energy brunette
mircea_popescu: eh, good for. there's no intrinsic utility to natural phenomena. what's water molecule good for ? it bangs around back and forth, what good.
mircea_popescu: ~same. "I'd like to give that opportunity to up to 10 groups/companies/people through patreon." or w/e.
deedbot: gallus17 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: russel, not on the list (presumably because "not since 1945", notwithstanding legitimacy vs industrialism was 60s, iirc.
diana_coman: wtf is that, voting "who do you think bestest philosopher" or what?
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, obscure russel downstream, "anglophone" in the sense of being german, totally on the list.
diana_coman: "feel like voting on something else?" lmao
mircea_popescu: aaanyway, dude (carnap i mean) is probably the thing all the
g. supran subhumans perceive as their "truly truthiful undergirth", genuinely academic and intellectual because not-from-america and-we-dont-talk-about-that etc.
mircea_popescu: sorta like a bayes for the femtards & assorted pantsuits that don't like systems of equations.
mircea_popescu: well, karl popper / thomas khun. tho they're philosophers in a very dubous sense, kuhn's a sociologist and popper's a historian of science.
mircea_popescu: then there's the problem of "anglophone". by such criteria as could be insanely reconstructed from the piled remains, naggum would qualify ; and then he has to be on the list.
mircea_popescu: if popper's a philosopher, thus therefore so are both r. feyman and that russian fellow who said "fuck you, who the fuck are you to give me awards, nitwits". much more of a philosopher (in the sartre-ian tradition) than whatever Deborah Mayo, this Audre Lorde professor emeritus of Women Can Add Too (if you don't rush them or say the mean about the buttock fats)
mircea_popescu: dumbass cuntlet wouldn't qualify for my introductory course on "how to write academic work as opposed to spinning wikipedia content like retards" at the night tradeschool for economically disadvantaged youths.
BingoBoingo: Ah, the sidebar gives it away. It is a Brian Leiter production.
mircea_popescu: and cornell's a notorious lolcow farm. and i don't teach HTWAWAOTSWCLR 101, thus "We learn from our mistakes. Few would take issue with this disctum. If it is more than merely a cliche, then it wouldseem of interest to epistemologists to inquire how knowledge is obtained from mistakes or from error." results in 62. Nicholas Rescher loses to Rudolf Carnap by 140–8, loses to Deborah Mayo by 38–27 Alan Musgrave loses to
mircea_popescu: Rudolf Carnap by 138–3, loses to Deborah Mayo by 32–26 etc.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-10 00:53 asciilifeform: 'A 59-year-old woman who was a senior official at a Washington think-tank was fatally stabbed in Baltimore’s Roland Park neighborhood as she was walking her dogs Friday night, police said.'
mircea_popescu: , and obviously a perfect candidate for the same fate.
mircea_popescu: but at least they got the willy wonka / warhol
hairdo going. i mean... i guess it's something. right ? very weird hair ? grows from head ? in limine, intellectual production ? no ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, mayo chick's totally worth a skipread, in the
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-02#1916737 sense. " We can put together so potent an arsenal for unearthing a given error that when we fail to find it we have excellent grounds for concluding that the error is absent." and so on and on and forever .
☝︎ mircea_popescu: "Herein lies a presupposition commonly harbored by philosophers: namely. that empirical claims are only as reliable as the data from which they are inferred. The fact is that we can often arrive at rather accurate claims from far less accurate ones. Scattered measurements, for example, are not of much use, but with a little data massaging (e.g.. averaging) we can obtain a value of a quantity of interest that is far more ac
mircea_popescu: curate than individual measurements. Durday-to-day learners from error know this fact but. to my knowledge. the only philosopher to attach deep significance to this seli—cortecting ability is C. 5. Peirce."
mircea_popescu: except for the fact pierce never proposed supporting "global warming" and its ilk of nonsense on "massaged data" in the sense of "the
golf club pattern-maker, put any data you wish in, see the same thing come out". nor would he have.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2016-06-23 11:11 mircea_popescu: back in 2010ish, some derps from us academia came with "proof" of the (at the time still called) global warming nonsense, in the shape of a much-loved-bymedia "golf cross pattern".
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, this is very transparently the aim here : "supporting social policy" on "science", as the necessary v2.0 of "supporting sorta-science financially through some bureaucratic process".
