mircea_popescu: basically this wikipedian wankster thing seems to be a major-ish neet subculture. evidently under the whole chems thing, or guns, or "baptist"ism / most other first echelon things. but perhaps large enough to make 2nd tier, with post-punk, petaism, and so forth. a sort of mirror-knitting subculture, i guess.
mircea_popescu: diseases are in fact the best framework for conceptualizing subcultures -- that's what they are, broken people. broken how is relatively uninteresting.
mircea_popescu: but the girl who genuinely believes her little village is everything and being a dairy maid is the be all (great little novel about this, with nobleman who married dairy maid, ended up making the dutchess a... dairy) is not substantially different from the guy who thinks mercury salts will right him.
mircea_popescu: they both have little rituals associated, consume information cooked a certain way FOR IT BEING THUS COOKED and not for other reasons, and so following.
mircea_popescu: oh, oh, look, there's even a bit of mittelamerica in there! "I came home from my tour in the US Army in the Middle East. I have only been back two months. My wife and I have three children. We have been married for ten years. I came back and Sarah had changed. Didn’t want anything to do with me. This is typical for returning Veterans so I figured it would just take time. Fast forward to now, I just discovered, she has been
mircea_popescu: recruited as a “unicorn” by a Neurologist at a hospital in town. She abandoned me and our middle child who has Autism. She took the youngest and oldest boy and they are considered now Mitch’s children. So, excuse me if I can’t be open minded enough to understand this. I don’t. It hurts incredibly bad and I don’t understand how a doctor, with a wife and six children, could steal my wife and try to take my children."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "unicorn" in context is the traditional soubrette : young woman eager to [sexually, and otherwise] please both master and mistress.
mircea_popescu: supposedly these are rare. i imagine for the sort of dweebs that spew all this maculature they would be.
mircea_popescu: you know, the "terribly high status male" in the googlvnoye upgradleniye lagerei.
mircea_popescu: o look, the dgerard fellow also makes an appearance! lel.
mircea_popescu: this whole thing's tiny, basically the wank of ~one campus.
mircea_popescu: it's really not anything but 15yo turning in wikipedia article.
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WX6kWkAKsESoD4yrf/misery-pits << o look who came back from the dead, also. chick famous for "i'll sign prenup to have all my kids paternity-checked because i'm just too much of a cum dumpster to know otherwise" / being the ~only sexually active female in this coven of "polyamory", absent since the last time we heard of this whole thing.
mircea_popescu: which exactly, so you can live from now on in the full serenity of knowing that it's perfectly possible you've been kissing my ass a number of times to date. all the best."
mircea_popescu: actually, fuck that, i have to transalte it, willy nilly.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i imagine the way that works is "about one third of the class of phds hanging about mass campuses".
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
gabriel_laddel: beetlejuice is suffering gainful employment writing java for the time being
☟︎ gabriel_laddel: managed to kill a x220 circuit board by swapping the screen to another, identical while machine was running. is this the sort of thing to 'fry' circuitry, and as a general rule I suppose no life fire electronics around CPUs?
ben_vulpes: is that the difficult-to-replace version?
ben_vulpes: and yeah, what asciilifeform said. also hola beetlejuice
gabriel_laddel: wanted to know how ready-for-anything people are making electronics nowdays, seeing as I know literally nothing about hardware. ben_vulpes hola & idk, never soldered anything before so should be fun
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu American Honey review, or totally unwatchable?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: torrentmaster has no recollection ; possibly was never found.
trinque: asciilifeform: huh, what'd it care about in particular?
trinque: "onoes trying to replace file that claims newer on fs when updating?"
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: bug of the we-put-that-there variety aha
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 00:29 asciilifeform: phunphakt for trinque : apparently something inside current-day portage re-package.mask's gcc <5 'for your own good' on every (?) --sync , leaving it to be unmasked manually.
trinque: later it'll do same, but clang vs gcc
deedbot: MTW voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know, the girls make almond milk ocasionally.
lobbes: aha ty for teh link gabriel_laddel
deedbot: MTW voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: MDude voiced for 30 minutes.
