600+ entries in 0.389s
mircea_popescu: !!reputation The20Year
asciilifeform: in other noose, chaum ( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-10#1365552 ) peddles promisetronic shitcoin, https://archive.is/DQPVe , as if he had any reputation left to burn ☝︎
mircea_popescu: !!reputation asciilifeform
a111: Logged on 2017-11-12 17:16 mircea_popescu: !!reputation candi_lustt
mircea_popescu: there's a bunch of reputation management commands, deedbot being the wot registrar of record.
mircea_popescu: !!reputation candi_lustt ☟︎
ben_vulpes: !!reputation whaack
diana_coman: !!reputation alex_c
diana_coman: !!reputation alex__c
mircea_popescu: !!reputation gabriel_laddel_p
fyr: And like I get that unforgeable reputation is useful if you want to have a textual agreement to buy some MPEx security for bitcoin, or w.e.
asciilifeform: and a reputation.
kanzure: how then would i maintain my reputation of overkill otherwise?
kanzure: "".. isn’t the only one working to clone a mammoth. There’s also Hwang Woo-suk’s Korean dog-cloning lab, Soaam Technologies [....] He was the one who claimed to clone human cells, but it turns out he had been forcing his students to donate their eggs, and secondly that his clone cells are fraudulent, so he’s trying to resurrect his reputation by being the first to clone ...
a111: Logged on 2017-08-20 01:23 mircea_popescu: !~later tell spyked http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/062-greenspan-assault-on-integrity.html << the problem with this view is that the pantsuits correctly intuit that all the imbeciles they enfranchised are sitll imbeciles. consequently it would be no harm to a business' reputation to sell them iguanas on a stick and call it prime beef. they will never know ; and casual perusal of tardstalk "investor" as well as "community disc
mircea_popescu: there is ~no possibility~ of such a tging as reputation among africans, shamanists, idiots, "what good are square roots" and other sub-human non-people.
mircea_popescu: !~later tell spyked http://thetarpit.org/posts/y03/062-greenspan-assault-on-integrity.html << the problem with this view is that the pantsuits correctly intuit that all the imbeciles they enfranchised are sitll imbeciles. consequently it would be no harm to a business' reputation to sell them iguanas on a stick and call it prime beef. they will never know ; and casual perusal of tardstalk "investor" as well as "community disc ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( and btc would then live up to the reputation as strictly pyramidal cock-pulling adventure )
asciilifeform: sorship only further lowers your future reputation.'
asciilifeform: i'm a little surprised that northkr has not attempted cultivating reputation as tmsr-friendly
ben_vulpes: reputation of usg.polizei continues to decline, no longer safe to even approach cops once you've called for help: http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/19/us/minneapolis-australian-woman-killed-by-police/index.html
sn0wmonster: i was hoping to hear that it was decentralized, as in, nodes connect together to disperse and allow submissions to the reputation database without needing IRC or the website
shinohai: https://twitter.com/WeRateBitcoiner "We are the last bastion of centralized reputation." Why? Because we said so!
trinque: !!reputation phillipsjk
trinque: gotta then have the game, and have people cut down on reputation, and etc
asciilifeform: iirc the butthurt was deep ( and described in the infamous u.s. supreme court trial on subj. ) marconi got the famous '7777' patent , and pr machine cemented his reputation as 'first practical radio!' (though it was largely based on earlier work, by, e.g., lodge, tesla, others)
trinque: !!reputation Framedragger
Framedragger: vs curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RSfiU/?raw=true | grep Framedragger (this is from !!reputation and also web)
trinque: !!reputation thestringpuller
mircea_popescu: !!reputation mihi
ben_vulpes: !!reputation trinque
ben_vulpes: !!reputation oleanie
ben_vulpes: trinque: consider reputation returns link to wot entry?