BingoBoingo: In other news, this ciclón extratropical is rather disappointing.
mircea_popescu: ie, "let's lie prettily to each other -- you, call us scientists notwithstanding we're social cases, like any other ghetto queen ( with just as absent child rearing skills) ; we call you rational notwithstanding you're fucked in the head"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's exactly 0 connection between the 99% and any productive activty. in fact, you need about 500k or so people to run the entire world as it now stands
a111: Logged on 2017-12-08 15:02 asciilifeform: the 'good climate makes folx lazy and slowly climbing 'back up to trees' ' item is an old saw, but i'm not aware of any major hole in the theory
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'm guessing some lords are going to camp at latitudes with some sort of winter.
mircea_popescu: in fact, in technological world, outside cold more a resource than a hindrance.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Nah, the people who figure winter is a factor that allowed Europe to not do the tropical sloth.
mircea_popescu: i expect once we're done butchering the supernumeraries, we'll mostly hang our about the artic circle
mircea_popescu: cheaper to heat than to cool, anyways. chea<per to dress than to peel off, esp if nothing left to peel.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, ballistic passenger service between hubs
mircea_popescu: go hunting the africans, basically, as principal tropical activty.
mircea_popescu: that chick, the hepatitis walflower. present day african, the "maybe i'll be a writer" white female. not even white trash, but "middle class"
mircea_popescu: kinda like cockroaches, very resilient. would probably feed on urban garbage / each other's aborted foetuses in any case. god knows they already eat soylent & assorted dogfood machine-delivered.
BingoBoingo: Well, first they'll wank a bit about pseudo-aesthetic pseudo-ethics and make the pichi life a fad
mircea_popescu: by now they eat literal dogfood, that's literally called "soylent"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo oh absolutely. it's already happening, and plenty. but, of course, in very self-unaware manner, very "matter of factedly", "this is how things are".
mircea_popescu: very "sticky" misbehaviour, too, they'll squirm every which way, lie every turn of the ratchet, stick with each single possible aspect to the bitter end.
mircea_popescu: and all the while, disavow any awareness of their proceeding.
mircea_popescu: "these are my friends" "they're scumbags" "yes but" "also X" "yes but" "you are forbidden to y" "yes but" and so on ad infinitum.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The chain is swapping in a beef identifying bean patty
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in another angle : i have here next to each other two modern ubuntus : one modern in 2018 (v 18.04), the other modern about five years prior (v 10.04). the sheer pile of utility and usability loss! old one has "bring up desktop" button. new one does not. old one has taskbar on the bottom, wherein one can drag item to a different task, and the task will pop up (so you can drop a file in a terminal). new one -- doe
mircea_popescu: old one brings up a task from tab if dblclicked -- AND ALSO MINIMIZES IT. new one -- brings up, but does not minimize.
mircea_popescu: old one has list of crapola installed. new one has list of ~recommended~ crapola, and SEARCH BAR. literally, you're invited to search among the... well, it's not the userland, search returns things you... don't have, indistinctly
mircea_popescu: i could keep on forever -- old one, had directly accessible screen resolution switcher. new one -- does not, so that if (for instance!) your settlers 4 wine installation fucks the screen leaving it in 800x600 mode upon closure, either you know to xrandr -q xrandr --output --mode directly, or else you reboot.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: and why is he speaking from this position of authority, " I also posted to communicate the timeline ", who the fuck is he, me ?
BingoBoingo: Kinda the point. They try to min-max for unimpressiveness so as to NOT be read
a111: Logged on 2019-06-19 16:02 mircea_popescu: exactly as per
http://trilema.com/2013/what-is-art/ ; "why is this science ? cuz hilary says so. and who the fuck is hilary ? she's the one scientists claim god has anoin^H^H^H^H like very much and agree with"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo heh. "mp is scary and therefore safe ; we shall copy on the quiet -- be tedious and therefore also safe".
mircea_popescu: hence my earlier point re africans : long after we've stopped sending the packages, they'll still be there in the pavement cracks.
mircea_popescu: ana fans reportedly survive for years on 3k WEEKLY calorie diets, so...
mircea_popescu: ah btw, you know about the japanese xtian petrification saints ?
mircea_popescu: sleigh of hand, possibly. also, exit. human body's remarkably... how shall i put this, it has a peculiar relationship with non-existenc.e
mircea_popescu: i wonder if there ever was quite such a spurious "culture". or w/e we'd call it.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-13 15:24 asciilifeform: speaking of which, reportedly huawei's lappy div (supposedly - closing down) made several genuinely linuxable (vs. 'ubuntable') boxen.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I check in occasionally to see how North USistan is doing
BingoBoingo: Well, case of guy described by tlp who had prolonged interaction with proto-republic and early republic before his break
BingoBoingo: Tried to buy BitBet remains, has not yet expressed any interest in flying a box to Uruguay for his own projects. Marketed a FuckGoats value add, etc
BingoBoingo: Well, there's ~two week period where center of aesthetowank world is ~90 km east of here
BingoBoingo: Punta del Este. At least it was for a while. FA may have chased them off.
