691 entries in 0.439s
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 07:42:24; polarbeard: I've timestamped and categorized trb log lines, as well as improved the messages and removed (seeming never activated) destructive log rotation, here is the signed patch: https://gist.github.com/polarbeard/961aa315c69b89d2e613 in case somebody with a decent reputation wants to review it so I can submit it to the ml
polarbeard: I've timestamped and categorized trb log lines, as well as improved the messages and removed (seeming never activated) destructive log rotation, here is the signed patch: https://gist.github.com/polarbeard/961aa315c69b89d2e613 in case somebody with a decent reputation wants to review it so I can submit it to the ml ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: as far as i can tell, it is exactly 'tumblr' but hasn't yet been cemented in reputation for hosting rabid pheminists etc
BingoBoingo: loller "Hi Mike. ... If I was a handler for an organization that wanted to insert an asset into the bitcoin community, someone like you would be the ideal candidate. Someone that young people, new to the community, naturally respect and will listen to. Strange how you've spent so much time cultivating your standing with people like that, while your reputation plummeted among the people that understood the network (and had far more
adlai would kill [his reputation] for a livable career as a bike messenger
assbot: Logged on 12-01-2016 17:16:36; adlai: there's no a-priori reason why fork proponents can't stake their reputation on pgp-signed contracts to buy up their alt after it's launch... reminscent of the $20 XPY floor
adlai: there's no a-priori reason why fork proponents can't stake their reputation on pgp-signed contracts to buy up their alt after it's launch... reminscent of the $20 XPY floor ☟︎
pete_dushenski: i'm sure she'd be thrilled to hear that her reputation precedes her
assbot: Logged on 16-12-2015 16:28:40; mircea_popescu: "Title: Bitcoin Reputation Startup Bonafide to Shut Down
mircea_popescu: "Title: Bitcoin Reputation Startup Bonafide to Shut Down ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Christopher Allen Former CTO Certicom Co-Author TLS 1.0 ; Jon Callas Former CTO of PGP Now CTO Silent Circle ; Greg Maxwell Bitcoin Core Maintainer CTO Blockstream ; Peter Todd Bitcoin Core Contributor ; Greg Slepak OKTurtles and DNSChain ; Markus Sabadello OASIS XDI Internet Identity ; Vitalik Buterin Founder of Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine ; F. Randall Farmer Author of "Building Web Reputation Systems" ; Pie
brg444: pray tell, how would anyone verify the status of a certain someone in the WoT, if reputation there exist
pete_dushenski: given that ebay has its own reputation system, you can, over time, get to 'know a guy'
mircea_popescu: it's a very low moat business. no idea how lucrative, but establishing a "stellar" reputation and pushing everyone else takes months, on account of how dumbassly undependable they all are.
trinque: "The mafia has a bad reputation, but much of that's undeserved," says Gambino, who moved to Brooklyn in 1988. "As with everything in life, there are good, bad and ugly parts – the rise of global terrorism gives the mafia a chance to show its good side."
pete_dushenski: "They may have a reputation for being bird-brained, but pigeons have found to be as adept as humans when it comes to spotting cancerous tissue in mammograms."
punkman: "Microsoft Sheds Reputation as an Easy Mark for Hackers"
v_diddy: "oh your wordpress is very very insecure. it has shared php hosting. you need to spend $maxint to migrate to custom blablabla with frufrufru to protect your reputation and reduce the risk of br34ches!1"
assbot: When the loan purpose is building reputation, is it possible to withdraw the funds? – LoanBase Help Center ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ruxrn6 )
assbot: Trend Micro Email Reputation Services ... ( http://bit.ly/1WVkeYb )
trinque: punkman: sure but what's your reputation worth
BingoBoingo: He's the one author who sorta escaped CCN with their reputation sorta moo-ocratically intact after the GAW implosion.
pete_dushenski: and toyotas have a hard-earned reputation for lasting longer than regimes.
BingoBoingo remembers this time back in undergrad at McKendree where in his freshman year this M named chick got busted for peddling weed to this Jim Chronister motherfucker (actual name because informants suck). Turn out Jim Chronister made a deal with the local 5-0. People assumed on campus I smoked weed so he tried to buy from me. Given his reputation I sold Jim the finest handrolled cigarettes filled with great Turkish rolling tobac
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20150222033906262/ChessBytes.html << i've had this in a tab for months. seems bootchess' reputation is becoming more renown. doesn't have castling and a few other things iirc
asciilifeform: 'This is not the first time the 32-year-old Mr. Shkreli, who has a reputation for both brilliance and brashness, has been the center of controversy. He started MSMB Capital, a hedge fund company, in his 20s and drew attention for urging the Food and Drug Administration not to approve certain drugs made by companies whose stock he was shorting.' << mega-l0l
assbot: China Is Building The Mother Of All Reputation Systems To Monitor Citizen Behavior | Co.Exist | ideas + impact ... ( http://bit.ly/1iUoMzo )
HeySteve: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3050606/china-is-building-the-mother-of-all-reputation-systems-to-monitor-citizen-behavior
assbot: I created a fake business and bought it an amazing online reputation | Fusion ... ( http://bit.ly/1iuYhRd )
phf: funkenstein_: when gentoo came out it had a reputation of being a "ricer" os, like how people put spoilers on cheap cars to make them "racing cars". all you need to know is how to tweak a few flags, and then spend a night watching a compilation log. of course these days ~even that~ is an arcane skill
asciilifeform: '(2) Significant or Highly Sensitive Matters. A development or circumstance involving an intelligence activity or intelligence personnel that could impugn the reputation or integrity of the DoD Intelligence Community or otherwise call into question the propriety of an intelligence activity. Such matters might be manifested in or by an activity...'
