624 entries in 0.722s
pete_dushenski: about seven hundred thousand Jews who were citizens of Germany’s allies were killed. Yet a higher number survived. This is a dramatic contrast to the lands where the state was destroyed, where almost all Jews were killed."
pete_dushenski: "Jews who were citizens of Germany’s allies lived or died according to certain general rules. Jews who maintained their prewar citizenship usually lived, and those who did not usually died…Jews from territories that changed hands were usually murdered. Jews almost never survived if they remained on territories where the Soviet Union had been exercising power when German or Romanian forces arrived…In all, ☟︎
analmaster: punkman: the haves in hell have contempt for jews.
assbot: Logged on 04-09-2015 00:13:31; shinohai: pete_dushenski: Nope, worse. My parents became Evangelical Christians. "Jews for Jesus" if you will.
pete_dushenski: shinohai: are 'jews for jesus' actually that bad ?
shinohai: pete_dushenski: Nope, worse. My parents became Evangelical Christians. "Jews for Jesus" if you will. ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 02-09-2015 08:40:37; cazalla: or is it the norm for secular jews to maintain their foreskin?
assbot: Logged on 02-09-2015 08:40:37; cazalla: or is it the norm for secular jews to maintain their foreskin?
cazalla: or is it the norm for secular jews to maintain their foreskin? ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: and the next day, people had to hide the police from the mob, like they were jews suddenly.
mircea_popescu: just like - jews, in yurp
mircea_popescu makes note : jews don't keep lent.
mircea_popescu: also a few jews with the same odd behaviour.
mircea_popescu: this is not unlike the idiot jews in ghetto taking jobs for germans.
mircea_popescu: this is a recurring theme throughout the history of agrarian civilisations trying to internalise the industrial revolution - chiefly by putting a bit of their flesh i nthe machine. the jews supposedly making bread out of goy boy blood, the wine made by stepping on grapes, the sovet factory that ceased to work once they forbade huyspeak...
mircea_popescu: lest you end up "despising jews".
mircea_popescu: in fact - pretty much everything in the "received knowledge" of jews is hysterically counter-realistic to anyone who has you know, actually travelled.
danielpbarron: I hesitate to call them "Jews" because you don't have to be blood-line to practice judaism, and Christians are the true Jews
mircea_popescu: dude srsly. the fact that jews favour marriage is no argument pro or against.
phf: there's a lot of russian jews working at NIH, self style soviet dissidents, who now run various research departments same way as they were doing it back then. the common sentiment is basically "we've been had for a pair of chinese jeans"
trinque: "A chaste, responsible White mother with her children. Scenes like this deeply offend the Jews???"
mircea_popescu: i had nfi idea bad postcards from the 1920s "deeply offend jews". how did they make it through the early 1900s if this is the case is anyone's guess.
mircea_popescu: which is why all the charade and all the dancing. and yes the various jews, selected goats, ibms m$ and usg will be beheaded for this fault "of theirs",
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell asciilifeform nice finds. yes, treblinka wasn't -only- rebellion, but 0.5% of jews killed in 'shoah' fought back in the way depicted in those films. not great.
decimation: all that might be true, but the nazi platform appeared to mostly be "give to the people all the things" (minus jews, foreigners, etc)
mircea_popescu: do you suppose torquemada was the worst anatomist of his age, because unlike the other jews, he was contempt-powered ?
mircea_popescu: jews*
decimation: "if you don't have a debt jubileee it's like you are shoveling jews into the furnace"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188255 << i dunno that it's known as anything from there, but i'll point out to you that a) the only time this was ever successful was when the jews did it to hitler in the 30s. the cost was, a practical end to that ethnic group, because the jews calling themselves jewish today are not the central european hasids who were to jewry in 1920 what china is to asia today. they ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-07-2015#1185391 << they were, after all, jews ☝︎
mircea_popescu: whites are like the jews, amirite ?
asciilifeform: 'At Treblinka, an underground organization plotted an armed rebellion and mass escape. Learning about the Warsaw ghetto revolt from the last transports of Jews brought to Treblinka from Warsaw, the organizers decided the moment for revolt had arrived. On August 2, 1943, the underground fighters put their plan into action: to steal arms from the warehouse; eliminate the German and Ukrainian guards on duty; set the camp on fire;
cazalla: having read his little manifesto, the kid is without a doubt a /pol/ack (muh rhodesia, jews etc etc)
danielpbarron: > I dont pretend to understand why jews do what they do. They are enigma.
assbot: Logged on 16-06-2015 03:18:14; Adlai: isn't the primary purpose of a jew the production of more jews?
