691 entries in 0.547s
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 21:10:47; felipelalli: mircea_popescu: Where can I find objective arguments against BTCJam? As a lending service and reputation system? And what are the alternatives for P2P lending or we don't have? They have 113,000 users, should they be ignored?
felipelalli: nubbins`: but I would like to collect the cons arguments. I was using the service for a while and it was nice, except the reputation system. But yes, without a good reputation system, it is worthless. :/
felipelalli: mircea_popescu: Where can I find objective arguments against BTCJam? As a lending service and reputation system? And what are the alternatives for P2P lending or we don't have? They have 113,000 users, should they be ignored? ☟︎
felipelalli: I know their reputation system is a crap.
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 00:56:22; asciilifeform: cultivate this reputation.
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 00:55:00; asciilifeform: cazalla clearly has insufficient reputation for poverty
cazalla: asciilifeform, my reputation for poverty IRL might not match with what goes on here simply because the one thing i will spend money on is food/drink.. every unit i've rented furnished with second hand goods, i've purchased clothing from the same places (mind you, have not purchased clothing in at least 2 years)
asciilifeform: cultivate this reputation. ☟︎
asciilifeform: cazalla clearly has insufficient reputation for poverty ☟︎
funkenstein_: that doesn't sound the the Theo reputation
decimation: asciilifeform: supposedly panasonic has a good reputation in the passives market
assbot: Logged on 08-03-2015 18:49:19; asciilifeform: a good chunk of the reputation of linus t. is that he's been fairly effective at keeping a lid on this kind of thing, historically
asciilifeform: a good chunk of the reputation of linus t. is that he's been fairly effective at keeping a lid on this kind of thing, historically ☟︎
asciilifeform: but yes, garbage collection will have a terrible reputation for at least another half century on account of the state-of-the-art half a century ago when john mccarthy invented it, 'stop the world'
asciilifeform: on the strength of a reputation that has long been entirely, thoroughly baseless.
assbot: Logged on 05-03-2014 02:48:01; asciilifeform: next day, A calls again 'we found the spoons. but the stain on your reputation... it remains.'
nubbins`: danielpbarron sure. and with smaller markets comes less risk, as reputation becomes more important.
mircea_popescu: "We do not know what he would have said–it is just possible that the unprocurable pamphlet, 1601, would supply a clue but we may guess that it would have wrecked his reputation and reduced his income to reasonable proportions."
mircea_popescu: assbot: Bonafide Raises $850k to Build Reputation System for Bitcoin << pics! http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/bonafide-1.jpg http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/bonafide-2.jpg
assbot: Bonafide Raises $850k to Build Reputation System for Bitcoin http://t.co/bTDihYENyC
mircea_popescu: ith this piece, despite-but also because of-its shock value. I think it makes its point better than any factual article could. As a friend of mine said, "It makes you so uncomfortable that you can't ignore it." I admit that rereading it makes even me, the author, uncomfortable! Numerous friends have warned me that in publishing this piece I am taking a serious risk of earning myself a reputation as a terrible racist. I
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller> it's not a true reputation system just and aggregator << actually, it's a repackaging of an ancient idea in the words du jour. tucker max also made a "itsuptoyou" website that was essentially... yet another (meanwhile failed) blog.
thestringpuller: it's not a true reputation system just and aggregator
kakobrekla: <assbot> Bonafide Raises $850k for Bitcoin Reputation System . < whats wrong with asswot nao?
thestringpuller: additionally isn't the point of reputation peer based to begin with?
assbot: Bonafide Raises $850k for Bitcoin Reputation System ... ( http://bit.ly/16ajsRr )
davout: http://www.coinfinance.com/news/bonafide-raises-850k-for-bitcoin-reputation-system
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/16lkStn )
mats: the_scourge: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1ymkz8C )
danielpbarron: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
Adlai: it's most idiomatic for the reputation at risk to be that of the exchange owner
Adlai: i'd rather the accounts belong to the financier(s). they lend reputation - people trust them not to run off more than they'd trust me, and they lend their credibility to account statements. my role would be setting up scalpl, possibly maintenance, analysis, development - but on a case by case basis, as seen fit by the financier(s) and/or shareholders
assbot: Logged on 26-01-2015 07:42:06; Adlai: who said anything about people riding? i'm not talking about people, i'm talking solely about the idea. if you want some reputation to associate with the idea, shoot the messenger.
