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DreadKnight: !s reputation
gribble: Error: "reputation" is not a valid command.
DreadKnight: ;;reputation DreadKnight
mircea_popescu: they do have this reputation for servicing shitholes...
TheNewDeal: There once was a bot named gribble. With humans, he would not quibble. If he had but one weakness/ it sure wasn't meekness/ but reputation attacks from Sybil
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
kakobrekla: RebeccaBitcoin http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation and http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets
DreadKnight: I bought a hdd from an online store, a romanian ebay clone once and I got scammed as it was old and had bad sectors, was it the website's fault? my fault more likely, but there was a reputation system so I should had been more careful, also the used got banned quickly
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
punkman: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
DreadKnight: kuzetsa, lmao; plenty of linux games, plus linux can also run windows games; that reputation is total FUD, it's based on people believing that and keeping at it
kuzetsa: DreadKnight: I am, windows has a good reputation for being more solid for gaming than linux or mac
benkay: backstopped by your reputation and promise to pay?
ThickAsThieves: “There’s nobody else in DC that cares about bitcoin, bitcoin has a terrible reputation, people are scared to touch it, nobody wants to be involved with it, and a lot of it is a lack of understanding.”
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves: “In order to ensure that the Island’s [Isle of Man] international reputation is maintained, it has been decided that certain activities relating to virtual currencies should be brought within the Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (“AML/CFT”) framework. " << right. anyone who didn't see that one coming should not be a ceo in the first place.
thickasthieves: “In order to ensure that the Island’s [Isle of Man] international reputation is maintained, it has been decided that certain activities relating to virtual currencies should be brought within the Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (“AML/CFT”) framework. "
assbot: A New Digital Currency Whose Value Is Based on Your Reputation | Enterprise | WIRED
benkay: reputation and behavior are incredibly important because you can rewrite the blockchain basically at will, unless you do something with a merged-mine approach (but i don't know enough about mm to comment really)
assbot: A New Digital Currency Whose Value Is Based on Your Reputation | Enterprise | WIRED
assbot: A New Digital Currency Whose Value Is Based on Your Reputation | Enterprise | WIRED
bitcoinpete: not that btcjam had any reputation to speak of here, just that the word is getting out
mircea_popescu: benkay im sure they do, because with their great reputation there's a bunch of smart, qualified people wanting to work for them.
Cosmos: Yea of course I thought of that, but the problem w/ blogs is, they are steeped in this culture/reputation of self-importance & personal author's life drama sht
bitcoinpete: "I have found that being nice builds your reputation. I have found that leaving money on the table, and being generous, pays dividends." << fred wilson
BingoBoingo: Well, there's also the problem whereing I lack the experience and reputation to feel comfortable selling a synthetic bet.
mircea_popescu: the us paid ~500mn to boost online reputation of white house official.
assbot: Report: Seattle paid $17,500 to boost online reputation of city official | Ars Technica
BingoBoingo: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/06/report-seattle-paid-17500-to-boost-online-reputation-of-city-official/
pankkake: "Scammers don't bother sending me a PM trying to get me to send NXT first, with my reputation this deal is BTC first."
asciilifeform: not a bad way to cement a reputation for madness
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
kakobrekla: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
pankkake: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
bitcoinpete: CryptoConsultor: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
BingoBoingo: It was at that moment I realized that I had fucked over not only my investors, but myself and my reputation.
ThickAsThieves: it won't have any reputation features
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
pankkake: so the first step is to register with gribble http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: You also have to understand. Of the relatively early Bitcoiners MP is practically a saint. << i thought i had a bad reputation.
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
pankkake: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
benkay: and the web of trust is just the place to have a reputation if you want to do btc biz
benkay: the crypto reputation mgr to bitcoin's crypto store-of-value mgr
mircea_popescu: by evening my flushing was fine again. and yet somehow it's the centroamericans that have the reputation for laziness and inefficiency
BingoBoingo: Well, in this case it seems resisting would have avoided a lot of reputation taint upon release. This is one of those situations where a gram of precaution saves tons of regret.
