mircea_popescu: item could have a certain artful oldschool-cool air about it, if the key was dips.
mircea_popescu: i suppose the ~usecase is where dorks think they have a right to look into your bags because you are crossing a "border".
mircea_popescu: "color their bits", the 2019 version of 1970s "grab 'em by the pussy."
mircea_popescu: i have 0 expectation it will do anythingf besides create a lot of idle wank in "law enforcement" circles.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cuz they figure "you'll lead them to the terror cell" or some such nonsense.
mircea_popescu: (yes, there is a do-not-disturb list, also, where they put people mostly for the above stated reason (it "wouldn't be fair" to put the inca elite on it, CORRUPTION!!!). as evidenced in these very logs, the process is just as trivially hackable as any other piece of imperial software -- asciilifeform gets the benefit of being a kronprinz without having as much as met this AllMother (and while bemoaning the whole time the unfai
mircea_popescu: rness of life in general and etcetera). because hey, whynot.)
mircea_popescu: this is the other one. just about the only way to get on it is to be a potential "embarassment" in the sense of, "we X are following this guy, why are you Y letting him know".
mircea_popescu: cuz the correlate of "french secret services accidentally sms terror suspect" is necessarily SOME KIND OF LIST. cuz that's how you build an empire, you make lists.
mircea_popescu: whole empire is a collection of superficialities. "car" is defined similarily.
mircea_popescu: women, right ? built themselves the femstate, magically don't understand why a) it dun work and b) nobody likes them still.
mircea_popescu: see alf, your eternal "IT IS JUST A TRICK" works both ways lmao.
mircea_popescu: well yes, but security theatre is specifically there to give some spam fliers the appearance of a loftiness they do not merit.
mircea_popescu: "oh, this piece of paper ? VERY!!!! different from what buskers/joefish/.whatever hand out. THIS ONE HANDED OUT BY BLUE USG!!! BIGGEST THING IN IMPORTANCE!"
mircea_popescu: "wait, what do you mean we're just another spammer vying for your attention with all the others ?!?! but we don't tape papers to trees, we tape them to luggage insides!!! GOTTA COUNT FOR SOMETHING!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cuz emancipated nation of africa rubber producers ? nfi.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-22 17:18 weevlos: trinque: we are a media publication. our power and capital comes from the number of visitors we have to the site. we aim to transform through culture. if normal people cannot visit our site we are not accomplishing our goal
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, except for manufactering, because Obama said you can't do that in US-istan. Hence Lenovo getting IBMThink and Global Foundries getting all of IBM's fab work
BingoBoingo: Nah, they have to pick one of the two per Coke/Pepsi theorem
BingoBoingo: Anyways, if Gab somes knocking, I will try to get a price for them. Considering they were hosted on MS Azure for a long time, it is hard to tell if they can fit at any price or if their all comers deal makes them dependent on cheap Fort Mead bandwidth
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I do have difficulty with that as well. Anyways people, no platforms.
BingoBoingo: You can WoT evaluate people. Hard to do that to a toilet full of cops.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-28 17:37 asciilifeform: the checkpoint queues are ~100% theatrical, when they want some d00d 'by name', typically pick him up at the check-in desk, long before he gets to the queue
a111: Logged on 2018-04-10 03:06 mircea_popescu: eh. the quality of police work has so terribly degraded in the past half century, if anyone does ANY PLANNING AT ALL it's a murder that'll never get solved.
BingoBoingo: President's Book of Secrets for President's eyes only?