293 entries in 0.595s
mats: b-but without my 19 satoshis i will be unable to retire to a life of luxury and full breasted south american women
asciilifeform: (re: germans: there is ample evidence that fleeing nazis wanted for nothing, and were kept in plentiful supply of every conceivable necessity and luxury by u.s. cia. but 'traditional' narrative still has them living in what were essentially reservations in ar.)
mircea_popescu: punkman it's a luxury thing tho.
assbot: San Francisco Magazine | Modern Luxury | The Shrimp Boy Sessions: A Jailhouse Conversation with the Alleged Gang Boss ... ( http://bit.ly/1vlCboS )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i suspect the bulk of they shipped in are "luxury workers", which is to say cocksuckers.
BingoBoingo: mats_cd03: From what I understand ECC is still a luxury sold to the discerning which the "cloud" is trying to handwave over
decimation: lol luxury meant 'sexual intercourse' in the 1300's
assbot: 83 results for 'luxury' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=luxury
mircea_popescu: !s luxury
asciilifeform: everything after that - is luxury.
asciilifeform: and what unspeakably-dildonic luxury 64gB is
bounce: sounds like a serious luxury problem
asciilifeform: coffins! what luxury americans expect.
mircea_popescu: this is why bunkers are made out of steel and concrete, even while luxury items are made out of silk and glass.
asciilifeform: forced mistake, in many cases - sometimes, you have the luxury of setting fire to the whole shebang and walking away
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: hanbot: you were not mistaken in figuring that i'm one of the people weighed down by addiction to luxuries. but the only luxury i really give a damn about is free time. <<< this is so funny.
asciilifeform: hanbot: you were not mistaken in figuring that i'm one of the people weighed down by addiction to luxuries. but the only luxury i really give a damn about is free time.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: "luxury" anything -> spam ?
ben_vulpes: noyrly luxury items, those.
assbot: The Bitcoin Luxury Marketplace
BingoBoingo: That, and that is a luxury of handling wetware in that case.
diametric: bakers aren't afforded the luxury of a special status
mircea_popescu: he was a censor, and as a censor he had the authority to forbid luxury expenditures. which he did, by forbiding some types of textile, which were very expensive, all imported, and wore quickly.
decimation: the guys 'in the loop' with all of this supposed knowledge apparently can't differentiate between luxury resorts in Massachusetts and a third-world hellhole
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu:<asciilifeform> (what's it about in reality? real-time tracking of all meat inventory. and, with a little more magic - your car is own gasenwagen when time comes.) << they already had a pilot for this. amusingly, it was sold as an expensive ad on for luxury brands. northstar or something. << northstar was the name of a fairly awful gm v8, onstar was their tracking device
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> (what's it about in reality? real-time tracking of all meat inventory. and, with a little more magic - your car is own gasenwagen when time comes.) << they already had a pilot for this. amusingly, it was sold as an expensive ad on for luxury brands. northstar or something.
decimation: re: luxury submarines: http://www.ussubmarines.com/ << supposedly can stay submerged for at least a week going 2 knots
decimation: and the "people" think they have the luxury to protest oil moving through their town
gribble: The Last Psychiatrist: Luxury Branding The Future Leaders Of The ...: <http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/11/luxury_branding_the_future_lea.html>; The Last Psychiatrist: Thank God The 'Heart Attack Grill' Is A Great ...: <http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2012/05/thank_god_the_heart_attack_gri.html>; The Last Psychiatrist: So At Least Two People Agree With Me: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: Honestly the best place to shop luxury watch brands is the Pawn shop
benkay: mircea_popescu: mebbe later - in the meantime i'm enjoying the luxury of going to sleep at midnightish
BingoBoingo: Other bacteria though tend not to have the luxury of waiting that long when they engage in chemical warfare.
mircea_popescu: it's a waste of everyone's time, just, others don't have the luxury to notice.
nubbins`: it's squarely in the realm of "luxury item" :)
benkay: 80k is a luxury product now?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 100 m^2 of photovoltaics is also a 'luxury product', but it marketed in just that same way.
mircea_popescu: "@SunSentinel · 1h Man drives Tesla from New York to Miami at no cost" who the fuck came up with this idiocy. the tesla is a luxury product. the people who buy luxury products are being sold on "no cost" housewife routines ?
jurov: mike_c i envy you the luxury to hesitate about it
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: works better from safe distance << not everybody gets the luxury of a safe distance. some folks have to make do with, e.g. -
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves the current thinking is that if by style guide you mean, that the same hand visibly had designed everything, that that's a luxury we don't want to afford /// not exactly, a style guide is more like a branding guidelines document, it defines the overall style of the game, creating boundaries for artists
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves the current thinking is that if by style guide you mean, that the same hand visibly had designed everything, that that's a luxury we don't want to afford
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: real time tcp/ip, over 1000s of km, for millions of people - is a luxury.
