624 entries in 0.796s

BingoBoingo: Either that or Hitler really did get all the
Jews phf: half the criminals in movies and books were
jews phf: but back in old world,
jews for all practical purposes niggers.
jews were affiliated with both banking world and criminal world
phf: i was actually kind of surprised by the castrati thing, and blame new york
jews and their documented ideology on non violence on the shift
mircea_popescu: the average german dude in 1936 believed
jews to be in general fucking teenaged german girls by the boatload much like you believe black dudes have big cocks
BingoBoingo: Oh yeah, but seriously
Jews? The people so brow beaten by their women?
mircea_popescu: "
jews are fundamentally cowardly and organically insolent", recall ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform weimar republic liked
jews ; didn't help them.
mircea_popescu: how exactly do they expect to not be massacred like the
jews, when they behave exactly like the massacred
jews ?
pete_dushenski: in fact, you can tell there aren't many
jews in alberta either. peeps be comin to me to broker / source aaaaall their shit atm.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-01 01:07 mircea_popescu: adlai apparently they ran out of
jews in washington.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well,
jews from bukovina. first pass, the nazis. 2nd pass, the russians
mircea_popescu: romanian "nazi" press is having all the conceivable lolz because "the boss of the faggot
jews" (ie, LGBTQ mission to Israel) is one Kurlander. (cur = ass in romanian, the poor guy's name sounds exactly on the money)
mircea_popescu: the
jews possibly did, but only under pressure from russian crown.
mircea_popescu: these aren't
jews right ? arab's one thing ; islam's another. do you mean muslims ?
mircea_popescu: now, not to say that current chinese capacities in rocketry and so on aren't mostly chinese. they are ; with a little dab of helping from anyone available to help for a reasonable fee, the swiss, romanians,
jews, whoever the fuck.
mircea_popescu: (and yes i do think you people are ~idiots for keeping chattels there, exactly for the reasons and exactly to the degree i think
jews moving around berlin in the 30s with golden whatevers on their person, such as teeth, idiots.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform none of the arrested
jews were > 300 lbs, either.
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-15#1466767 << and if brass had unmitigated audacity to answer "because the
jews educate their women to be sluts, which results in the boys being motivated to think, which means one of them can eat ten of your evanghelical shitheaded sons for breakfast. fix your fucking religion, you're lagging behind the fucking irish, even the negro reinterpretation thereof is more socially productive" (as a fe
☝︎ mircea_popescu: not like they can cut themselves a path anywhere. today's
jews, like 1930s'
jews, are headed where the
jews go.
mircea_popescu: [hence why
jews have the best old stories - they had the courage to do what good writers always do, go in the middle and subvert the trope]
phf: mircea_popescu: so i started working on a proper search, but that takes time, since need a query parser and a query compiler, that's maybe 40% done. but i can give you relatively soon an ability to pass multiple q parameters. so it'll be log-search?q=black&q=
jews so that those will stack up, i.e. first grep is applied and the second one is used as filter
mircea_popescu: i can't use grepping for this. if it did token join search i could search for blacks
jews mircea_popescu: phf so this is not a complaint, but : i really liked the way the log search worked, because : right now i'm searching for that portion in the logs where i explained that the us blacks are kinda like the
jews, demographically, and will prolly get wiped.
mircea_popescu: during that blank space, the
jews conquered egypt and started a new dynasty, founded carthage, tyre, byblos, etc ; dominated the golden crescent and so on.
mircea_popescu: "my sons... preserve the
jews! for once they're gone...
mircea_popescu: amusingly, the parts that didn't come there in the shape of "look what books we can't read we stole from the
jews, let's ignore half the sentences" came there in the shape of "look what books we can't read we stole from the armenians, let's ignore half the sentences".
pete_dushenski: mega-
jews from iran who moved to edmonton in the 80s. paid off city council. made waves.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well If I really am a sunni I gotta take from the
Jews and the Christians, because that's how history works
assbot: Logged on 15-03-2016 23:10:27; mircea_popescu: o i forgot the
jews, did i. THREE KINDS.
mircea_popescu: da fuck is with these idiots. "oh, there's fewer of those" o ya ? guess what - there's fewer of niggers and
jews, also.
mircea_popescu: check out the
jews, made themselves a fucking kibbutz right in the middle of oregon.
mircea_popescu: i heard horror stories about
jews stealing good german women's sexual mojo, also.
mircea_popescu: apparently you predicted something or the other about the oregon folks. bout the same strength of prediction as your groundless if insistend belief gavin has it well. which, for the lulz, is exactly homologuous with your prior "prediction"/firm belief that leah goodman was floating in it, which did get debunked publicly but for that reason doesn't need further mention ; or for that matter something about
jews mircea_popescu: and for the record : ACTUAL hasidic
jews, as found strictly beyond the pale, were some of the more pleasant folk you coulde ever meet, and greatly informs my tolerance of
jews, as well as the tolerance of everyone who's not born past the stupid women line in western europe.
mircea_popescu: aaaand to make the matter quite plain, i've had it just about up to here witgh idiot
jews who think they're exceptional. they aren't, the accomodation is 0, they;d better be fucking humble as if they're begging to avoid gang ass rape.
