103 entries in 0.601s
BingoBoingo: Whatever it might be, it sounds inclusive
asciilifeform: ( not inclusive of maintenance. )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i propose price : equiv of 100 orc$ per mo per such leased machine, inclusive of full service . to be paid either monthly, quarterly, or yearly, as customer so wishes.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 08:23:44 mircea_popescu: damn, rating > 1. so 2 trhough 10 inclusive.
mircea_popescu: damn, rating > 1. so 2 trhough 10 inclusive.
mircea_popescu: so then she picks the garbage pile the rooster sits on, calls it aifl tower and tells all her ingroup. cuz right, it makes sense, rooster ? gaelic cock ? it's even kinda shaped similarily! then through the "beauty" of the internet her stupid fucking son is going to pester dictionary writers to "be inclusive" and treat the eiffel tower ~AS A CLASS~ rather than as an item, and discuss "other examples" in the first stage, the
mircea_popescu: yeah, totally, "inclusive" delivered such great benefits, only more of it could possibly save us.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> with all the "coc" bs, i suspect ~0 white men remaining who even know how to run a technical discussion, or ot what end it is done. << Just gotta make the definition of "white men" more inclusive like the FBI is doing
mircea_popescu: anyway, "inclusive female objectivism" entirely contradiction in terms.
mircea_popescu: or w/e, if you prefer in-universe terms, "diverse", "aware", "inclusive" etc.
ave1: I like it (I thinks it's paramount) that the republic is exclusive and not inclusive . (It then means something if you are included)
asciilifeform: speaking 'lolcats' generally, inclusive of these
asciilifeform: 'diverse, inclusive' has ~massive~ cost, that somebody ends up paying.
mircea_popescu: but what we got for the "diverse, inclusive internet" is the move from the "sov schooling & father's army belt" 1980s where ~all kids understood most basic things naturally~ through a period of "confusion" and into this situation of smartphone and food delivery, where ~all kids understand nothing useful~.
mircea_popescu: somehow this never figures in the blather (also called "conversation" in-universe) : that the COST for "being inclusive to left handed people" is that a) all tools now must come with manual indicating whether left or right handed item and b) it's ambiguous, when going for a tool, which hand to go with.
mircea_popescu: and hence the 1990s, and the "information superhighway" bs. they were going to, poor darlings, subvert the morloch, with a very naive, all-inclusive, republic v0.1, built out of "net neutrality" and wikipedia. except of course for the part where it didn't work, it was a splendid plan.
asciilifeform: not inclusive of the power supply
asciilifeform: !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.24737591 asciilifeform-powered snsa->pizarro crossborder transport ( see http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-02#1807162 manifest ) , inclusive of the iron repurchased earlier by pizarro ( i dun recall if the transport cost was part of the purchase, if it wasn't , plox to rebill ben_vulpes et al ) ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-06 23:02 asciilifeform: libffa ( the actual arithmetism ) is cumulatively ~1900 loc, (80col!11) inclusive of whitespace , banners, and commentolade ; ffacalc apparatus another ~900, ditto.
BingoBoingo: Will do, and I will check to see if these numbers are 22% VAT inclusive or if I missed that again.
mircea_popescu: and yes, there's an all-important difference between that pilgrim and the model pantsuit of http://trilema.com/2016/and-they-wont-fucking-yield/ in that the former, while incomprehending, is nevertheless inclusive of the world ; whereas the pantsuit's fears, anxieties and inferiority complexes really leave room for nothing else, they by themselves barely fit (and mostly don't fit) in the scant luggage his frog-like muscles ca
asciilifeform: libffa ( the actual arithmetism ) is cumulatively ~1900 loc, (80col!11) inclusive of whitespace , banners, and commentolade ; ffacalc apparatus another ~900, ditto. ☟︎
asciilifeform: i suspect that if you ditch autoconf, and snip out ALL #ifdef crapola (esp. and inclusive of uniturdism and 'localism' ) you will end up with a sysv-sized util
shinohai: I feel happy to be a part of such a grand institution that goes out of the way to be so all-inclusive in the logs.
mircea_popescu: inclusive except for the only thing that matters. fuckers.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo ahahaha what the fuck, anyone even supports the "inclusive" pantsuit aggenda ?