MDude: Now to remember the thing I was going to say roughly five seconds before joining the channel.
MDude: Hey, I'm a police offic-*rining from my concealed earpiece:"SHIT, DAMNIT, HE'S TRYING TO TRICK YOU."*
MDude: Anyway, I think there were a few things I was thinking of for a bit, one of them being gopher://vernunftzentrum.de/0/ckeen/ciy-manifesto.txt .
MDude: Yeah, if that manages to go anywhwere, it'd be neat if making your own gopher browser and server would be a part of it.
trinque: what brings you MDude, other than itchy-stump need for in-group signaling?
a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve" gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same
TomServo: I fell down the gopherhole after phf mentioned it.. came across a pseudo-tmsr 'bitreich'.
deedbot: MDude voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: MDude: don't pm me; I don't know you
trinque: last chance to say something that isn't word salad.
phf: they are more of a suckless spinoff
☟︎ TomServo: asciilifeform: perhaps I've been too generous... perhaps.. phf has it.
trinque: well christ, they have a manifesto right there at the top.
☟︎ lobbes: These principles can change, based on the consent of the bitreich elite. " oh. Okay. Phew
lobbes: Daw, they even got their own freenode channels.
TomServo: Yup, they are not interesting.
TomServo: I expect MP will love "Software should be written for programmers, which means the code is the documentation,"
☟︎ TomServo: Wasn't that the power ranger response to MP request to specify bitcoin?
phf: asciilifeform: all these projects are plan9 cargo cults, so there's always going to be utf-8
mircea_popescu: is plan9 somehow deeply related to unicrap, or is it rather they're the sort of geeky dweebs unlikely to ~not~ swallow the imperial hook all the way to the sinker ?
phf: mircea_popescu: utf-8 specifically was invented by rob pike for plan9
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo for your peace of mind, i intend to publish qntra report once mpex proxies back online, seems rather silly otherwise. not forgotten or mothballed or anything.
☟︎ phf: /rob pike/ken thompson/
mircea_popescu: i always thought plan9 is this hipster wankish thing ; didn't realise it played the role of noldbug ie official-inca-alternative-for-smart-retards
mircea_popescu: check that out, doods who can promise monday delivery for utf-8 on wednesday night, AND THEN DELIVER IT MONDAY. but what they spend their time is utf. holy hell that place.
phf: MDude: are you c-keen?
MDude: I've just gone by MDude/MDude1350 most places until recently, when I started taking up the handle Meticulac.
mircea_popescu: MDude "most places" is not something. stop giving summaries, stop talking around the point. either produce something specific or stfu.
mircea_popescu: MDude things you've done is a point of interest. places you've been... unless you have naked chicks in the streets of the czech republic / parks of buenos aires / dunes of egypt etc, no.
mircea_popescu: "Home to 146,998 users Who authored 5,033,248" << whoa, this is way the fuck tinier than previously realised. for ALL. THE. NOISE. people have been making about how it's "up and coming" since at least 2-3 years ago...
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 17:38 trinque: well christ, they have a manifesto right there at the top.
danielpbarron: !!v 3BABC480263E30575E526C762D1FAD2DCD10B18ABFEED59ABA7FE6B951F331AE
deedbot: danielpbarron updated rating of trinque from 1 to 2 << deedbot maintainer
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in the lulzy tales : late last night i went into girl's room cuz i couldn't sleep and wanted to play. she was asleep. she woke up startled, and then i could see panic grip her. and i was you know, all "don't worry baby, you're not in trouble, there's nothing wrong" and she was looking at me with these big and growing eyes and turning progressively whiteer.
mircea_popescu: eventually she was awake enough to remember ~she had put earplugs in~ because went to sleep while place still active, and ~that was why~ she couldn't hear a word i was saying.