BingoBoingo: Hey, some of those sheep fuckers were
Jews mircea_popescu: go talk to israeli
jews about you know, your solution to their geopolitical problems.
mats: chinese people and
jews have a couple things in common, including enjoying chinese meals during xmas
mircea_popescu: afaik, the ukrs were actually the only people who had
jews in govt etc after the ww1.
mircea_popescu: total waste of trees, but if you want to get the veblen good, get the actual fucking veblen good rather than some plastic mass market replacement. nobody of the old
jews you're trying to impress is going to give a shit about your book ; they WILL however notice that your thing comes off a web press not a pod outfit, and that'll scare the everliving shit out of them.
mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea how the niggers can stand themselves. it sure as fuck galls me, and i don't even live there. here sits Lee Cowen, re-interpreting history for his fellow
jews, according to what lenin said ?
mircea_popescu: probably have a little oblast named for them in siberia, like the
jews do.
mircea_popescu: <pete_dushenski> mircea_popescu: 'it' is the honey or the
jews ? << the honey. feed it to infant, watch infant become really quiet./
BingoBoingo: <jurov> look what happened to
jews or anyone when they touched sugar << They heard there was honey over there, went native and chased it
jurov: look what happened to
jews or anyone when they touched sugar
shinohai: What did you expect? They're
Jews ^^
mircea_popescu wonders at just how dumb black folks in the us gotta be. seriously, a negligible minority being cast into this "infiltrated all levels of power!!!" role and they don't figure out what's next ? WAKE THE FUCK UP YO! THIS IS ~~~exactly~~~ WHAT HAPPENED OT THE
JEWS, 1915-1935.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field incidentally, you know the joke with the two
jews and the piece of dog turd ?
mircea_popescu: other SS officers, thus allowing Becher to escape prosecution for war crimes. The Israeli government sued Gruenwald for libel on Kastner's behalf, resulting in a trial that lasted 18 months, and a ruling in 1955 that Kastner had, in the words of Judge Benjamin Halevy, "sold his soul to the devil". By saving the
Jews on the Kastner train, while failing to warn others that their "resettlement" was in fact deportation to
mircea_popescu: o wait, the
jews don't agree they're in africa, was it ? only egypt is. jewlandia is in... well it's almost practically europe right ?
mircea_popescu: this is principally why women [used to] have an advantage over men. they actually experienced socially mandated death, to their benefit. it was the system which produced usable old bitties of the sort that kept say the
jews alive.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> but this isn't what this is. this is a doctor claiming he's being a contemporary rendition of fucking mengele because "the
jews and the dogs expected it" << "Standard of care"
mircea_popescu: but this isn't what this is. this is a doctor claiming he's being a contemporary rendition of fucking mengele because "the
jews and the dogs expected it"
assbot: Logged on 27-10-2015 19:03:59; mircea_popescu: but i got an idea of a graphic novel, suddeenly : in this crapsack world in which the implementation of the "
jews eating babies"/"white slavers" moral panic / fetish is actual farms to literally produce baby viande as per the modest proposal, it is discovered that ringworm infection of the abdomen in 2nd trimester females results in tastier, if very strangely diformed veal.
mircea_popescu: but i got an idea of a graphic novel, suddeenly : in this crapsack world in which the implementation of the "
jews eating babies"/"white slavers" moral panic / fetish is actual farms to literally produce baby viande as per the modest proposal, it is discovered that ringworm infection of the abdomen in 2nd trimester females results in tastier, if very strangely diformed veal.
☟︎ ascii_field recalls scene from 'silicon valley' where a rich fella (fictionalized steve jobs) compares his troubles to that of
jews in germany
shinohai: "An increase in violence was reported as
Jews begam kidnapping Arabs just to obtain the discount."
assbot: Logged on 07-10-2015 03:14:54; phf: hah, i know some people working on that nci db of plausible compounds, part of the whole potomac russian
jews community
phf: hah, i know some people working on that nci db of plausible compounds, part of the whole potomac russian
jews community
☟︎ mircea_popescu: totally. let's play war in the sense of the
jews trading "artwork", we keep defeating each other this way both sides win.
mircea_popescu: those differences drastically favour the
jews, india and china. perhaps in that order.
pete_dushenski: wywialm: the idea being that xtians are the original socialists, if not the
jews before them.
BingoBoingo: Pharma has had a few more "soft power" understandings. Like if the
Jews in Israel at Teva can break even on a generic it isn'r really abandoned and such.
punkman: or "I wonder what a survey of
Jews and Christians would show re: justification of drone bombings."
mircea_popescu: yeah, the
jews resisting the flames through culture all went to the castle in the mind.
mircea_popescu: this thing only works in the mind of soon-to-be-smoke
mircea_popescu: i always thought the
jews staying behind were incomprehensible.
pete_dushenski: there's plenty o'
jews who never smell the panties of someone outside the tribe
BingoBoingo: And this is why
Jews never made it in NASCAR
assbot: Logged on 11-09-2015 14:49:33; pete_dushenski: "
Jews who were citizens of Germany’s allies lived or died according to certain general rules.
Jews who maintained their prewar citizenship usually lived, and those who did not usually died…
Jews from territories that changed hands were usually murdered.
Jews almost never survived if they remained on territories where the Soviet Union had been exercising power when German or Romanian forces arriv