BingoBoingo: Has own airport and yacht port so that crowd can skip Montevideo and the pichis
a111: Logged on 2017-02-03 05:29 phf: my mom had one of those "papa escaped the purges by burning all paperwork but life got tough when they took our governess" piano teachers, who would lament about being forced to teach peasants and brown folk, not on racial grounds as much as "you have to have a bidet in your house for 3 generations, before you can touch a piano"
BingoBoingo: Well, even the roofed poor here have bidets in the house.
BingoBoingo: This is rural Uruguay, not urban New York. Gotta have a bidet here.
BingoBoingo: I suspect its in the local building code next to asado Fridays at every construction site.
mircea_popescu: the yachting thing was pretty big in the... well, the 90s mostly, i'd say.
mircea_popescu: buy what's essentially a floating condo for ~same what a condo in downtown metro area costs, spend your time going from yacht club to yacht club. the not-retarded charlie sheens did this, usually with a competent alpha (usually, 20year+wife) to pick the local sluts.
mircea_popescu: to me it seemed mind numbing, but to a buncha retired-early upper middleclassians... well... easy & cheap path out.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, it ~was~ a thing, in the sense poker was a thing, whereby you could meet > a few dozen quite pleasant such folk in the respective haunts, from florida to just about eastern colombia etc, and then on the other side, mostly south of france, italy, greek islands etc.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Quite a few boats I suspect are on the whisper market in kinda the same way just about any piece of real estate in the city has a price if you bother to ask.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it stopped being the thing it was ; it's still a thing but more in the sense of the rest of real estate "market" -- beneficial "owners" trying to extricate themselves out of the jam, long lost sight of the benefit or even the usage.
BingoBoingo: And yes the Puertito Buceo is rather full looking, but still has room to drop anchor. Another yacht club a few km away closer to capacity.
mircea_popescu: poker is still A thing today ; the problem with it is that wherever you sit down you're gonna run into a buncha pete d's and tired old con men.
BingoBoingo: Even in the middle west of old country joke was "Happiest days of boat owning are buying the boat and selling the boat"
mircea_popescu: ie, not the thing it was. in 1999 we'd have prolly went over for dinner if invited ; in 2019 we'd just chuckle about the shawrmy.
a111: Logged on 2014-11-26 00:46 asciilifeform: have to understand, jet fighter is not really a complete machine. it is a tentacle of the larger industrial slave empire which produced and employed it.
mircea_popescu: from my rock, the whole yacht thing (not a place to LIVE ON, orlol and all, mind) was a specific "token of entry" in a specific, upper-middleclass network.
mircea_popescu: the middle class entirely does not exist anymore ; the item is no longer a token for the disused faine, either.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: there is the chance, but... boat owning is still privileged somewhat here.
mircea_popescu: the yacht-as-a-place-to-live thing was, whatever, poor village farmhands imagining among themselves a consensus as to how riveters work goes in the big city up on those tall buildings.
mircea_popescu: the yacht-as-it-was-used was a better-alternative-to-airplane+airport-plebcombo. slower (in the good sense -- anyonre recall the "downshifiting" 90s thing ?), not much more expensive (if you travel business class and 5 star hotel, you end up paying for summering in the carribean ~same as the cost to own yacht, give or take), infinitely more pleasant.
mircea_popescu: but that was the market there, "honey, since we're doing 5k x2 in plane tickets and 3-500 a night in hotel stays for 4 to 8 weeks each year, coming to a 25k or so, we could just pay coupla mil upfront on this piece of machinery that'll resell for maybe mil-mil and a half in five years and cost to own 10k or so a year, taking us just about even"
mircea_popescu: "and this way, we don't have to worry about 5 star hotel having no bell hop or misplacing reservations and if we feel like making the 8 weeks 18... well..."
