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mircea_popescu: inasmuch as some jews are hispanic, im sure it will increase.
pankkake: wait, hollywood converts actresses to jews?!
fluffypony: Rassah: you are spot on, in a sense - the WoT is a digital representation of the real life business networks that are often found amongst the Freemasons, the Jews, or even among an old boy's club for a particular school
mircea_popescu: i r nao decode fluffypony's hermetic speech. orange jews are what, manhattanites, because they overtan. and banana jews are jews pretending to be azn to get into stanford. pineapple jews however i dunno!
fluffypony: or a pineapple / banana jews blend
fluffypony: my favourite jews are orange jews
pankkake: davout: we're looking for jews
thickasthieves: my ancient ancestors were jews i think, then they changed their names food and went to the azores or sumth
mircea_popescu: nah, jews can't have big cocks
mircea_popescu: well actually, since i got all the internet jews collected here, prepare to BURN!!!
mircea_popescu: "Don’t depict the Magen David (Star of David) as an equivalent to the Nazi swastika. The Magen David represents all Jews—not just Israelis, not just people who are violent against Palestinians, ALL JEWS. When you do this, you are painting all Jews as violent, genocidal racists. DON’T." << and for that matter, the swastika represented all germans, not just the ones involved in homicide.
mircea_popescu: "Don’t call Jews you agree with “the good Jews.” Imposing your values on another group is not okay. Tokenizing is not okay. Appointing yourself the judge of what other groups can or should believe is not okay." << omfg. this is about as offensive as it gets.
mircea_popescu: ima end up persecuting fucking jews as the initiators of this "vocal minority trying to opress majority" meme.
BingoBoingo: Also guide to ripping on Jews as a good libertard http://this-is-not-jewish.tumblr.com/post/34344324495/how-to-criticize-israel-without-being-anti-semitic
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla what do you think you'll heat yourself with in 2050 ? dead jews ?
cazalla: well, i was gonna mention jews
BingoBoingo: justlurking: Another one of Pete's jews?
mircea_popescu: ore disastrous, as with the most recent one. Each attack is hugely successful, and after the cataclysm that the attack causes the attackers are hailed as saviors of the poor, the oppressed, and the nation generally, and the blame for the the bad consequences is dumped elsewhere, usually on Jews, greedy bankers, speculators, etc, because such attacks ar
mircea_popescu: and the kurds aren't the jews, either.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Generally in the US baseball caps are used to hide bald spots and thinning hair. I kind of though tthe concept was cribbed from the Jews.
mircea_popescu: i can tell jews apart...
davout: i mean, the whole baker thing sounds pretty retarded anyway, if i went to a baker that refuses jews i wouldn't insist on giving him business
Apoorman: every society where jews become dominate goes into structural decline. nothing new to the US
fluffypony: "For those of you unaware, Munger is Warren Buffett’s right hand man, and he made headlines in 2012 when he stated only Jews in Nazi Germany before being thrown on a train to a concentration camp have any reason to buy gold"
mircea_popescu: they did the same exact mistake, much higher scale : got all the gold, pestered the jews,
mircea_popescu: This also gives some credibility to the thesis that was popping up in the 19th century that the North African Jews had a Phoenician origin (or that the difference between Canaanite and Jew before the rabbinical period was not very pronounced for p
fluffypony: well jews in ancient israel were bound by a common belief, but it was also by birth
bounce: I think the "jews make up a race according to western languages" premise mostly means the writer is still stuck in wwII-era propaganda.
ozbot: That flyer about Jews needing to 'register' in Ukraine is fake
ozbot: Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine
benkay: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/04/17/jews-ordered-to-register-in-east-ukraine/7816951/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&dlvrit=206567
mircea_popescu: so cute, the jews. "o, we're 25km from ww2, it's safe here"
ozbot: Twitter / rabite: Jews did #Heartbleed, by the way.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: griggs: this was one of those cases that ended in creating a 'talmudic wall' (as the hassid jews call this situation)
dub: jews making fun of muslims lel
Mats_cd03: "the jews" have less power now than they have ever had at any time in history
Namworld: You said you knew how jews think. Jews have a common religion. Everything else could be completly different. Although the religion might influence a good portion into certain ideas, if you took jews and non jews mixed together and asked their point of view on various things that doesn't touch jews like Israel and such, you'd have a hard time spotting them.
Namworld: You talk as if jews where a single entity. One person with one mind.
