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ossabot: Logged on 2016-11-10 10:38:43 mircea_popescu: look at it from the historical perspective : music was invented in babylon to quell the wail ; because the males there had the wisdom to kill the boys - for "no reason" but did it. then the
jews came along and put it in their book to not do sacrifice children - and so the dumb women flocked to them, and they birefly prevailed. only to go to shit in a handbasket soon thereafter, so much so the fucking short-legg
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 04:02:51 mp_en_viaje: c) the
jews themselves are, obviously, as inconceivably stupid as always, i won't belabour the point of these morons, who finally got to make themselves a country and made it red-tape sovok socialism atop turkish legal system ffs.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 04:02:09 mp_en_viaje: the very officers ranting about the evil
jews wilfully respected jewish veterans, promoted jewish officers, threw a fit if they were sidelined and so the fuck on.
mp_en_viaje: but it seems to the actually competent scholar self-obvious that there's equivocation in the source material : that the autors speak of "
jews" in the general ~deliberately~ and ~awaredly of the fact~ that it's a pars pro toto deal and they're specifically exclusing some if not most.
mp_en_viaje: c) the
jews themselves are, obviously, as inconceivably stupid as always, i won't belabour the point of these morons, who finally got to make themselves a country and made it red-tape sovok socialism atop turkish legal system ffs.
mp_en_viaje: the very officers ranting about the evil
jews wilfully respected jewish veterans, promoted jewish officers, threw a fit if they were sidelined and so the fuck on.
mp_en_viaje: b) at a personal and microsocial level,
jews were very well inserted, and well respected. even the most rabid of the [retrospectively read as] "antisemites" of the period make distinctions (very much on the pattern of "all the cunts are whores except for mom" ; "all tjhe
jews are vermin except for my bff shclomo")
mp_en_viaje: but as factual matters : a)
jews had lived for a long time in germany, and prospered there, and were throughout upstanding pillars of the community, unmistakably.
mircea_popescu: yet strangely mp doesn't mind nearly as much as the bottom centile of the "red pill" crowd. how the fuck ?! is it because he's a jew that he doesn't suspect
jews are in charge ? what the fuck's going on here ?!
mircea_popescu: i expect these were mostly the eastern gypsies. much like the
jews, gypsies come in a spectrum, the southern arab-owned oens were mostly metalworkers, the northern rus' owned ones were mostly bear / acrobatics / horse riding / circus and such ; the middle set mostly thieves and whores.
spyked: I saw a couple of episodes in a weekend (and another couple of "big bang theory") and I got the distinct feeling of "these guys are trying to remake seinfeld with another cast and variations on the ol' premise". i.e. they're not
jews in NY, but nerds in LA or something like that
a111: Logged on 2019-03-13 17:02 mircea_popescu: consider the traditional antisemitism -- a cluster of lumphocytes around a very real problem, yes, but SUBJECTIVE PROBLEM OF THE
JEWS. not irritating "the organism" as such in any sense, beyond the very obvious an' deeply human "you folk can't be this fucking stupid!"
thing mircea_popescu: whole thing went bankrupt in the 70s, by 72 it was dead. he decided to blame "the
jews", as he understood them, hence "show off those slick ny bankers, pay debt".
mircea_popescu: consider the traditional antisemitism -- a cluster of lumphocytes around a very real problem, yes, but SUBJECTIVE PROBLEM OF THE
JEWS. not irritating "the organism" as such in any sense, beyond the very obvious an' deeply human "you folk can't be this fucking stupid!"
thing ☟︎ BingoBoingo: <nicoleci> lmao! the racks will be okay for a few days << Not if the
jews know which few days
BingoBoingo: Otherwise it is just
Jews shooting at Russians because "the pale" or something
mircea_popescu: amusingly enough though, to the same sort of casual examination that passes semites (eg,
jews) for "white", japanese also pass.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-30 16:07 asciilifeform: no word so far on what the brits will do when they discover that the 'sticker prices' for the golden toilets are a work of '2 old
jews and their painting' fiction , and ~worthless on market
mircea_popescu: (a matter little discussed in the abundant "literature" was the implicit brain drain southern economy imposed on southern us. ie, intelligent boys in the newyork-london sphere migrated rather towards new york (hence all the
jews, at the time monopolists of intelligence, hence the hatred but different line all that) ; whereas intelligent kids on the st louis-paris line migrated rather to paris. because nothing the fuck to do i
BingoBoingo: Well, normally when I think
Jews I think more urban locations
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: These were some pretty atypical
jews. Lived a 15 minute drive from town in house with normal town sized yard surrounded by farm on all sides
mircea_popescu: i meant more ye olde "
jews conspire to bring black degeneracy into the holy land"
mircea_popescu: separated from the
jews "doing great business together", the paintings accidentally destroyed by laundry women go back to their proper fishwrapping value.
