116 entries in 0.367s
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-25 13:20:14 BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wyswl/?raw=true << Their list of gateways shows what one would come to expect from shitgnomes. Clustered around places where USG already clusters their stuff, which... is probably the only way to build a VPN service that offers speed. This means UCI, sucking off the enemy, or a sad indefensible inbetween.
BingoBoingo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wyswl/?raw=true << Their list of gateways shows what one would come to expect from shitgnomes. Clustered around places where USG already clusters their stuff, which... is probably the only way to build a VPN service that offers speed. This means UCI, sucking off the enemy, or a sad indefensible inbetween.
BingoBoingo: And I am indeed giving Cuntoo another try because linux kernel shit is nearly Argentine cyanoacrylate level shit. The kernel config is an essential piece of making the orchestra string yet because shitgnomes it is a very rough edge to the fault of noone here but plenty of people out of here.
asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2019/06/cloudflare-shitgnomes-hyping-randomness-beacons/#comment-130694 ftr.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/06/cloudflare-shitgnomes-hyping-randomness-beacons/ << Qntra -- Cloudflare Shitgnomes Hyping "Randomness Beacons"
BingoBoingo: Right, the problem with megashops subsidizing the milk to kill small shops pops up here. Whatever it costs is undercut by USG financing Intel and other shitgnomes in the space.
asciilifeform: let's recall the hole that naggum sat in. d00d tried to make living by actually solving tricky problems for folx willing to pay ( oil, gas, jurisprudential db people, etc ) . found that it became harder and eventually impossible on acct of various factors, incl. the lemonization of the market by shitgnomes, asinine eurotaxation regimes, etc
asciilifeform: http://danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/ << confirmed, loads
mircea_popescu: soooo... http://danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/ item linked from trinque 's previous discussion of cuntoo, meanwhile disappeared ?
a111: 2 results for "\"danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22danielpbarron.com%2F2017%2Fshitgnomes%2F%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/"
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in other lulz, https://archive.is/plVal << trivial local-privesc in xorg ( introduced by shitgnomes in '16 )
mircea_popescu: there's meaning derived from meaning and then there's meaning derived from authority, and the shitgnomes trying to pretend equality only confuses matters.
trinque: asciilifeform: yes, shitgnomes in both the gentoo and musl-overlay portage trees continued their brownian motion and diana_coman for example couldn't build, one day
lobbes: BingoBoingo: I left a comment on yer guide re: php5.6 shitgnomes deprecating mysql in favor of mysqli. (Should be in queue). This will be a boon indeed if we can string all the quirks of mp-wp-on-rockchip in one place
mircea_popescu: this is the other end of this same rifle barrel, you understand. we're indignant "shitgnomes, shitgnomes EVERYWHERE!!!", but meanwhile people in industry have to jump through flaming fucking hoops to keep the supply lines in working order. and they do. and they get good at it, and are slightly amused at the entitled neckbeards.
asciilifeform: mod6 is still ultimately right, gotta confiscate portage from the shitgnomes
trinque was prompted to finish the reproductive gentoo when he went to build a box like always, found the shitgnomes had eroded earth from under his build system
trinque: as things get reposessed from the gentoo shitgnomes, can move their modified ebuilds from /usr/portage into /cuntoo or w/e
trinque: since I last ran the recipe, as yet anonymous shitgnomes broke the downgrade to gcc 4.9.4
danielpbarron: !!deed http://danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/4.1.35.asc
deedbot: http://danielpbarron.com/2017/shitgnomes/ << Daniel P. Barron - Shitgnomes
asciilifeform: trinque: there weren't any shitgnomes yet.
trinque: asciilifeform: if it had found its way into ansi, the shitgnomes would've demanded moar glyphs, and ended up in exactly the same place
BingoBoingo: Well, this is why Gov shutdown was scheduled for this coming fall and not this past spring. Shitgnomes need time to crawl out of toilet and sign own indictments
asciilifeform: what the shitgnomes are really trying for is to smoke folks out of using gcc entirely
ben_vulpes: one man's obvious is another man's obscure rathole broken by shitgnomes
asciilifeform: as is the subj, actually, shitgnomes are pretty close to breaking emacs
mircea_popescu: and the ONLY thing that interests the shitgnomes is display.
