239 entries in 0.411s
mircea_popescu: gotta be at least a dozen, including both the expert who made one splash screen and the contest winning kid on tardstalk who made the other.
mircea_popescu: (among teh great advantages of ye log import : sql search for "power" "rangers" now yields 94 rows in set, all of the Forum logs for X format. yippee! i kinda do vaguely regret however not bothering to immortalize the original gushing fan on tardstalk, "oh, you guys are like power rangers!!!" in excited response to the perceived great acumen displayed by hearn fucking up bitcoin while everyone else was watching manga)
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:32:39 lobbes: I bought my first coin for ~$20 back in 2013 or abouts, then hung onto it for dear life. Almost lost it in a tardstalk scam, but luckily read hanbot's ancient writings; found this place in time
lobbes: I bought my first coin for ~$20 back in 2013 or abouts, then hung onto it for dear life. Almost lost it in a tardstalk scam, but luckily read hanbot's ancient writings; found this place in time
asciilifeform: asciilifeform was drawn into bitcoin (specifically as portrayed by mp_en_viaje ; was never in the tardstalk forum , and http://www.loper-os.org/?p=939 until encountered mp_en_viaje ) specifically because appeared, to asciilifeform , to be the 1st known instance of a successful defense against the 1-5 rot progression .
BingoBoingo: <mp_en_viaje> where the fuck's the whole manticore thing coming from then ?! << During hanbot's missionary work to tardstalk, the manticore piece was one of the arts commisioned. Don't have the link on hand, but seems like a 2013 thing
mp_en_viaje: really, 100% tardstalk but in this guise of "every moron that should have been hanged is a point of interest and nothing else really matters"
a111: Logged on 2019-02-11 20:27 shinohai: (I also have copy of all those gpg keys I scraped from tardstalk too)
shinohai: (I also have copy of all those gpg keys I scraped from tardstalk too) ☟︎
asciilifeform: hilarious item, almost 'tardstalk btc investments' in storybook form.
asciilifeform admits : was never able to stomach reading tardstalk with any regularity, cuz it ALWAYS read like this, from birth
asciilifeform: lol i had nfi tardstalk were still around
mircea_popescu: lotta sold accounts on tardstalk anyways.
BingoBoingo: In other vitage trilema: http://trilema.com/2013/whats-a-sperglord/ A certain Sperglord's tardstalk account has indeed been active since sperging out in 2012-13
mod6: So I think the correct thing to do here is to step-down from the Pizarro board, let someone else direct and lead the company to glory, as opposed to the back pages of tardstalk.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-11 13:33 mircea_popescu: can you ~believe~ how much like something you'd read on tardstalk "investments" your workproduct ends up ?! and this in 2018 ? why, because you've been secretly saving it through a time capsule, insulated from review, all this time ?! god almighty, last thing i want is the yahoo peterl-ism of 2013 perpetuated a second past the end of that year.
mircea_popescu: can you ~believe~ how much like something you'd read on tardstalk "investments" your workproduct ends up ?! and this in 2018 ? why, because you've been secretly saving it through a time capsule, insulated from review, all this time ?! god almighty, last thing i want is the yahoo peterl-ism of 2013 perpetuated a second past the end of that year. ☟︎
asciilifeform: the 1 puzzler is why the derp back-dated'em; if the related tardstalk piece is to be believed, the particular shitcoin did not exist in 2015
asciilifeform: as for *213 : behold : answer to this bermuda triangle : https://archive.is/9j7vx#selection-5463.0-5525.29 << tardstalk : 'interesting thing! a creativecoin clone ( with strange ico: real coins vs virtual coins ) ... if you want to add me: addnode=' etc etc
mircea_popescu: ok, so the thing that meanwhile "became" bitmain through "incorporating" in the sense of ditching the "forum investors" and any possible claims they may have was, before that move, the first and only ever "investment success" of tardstalk, made the "asicminer". "ceo" was one "freidcat"
mircea_popescu: but if you're bored one day, read ye olde tardstalk "investors" threads from the days of yore, before reddit invaded and everyone makes "new coins". then compare with yours, and figure out how and wherefore teh delta lol
asciilifeform: not having been a reader of tardstalk, asciilifeform does not know who is FundsAreSafuh . care to introduce yourself ?