Adlai: isn't the primary purpose of a jew the production of more jews? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: also the jews signed to like gas when they were born.
mircea_popescu: (yes dear chitlins, there is deep philosophical disagreement behind the entire jew massacre - it's not the conveniently packaged "acts of an unhinged mind". german idealism and jewish materialism clashed, and the jews lost.)
trinque: fascism is that thing where you cook jews in ovens, and wear stylish hugo boss uniforms, right?
trinque: d-did the jews do facebook?
cazalla: but then the argument usually veers towards this being the fault of jews
cazalla: all it took was some jews with some plugins
copypaste: I offered to pay the Jews off via email, maybe they will accept my offer.
BingoBoingo: Eliza Dushku, the Jews, and the hard problems
assbot: 0 results for 'jews forced memes' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=jews+forced+memes
trinque: !s jews forced memes
mircea_popescu: trinque you familiar with the concepts of jews and forced memes ?
mircea_popescu: this has to come back to lizards and the jews doing 9/11 somehow
cazalla: but anything on topic of feminism, socialism, money, jews, hitler, conservative values (vamp and marriage one would be a bit of an eye opener for some of em) would do well with the pol crowd
mircea_popescu: o, wait, cause there's this jews imageboard meme, rite.
gabriel_laddel: williamdunne: that the jews were overrepresented in banking
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-05-2015#1126419 << does this have anything to do with jews in banking or is that chekov's gun gonna just hang ? ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-05-2015#1125516 << context: funkenstein_ was commenting a while back that jews are overrepresented in banking and then released a blog post (http://frass.woodcoin.org/intelligence-is-caused-by-big-feet-obesity-by-genetics/) that starts with "You may have some idea in your mind that things like cancer, intelligence, and obesity are in some way caused by genetics. By the time y ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 08-05-2015 11:54:53; cazalla: toddlers are sorta like jews, call out and cry as they strike you
gabriel_laddel: Jews and children generally don't hit me :/
cazalla: toddlers are sorta like jews, call out and cry as they strike you ☟︎
mircea_popescu: this is how the jews thought best to prepare elites.
mircea_popescu: basically, jews came up with the first social security system. this, cca 2000 ad.
mircea_popescu: it's the case. the jews have it ridiculously bad but not this bad. the arabs have it almost as bad, but not nearly.
decimation: even though rich jews live less than a few miles from the hell-hole, they might as well be a world away
mircea_popescu: who was sane and in a camp in 1937 ? the jews ?!
Adlai: "sepharadic" jews
Adlai: there is such a thing as "arab jews", they'll just stab you if you call them that
mircea_popescu: sure. but the groups are broadly arabs / jews+euros.
Adlai: well it's tricky, because (arabs != muslims != those in conflict) with (jews != israelis != zionists)
mircea_popescu: Adlai i for one believe it's driven by women. specifically : the arabs understand voicing women is a problem and don't understand how to fix it, whereas the jews/xtians/other european colonists don't understand voicing women is a problem.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne but these aren't involved third parties. so the burned jews are too dead to say, and the burning germans are also too dead to say. at the time however it stands to reason the victims all agreed they shouldn't be victims, and the perpetrator agreed on the contrary pov.