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: From what I understand the chinese commercial fishing vessels tend to not get customs checked with any frequency
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do you have any idea how far your car takes you on 10k of gas ?
mircea_popescu: yacht engine not so much different from luxury car, same few hundred hp. you run it for an hour, you burn about a galon, costs you about 2 bucks.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Argentina also gets pissy about letting them dock. In Uruguay welcome mat gets rolled out.
mircea_popescu: those were more the "corporate" thing. if you had a porn empire or something. berlusconi had one, for all the 14yo african girlies to nudie dip off off.
mircea_popescu: whereas the bulk of the subculture was made up of 40 and 50yos, married for 20ish years, well tanned female keeping in shape an' intelligent dude who made his money by being clever.
mircea_popescu: which is the deep problem here : in socialist economy this class of "i made 20mn being smart" thing no longer exists.
mircea_popescu: bureaucrats have other interests, and a very different sense of cool -- hence your horripilated reaction to pete d's internally coherent visions of normality.
mircea_popescu: what can i tell you. u;ltimately all things are baubleds/.
BingoBoingo: If you want bigger, that is a different market and you are getting out of yachts and into ships
BingoBoingo: Well that's what the next market is. Everyfucking thing goes "price on request"
BingoBoingo: So they can count patek to rolex ratio and price accordingly
a111: Logged on 2014-11-26 00:46 asciilifeform: have to understand, jet fighter is not really a complete machine. it is a tentacle of the larger industrial slave empire which produced and employed it.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-31 13:48 asciilifeform: in 1 particular documented case, where boat was raised 7yrs later, they found that an old salt turned valve in wrong direction. fella served on a diff design for a decade, where dir was opposite. he put such strength into 'closing' valve that the handle was bent. rest of crew breathed for 2wks, aside from one who hung self in bed and another who shorted battery with both hands.
BingoBoingo: Indeed requires slave empire or thing approximating. Fiberglass thing however... lower organizational demands.
BingoBoingo: Kind the point of fiberglass is minimizing the cost of scuttling it when necessary
BingoBoingo: If the aim is fucking with empire, off the shelf fiberglass hulls are prolly the way to go.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile continuing the
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-19#1918697 nonsense : wine doesn't work worth a shit on the new ubuntu. it never worked splendidly, granted, but it was quite workable last i looked into this half decade ago. it degraded significantly. for instance, after a bunch of installing various, i'm left with a taskbar fulla dead icons. (well, in fairness they bring up a transparent exclamation point in a tria
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-06-19 16:30 mircea_popescu: i could keep on forever -- old one, had directly accessible screen resolution switcher. new one -- does not, so that if (for instance!) your settlers 4 wine installation fucks the screen leaving it in 800x600 mode upon closure, either you know to xrandr -q xrandr --output --mode directly, or else you reboot.
mircea_popescu: for instance of what i mean by "any way" : you'd expect kill $(ps aux | grep wine | cut -f2 -d" "| awk '{print $1}') will do it. and indeed it kills DOZENS of processes.
mircea_popescu: this damned thing is almost exactly windows, i dunno why even bother with emulators, should just run win binaries native by now.
BingoBoingo: Seems this is kinda intentional on Ubuntu's part. Making Windows appear viable.
mircea_popescu: steam is not "this big deal gaming published with its own os", it's a pathetic front on a dead flash-wannabe (unity)
mircea_popescu: ubuntu is not some kind of linux. it's a mod on windows registry.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that part doesn't work, of course. and you should see what the glyph engine looks like.
mircea_popescu: but i was trying to get king's bounty legends of the north booted.
mircea_popescu: most of the fucking processes can't even be brought up by clicking on this derp-ass gui
mircea_popescu: oh, no, it's so accessible and usable and progressed, i dunno what you could be griping about
mircea_popescu: vaguely reminds me of the old ibm-pc clone days, when ~nothing worke
mircea_popescu: meanwhile i actually got this thing going. you ever played the kb franchise ?
BingoBoingo: AHA, yes. I have seen the Win10 ad machine in a zoo!
mircea_popescu shall be off to lead his virtual armies. which is how one survives on modern "operating system" : by spending all the time inside pre-modern, 1990s era games.
mircea_popescu: you recall the amiga guy's failed bid to make a sort of tablets-in-tables restaurant/amusement park ?
mircea_popescu: ~same look and feel as that klonk, "we hacked up some old slot machines" "why ?" "dunno"