ben_vulpes: "there should be a danger to your reputation if you are imprudent" << obvious republican rejoinder is obvious
mircea_popescu: !!reputation simonpenner
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/01/reputation-base-altcoin-fails-on-broken-function-before-launch/ << Qntra - "Reputation" Base Altcoin Fails On Broken Function Before Launch
netmonk: !!reputation netmonk
netmonk: and i hope my bad reputation wont transfer to my child :)
ben_vulpes: cn reputation for 'tiger moms' among usasians
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes do i have such a reputation for blocking work ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you don't get it : the "Reputation" bs is institutionalized oppression. in any system where group x has "reputation for y-bad" you know for a fact that a) group z is in charge ; b) group z is y-bad and c) group x is not.
ben_vulpes: and lisp weenies get a reputation for smugness
mircea_popescu: trinque i don't think there's anything meaningful there ; should prolly purge all those with a nil reputation string.
mircea_popescu: trinque why would nil reputation nicks be inclued at all ?
mircea_popescu: !!reputation AllKindsOfBad
mircea_popescu: course the fact that radeon had a stellar reputation for being an unworking buggy pos throughout the 90s didn't help
trinque: !!reputation RodrigoBTCF
mircea_popescu: !!reputation thestringpuller
asciilifeform: a reputation for '133337 d00d'ness among the types of folx who bite that particular variety of hook.
mircea_popescu: !!reputation deedbot
ben_vulpes: reputation also of interest
mircea_popescu: for one thing, all their inept rags try to paint russia as a "local power at best", "gdp" of italy bla bla. how, then, is this magical thing possible where they decide who wins the fucking election ? obviously the libtard has a reputation for dealing well with cognitive dissonance, but that they'd prefer this nonsense to actually naming the rapist makes you think they liked the tiny, slanted cock.
pete_dushenski: !!reputation
mircea_popescu: anyway ; back in 2013, pre-republic, when idiots with their hissy fits actually got people "teaching moments" ; compare and contrast with 2016, post republic, where francis rowe is about on par with roadkill for reputation.
asciilifeform: keyholder has moar years of life left to invest in building up reputation of a replacement key ?
asciilifeform: he local community is concerned, the news story was undeniably of public interest. They just argued that, two and half years from the events reported in the story, the right to inform the public could no longer be invoked to justify the permanence online of a story that was damaging their reputation and the image of their restaurant.'
Framedragger: yes this is lulzy and a disservice and i agree the reputation is not insanely great.., so to speak.
pete_dushenski: "Nega insists that Ethiopia has “cooked the books,” and that its growth rate is largely attributable to huge infrastructure projects and Western development aid, with little contribution from the private sector." << all to protect reputation of bahamas homeland
mircea_popescu: how this came to pass is anyone's guess, but the arabs had a reputation for engineeringly inept.
mircea_popescu: "And honesty's against all common sense: men must be knaves, 'tis in their own defence. Mankind's dishonest; if you think it fair among known cheats to play upon the square you'll be undone. Nor can weak truth your reputation save: the knaves will all agree to call you knave."
BingoBoingo: "My parents shocked me with very horrible news. They were planning on sending me to Taft High School. Taft had five times as many students as Crespi, it was a public school, it had girls in it, and it had a bad reputation. I had never been so scared in my entire life. How could they do this to me, after knowing what I went through at Crespi? Taft High School would eat me alive and spit me out. I felt so betrayed by my parents." << AHA, I
danielpbarron: $reputation BingoBoingo
danielpbarron: BingoBoingo, I don't understand your logic here. Even your criticism of znort's reputation is addressed in my copy. But whatever I'll just post it on my own blog
trinque: $reputation znort987
BingoBoingo: Has "reputation for breaking into homes" http://www.bnd.com/news/nation-world/national/article92932292.html#wgt=trending
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507975 << "when management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact." ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'The Web of Trust is a buzzword for a new model of decentralized self-sovereign identity. It’s a phrase that dates back almost twenty-five years, the classic definition derives from PGP. But some use it as a term to include self-sovereign identity authentication & verification, certificate validation, and reputation assessment, while the vibrant blockchain community is also drawing new attention to the concept we aim to reboot it.'