BingoBoingo: And the motivation: ""Taylor's political silence appeared to be a rejection of her peers' support of the inclusive Democrat platform," Herning wrote. "Taylor's silence is not innocent, it is calculated. And if that is not true, she needs to state her beliefs out loud for the world... in America 2017, silence in the face of injustice means support for the oppressor.""
asciilifeform: in very other lulz, at most recent count 'p' stands at 3.2kloc, of which 2k is ffa ( this is inclusive of comments, tests, and commented alt-incarnations of certain routines, as discussed in l0gz )
asciilifeform: 'At the appointed time, Our Benevolent Corporate Patriarchs would "lift the curtains" and invite us all into the wondrous Future they'd made ready for us. We'd all be welcome; the Future, by its very nature, was cheerful and inclusive. In the meantime, while they were getting it all ready, the corporations would allow us to experience the Future in short, controlled bursts, such as the World's Fair Expo, or Disney World's Tomorrowlan
phf: just doing my part in making the logs inclusive AND gender neutral
BingoBoingo: In other lols, which part is inclusive now? https://archive.is/ppJtM
BingoBoingo: And notice what on the more "inclusive" https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewild/ with no gender specified
mircea_popescu: sort-of like how unemployable & unmarrigeable (in a word -- entirely unmarketable) "graduate student" is all into haskell, and africa-inclusive python etc.
mircea_popescu: the non-inclusive, non-minority friendly us. america.
diana_coman: everything is hard to distinguish when one has only vague approximations instead of definitions (because clear definitions are too harsh; and not inclusive enough! etc)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: can you get the log inclusive of the last ACCEPT (case-sensitive) and all lines after ?
mircea_popescu: in which we find python uses () incorrectly : it's inclusive on the bottom and exclusive on the top ? shouldn't it be [) then ?
mircea_popescu: this may be the least inclusive place in existence. imagine, trinque , the guy is long time linux sysadmin, specializes in assembly cycle shaving.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-30 20:16 asciilifeform: theoretically a 'will go in node xxxxxxx --- yyyyyyy inclusive or NEVER' field in tx, would have been sane. but it is too late, this is not in bitcoin.
asciilifeform: theoretically a 'will go in node xxxxxxx --- yyyyyyy inclusive or NEVER' field in tx, would have been sane. but it is too late, this is not in bitcoin. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and this is what all the unicode wastage is : they, the lost souls of a dead world, are trying to make computers more like cotton ginnies. more inclusive, more capable to work with a modernist perspective, where who dun matter and what is considered.
mircea_popescu: "Most people in the world are good, and want to be good to each other. Whether they vote that way or not, far more Americans believe in progressive, liberal, inclusive views than regressive, aggressive, conservative ones. Young people know this better than anyone, because young people are overwhelmingly liberal, even more than older people. That’s not because you’re inexperienced — it’s because you’re right." << hur
trinque: she was clearly part of some inclusive ft meade hiring program
pete_dushenski: ad is included in article and is eminently reasonable. nothing a pa or nanny wouldn't do. i seriously dun get it and it drives me up the fucking wall. the gall of these impotent shits. to think that it's evil for employers to have specific expectations rather than being 'universally' 'inclusive'.
mircea_popescu: natural preference for the "quiet" child ; they're all usg's children, cuz modern democracy much like ancient tyranny is definitionally inclusive.
trinque: well. current mcclim project is run by inclusive shitgnomes.
mircea_popescu: ascii 32! through 126 inclusive excepting #96
mircea_popescu: ascii 36 through 126 inclusive excepting #96
mircea_popescu: ascii 36 through 126 inclusive (91 elements). much better.
mircea_popescu: i suppose this leads us to the fundamental tmsr reform. our view is exclusive, "either it works with this or is banned" ; their view is inclusive, "either it works with this or we change the this"
mircea_popescu: being "inclusive" is not merely distasteful. it is actually something to carry on your conscience, as a murder, except worse.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-29#1511429 << not as a civilian, and for the very obvious reason. (or at least it should be obvious - past a few hundred or so, adding more "opinion"ators does not improve the overall quality of the resultant opinion, even if it increases the costs of resulting it.which is also why "inclusive" programs always fail. so people trying to figure this shit out really don't need anymore noise. good en ☝︎
trinque: somebody decided they needed to be more inclusive with their presenters, and they included a bunch of duds
trinque: the inclusive mind is a schizoid mind.
ben_vulpes: again, if i recall correctly, asciilifeform's v will press all of the same-leaf-level patches as the given patch, /up to the given patch (inclusive)/ in alphabetical order
trinque: how inclusive
hanbot: mod6 index idea could work, obvs hinges on whether i manage to organize something more precise/inclusive than a keyword grep'd put out. i'll look at it tomorrow/tues and report back.
pete_dushenski: "Ricardo Hausmann, a former minister of planning of Venezuela and former Chief Economist of the Inter-American Development Bank, is Professor of the Practice of Economic Development at Harvard University, where he is also Director of the Center for International Development. He is Chair of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Meta-Council on Inclusive Growth." << peterl you think this guy's worried about tec
ben_vulpes: "no listen, we're super inclusive. get yourself a gpg key, get in the wot, read the logs, submit a patch, and we'll talk about it."
mircea_popescu: another path into this issue would be the concept of "adversarial individuality". hola davout. to support a large empire (large defined in the sense of, stretched at the seams of communication abilities, to the point it struggles to maintain itself, a la romans) you require a certain mentality in the subjects. let's call it, in modern terminology, "inclusive", "cooperative" and whatnot other "good" feelers.
pete_dushenski: "This year, there have been 948 OS X malware samples, compared with 180 in the years 2011-14 inclusive." << nice work, cook. way to limp-wrist it.