mircea_popescu: myeah. the problem being that most people have more sense than to lend their reputation to propping up the space's chief scam club.
ascii_field: 'In this specific case, however, in order to prevent article subjects from continued shakedowns by bad actors who are causing significant harm to the reputation of this project, the articles are all being deleted. It is important to break the cycle of payment demands, and to make it clear that the Wikipedia community, and not a small group of paid editor accounts, controls the content of this project. This mass deletion
pete_dushenski: it's not clear to me that the fedcops are enjoying such a sterling reputation these days
assbot: Logged on 01-09-2015 16:57:22; *: btcdrak wonders where he can short Mike and Gavin's reputation which seem to be going down in flames along with the XT movement.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-09-2015#1258501 << you're nine months old to that party. what reputation ? ☝︎
btcdrak wonders where he can short Mike and Gavin's reputation which seem to be going down in flames along with the XT movement. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know this worldview is how the south got its reputation for cousinfucking.
mircea_popescu: (incidentally -0 this is how the russians ruined their at some point fledging industrial reputation
ascii_field: he had a well-deserved reputation as a hack and bootlick
mircea_popescu: "Lenin, indeed, is one of those politicians who win an undeserved reputation by dying prematurely."
mircea_popescu: why would you wish to risk your reputation (which, whatever you may think of it, is significant enough that you can come here and have my ear whenever you want to) on this thing ? for all you know you're reliving the neobee nightmare. you remember that ?
asciilifeform: ain't talking of xerxes's reputation for subduing the ocean with whip
mircea_popescu: obama has a reputation for bringing nobel peace, and paracelsus had a reputation for curing spiritual warts.
mircea_popescu: and yes, sure there were folks who made a reputation. then as now.
asciilifeform: ow live frogs whole, fresh out of the swamp, for her own perverse enjoyment of seeing the young sluts suffer. Hey, it cured Sue's pregnancy, it did! What spontaneous abortion, what coincidence, are you from like the future ?' << this is, as often is, not the complete story. there ~were~ folks who made a reputation for actually curing something
phf: asciilifeform: fwiw i've not tried pcengines yet, but i might get it for an additional openbsd machine on your recommendation. compared to soekris though a lot of boards that i tried have dodgy reliability. i.e. random crashes. like BingoBoingo said though, this might just be a reputation impression
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: soekris is popular among BSD folk because reputation
pete_dushenski: cazalla that reputation is well cultivated ;)
asciilifeform: 'do' is a variable thing. erdos, for instance, has to this day reputation of 'speed head' but the amount he is said to have taken, in a year, is quite possibly less than a typical addict eats in a week
cazalla: yeah, that lee guy uses it as proof he has a solid reputation in the bitcoin community.. hai guyz i run a bitcoin meetup so pls gief me 20 mirrion dorrah
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-06-2015#1177386 << lol apparently these 'wilder publications' have a bit of a reputation for scamming, see: http://www.patricesarath.com/observations/the-shameful-business-model-of-wilder-publications/ ☝︎
assbot: CSI IP Reputation Remediation Portal ... ( http://bit.ly/1NcQMqX )
SuchWow: that is generally my reputation
mircea_popescu: the machine has a horrible reputation, and only survives in its abjection
asciilifeform: on account of the impeccable reputation of the wizard who built it ?
danielpbarron: http://kaykurokawa.blogspot.com/2015/06/front-running-decentralized-exchanges.html >> But they are wrong because a centralized exchange faces serious damage in its reputation and business if it is revealed that they are front running. Bitcoin hard liners will scoff at this idea but believe it or not, some systems work fine based on reputation and trust.
davout: "We are now going to use our name, reputation and global index provider stature to provide bitcoin values that the rest of the market can look to," says Tom Farley, who serves as president of NYSE, the venerable financial institution that has come to symbolize Wall Street and capitalism more broadly.
williamdunne: http://thethug.life/reputation/
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-05-2015#1132055 <<< neither can reputation, so maybe it's actually a feature ☝︎
ascii_field: elbrus for many decades (yes) had reputation not entirely unlike 'butterfly labs' or what was it.
livegnik: So there's the ID part and the reputation part.