Adlai: who said anything about people riding? i'm not talking about people, i'm talking solely about the idea. if you want some reputation to associate with the idea, shoot the messenger. ☟︎
undata: rather than reputation
danielpbarron: i didn't realize he had such a reputation in here! I mostly know about him from when i used to idle in -otc
STRML: It's a matter of building a reputation and maintaining it. Only way to do that is to consistently be trustworthy over a significant period of time.
davout: fluffypony: "well I guess his reputation is also KASPUTIS." <<< kek
fluffypony: well I guess his reputation is also KASPUTIS.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: show up at amateur hour, crush competition with "fart app", accrue reputation points to drive dealflow.
undata: the reputation of the orifice matters and is maintained by not shoveling shit out into the public forum
mircea_popescu: "whenever misreporting an event is worth more to your stake than it costs to buy back the lost reputation, you misreport the event. decentralized selective scamming ftw!"
asciilifeform: in point of fact, even our system of reputation (wot) is theoretically 'tradeable', in that somebody could - in principle - sell his privkey to satan
asciilifeform: the 'tradeable reputation' thing sounds disastrous.
asciilifeform: 'A key feature of Augur is tradeable Reputation. The total amount of Reputation is a fixed quantity, determined upon the launch of Augur. Holding Reputation entitles its owner to report on the outcomes of events, after the events occur. Reputation tokens are similar in other respects to Bitcoins: they are divisible to eight decimal places, they are accounted for by summing over unspent transaction outputs, and they can be sent
mircea_popescu: some informative original research, fresh from marquardt : "According to Mike Hearn, Satoshi even planned on creating a reputation system integrated with the Bitcoin client that would use the number of blocks you'd individually solved as part of a system to prevent scammers from creating infinitely many accounts."
mircea_popescu: nah, the old world's bitcoin is an unexpressed mix of contracts and reputation.
assbot: Logged on 05-01-2015 05:22:48; mircea_popescu: Fun noobs have a reputation of wishing to get involved in the most complex end of any matter first thing.
mircea_popescu: but botswana's reputation sucks.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> dude... god save Botswana over there. << Stahp impeaching Botswana's reputation by implying the United States resembles it.
mircea_popescu: Fun noobs have a reputation of wishing to get involved in the most complex end of any matter first thing. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "Welcome to the new ransomware economy, where hackers have a reputation to consider." "welcome to the post-modern world, where 'criminals' are more reliable than governments, and certainly more useful."
keystroke: i am glad to see a crypto only reputation system here
keystroke: i never delete private keys but that wallet is in cold storage so i will just recreate with a different identity and start anew as the old one never had any reputation anyway :)
BingoBoingo: "And for obvious reasons I have never been comfortable in a company dominated by territorial men. I hope I have made space for others who don’t fit the mould. And I pray that my information networks are still good enough to identify those leaders too busy being capable to promote themselves. At Gawker, despite the reputation of our journalism, nice guys finish first. And women." -Nick Denton
thestringpuller: Ryan X. Charles: "I discovered bitcoin on May 13, 2011 and never recovered. After developing a reputation as the bitcoin guy at the physics department, I eventually quit my physics PhD program and went full-time bitcoin. I worked for the best bitcoin company in the world, BitPay"
BingoBoingo: <satdav> mircea_popescu: is their windows setup for this << If you must use GPG on windows at least compile it yourself. The extant gpg4win binaries have a dubious reputation
gernika: mircea_popescu for example, Alice builds up a good reputation in the WoT. Then in some large transaction Alice absconds with Bob's BTC and fails to deliver the goods. If the same transaction were instead executed in such a way that if either party fails to deliver, both Alice and Bob would lose an amount of btc equal to the value of the item being purchased, would that then prevent Alice from sacrificing her WoT rating to
undata: mircea_popescu: I'm interested in your thoughts on the reputation destruction / exile angle.
undata: on the bitcoin side I'd rather these things were handled by reputation destruction
nubbins`: "I think lots of people confuse (natural concentrations of (power or wealth) that come from either being (smarter or more savvy or luckier or (starting with more (power or wealth or reputation)))) with (systems that prevent newcomers from competing with entrenched interests)."
nubbins`: "I think lots of people confuse natural concentrations of power or wealth that come from either being smarter or more savvy or luckier or starting with more power or wealth or reputation with systems that prevent newcomers from competing with entrenched interests."
mircea_popescu: that's why the classical, 19th century murican has the reputation of being uncouth and direct and undecourous in europe
mircea_popescu: so as to what, cover a career built on a deserved reputation for insight under a pile of senile ridicule ?