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: A world where Jews are over-represented in banking and law?
assbot: Logged on 21-04-2015 19:07:48; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-04-2015#1105868 << i think it's time the republic starts oppressing teh jews like any real country. how about, forcing them to add a slice of black forest cake to the seder.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-04-2015#1105868 << i think it's time the republic starts oppressing teh jews like any real country. how about, forcing them to add a slice of black forest cake to the seder. ☝︎☟︎
pete_dushenski: "Heschel felt that to put bread on the seder plate would be to accept that Jewish lesbians and gay men violate Judaism like hametz [leavened food] violates Passover. So at her next seder, she chose an orange as a symbol of inclusion of gays and lesbians and others who are marginalized within the Jewish community. She offered the orange as a symbol of the fruitfulness for all Jews when lesbians and gay men are co
mircea_popescu: for one thing, the jews didn't WANT austria.
BingoBoingo: Just though think of the awesome stoner comedies the Moses bush could have inspired if the Dutch and Jews were neighbors
mircea_popescu: how are you going to play eulora at this rate ? beg jews to binarize it for you ?
BingoBoingo was waiting for one of our Jews to name 'im
mircea_popescu: why do you think they kept the jews beyond the pale.
BingoBoingo: Also... The NY jews that raised Fisher lost US chess to St Louis http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/chess-championships-take-cue-from-televised-poker-move-to-live/article_b512b3a8-0122-5d26-9853-80d6597e5302.html
pete_dushenski: jews, having grown up with the devils, should know better
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Ah. So the sort of Jews who don't come here.
gribble: wn: persecute v 1: cause to suffer; "Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union" [syn: {persecute}, {oppress}]
mircea_popescu: !ban Chillum jews did 911 denier
mircea_popescu: of course the jews did 911
Chillum: and of course the jews did 911
pete_dushenski: the jewish thinking being: if we're all the same, no one will notice that jews != gentiles
mircea_popescu: which may even explain the "civilised world" obsession with same, if one subscribes to the theory that hey, said world's been doing nothing but cribbing the jews since whatever, 500ad.
asciilifeform: 'Horrifying snippets of it have appeared over the years: a starving child dying on the streets of the Ghetto while other Jews walk by or still others dine on meals at well stocked restaurants that never existed' '
mircea_popescu: that is to say, for some reason if left to their own devices jews especially in europe dwelled in the most insalubrious, asian arrangements conceivable.
mircea_popescu: which seems akin to jews reacting to all the propaganda by building auschwitz by themselves.
mircea_popescu: "those jews are so obvious! after killing christ, they're now blabla"
nubbins`: Cornwell's lawyers know this, that attacking and murdering Jews is Cornwell's ultimate fetish and fantasy, to herself become a lesbian Adolf Hitler. Cornwell's longtime lawyers Shumadine and Rudell, mentioned above, took advantage of this back in 2000, when they threatened someone of Jewish heritage with a Jew-baiting extortion letter.
nubbins`: Cornwell quickly denounces the "dirty Jews", the "filthy Jews". Indeed, attacking Jews is a real passion for the neo-Nazi Cornwell, while at the same time engaging in the 'Pleasures of Adolf Eichmann', Cornwell's hiring of dishonest Jews to do dirty jobs for her, a 'pet Jew' whom Cornwell can dominate.
assbot: Seinfeld - George Hates the Jews - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1NhfXaR )
assbot: borat at jews house - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1xxCcHU )
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: I've met plenty of young jews and gotten along fine. The mythic old jews are something else
fluffypony: when do we start burning the jews?
mircea_popescu: "No doubt the Jews aren't a lovable people; I don't care about them myself; but that is not sufficient to explain the Pogrom."
nubbins`: asciilifeform apparently some hasidic jews feel they are not permitted to fly over cemeteries
decimation: of course all of them would dismiss the YHWH worshipping Jews and Christians as credulous simpletons
mircea_popescu: jews have all the money and power, men have all the money and power, jews have secret conspiracies to keep aryans down, men have secret conspiracies to keep womyn down, real aryans wouldn't fuck jews, real womyn wouldn't fuck men,
danielpbarron: The Chrome counterpart "Turns SJW nonsense into pro-Nazi propaganda. Changes words such as 'Men' into 'Jews' to make any radical feminist post sound like something straight out of Hitler's mouth!", claims its developer in the description.