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1PjMwpI )
danielpbarron: livegnik, not sure how much you've already found; here's a good starting point http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
trinque: mod6: right, and everyone on both ends of the transaction will ultimately try to blame their reputation system or whatever didn't work
mircea_popescu: ascii_field similarly, the "reputation system" works perfectly for anyone not using it.
trinque: reputation system should be distinct from any particular application
WolfGoethe: reputation system is key
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 20:37:37; ben_vulpes: http://thethug.life/reputation-commodity-exchange/#fn:1 << bro do you even airgap?
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:53:14; mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately unlike Bitcoin there is no reputation Trezor." << a) trezor's kinda dysfunctional/derpy ; b) of course there is. airgapped gpg.
mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately unlike Bitcoin there is no reputation Trezor." << a) trezor's kinda dysfunctional/derpy ; b) of course there is. airgapped gpg. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: williamdunne "inheritence" that takes an a, and moreover, the entire "transfer reputation" thing is muddied at best.
assbot: Your reputation is a commodity — Lego Under the Giant's Feet ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBwfOT )
williamdunne: http://thethug.life/reputation-commodity-exchange/#fn:1 << bro do you even airgap? << Me? Not for my personal key anyway
assbot: Your reputation is a commodity — Lego Under the Giant's Feet ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBvAwW )
ben_vulpes: http://thethug.life/reputation-commodity-exchange/#fn:1 << bro do you even airgap? ☟︎
williamdunne: I think I covered the WoT a bit (well, GPG contracts) in 'Your reputation is a commodity'
assbot: I Can Destroy Your Reputation and Career in Two Minutes - Rachel Alexander - Page full ... ( http://bit.ly/1DInDgO )
mircea_popescu: http://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2014/09/01/i-can-destroy-your-reputation-and-career-in-two-minutes-n1885724/page/full
williamdunne: Your reputation in the WoT here is essentially your entire value
williamdunne: As you interact with people and do trades/jobs your reputation will increase
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-04-2015#1100418 << if this works, the reputation was incorrectly trusted. ☝︎
williamdunne: But they don't just deprive you of your livelihood, they also strip you of your reputation and in many cases remove your ability to defend it.
williamdunne: trinque: The idea is that people can do reputation exit-scams because they can just move on to new idents
felipelalli: ok, I'll try: I'd like to use OTC as a global "blacklist". But it is bad for that because a scammer won't create an account on OTC, or if his reputation is bad, he'll erase it. So we could create a "standard" like for example: br-8d255152 where "br" is the country code ISO and 8d255152 is the first 8 chars of SHA256 of user country document (in Brazil we call CPF and in Australia ID)
mircea_popescu: (much funnier in romanian, where sfrr is an onomatopeia for sizzle, as in a steak's sizzle, and thus implicitly a pars pro toto reference to "servants, friends, riches, reputation", ie the steak's sizzle.)
mircea_popescu: "So what is power? According to our friend Thomas Hobbes: servants, friends, riches, reputation, success, affability, nobility, eloquence, and being handsome." sheeit i had forgotten that definition.
lobbes: so the 'attacker' is disincentivized due to this rising cost, and the fact that 'statistically' he is being outed by not finding his shares at the expected rate (thus, reputation suffers)
lobbes: re: withholding blocks. So basically, mircea_popescu, you are saying that anything gained from withholding said blocks would be outweighed by the potential destruction of one's reputation (which is expensive to build)?
pete_dushenski: re: cadbury, i'll grant that 'throwing under the bus' implies that the customer's reputation is being damaged
assbot: coinbase.com | WOT Reputation Scorecard | WOT (Web of Trust) ... ( http://bit.ly/1Icbecv )
assbot: Logged on 03-04-2015 01:39:28; Cogburn: gamification of reputation is for people who can't give a good handshake or a warm, geniune smile when they meet someone.
Cogburn: gamification of reputation is for people who can't give a good handshake or a warm, geniune smile when they meet someone.
ben_vulpes: bryce will also tell you that reputation doesn't matter either.
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-03-2015#1068066 << a possible explanation is that jamaica has been turned by its reputation for "place for middle aged white women to come have a brown baby" into a very specific sort of strip joint.
mats: and re: BSafe, i'm not convinced RSA could be sold on destroying their reputation for packing peanuts.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: when I first joined this channel at the collapse of GLBSE you said, "Scammers just help the legitimate businesses' reputation that much more." My friend this past year went on to say, "In the new world, the most trusted person need not to be liked, because well he's trustworthy. He/She could be a complete asshole if as long as they do their job."
felipelalli: I'm sure I could set 2% rate or less and my list would be fund, because my reputation in Brazilian bitcoin community is very good. But now I have no choice rather than get 3.5% calculated like magic by them. That's why I was disgusted. I would write an article about that, but after talking with you guys in this channel I was unmotivated.
thestringpuller: felipelalli: the scam is that reputation is built nominally on btcjam vs. WoT
felipelalli: and I didn't find anything very objective, but I guess you're trying to find clues that points something is weird. But after using the system, you can understand for example how joke is they reputation system.