asciilifeform: emblematic of faux luxury products
asciilifeform: one day, a 'virginal' high quality crt will be a mega-luxury. like stradivarius.
minersdidit: so shit they buy also got pumped up ie high end jewellery, cars, ultra luxury homes
tg2: is having a wife a luxury not afforded to the bitcoin elite?
asciilifeform: standardized language is a 'luxury of civilization', like your mains socket
kakobrekla: luxury
mircea_popescu: if we had the luxury of discarding anything of reality that doesn't conveniently fit with our theoreitcal system, we wouldn't for instance be stuckl with quantum mechanics.
nubbins`: diametric: for the sake of a differing opinion, i think you should purchase the luxury item you don't have room for
mircea_popescu: when did "executive" become "luxury" i wish to know.
dub: luxury
asciilifeform: ontrol God intended us to have. Sewers are a luxury to be reserved for those who deserve them, the leaders of Spain, not the slave stock."
mircea_popescu: but if you didn't have the luxury to make it more complicated than that ?
asciilifeform: not everyone has the luxury of eschewing cell phone.
benkay: mircea_popescu: i don't have the luxury to let my money make more money
nubbins`: people didn't have the luxury of concrete homes here 80 years ago
mircea_popescu: "enjoy the luxury of living alone"
asciilifeform: that'd be the 'luxury model'
mircea_popescu: o, no worry about that, there's not going to be any luxury in nyc.
mike_c: about the new nyc mayor: [joe blow] "called Mr. de Blasio the best hope for slowing the growth of luxury condominiums that crowd his Manhattan neighborhood."
Vexual: i don't know what he smokes, but he keeps cartier luxury mild for the ladies
ozbot: 14 'Luxury' Sex Toys for the Extremely Rich and Creepy | Cracked.com
pankkake: http://www.cracked.com/article_19488_14-luxury-sex-toys-extremely-rich-creepy.html
jcpham: i thought independently wealthy peeps were born into luxury
ThickAsThieves: risk is a luxury
mircea_popescu: i'm sure there's a deep end of it. but i have the luxury of considering the other end.
saulimus: Luxury is luxury?
ThickAsThieves: Wealth is a Luxury
ThickAsThieves: Risk is a Luxury
ThickAsThieves: this is why i call it risk as a luxury
ThickAsThieves: Risk is a Luxury
Namworld: The tax man should focus on property taxes for the public infrastructure servicing said properties. And luxury tax on various goods. Goods are already taxed differently based on what purpose they serve.
Namworld: We could just move to a luxury/property tax system and get rid of all the complexity of the tax system for the general population.
ericmuyser: figured it was a luxury of being a freelancer
furuknap: Well, the west doesn't have the luxury of sitting on its asses doing nothing for 200 years more. Norway has, and its population is getting used to it.
deadweasel: or you could double your cash input and go here http://www.jaguarusa.com/models/xk/luxury-convertible-coupes/
KRS-1: Bitcoin Supernode (n): It's when you believe yourself to be an extremely important person, then completely fuck up a simple get-together screaming bloody murder, fleeing from a luxury hotel because you believe they are out to kill you when they turn off your water after you've made a complete mess of the place and deny paying your bills, then keep mumbling about how you and your friends
KRS-1: manual would be better in all cases..stay away from the luxury models, the more simple utilitarian models are the best for durability and survival. the "nice" ones arent worth a crap
mircea_popescu: you do see why dominant position would ensure one such luxury
dub: orkaa: LUXURY
MJR__: one could argue that Mercedes are a "bubble" if everyone decides that luxury vehicles are retarded.
Chaang-Noi: they taxes these cars like crazy, yeah luxury tax
arij: luxury tax?
tiberiusiv: imported products(quality luxury items) are more expensive in RO then US
Namworld: I like a little bit of luxury in my diet tho.
asciilifeform: If you use patents to keep a product off the market (or to keep it a luxury good whereas civilization might otherwise make it a mass good) you are a patent troll.
mircea_popescu: "We sat in the dining room at Madera, a Michelin 1-star rated restaurant in the Rosewood, a luxury hotel that’s partly owned by Stanford University."
jurov: they'll buy just few less luxury cars
Bugpowder: no I'm thinking of doing price optimization for US luxury RE
Namjies: If a government is bent on providing services to the population and public infrastructure, I'd prefer it's budget be levied through a large property tax and luxury tax.
mircea_popescu: it should be a luxury for a decade or so. after that, it's established enough for the masses to join in w/o breaking anything
mircea_popescu: ya but the person bidding doesn't bid on a luxury item