mod6: hey lobbes, does tardstalk still let you put a banner or skinny banner in your footer part or whatever (I feel like that used to be a thing?)
mircea_popescu: this guy did not permit the girls to talk to one another. do you understand, to any degree, the sort of psychosis wilful people develop in prison ? he ran that operation as tight as fuck, not like he advertised for help on tardstalk.
mircea_popescu: they're even more retarded than tardstalk, if that were even possible.
a111: Logged on 2018-03-16 10:31 mircea_popescu: if anyone still has a tardstalk acct, plox to drop a msg to https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=193932 pointing out to him that the reason for the influx is very much http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-11#1787563 ; and should they implement the idiocy too they'll lose the marketshare too.
mircea_popescu: if anyone still has a tardstalk acct, plox to drop a msg to https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=193932 pointing out to him that the reason for the influx is very much http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-11#1787563 ; and should they implement the idiocy too they'll lose the marketshare too. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: in other news, ben_vulpes / mod6 , i had a good rant all summoned up on the topic of "motherfucker, after years of watching me do business publicly, including the lot with bingoboingo, you lot revert to the tardstalk style of 'secrecy' the moment gotta stop nodding along and actually put hands into pie".
shinohai: Surely the autism can't be any higher than the tardstalk experiment.
asciilifeform possibly was the only 1 who skipped tardstalk entirely
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-31#1730654 << you know, there's no substantial difference betwene a bunch of idle idiots hanging around tardstalk type 1 and "consensus"-ing that bitcoin "needs larger blocks" and a not-even-different bunch of idle idiots hanging around tardstalk type n and "consensus"-ing that "deze western women". ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and in the latest tardstalk lulz, https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/any-email-marketing-expert-in-bhw-forum.979938/#post-10484037
mircea_popescu: in other tardstalk lulzgems, https://www.blackhatworld.com/attachments/fb_img_1507907065465-jpg.96283
mircea_popescu: and in other (lengthy) lulz : i cursed new girl with the old mpoe-pr curse, if you haven't guessed by now. the tardstalk this time is "black hat world", dedicated to "seo" and shit.
mircea_popescu: can't build fucking "intellectual leadership" out of lazy rewrites out of the slime that comes out of tardstalk/reddit when squeezed.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-20 01:23 mircea_popescu: !~later tell spyked http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/062-greenspan-assault-on-integrity.html << the problem with this view is that the pantsuits correctly intuit that all the imbeciles they enfranchised are sitll imbeciles. consequently it would be no harm to a business' reputation to sell them iguanas on a stick and call it prime beef. they will never know ; and casual perusal of tardstalk "investor" as well as "community disc
mircea_popescu: !~later tell spyked http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/062-greenspan-assault-on-integrity.html << the problem with this view is that the pantsuits correctly intuit that all the imbeciles they enfranchised are sitll imbeciles. consequently it would be no harm to a business' reputation to sell them iguanas on a stick and call it prime beef. they will never know ; and casual perusal of tardstalk "investor" as well as "community disc ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, you might not see how anyone might think, but then again you'll be stuck explaining 2012 tardstalk.
asciilifeform: the snr of 'cryptographers' is somewhere south of that of tardstalk.
shinohai: Some derp on tardstalk linked me to it in a PM ... wouldnt be surprised if he has spammed them to dpb too
mircea_popescu: whodda thunk tardstalk can take over the entire pantsuit forum ?