danielpbarron: !!v 50ADBC968EC616580B82F8AFD912E796BEA696844B33B54BB73936FCDE7339F9
deedbot: danielpbarron updated rating of mod6 from 3 to 4 << pizarro isp, bitcoin foundation
danielpbarron: !!rate BingoBoingo 3 pizarro isp, qntra chief editor
danielpbarron: !!v 790DF80AC138CD35C12C4F8A796A0275B384770CF8510D2B4C69223F0D3A8DE8
deedbot: danielpbarron updated rating of BingoBoingo from 2 to 3 << pizarro isp, qntra chief editor
danielpbarron: !!rate hanbot 4 lighting the fire under republican asses
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793578 << Kinda what I figured. I remember last time the proxies went on strike there were forensics involved. Most of my worries atm concern being surrounded by the sort of Rustic so called salt of the earth Italians that they put in the background of Gringo tourism marketing
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 17:50 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo for your peace of mind, i intend to publish qntra report once mpex proxies back online, seems rather silly otherwise. not forgotten or mothballed or anything.
ave1: btw, turns out AdaCore have implemented support for crapple IOS (arm 64 + macho) in their gcc, this cannot be found in fsf gcc's. But needs #ifs and #ifdefs, one line was #ifdef MACHO_TARGET, but should have been #if.
☟︎ danielpbarron: !!v D839A92777D9E2704A7D07BC0B17666D9D6385F98EE7B69A4178AA5EFED86414
deedbot: danielpbarron updated rating of hanbot from 3 to 4 << lighting the fire under republican asses
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Battery life on the rockchip portable looks VERY appealing
danielpbarron: !!v 36010E95C24B73DA9130FEF7175ACF7593F0CD6461538209A990DF703CBA80F3
deedbot: danielpbarron updated rating of esthlos from 3 to 2 << met for sushi
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The figure claimed leaves lots of room for comfort
ave1: asciilifeform, yes I know, I've not tried to separate AdaCore's ada from AdaCore's gcc backend (to FSF gcc backend). AdaCore's gcc backend has significant canges from FSF. As this would be an interesting experiment, I will put it on the list (other thing to do, is put Ada 2017 on top of gcc 4.9.4 instead of 7.x)
BingoBoingo: Last one here was in 2016 out in Rocha where the lobos marinos live
trinque: wahaha, that's pretty good.
TomServo: I can't believe I guessed correctly what she meant before the reveal. Namespace dyslexia somehow clued me.
ben_vulpes: #bitreich-en derping endlessly about with xml
ben_vulpes: called our logs "insane" and "good source of entropy" if you can imagine the cheek
mircea_popescu: is c-keen character the candidate mp i nthe space then ?
ben_vulpes: "This is forbidden and will be punished." in response to my asking if they kept logs
BingoBoingo: How many men has the bitreich sent south to carve out their safe space?
mircea_popescu: "<Evil_Bob> C-Keen: read the fucking backlog, im not going to repeat myself" lol. perhaps the idea is that one's required to maintain connection as a show of loyalty. a soert of "mining" if you will.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes my read is that __20h__ is ~bob beck in the outfit.
mircea_popescu: the way dept of state "think tanks" imagine creating "moderate rebel" leadership works is you have a fake one to protect the real one like a skirting.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it strikes me how strictly identical to early urbit this thing is. same sort of socialist revolution aggitated "building the future" can barely contain selves on chair sorta vibe.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 17:35 phf: they are more of a suckless spinoff
mircea_popescu: pretty sure they know who we are, in the very strict sense of "i've spent my past six months having nightmares with these doods"
BingoBoingo: Well, scared enough Bloomberg is hailing the arrival of Soros to "crypto" today
mircea_popescu: this bright okhrana idea resulted in a very shot tsar.