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> The problem though is support can be more dangerous than the enemy << this is very true. french resisters had an ambiguous reputation with the foreign secret agents dropped in the field.
thickasthieves: consider your own reputation in that transaction as well
mircea_popescu: "SENATOR GERSTEIN (1:50:40) Mr. Antonopolous, your reputation preceded you prior to your arrival. You may recall that in my introductory remarks, I did not introduce you as a Bitcoin guru, but as THE Bitcoin guru. I think that I could speak on behalf of all of the members of the committee in saying that you have more than lived up to that reputation. We greatly appreciate your presentation today. Thank you very much, t
assbot: Blockchain.info advertised a scam bitcoin investment site called Hashprinme.com as one of its partners, allowing it to steal over $100,000 USD simply by using Blockchain's reputation to mislead its victims as a legitimate investment company...SHAME ON YOU, BLOCKCHAIN! : Bitcoin
thestringpuller: Blockchain.info advertised a scam bitcoin investment site called Hashprinme.com as one of its partners, allowing it to steal over $100,000 USD simply by using Blockchain's reputation to mislead its victims as a legitimate investment company...SHAME ON YOU, BLOCKCHAIN!
assbot: Logged on 09-10-2014 00:45:00; ninjashogun: asciilifeform, if I wanted to build up a WoT reputation I would just make a new nick and do some low-value transactions.
ninjashogun: asciilifeform, if I wanted to build up a WoT reputation I would just make a new nick and do some low-value transactions. ☟︎
ninjashogun: asciilifeform, actually, scammers don't hvae a problem building up a WoT reputation as has been shown repeatedly through ultimately failed ponzi schemes, fraudulent exchanges, etc.
danielpbarron: what is this I've heard about a decentralized reputation system?
danielpbarron: they are trying to make some sort of decentralized reputation system
Luke-Jr: ck has a very large reputation for being a difficult person to work with
danielpbarron is flattered to have such a reputation in -otc
mircea_popescu: some scamsites working with them to help them skewer noobs aquiesced, which ruined their reputation. bitbet did not.
mircea_popescu: well gavin doesn't enjoy much of a reputation for a thinker around here, but let's see.
mircea_popescu: i think this may be a flaw of modelling. consider this point : one of the ways nero got a bad reputation was through going out at night and assaulting random people in the street.
MolokoDeck: since the idea of a cryptocontract is that it's unenforceable and the value of performing as per the contract is one's reputation, it seemed important to make sure the claimed signatories are probably the signatories.
punkman: but my new rule is to avoid anyone with reputation on btcjam
decimation: "Then came one of the most spectacular eight-film runs in history, with a combined gross of $6.1 billion for Marvel Studios movies. But the 71-year-old Perlmutter hasn't mellowed. Under his tightfisted management, Marvel has become one of the most admired, envied and, in some quarters, resented entertainment companies. The 300-employee outfit has thrived despite insistence on ever-stricter creative controls and a reputation for
mircea_popescu: looky here : because wot users are identified, and their reputation forms a market hierarchy
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
pankkake: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation maybe
mircea_popescu: stripykitteh: I'm a small-time btc investor. I know (by reputation mostly) some of the regulars here. I was just wanting to see if one of them is active at the moment. <<< with a name like that, you know what i thought she wants. but then, imagine my surprise when a twist appears!
stripykitteh: I'm a small-time btc investor. I know (by reputation mostly) some of the regulars here. I was just wanting to see if one of them is active at the moment.
ThickAsThieves: depends on your reputation
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
danielpbarron: BlueMeanie4, http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
TomServo: gave Berkshire a reputation as a lender of last resort when financial markets come under strain << Hadn't heard that line before.
ryguy_`: its like an identity, reputation, proposal (legislation, etc) system
kakobrekla: i have a reputation dildo
assbot: xrobau Reputation thread.
X-Rob: I have a reputation thread
MolokoDeck: doable in php or python. php has a fairly bad reputation in cryptocurrency lately. And in computer science for different reasons (you can't predict the outcome of certain operations).
BingoBoingo: For example, since at least 1991 there has been a variety of methods for building reputation systems –
punkman: btcjam works for the people building reputation until they can walk out with a bigger loan
assbot: 296 results for 'reputation' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=reputation