shinohai: iirc they also donated hosting for tardstalk or something like that
asciilifeform: also i thought mention of mp/trb/et al were a hangin' offense at tardstalk
a111: Logged on 2017-07-31 22:11 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Aged tardstalk account, apparently posts on altcoin attempt at making a reddit that pays like a Qntra
a111: Logged on 2017-08-01 17:25 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-01#1691887 << lol, the film with the pedo tardstalk sc4mz0r d00d in it
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-01#1691887 << lol, the film with the pedo tardstalk sc4mz0r d00d in it ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Aged tardstalk account, apparently posts on altcoin attempt at making a reddit that pays like a Qntra ☟︎
shinohai: I remember his posts from tardstalk, about it.
asciilifeform: ( received , incidentally, much the same way as mpoe-pr was on tardstalk. )
mircea_popescu: i'm not entirely sure how to phrase this correctly, but, some guy trying to use his own noggin emerged out of the tardstalk swamps at some point years past. apparently he's using some different-same "platform" thing, whatever.
mircea_popescu: meanwehile in tardstalk world, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2038252.0;all
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686119 << This was exactly my case. I have same appreciation towards folx here as ag3nt_zer0. I bought first btc at $20 for purposes of silk road back in early 2014. Price quickly shot up. Found tardstalk 'securities'. I thought "Wow, pretty graphs and charts. Lemme try and catch the next boat11!" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: Framedragger imagine you know, five years from now the situation repeats. except then there's no tardstalk anymore. but it's ok, we have the archive link. o look, it's just a dangling link.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-13 23:51 mircea_popescu: Framedragger do me the favour and check if scriba has somewhere on disk a copy of the above tardstalk link content saved ?
shinohai: Certainly not thermos, champion of tardstalk free speech! (unless you are friends w/ mircea_popescu )
mircea_popescu: Framedragger do me the favour and check if scriba has somewhere on disk a copy of the above tardstalk link content saved ? ☟︎
asciilifeform lolling over usg 'mixer' ads on current-day tardstalk behind link
mircea_popescu: for that matter, you can drink in tardstalk/reddit/what have you, have your fill.
mircea_popescu: people on tardstalk.
mircea_popescu: hey, by the time nobody's buying the blades of grass, this uppity tortilla v2.0 will be just about ready for the abstruse tardstalk posts.
mircea_popescu: what he's saying reduces to "the bitcoin nodes run non standard code which keeps two mempools - one to tell you, a different one to use for their own, not transparent reasons". this is exactly what i was saying also, but restated in such a way to give some appearance of footing to the usual tardstalk "oh, guise, you can't know for sure" nonsense.
mircea_popescu: nevermind that if mp does the accounting then the accounting is done and if he does not IT IS NOT DONE!!! no matter fucking what! what was the response to mp showing up in 2012 and showing the tardstalk crowd how to do the accountin g ? they didn't start doing accounting, they STOPPED it altogether. no more reports now, were all the rage back then but now it's no longer "something new to say", as discussed in the logs.
mircea_popescu: either "momentary lapse into lucidity" by dubious author with VERY clenched teeth, usually decade+ old ; or else cat-v/##crypto/tardstalk/reddit/tedx/etcetera.
mircea_popescu: the butthurt is like tardstalk.org grade.
asciilifeform: iirc that was from the tardstalk thread last month
shinohai: Lel, I finally got around to checking that tardstalk thread mircea_popescu, re: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1837136.msg18367669#msg18367669
deedbot: lobbes rated hanbot 2 << Her writings on the Tardstalk forums many years ago aided in freeing me from the matrix. I will always be grateful
mircea_popescu: understand, there's dorks on tardstalk TODAY going "oh, mp keeps saying things and they keep not happening."
shinohai: Or, mp may outsmart all you top minds on tardstalk/reddit - but perhaps I am biased.
mircea_popescu: o lol, you still got a tardstalk account ?
mircea_popescu: this, incidentally, is the sum-total intellectual output of tardstalk "bitcoin theory" thinking for 2011.
