624 entries in 0.832s
pigeons: mtgox is run by jews and btce are black
ThickAsThieves: ive never known many jews
mircea_popescu: he killed the cool jews. at the time european jews were mostly hasiddic
mircea_popescu: you know, the one annoying thing hitler did was... he didn;t simply kill all the jews he could get.
mircea_popescu: best indication ever that auschwitz was a bad idea : the jews didn't fight back at all.
dub: jews did 04/03/03
Luke-Jr: mircea_popescu: what about it? the pope did much to save many jews from persecution
pgp: the google translator has the article beginning with "May be the reasons explained when talking about behavioral deviations , or if it is not of course a conspiracy of blacks, Jews, Masons, English and former wives . It is true that I lean toward the first explanation, "What do I know?"
dub: I tried :( [18:55] <dub> bitcoinbubble: jews did mpex
dub: sooner the jews and arabs nuke each other into oblivion the better
smickles: < pigeons> jews/aliens/gays < they're all reptoids anyway :|
pigeons: jews/aliens/gays
plate: The jews always have their hands in everything
rg: theyre jews
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: okay, so the jews were dominant in egypt?
Diablo-D3: muslims and jews live and work side by side
Diablo-D3: shortly after WW2, to "help" the displaced german jews that ran back to their biblical homeland...
Diablo-D3: like israel... "the land of the jews" in the middle of a muslim shithole
mircea_popescu: everywhere you look, fags and jews
Diablo-D3: you need three jews in your life
nefario: another name for it is fascism without killing jews
mircea_popescu: this is what you get for hating on fags and jews.
EskimoBob: EmanuelDeOrtego: I thing jews in israel are ahead of you on this militari/children shit
mircea_popescu: also, jews. http://firstlightforum.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/ultra-orthodox-jews2.jpg