Framedragger: "Peace in our time, shitgnomes" is an excellent salute, tho
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo really need a comma pre shitgnomes.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: "peace in our time shitgnomes" was added
mod6: well, this, of course. comes from shitgnomes, et. al.
asciilifeform: or 'how shitgnomes suture their wounds'
trinque: well. current mcclim project is run by inclusive shitgnomes.
asciilifeform: yeah but we did a ~pointless thing and added moving part solely because shitgnomes gnawed on our toes
BingoBoingo: hanno boeck is for shitgnomming GPG, other shitgnomes for this
BingoBoingo: Que the shitgnomes https://archive.is/tqDVv
mircea_popescu: gimp is not run by shitgnomes, hence lisp scripting etc.
ben_vulpes: ha wow did the shitgnomes snip that mod6 ?
asciilifeform: 'let go' of the liars, the shitgnomes, aha, right.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: holy shit, shitgnomes are trying to pervert even greenspun's law ?!!
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: Because Qntra needs the potential to host wider varieties of content objectionable to shitgnomes
mod6: if(SHITGNOMES) { char *classic = "manyRadicalDeltasFromPointOfOrigin"; }
ascii_butugychag: 'snow white and the seven shitgnomes'
mod6: Revenge of the Shitgnomes
phf: shitgnomes held an emacs conference, complete with code of conduct https://emacsconf.github.io/emacsconf2015/ , names on that page of projects and people are the usual suspects. organizers are sacha chua and john wiegley, who is the current emacs maintainer.
ben_vulpes: anyways, your penchant for finding what is wrong with anything aside, openbsd happily supplants os x on mac hardware. for those willing to endure some pain to get away from the shitgnomes, and who have not been obsessively tending a gentoo installation since 1999.
assbot: Logged on 21-05-2015 21:54:14; ascii_field: shitgnomes and their 'it didn't happen. if it happened, it doesn't matter. if it matters - one of -our- people did it first, of course!'
pete_dushenski: see, and here i was wondering what the fuck the shitgnomes were up to now. qntra to the rescue !
assbot: Logged on 27-11-2015 21:57:56; phf: jurov: you know how it is here, there's one small problem, gets elevated to shitgnomes in all the things!!1 status
phf: jurov: you know how it is here, there's one small problem, gets elevated to shitgnomes in all the things!!1 status ☟︎
ben_vulpes: --batch --verify it is then, shitgnomes.
jurov: that shitgnomes use variadic encoding as a means to append bloat is not failure of said encoding. they'd find another outlet easily
BingoBoingo: Kernel PhorCT by ShitGnomes: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/15/10/06/1553233/matthew-garrett-forks-the-linux-kernel
assbot: Logged on 15-02-2015 21:43:42; asciilifeform: 'but Richard is seemingly frightened about the compiler competition from LLVM that is out under a permissive free software license.' << fud artist lies through his teeth. rms is not 'frightened of competition under permissive licenses', but is pointing out that organized attack by shitgnomes flying (as always) flags of convenience, is under way.
ben_vulpes: 2 be stealthy, advertise whatever "version" is "current" with the shitgnomes
decimation: on the other hand, the shitgnomes are doing a great job at discrediting themselves
decimation: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2015#1187537 < yeah but meanwhile the shitgnomes dig deeper. surely there's a point where they muck things up? or perhaps there's nothing to be done about it. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 04-07-2015 16:06:20; punkman: as it is versions will accept blocks of version 1 and 2, allowing shitgnomes to induce forks. what's gonna happen with this?
punkman: as it is versions will accept blocks of version 1 and 2, allowing shitgnomes to induce forks. what's gonna happen with this? ☟︎
ben_vulpes: looks like the shitgnomes have been working overtime to address my complaints.
asciilifeform: this is why shitgnomes are to be written out of the script permanently and unconditionally
punkman: shitgnomes strike again?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-06-2015#1181363 << even if rms no longer writes (and i'm informed that this may be the case in recent years) he is still tremendously useful as a 'fire magnet' for shitgnomes ☝︎
asciilifeform grasps mircea_popescu's implication that 'the only winning move' in the decimal-point chase game with shitgnomes is 'not to play'
mircea_popescu: will you propose ~WE~ change the versioning number when (not if) some OTHER shitgnomes release a faux version downstream ?