mircea_popescu: the result of making education "more inclusive" ? society gets tuned out by the most important half of itself.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Everything has a www, too inclusive
mircea_popescu: the magic of fully inclusive simplicity.
mircea_popescu: nothing. who the fuck eats "all inclusive", waht is this, ivar's school cafeteria ?
punkman: what does the all-inclusive menu and no tipping add?
pete_dushenski: "Here in Seattle, where the first stage of a $15-an-hour minimum wage law took effect in April, Ivar’s seafood restaurants switched to an all-inclusive menu. By raising prices 21 percent and ending tipping, Bob C. Donegan, the president and co-owner, calculated he could increase everyone’s wages." << welcome to japan. i guess the pearl harbour invasion stuck after all.
asciilifeform: 'The concatenation of the data being signed and the signature data from the version number through the hashed subpacket data (inclusive) is hashed. The resulting hash value is what is signed. The left 16 bits of the hash are included in the Signature packet to provide a quick test to reject some invalid signatures.'
mircea_popescu: The concatenation of the data being signed and the signature data from the version number through the hashed subpacket data (inclusive) is hashed. The resulting hash value is what is signed. The left 16 bits of the hash are included in the Signature packet to provide a quick test to reject some invalid signatures.
punkman: "The concatenation of the data being signed and the signature data from the version number through the hashed subpacket data (inclusive) is hashed. The resulting hash value is what is signed. The left 16 bits of the hash are included in the Signature packet to provide a quick test to reject some invalid signatures."
assbot: Cache Template Attacks: Automating Attacks on Inclusive Last-Level Caches | USENIX ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXG2J7 )
BingoBoingo: men, it's much easier to critique and change that bar into one that is inclusive than to petition the nearest straight bar. When Taylor Swift fucks up as a feminist, we call her out (yet we don't call out men or women who do not identify as feminist with nearly such vigor). Why? Because we hope that these people are much more inclined to listen and to uplift further marginalized people and movements.
BingoBoingo: "I'm not so prepared to dismiss this protest as "poorly researched" or "poorly executed." I feel like this protest follows a pattern that's so common in feminist and queer circles that we should recognize and expect it now: we critique each other to make our movement inclusive and intersectional, so that our spaces might reject all oppressive forms. When a queer bar isn't entirely inclusive to people that aren't cis-white-rich-gay
shinohai: In this cradle of free speech, we must be all-inclusive on porn types.
BingoBoingo: Happens with any broadly inclusive cause
Chillum: they should make it more inclusive
trinque: "more inclusive" lol
decimation: pete_dushenski: I presume you aren't going to one of those 'all-inclusive' resorts populated by the usian middle class?
mircea_popescu: anyway, what happens once mp refuses to fork english to make the pronoun blocks more inclusive ?
mircea_popescu: they're just being inclusive to all climates while working with technology to resolve the problems of the future.
BingoBoingo: https://github.com/The-Feminist-Software-Foundation/ToleranUX << The Inclusive not *nix
asciilifeform: gavinandresen: understand that you are now speaking to a number of people who do not believe inclusiveness itself to be a virtue. a steak eaten by a hundred thousand flies is 'more inclusive' than same stake being eaten by a man.
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2014 18:38:56; mircea_popescu: except it should be explicitly exclusive rather than inclusive. "We will NOT work with unqualified third parties, which is to say parties that have not satisfied their log reading and wot presence prequalifications."
mircea_popescu: except it should be explicitly exclusive rather than inclusive. "We will NOT work with unqualified third parties, which is to say parties that have not satisfied their log reading and wot presence prequalifications." ☟︎
ThickAsThieves: yep, it's inclusive of exclusion
ThickAsThieves: it's the inclusive search tool
assbot: 32 results for 'inclusive' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=inclusive
mircea_popescu: !s inclusive
mircea_popescu: jurov mebbe you read an inclusive statement backwards ?
mircea_popescu: but then again they were specifically uninclusive, or should i say anti-inclusive.
mircea_popescu: inclusive. everyone's invited.
mircea_popescu: chetty automotive society is inclusive. that part was easy.
mircea_popescu: democratic structures wish to promote inclusive societies.
mircea_popescu: ah you meant 100s or less inclusive
mircea_popescu: it's a process much akin to inclusive franchise - more likely to yield better ballot results.
mircea_popescu: <benkay> "blabla" << still not seeing code << they have a NAME right ? and it has like inclusive specxial characters in it and everything, right ? THEY HAVE TRIED AND NOBODY SHOULD CRITICISE THEM!!!!
mircea_popescu: typical office overhead for a doctor's office is in the 10 to 15k a year, all inclusive, typical doctor visit is $100 or less (depending, GP is like $10) ☟︎
davout: ThickAsThieves: i'm a jew, anything all-inclusive will do
bonafide: <mircea_popescu> society should be exclusive not inclusive.
mircea_popescu: if it's inclusive i don't want to be part of it