116 entries in 0.545s
asciilifeform: check out the shitgnomes in the comments. 'use keybase!'
asciilifeform: https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/7/7/2 << death to shitgnomes.
asciilifeform: hn << notice how the circus has all of the obligatory clowns, acrobats. including the inescapable shitgnomes pushing 'keybase' etc.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: i just love how the krugman shitgnomes prattle on about the need for physical 'use-value' in currencies and then go on to bid on apple-1 pcbs and jackson pollack paintings << they are stupid and how dare you demand they be consistent!
assbot: 12 results for 'shitgnomes' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=shitgnomes
asciilifeform: !s shitgnomes
asciilifeform: as per kakobrekla's stern warning some weeks ago, a full-bore approach (complete with future gallows) for shitgnomes has the flipside of needing to ensure against ending up swinging there by mistake.
assbot: Logged on 25-10-2014 03:54:31; asciilifeform: mod6: when shitgnomes glue their crap on, they use paste with broken glass.
asciilifeform: i just love how the krugman shitgnomes prattle on about the need for physical 'use-value' in currencies and then go on to bid on apple-1 pcbs and jackson pollack paintings
asciilifeform: pruning << the shitgnomes don't dare a hardfork. so they'll happily try a 'lossy softfork' - see how much functionality can be degraded (in this case, how much of the blockchain can be alzheimered) without hardforking.
asciilifeform: mod6: when shitgnomes glue their crap on, they use paste with broken glass. ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the shitgnomes glued it in, to learn how, read source
asciilifeform: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8478427 << gotta love the shitgnomes repeating their mantras of 'it was an accident111!11', 'security is impossibly hard!', 'never roll your own crypto', and other tiresome disinfo.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it 'requires' whatever the shitgnomes place in the 'requires' list.
asciilifeform: bounce: i posit that it must be presumed intentional. the shitgnomes hide behind the impossibility of logically proving their guilt.
asciilifeform: the hidden little shitgnomes like author of heartbleed - they are the ones who needs the lethal sunlight rays the most.