BingoBoingo: It worked when they did it to the black panthers
mircea_popescu: the problem with idiocy is that once you go there you kinda become captive. they actually imagine the situation is ~i~ need more people, not the other fucking way around. because "headcount is everything" hurr durr.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> 'we'll breed 9000 mircea_popescus out of fungal broth and no one will ever find his way to the original one! genius' << Part of what keeping the blog counters
mircea_popescu: anyway, gotta do more work on the camouflage, by the time i can get "status is nothing" aka "we are just as pantsuit as any other pantsuit outfit" within five lines...
mircea_popescu: but in other news of about same importance and entertainment value, kingdom rush frontiers from ironhide games is fucking amiga hard. holy hell what have these people done!
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793570 << lmao. because children imagine "being a programmer" is having magical powers. somehow "being a cook" doesn't come in their head with a "food automatically makes itself around you", on the basis of direct experience with the mcdonalds fries counter. but "programmer" still means you magically intuit what the shit idiotic assumptions every mcdonalds employee baked into the "codebase".
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 17:42 TomServo: I expect MP will love "Software should be written for programmers, which means the code is the documentation,"
mircea_popescu: im not so directly convinced that is the problem, seeing how you should see the latinas. they eat nothing but spanglosphere, and it's ~similar.
mircea_popescu: yes ; but then you look at the "right" as understood in the us, weirdo fringe groups built around "religion" in the sense of charismatic personality, and they're in no sense different EITHER.
mircea_popescu: yes, im starting to suspect that's the key. "los pueblos sin historia son condenados al fracaso".
mircea_popescu: it's not that "the programming language without recursion hasn't been found yet". is that it's not possible to have one. replace history and society in there, same deal.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform star trek philosophy is, after all (as iirc you aptly pointed out), "everyone wears this pantsuit". thassit.
mircea_popescu: like the white girls in blacksploitation media products, there to impart status upon the "noble barbarians:"
mircea_popescu: notably, bridget fonda's role in this world. (she gets shot in the stomach for it, most satisfyingly.)
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 18:37 ave1: btw, turns out AdaCore have implemented support for crapple IOS (arm 64 + macho) in their gcc, this cannot be found in fsf gcc's. But needs #ifs and #ifdefs, one line was #ifdef MACHO_TARGET, but should have been #if.
mircea_popescu: but why call it gcc if you don't aim to actually bury rms's folly ?
mircea_popescu: moreover, there's exactly ZERO discussion of this anywhere. major, undeclared fork passing uncommented for what, a decade ? is this the level of "rational" idiocy in these muppets ?
mircea_popescu: well, i guess we'll have to have a terminology standard then. how about this : fsf = "a little coven of pantsuit retards defined by loyalty to rms and no further characteristics", ie fsf is about on the level of importance of "starslatecodex" ; gnu = "symbol with no concrete reference, sometimes used as g- or gnu- prefix by marketeers exacly like the string 'super-'" ; open = "group of usg wreckers working on perpetuating the
mircea_popescu: principles of usg diffusely outside of usg.microsoft, usg.intel, usg.ibm and other enummerable badness". that about work ?
mircea_popescu: it could be "one dood's blog", if rms could ever muster enough cogency to keep a blog. but in fact, it's a loose association of conference-goers. for the same money they could be a "polyamory club" or w/e.
deedbot: DaSancho voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "but vendors could never distribute meaningless source, the million eyes of the community would spot it and things would happen!"
mircea_popescu: this is akin to the notion that redskins would have used treaties to opress white settlers. bitch, really ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform indeed. the broad box this falls into is "accepting the structure but debating the results". once you've eaten up the premises, what the fuck cartoonish "ha-HAA!" can you possibly expect, jesus fuck, 12 year olds moving about freely.
mircea_popescu: but, nothing's easier than selling unprincipled exceptions to comfort seekers.
mircea_popescu: in fact, the whole fucking discipline of zek/cattle handing is based on this fundamental rule.