asciilifeform: fact is, at some point those backup keyz will be worth more than whatever decades-old reputation the retired casascius etc folk had.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-30 06:42 trinque: $reputation trinque
trinque: $reputation trinque ☟︎
trinque: $reputation trinque
trinque: I was going to add commands to dump inward and outward reputation for a given nick, but neh
shinohai: "NEM uses innovative Proof-of-Importance algorithm: first reputation based blockchain algorythm" ( java, javascript)
BingoBoingo: And hopefully China likes Milwauke's reputation more than Japan's
mircea_popescu: (incidentally, the argentines are THE WORST drivers. horribad. you know how latinos in the civilised world have a bad reputation ? well... im sure argentina is the reason for it. they signal ~1/3 of the time, you gotta guess they intend to turn or not - AND they have no conception of blinker fluid or any other way means or conceptual approach for the problem. it's just not fucking there. idjits.)
Framedragger: vc: cool, and i remember you saying this the first time otherwise wouldn't have done it, just wanted to let you know that these particular scans won't (*completely*) trash the reputation of the currently assigned ipv4 :)
Framedragger: e.g. 2x4.ru have a reputation of being more hardcore; i know this sounds naive and it probably is, but i've heard this from trustable sysadmins running, er, shadier stuff. this is of course anecdotal and it's naive to trust someone with your hardware anyway.
Framedragger: "i am not aware of any services that can be considered bulletproof much like i'm not aware of any electoral process that can be considered representative, any computer code that can be considered correct or any fiat financial item that can be considered not a scam." << i see your point and i agree, however it's probably not "all of the same"; e.g. 2x4.ru have a reputation of being more hardcore; i know this sounds naive and it probably i
trinque: if you cross someone with whom you're doing business, and the cost to their reputation is not enough to harm them, they fuck you back.
asciilifeform: ... how about the imbecile's ~own~ reputation ?
mircea_popescu: odd how reputation works [in wotless worlds]
asciilifeform: but somehow the company's reputation as 'evil vendor of closed $maxint machinery' did not thereby perish.
mircea_popescu: it got in trouble, was reorganized, works again. this is more reputation than apple has
mircea_popescu: how exactly "the reputation"
asciilifeform: afaik nothing but the reputation
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> hey in america this is how 'experts' usually develop 'reputation', by maybe walking past a warehouse that was a lab once in 1950s on a stroll etc. <<< #trilema, with a collective pervy experience of > 50 years...
asciilifeform: hey in america this is how 'experts' usually develop 'reputation', by maybe walking past a warehouse that was a lab once in 1950s on a stroll etc.
adlai: i hurt my 'reputation', for my own pleasure (and that of lurkers), and got the private keys stolen from under me fingers. oh well.
solrodar: much less than the value of a going concern with a reputation
solrodar: I am considering it, but doubt I have the necessary reputation here
nubbins`: pool reputation
danielpbarron: also from that thread >> If a couple of pools were interested in bobbaing up MP's reputation, they could start taking longer to include transactions into blocks if bitbet addresses are involved. Just take care to not wait for way too many blocks, otherwise the pool's reputation get fucked.
nubbins`: PeterL bitbet has quite a poor reputation, if you haven't noticed
PeterL: if the cost is worth the reputation of bitbet paying out thier winnings, then he should pay it
nubbins`: trinque sell, negrate, smear reputation if desired
mircea_popescu: obviously. what's bum with a reputation of bfl shilling/fraud got to lose ? costs 0 for him.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, tor has a miserable reputation here, publicly due to http://trilema.com/2013/dear-guardian-stop-being-retarded/ but otherwise ancient.
felipelalli: jurov, they are learning the importance of the thing, at least, I hope. They are learning the importance to make solid contracts and verify the people reputation.
mircea_popescu: i'm quickly building a reputation for a wrecker of trb aren't i !
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 07:42:24; polarbeard: I've timestamped and categorized trb log lines, as well as improved the messages and removed (seeming never activated) destructive log rotation, here is the signed patch: https://gist.github.com/polarbeard/961aa315c69b89d2e613 in case somebody with a decent reputation wants to review it so I can submit it to the ml