asciilifeform: snore, escapeed from 2011 tardstalk
asciilifeform: ^ www that had the dumps from tardstalk, 'adultfriendfinder', buncha others
mircea_popescu: thanks god for tardstalk idea men, where'd we be without 'em
mod6: yeah tardstalk was awful. the only redeeming quality there was MPOE-PR.
asciilifeform: ftr i found bitcoin to be a very interesting thing (after, like many other people, very narrowly failing to come up with it) but couldn't stand ~bitcoin enthusiasts~ at all, barfed immediately when saw tardstalk, and #bitcoin, and will also admit, early #b-a
mircea_popescu: some tardstalk thread where you were trying to support the google / ex-vim's guy charity.
mircea_popescu: for instance, everyone thinks of theymos as "tardstalk owner", except that forum was made by sirius ; and was quite acceptable before it went to shit.
Framedragger: i would wager a claim that hackernews folk - those who need the money and who click through - would be more motivated and more reflective than tardstalk kids (with large enough sample sizes to confirm). i'll consider finding some suitable wording to be posted there, assuming there being interest.
asciilifeform: btw the same folx who spat on eulora coin -- happily jumped through 1,001 hoops to participate in pyramids on tardstalk etc. because, i suspect, they are not actually stupid, and pyramid offers the dull an opportunity to ~scan next level down~. whereas they could not see where greater fool is to come from at eulora.
mircea_popescu: anyway - the point remains, there are REASONS i / we discredit things. there ACTUALLY WAS A WAY for "bitcoin community" on tardstalk to impress me.
lobbes: http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-10-05.log.html#t16:53:23 << and thus we can conclude that the tardstalk folk aren't even worth their weight in biodiesel. Ah well
mircea_popescu: the quarter or w/e i spent over the past month shows clearly that this CAN be done, even by the bottom of the barrel from that third world scammer forum known as tardstalk.
shinohai: asciilifeform: when the tardstalk people come in, just have them msg me or something and I'll point them to the guides
asciilifeform did not frequent tardstalk when it was alive, never had acct there
asciilifeform: why am i reading a tardstalk link.
shinohai: From tardstalk "News: Due to DDoS attacks, there may be periodic downtime."
mircea_popescu: honestly i was just going to add rotation, http://trilema.com/?r=tardstalk
shinohai: Ok mircea_popescu I open the tardstalk message in firefox, and this is the reason theymos considers you "unethical" http://trilema.com/2015/theres-a-one-bitcoin-reward-for-the-death-of-pieter-wuille-details-below/
mircea_popescu: i mean, writing for qntra pays shares, but it's by length not by content ; you played auction agent on tardstalk for me for free, at least according to my papers. it's true that i asked you to, but then again it's also true submit box asked you to not exceed 5k chars or w/e. maybe you're biased in favour of it!
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo wait, wait, you're going to feature me on qntra ? so that i get more traffic than via tardstalk, and for free ? instead of you know, distributing bitcoins in the luzerdom ?
mircea_popescu: "Roger Verified theymos refuses to advertise Trilema ; tardstalk moderators have to take a 30% pay cut this month."
mircea_popescu: so i asked shinohai who's one of the few republican folk with a tardstalk account to send you a pm.
shinohai: There was a guy named ImHash and another using tardstalk handle `VladimirLenin`
mircea_popescu: lol shinohai teh tardstalk folk are something else. "ok iam follow instruction your program". dude... buy a fucking period.
BingoBoingo: Fxd to remove ancient tardstalk joke from title
mircea_popescu: i suspect it's ancient tardstalk joke
shinohai: Yeah tardstalk is a strange place, at least 5 PM's already calling this a scam before the Turkish guy showed up, so now blockchain proofs.
mircea_popescu: shinohai lmao check that out, exactly 0 tardstalk productivity. da fuck is wrong with the mouthbreathers.
mircea_popescu: oh ben_vulpes i thought you were on about the tardstalk thing. no, i know/knew who chsados was.