Namworld: I have no clue. Radan is unhappy about the world and keeps mentioning jews and about mating and promoting his gene pool.
benkay: some groups of jews
radan: Jews have been marrying their first cousins for millenia
BingoBoingo: Reasons why breeding outside the group is useful https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_genetics_of_Jews
radan: Judaism benefits the jews
chetty: jews accept converts
Namworld: What is it with people seeing the world as becoming bad invoking jews?
radan: but you and I cannot become jews
radan: no, jews do.
mircea_popescu: you can say jews you know, nobody cares.
asciilifeform: where the germans came across a school full of orthodox jews and publicly dispatched them in exactly this way.
deadweasel: Cardono, TM, secures your btc and burns your jews, automatically!
mircea_popescu: so then what, were the jews in ukraine mostly settled farmers ?
mircea_popescu: shithole didn't even have jews in the first place.
mircea_popescu: "Unlike competing Polish, Russian, Hungarian or Romanian nationalisms in late imperial Austria, imperial Russia, interwar Poland and Romania, Ukrainian nationalism did not include antisemitism as a core aspect of its program and saw Russians as well as Poles as the chief enemy with Jews playing a secondary role." lmao.
mircea_popescu: "death to the jews" is, at least in europe, about as common as "open your legs, i'm not gonna do anything"
mircea_popescu: and anyway! death to the jews ?
Diablo-D3: he basically Snowdened the Jews.
Diablo-D3: Jews freaked out and killed him for it
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform coupla jews, awaiting to be shot by the nazis. at the last moment, a courrier arrives with orders to hang them instead
mircea_popescu: r, more serious, and more disastrous, as with the most recent one. Each attack is hugely successful, and after the cataclysm that the attack causes the attackers are hailed as saviors of the poor, the oppressed, and the nation generally, and the blame for the the bad consequences is dumped elsewhere, usually on Jews, greedy bankers, speculators, etc, because such attacks ar
greenspan_fan: so the alternative is fiat with the jews or btc with the cyber-jews
greenspan_fan: but clearly it was the usurious jews
mircea_popescu: jews did relatively little.
mircea_popescu: davout there are smart jews ?
davout: mircea_popescu: wrong, the smart jews don't have anything left in gox since 2011
mircea_popescu: the jews will be affected.
greenspan_fan: and what about the jews?!?!?!?!?!?!?
mircea_popescu: greenspan_fan racism is controversial, but re niggers not re jews.
cerelenius: davout: jews have a tendency for causing chaos, it goes back to choosing barabas in the new testament..
pankkake: http://phpsadness.com/sad/1 => blame the jews
mircea_popescu: you're all jews.
Asa9: lol acidic jews
HeySteve2: <jurov> iirc orthodox do jews use some kind of acid to get shaved kosher (it's forbidden to use blades) <- I guess that's why they call them... acidic Jews hoho
jurov: iirc orthodox do jews use some kind of acid to get shaved kosher (it's forbidden to use blades)
mircea_popescu: so : forget about the jews, about the old timers getting somehow magically wiped off, get used with the idea that i rule btc and so on.
koin3d: shrems also jewish, no jews get jail in NYC
nubbins`: hell, there are hardly even any anglos or jews there!
Dimsler__: toronto in the 1900s had a sign up in the core saying they didn't sell realestate to jews or fags
mircea_popescu: the jews and the italians resolved this problem in the 1920s ny by inventing the deli.
ozbot: Romanian state TV airs Christmas carol about burning Jews | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
mircea_popescu: http://www.jta.org/2013/12/11/news-opinion/world/romanian-state-tv-airs-christmas-carol-about-burning-jews
dub: we don't eat a lot of monkey, perhaps the jews are right
truffles: if u hate every1 including jews its acceptable imo
benkay: jews in every part of the world are different, and yet the still scheming conniving bastards
truffles: jews hate him? and he's that important to the world?
Vexual: the dumbest of the new york jews would sling that if mp subjected himself to a comedy roast
mircea_popescu: there were naked jews in hte movie ?
BingoBoingo: Less naked jews than in the movie
Vexual: jews dont even exist
davout: "His nose is constantly being edited." --> the jews, always the jews
pankkake: you'd think jews would learn and buy bitcoins after WW2
VanCleef: just want all the jews dead
VanCleef: as long as we get rid of the jews life will be good again
mircea_popescu: quite equal with requiring jews to disclose to the camp guards the health risk of living in the camp.
jurov: yea these filthy socialist jews
ThickAsThieves: jews dont make it that far east i guess
mircea_popescu: that's what they want you to think. why just last week i read on the information superhighway that the damend jews have taken over all the united states government.
ThickAsThieves: i only ever knew like 2 jews
jorash: you can;t wipe out the jews, they're older than time
dub: ideally Syria will wipe out the jews, russia takes care of yankees
gecko_x2: i suspect the wall street jews are the ones behind the concept of 'weekends'