mircea_popescu: goes to show that the "oh, treblinka, had women" is not quite that useful a heuristic. it also depends WHAT women. useless polish
jews or what.
mircea_popescu: "I feel now that it is ridiculous to make accusations against the
Jews, attributing them qualities and methods which are really much more typically English than Jewish"
mircea_popescu: understand : woman saying "i don't have sex" is a fine approximation of "i don't have sex [unless you convincingly ask me to]". meanwhile "i don't suck dicks without permission" connotes "well, you were passed out, i asked three times like the
jews, in all directions, and as there was no answer i figured...welll... here's a dick..."
mircea_popescu: pro tip :
jews ~= gypsies. after five centuries spent on the same caravan roads...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform smelled such that it was specifically a cause of divorce among the
jews BingoBoingo:
Jews bomb syria, Pantsuit certain to take Mosul. Such Middle East
mircea_popescu: hence whatever, orthodox
jews, "we wear weird hair AND OUR FOODSTUFFS ARE EDIBLE"
BingoBoingo: Lebanon has proud flagpole far from Jew embassy.
Jews have office in WTC.
mircea_popescu: dude, just come out and fucking say it! "he was nobody on a stick, but we're
jews so..."
mircea_popescu: it's not like "author of guillotine", but rather "the guy who came up with the trick of telling
jews the gaschamber's for showering".
mircea_popescu: because it seems like 100% of the new world
jews will.
mircea_popescu: i wonder what percentage of the old world
jews actuallty went to the lime pit while managing imaginary financial empires the whole time.
mircea_popescu: contemporary german hates coffee like his granpa hated
mircea_popescu: and this is, also, the deep justification of nazism. "if they actually flatten the modern democracy science & reason idiots, we don't even care if there's no more
mircea_popescu: on the otherhand, but just as amusing, the simple and plainly evident fact that period europe consisted of ~way~ the fuck more people who couldn't stand
jews than of people who liked hitler is, somehow, not much of a subject for the pomposity calling itself "scholarship". really, this happenstance doesn't happen to be at all interesting, somehiw ?
mircea_popescu: the people involved weren't ~stupid~, see. notwithstanding what the officious
jews "all agreed".
mircea_popescu: colonialism is bad mkay and jewing got the
jews burneds so let's never ever fucking do anything ever again.
mircea_popescu: i get it,
jews are inadherent to history. nevertheless -- indians were part of "alliances" among western powers regularly.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-23 16:55 mircea_popescu: anyway, speaking of not-as-dumb-as-average
jews, hermann fambly, owners of radio works in berlin, sold 1935 and split.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i was saddened that they're apparently in bed with such
jews that they can't bring themselves to sink the target ship
mircea_popescu: this "could revolutionize" is by now how
jews say "bullshit not worth reading". it's a sort of rel=nofollow for zeks.
ckang: weevlos: fuck
jews mircea_popescu: (likbez : the "whores of babylon" that the period
jews took exception to were in fact ~worshipful~. the way the middle kingdom did reproduction was ritual gangbangs.)
BingoBoingo: It's what they get for teaming up with the
Jews to kill baby Jesus
mircea_popescu: pointedly absent in all of this, any giving of a shit ~whatsoever~ about
jews in their subjective sense, of "son of my mom" or w/e it is.
mircea_popescu: at first, then took the adjective out altogether. then vatican 2 took out the reference to the "veil on the hearts of
jews" also, because "possibility of misinterpretation".
mircea_popescu: ution", ready-arm-fire and there's a fresh set of 80 or so bodies, teh crowd will do something other than what it does when "omg there's a shooting". like i dunno, charge the firing squad with bare hands or other "why didn't the
jews burn down auschwitz mommy ?"
mircea_popescu: you may not be aware, but the ~original~ repression of faggotry has everything in common with the original repression of
jews, masons, etc : it was perceived by the "normal" man that these "perverts" have it TOO EASY.
