227 entries in 0.377s
mircea_popescu: the situation of white woman on amazon island is that whatever the fuck you talk about, it's
dirigible-to-shitshack more interesting than whatever ~else~ they could be hearing about.
PeterL: have we already explored small
dirigible with pv panels on top and electric motor?
mircea_popescu: see, what do you want
dirigible for. alreadfy got one, looking down through telescope at teh stone age folk
jurov: let's bikeshed this. does tmsr have a flag to put on the
pete_dushenski: anyways, geekwad, no, evidently doesn't have
a111: Logged on 2017-01-30 16:43 gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I'm not designing an atomic
dirigible. I'm catching up on all the learning I've forsaken over the past four years to build Masamune. Yes, the eventual goal is to make a lispm, but it isn't as if I'm skipping meals to do CPU design.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I'm not designing an atomic
dirigible. I'm catching up on all the learning I've forsaken over the past four years to build Masamune. Yes, the eventual goal is to make a lispm, but it isn't as if I'm skipping meals to do CPU design.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform amusingly enough, it could be rendered in terms of the mp-alf discussion ; on the alf side. it ~says "tyvm for telling us to be less poor ; here in africa no
ben_vulpes: no dedicated microwave to the
dirigible ben_vulpes: i should indeed see the * produced in
dirigible mircea_popescu: aanyway. you should see the piles produced in a
dirigible. we occasionally (in full formation, chef + sous chef + 2-3 helpers) manage to dirty every dish in the house.
mircea_popescu: aha. hey, i'm a man of simple tastes. 120 tdw boat ,
dirigible... i always content myself with the very inaccessible.
mircea_popescu: why for me! so we keep having these "how do build
dirigible" threads weekly, while we patently ignore what the fellow who built the trope name has to say about the process ?
a111: Logged on 2016-07-03 17:31 asciilifeform: i like the idea of slowly building '
mircea_popescu: the question to you is, are you building a
dirigible in the white man sense or in the sand nigger sense ?
a111: Logged on 2016-07-03 05:24 BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Are you in the camp of fixing putting in essentials and being cool with not doing everything at once, or are you in camp alf who want to turn ghetto
dirigible into yet another suburan cookie cutter thing.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Are you in the camp of fixing putting in essentials and being cool with not doing everything at once, or are you in camp alf who want to turn ghetto
dirigible into yet another suburan cookie cutter thing.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-06-04 16:33 asciilifeform: i can see it from
dirigible, firing warning hbomb shots across potomac river. but from captive derp ?
ben_vulpes: "on
dirigible, there is fantastic seat!"
phf: asciilifeform: unless you're inside mp's
dirigible, pretty sure you're inside monkey house. these "wars" mostly end with you losing further ground one way or another
ben_vulpes: can lob mortars from
dirigible for weeks
mircea_popescu: PeterL> mix
dirigible and hot air baloon into one sweet machine! << self heating, and also propelling!
PeterL: mix
dirigible and hot air baloon into one sweet machine!
pete_dushenski: "The Local
Dirigible Manufacturing requirement is expected to kickstart a nascent aerospace industry in Alberta, furthering government’s effort to diversify the economy. " << kek
nubbins`: maybe next a
dirigible fleet will hit a button?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes> right now, i expect to sign something half-baked that then crashes on some
dirigible and gets me excommunicated << this is a very cogent point ; and i feel rather the same way.
ben_vulpes: right now, i expect to sign something half-baked that then crashes on some
dirigible and gets me excommunicated