mircea_popescu: so, no, i don't expect moglen's "one weird trick" worked or could have worked, nor do i expect moglen is, intellectually speaking, old enough to decide whom to fuck.
mircea_popescu: it's funny how this is an exact implementation of the political concept of "filibuster".
mircea_popescu: the equivalent would be a "very good compiler -- it either compiles or never finishes, so it can't be said it ever encountered an error. drop your compile error rate to 0% with our new technology".
mircea_popescu: except here it's "not closed in the sense of we don't give you text to read ; but open in the sense we give you an endless stream to read"
mircea_popescu: but see, here's how it latches into imperial systematic child abuse : the esltards are brought up to think their own limits are shameful, and consequently... "nobody dared" point out that he, personally, can not read the source provided, and THEREFORE, for ~this reason~, it has NOT BEEN PROVIDED.
mircea_popescu: they dare say this to me, "oh, trilema is too hard to read, i'm not reading it". that part, yes. they however do not say it in the one direction where it belongs said : "the source you published is too long for me to comfortably read, therefore you are in breach of your obligation ; fix it or ima burn down your shack."
mircea_popescu: and it is EXACTLY child abuse. some people take five year olds and teach them how to take penis up their asshole. usg takes five year olds and teaches them to be ashamed of saying "i, therefore", and affraid of saying "this is too much to read".
mircea_popescu: i never saw such a patch (then again i am not a major patch reader>)
mircea_popescu: the large problem is that, generally unbeknownst to the victims of usg child abuse, they are actually not fit for any kind of intellectual work anymore, nor will ever be.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 19:35 hanbot: latest in mp-wp saga: spyked's patch on vtools let me gpr build the phf's patcher and vdiff, latter of which made a genesis, former of which dies on pressing wiff:
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/2IVPp/?raw=true mircea_popescu: much like the kid who spent his preteen years sewing footballs for nike is never going to be a great pianist.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this line is shakier ; i have seen good cars missing a few % of the parts through locals' insane notions of maintenance, still running. "what were they for ?" well, it's like this : the cost for the car to run is X, built out of x1...xn costs to do various itemized portions of "to run". if cost xi is due to components Ci1...Cim, should Cij fail, its slack will probably be picked up by the rest (often, in some so
mircea_popescu: rt of pyramidal arrangement, picked up for ever more), but the xi will INCREASE (mostly because the "cost to run" now also includes wear and tear of parts not designed to wear and tear in that way.
mircea_popescu: so at an increase of operating cost, unmaintained complex machinery continues to function.
mircea_popescu: you could have a much simpler car, of course, but X would be proportionately larger. which is why no 1918 car can compete with modern cars in terms of say fuel economy.
mircea_popescu: consider actual example : as i said at some point i bought used bmw. you might know or not, but these engines actually have a GEARBOX for the fan aspirating air to cool the radiator. this particular engine's gearbox for the fan was shot, resulting in a fan so weak you could stop it with finger (properly maintained, it's so strong as to snap a finger off). therte's a... special 2nd line fan system for this situation, and car w
mircea_popescu: as running that almost non stop, resulting in too much current draw, resulting in ac bringing available power too low, resulting in battery not getting enough etc.
mircea_popescu: car ran fine. and would have ran fine like this for however many mn kms, at the cost of having to change the battery 3x more often than per design
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, i think we touched briefly in here on the advantage of physical systems, and how they could be tested back when they were still used, over digitalisms.
mircea_popescu: hey, cheaper is the rule of machinery. as long as you correctly calculate the cheaper, all industrial process is nothing but.
mircea_popescu spent many years of life at the task of ensuring the correctness of those calculations
trinque: deep deep sads and justwantedtos in portage at the moment.
trinque afk too, actually, for steaks even
trinque: bday steaks, ripe old age of 31.
shinohai: Came to wish trinque happy birthday as well, enjoy teh steaks!