mircea_popescu: that aside, there's a different serious problem : "Joseph Goebbels were _not_ concerned with propaganda towards the
Jews. this is an historical fact." is what he says, but he says this in the exact manner of the man he otherplaces despises, "who forms a knowledge without having had the curiosity to study". the reason i even wrote
http://trilema.com/2017/jud-suss/ is ~specifically because~ there's a lot of similar ignoramuses
a111: Logged on 2018-01-07 19:59 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-07#1766252 <<
jews aside, any view which fails to priviledge the past is irrational inescapably. very much a case of "to have idea -- first must not be idiot". the futurists are all to the last man irrecoverable hipster doofuses, fundamentally incapable of distinguishing anything from anything else.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-07#1766252 <<
jews aside, any view which fails to priviledge the past is irrational inescapably. very much a case of "to have idea -- first must not be idiot". the futurists are all to the last man irrecoverable hipster doofuses, fundamentally incapable of distinguishing anything from anything else.
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: i will readily grant that the "russians" ~only stayed because actually, they were
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i have no doubt that red army is exactly what happened to the
jews in warsaw.
mircea_popescu: anyway, speaking of not-as-dumb-as-average
jews, hermann fambly, owners of radio works in berlin, sold 1935 and split.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu>
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756403 << that's silly ; people have bookmarks, and otherwise little bits of paper. and phones. and so on. the problem of "memorability" is nil, stop advertising the enemy's tools. use nude ips, explain it's because domain names are made by
jews to keep white people down, which isn't even all that false, and there you go. << Aha, seriously. How do you keep chanels open con las chicas
☝︎ mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756403 << that's silly ; people have bookmarks, and otherwise little bits of paper. and phones. and so on. the problem of "memorability" is nil, stop advertising the enemy's tools. use nude ips, explain it's because domain names are made by
jews to keep white people down, which isn't even all that false, and there you go.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: the
jews did not invent, it is naturally occuring. in places with high natural food resources at low cost (say fishing in sweden, berry picking in northern us etc) -- happens.
mircea_popescu: (amusingly, the "balabusta" concept, which is used in romanian to denote a fat GYPSY woman, but actually is a jewish word denoting a comme il faut (ie, fat) housewife is proof positive thjat the
jews were in fact even more traditional than the peasants that hated them)_
mircea_popescu: right, that's it. he just dun want to there be any
jews. clearly unites nazi antisemitism with soviet antisemitism with etcetera. socialism, ie, dear lord protect us dumbasses from our betters.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-30 16:00 asciilifeform: reminds of : ''I was such a pure and terrifying Aryan that they even put me in a special detachment. Its mission was to find out how the
Jews always knew what the S.S. was going to do next There was a leak somewhere, and we were out to stop it' He looked bitter and affronted, remembering it, even though he had been that leak. 'Was the detachment successful in its mission?' I said. 'I'm happy to say,' said Arpad, 'that fourteen S.S. m
mircea_popescu: "rectify the situation in the best possible manner to everyone's benefit" in the sense of an everyone*, specially defined, niggers-fatties-and-
jews=everyone* ?
mircea_popescu: this is also why i've not learned say sanskrit, and why i despise indians as the cultural construct. bitch, interrupted classics isn't a qualifier, if all the
jews had ended in 300 ad they'd be in the same pot.
mircea_popescu: this is pureblood fixing, much like prices were established back when the
jews did it, before socialists murdering them all and taking over.
mircea_popescu: anyway. let it be plainly stated that current idiot's expectation they'll be shot is about as ridiculous as 1940s
jews'. who the fuck can be bothered.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman it is said the lord of the
jews has a special foible for idiots. at least so discovered the current (jesuit) pope.
mircea_popescu: pretty much the only thing that comes to mind is the now famous soviet самокритика, and the significantly less famous but culturally much more important habiot of medieval tards to conduct "religious debates" with the
jews, lose miserably, then claim "draw".
mircea_popescu: what, just gonna keep on with the
jews forever ? there's other options!
mircea_popescu: "But the Bi-Mart Willamette Country Music Festivalor BMWCMF as it will be henceforth referred toclearly does not care about positive PR. In that way, the BMWCMF is unlike any music festival Ive ever been to. It also perfectly embodies Oregon as it exists outside of Portland: rural, rugged, and rude. Attempting to acquire a media pass feels more like haggling with a stranger on Craigslist." <<
jews' first little step
mircea_popescu: gotta love how teh
jews are still out there, acting as if there's more substance to this supposed "liberal" thing than said hilarity.