BingoBoingo: Shitgnomes try to ruin the things shit lords want to use
BingoBoingo: Shitgnomes leave turd traps and prevent nice things. Shit lords bury gnomes in turds to highlight their wretch. Mike Hearnia is a cononical shitgnome. Theo Deraadt and alf are cononical shitlords
BingoBoingo notes that though both are prefixed with shit Shitgnomes and Shitlords are very different things.
BingoBoingo: And yes, the shitgnomes fight improvement and cleanliness no matter how seemingly trivial a part of the stack janitors want to devomit
BingoBoingo: Also one of the greatest weapons of the shitgnomes is burying people in bad choices
asciilifeform: 'The program performs unsafe 32-bit arithmetic, leading to an invalid size check prior to a memcpy() operation, leading to a heap overflow.' << can we plz haz shitgnomes playing 'underhanded c contest' prior to employment? these old idiocies are getting - well - old.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-06-2015#1152011 << the converse is a safe assumption. shitgnomes are more than happy to tell you the "meta" story of what happened, which is characteristically light on any sort of useful or usable anything. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 27-05-2015 14:31:51; asciilifeform: gavin & the merry band of shitgnomes used their magic key to transmit 'Warning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required!'
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> gavin & the merry band of shitgnomes used their magic key to transmit 'Warning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required!' << 'alerts' can be delivered per-node?
assbot: Logged on 27-05-2015 14:31:51; asciilifeform: gavin & the merry band of shitgnomes used their magic key to transmit 'Warning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required!'
asciilifeform: gavin & the merry band of shitgnomes used their magic key to transmit 'Warning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required!' ☟︎☟︎
ascii_field: shitgnomes and their 'it didn't happen. if it happened, it doesn't matter. if it matters - one of -our- people did it first, of course!' ☟︎
asciilifeform: nothing punctures shitgnomes like a public, non-plausiblydeniable still-smoking 'nsakey' unhinted at in any 'leak'
ben_vulpes: nailgun for the shitgnomes.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: no you see, the lizard shitgnomes got to it
ascii_field: but the shitgnomes don't sleep, and they break off necessary parts
ben_vulpes: (and re unsigned kexts: it's shitgnomes on shitgnomes. os x no longer runs unsigned kexts, the solution for which is to...distribute binaries)
ben_vulpes: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/31164#issuecomment-50284751 << shitgnomes.
mircea_popescu: his rise in fact exactly mirrors this particular economic change, where shitgnomes finally became able to breach into computing.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^ message to all shitgnomes: somewhere, in a forest, a pine tree is growing << Why pine?
asciilifeform: ^ message to all shitgnomes: somewhere, in a forest, a pine tree is growing
asciilifeform: 'but Richard is seemingly frightened about the compiler competition from LLVM that is out under a permissive free software license.' << fud artist lies through his teeth. rms is not 'frightened of competition under permissive licenses', but is pointing out that organized attack by shitgnomes flying (as always) flags of convenience, is under way. ☟︎
asciilifeform: shitgnomes lie, lie, but that would be inconsequential if the lies did not also take the form of bogus code that supposedly functions, but go and try to replicate. not one thing in ten works as described or to spec.
mircea_popescu: obviously, on a strategic plane the difference would be "stop making broken by design software ; behead all the shitgnomes ; adopt bitcoin as us currency" etc.
mircea_popescu: artifexd i wonder if for some god-forsaken reason the shitgnomes never actually considered this obviousness.
BingoBoingo: <kakobrekla> idk if we believe in good intentions. << Of course not, but it will probably be the myth lesser shitgnomes trot out.
asciilifeform: the thing that shitgnomes fear most is - sunlight.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: you never know when the yc shitgnomes will zap it
asciilifeform: for shitgnomes, only one correct treatment: damnatio memoriae.
decimation: asciilifeform: I suspect the same pattern one sees with bitcoind is common in free software, 'the ancients' (typically one elite guy) writes something useful, then shitgnomes dangle turds on it for decades
asciilifeform: such as, it turns out that shitgnomes are rather enamoured of 'mathematically provable security!!111!'
mircea_popescu: anyway, news at 11. it's not just bitcoin the shitgnomes are after, but the entire stack of software guaranteeing a free world.
asciilifeform: (well, more precisely, nato's unofficial little shitgnomes)