ThickAsThieves: i started writing an elaborate theory about systems and economies and bitcoin and reputation
mircea_popescu: sooner or later people will come to the realisation that reputation is worth a helluva lot than money,
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
pankkake: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
mircea_popescu: The notion of decentralized reputation occurs to them. I have the urge to interject but it’s not question time…
mircea_popescu: 12:15: BitPay proposes reputation as a solution, neat. Hearn says it’s a little known fact that Satoshi was working on a peer to peer market that consisted of a reputation system. He wonders what Bitcoin would have looked like if he has worked on it 6 more months.
HeySteve: it is quite easy to apply a tweaked reputation system to foundation app
bitcoinpete: chicago doesn't have a reputation of corruption for nothin
Mats_cd03: Blackwater has an unfortunate reputation for being gun thugs and baby killers, but they're just... really good at their jobs
HeySteve: <DinoSaw> people's influence should rise and fall in accordance with their reputation, based on their recent actions
ThickAsThieves: they have reputation that transcends a log
ozbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
pankkake: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation perhaps
bitcoinpete: micon: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
kakobrekla: you self promoting bastards; http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
mircea_popescu: "After the events of the last couple of days, we are very disappointed. The kickstarter Montrex project was to help build the Montrex brand. Ultimately, backers destroyed the brand and the reputation of the brand and its team."
ozbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
kakobrekla: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
mircea_popescu: ruined a reputation, lost a stash, either of these'd have been worth millions in the future.
kakobrekla: Thelamarvelous1 http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
HeySteve: <+JorgePasada> is identity = reputation? <- I'd say no. identity is what you know of yourself, reputation is what others know of you
JorgePasada: is identity = reputation?
cazalla: VanCleef: yeah, we have a reputation for that :\
jurov: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/249ix0/accounting_for_the_amazing_company_the/ lol pankkake your reputation is ahead of you
mrwdunne: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=trust;u=148712 Reputation isn't very good
mrwdunne: ThickAsThieves reputation is something that can be earned
ThickAsThieves: and of unknown reputation
HeySteve: I see a reputation system as pretty critical to the success of something like dark markets
HeySteve: essentially to integrate a reputation system within a blockchain
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Indeed. That route of administration has a reputation for efficiency
ThickAsThieves: [16:26] <+jurov> we need extra-blockchain information to assess them /// do we? each address may function as a user/reputation
ThickAsThieves: DarkMarket is a decentralised P2P marketplace which cannot be shut down. It can be joined by anyone and in many respects it looks rather mature, with identity and reputation rankings, seller pages, multisig escrow, private messaging and privacy features.
jurov: but i can't imagine being a merchant to weigh every customer's reputation how much less are his coins worth
BingoBoingo: Reputation loans have always been a problem.
fluffypony: on BTCJam I see a LOT of people with "reputation" loans
fluffypony: normally when her friend/sister knows you and your reputation
bitcoinpete: and reputation to be established when all their thingies break and they remember that this was foretold
benkay: ;;later tell mike_c sometimes i think supply is constrained on the fiat -> btc pipe. if cash and reputation and connections are all you have, that's not a terribly wide pipe. perhaps there was something to gox' occasional ability to turn fiat wires into btc
benkay: one can only build a reputation over time
benkay: reputation/publicity/money
punkman: that's why you don't invest in people that are trying to pump&dump reputation at BTCJam
thestringpuller: some people are willing to tarnish their WoT reputation, but that makes the non scammers that much more trustworthy
mike_c: i didn't think you could post a comment without JS on mine, but looks like you can. nevermind, your reputation is secure.
skinnkavaj: Worst of all it gives bitcoin a bad reputation in Cyprus, when NEOBEE was supposed to be the opposite
mircea_popescu: especially if that JoeDork was someone with a reputation of any kind.
Namworld: I'd probably have left him there, yes. Let people rate each other/sort scammers out/investigate offers. It's trivial to make new accounts anyway. Scammers might as well keep their account with psts but also tainted reputation.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves https://bitcointa.lk/threads/reputation-system.67046/#post-1153370
ozbot: Reputation system?
nubbins`: joke's on you, that doesn't damage my reputation
nubbins`: suppose i call chetty a poopyhead and it turns out this damaged her reputation so badly that she lost a 100btc contract. she decides to sue me via rota, i decline.
mircea_popescu: i got a reputation to amazingly protect here.
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu i only know him by reputation, such as it is. yes, some vetting is in order
dexX7: CheckDavid: the point benkay is trying to make: don't ask for money, if you have no reputation nor the willingness to be "verified"