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mircea_popescu: on the contrary : the "terseness" supposedly achieved by if (a(x) > b(y) ) z sorta constructions is not merely standing on its own ; but it creates personal investments. now you can't comment your code, either, because you're so
clever you saved five bytes of text at the cost of five megabytes of object code. so if you then write a sentence explaining wtf you did, well... you're a sucker now, aren't you!
mircea_popescu: you know, not every thing that seems
clever actually delivers what it promised.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 18:34:20 asciilifeform: sumthing
clever ~will~ have to be done w/ the header , 7 might even fit right nao, but 8 defo won't..
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, re-read that comment, still nfi wtf it's about. possibly civillian being
clever in spare time.
mp_en_viaje: the fucking design of ~everything~ linux is always the same, and always this. divergence from this is neither
clever nor ever functional, it'll always reduce to "i'm running LPyFFF because I don't understand why F has to come before the alt-P".
mircea_popescu: whereas the bulk of the subculture was made up of 40 and 50yos, married for 20ish years, well tanned female keeping in shape an' intelligent dude who made his money by being
a111: Logged on 2019-06-02 13:32 asciilifeform: incidentally, apropos of gamez thread, there was very interesting french msdos item, 'little big adventure', that blew asciilifeform's mind, had 2010s-style graphic on 40mhz 486. ( how ?
clever gourad system, and pile of asm i suspect )
mp_en_viaje: nuts. it so happens it sounds exactly like what the "transparently
clever & ironic" made-up name an
xkcd-minded 2010s cleverist would come up with.
mp_en_viaje: the correct modelling of hiding an alarm clock (slash thorium bar slash live slavegirl slash angry ferret etc) is not a naive linear extension of captain koons'
clever watch hiding techniques.
mircea_popescu: the important part, to my eyes, is to underscore that the "being
clever" was NOT, as the "
clever" in question silently ie implicitly misrepresent, a case of "choice", ie, "seeing how little i get paid i react thusly". the "
clever" in question was very much what such "
clever" ever is : "seeing what a fucktard i am, this is what i could pretend is '''really''' going on to not have to confront it".
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-15#1902641 -> "noi ne facem ca muncim, ei se fac ca ne platesc" (we pretend we work, they pretend they pay us); so I'd say it was more the case that there were a few actually working and all the rest being
clever; just like now in a different socialism.
☝︎ diana_coman: re stupid my understanding of the usual charge is that he was non-intelligent, not non-smart;
clever and shrewd perhaps; then again, this is my "translation" - I don't really know either way, not as if I knew the guy
a111: Logged on 2019-01-18 16:52 mircea_popescu: what've "they" fucking accomplished yet, with their ever-so-
clever scapegoating merry-go-round ? economy flats around the ugliest, shittiest town in all of europe, and 12yos who'd rather be raped & set on fire by pakis than talk to "her majesty"'s clerks ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: No, the "smart" alternatives that implement "
clever" die sooner
mircea_popescu: what've "they" fucking accomplished yet, with their ever-so-
clever scapegoating merry-go-round ? economy flats around the ugliest, shittiest town in all of europe, and 12yos who'd rather be raped & set on fire by pakis than talk to "her majesty"'s clerks ?
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-01-10 01:52 asciilifeform: hm , prolly oughta test both left and right, and make the operand nonzero (in case the iron does '
clever' with zeros), so gotta redo..
mircea_popescu: (i suppose if indeed you want to test MORE small primes than fit in one 8kb, you'll have a number of such composite numbers to test about. however many it takes. and yes, you can
clever the knobs so they're not in strict order so that the composites are each exactly 8192 bits)
mircea_popescu: patch out the test, i guess. they're "
clever" like that.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 20:13 mircea_popescu: it's not even
clever, it's the necessary and evident approach. which yes, is better than
mircea_popescu: it's not even
clever, it's the necessary and evident approach. which yes, is better than
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 22:32 asciilifeform: 'The situation is somewhat akin to a retarded girlfriend trying to flood your apartment, that not only opens all the faucets and stops all the drains, but also takes the "extremely
clever" measure of puncturing the water pipes, so she can then preciously inform you that "turning off the faucets won't help" and you must work with her to somehow create a raft out of your widescreen TV so as to navigate the marshy terrain that used to b
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 22:32 asciilifeform: 'The situation is somewhat akin to a retarded girlfriend trying to flood your apartment, that not only opens all the faucets and stops all the drains, but also takes the "extremely
clever" measure of puncturing the water pipes, so she can then preciously inform you that "turning off the faucets won't help" and you must work with her to somehow create a raft out of your widescreen TV so as to navigate the marshy terrain that used to b
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 22:32 asciilifeform: 'The situation is somewhat akin to a retarded girlfriend trying to flood your apartment, that not only opens all the faucets and stops all the drains, but also takes the "extremely
clever" measure of puncturing the water pipes, so she can then preciously inform you that "turning off the faucets won't help" and you must work with her to somehow create a raft out of your widescreen TV so as to navigate the marshy terrain that used to b
mircea_popescu: the logic is sound, if you think it through : "we fat sexually worthless females, in a word we the mamies, have the following grievance : back when the
clever boys discovered new lands and made train engines, you priviledged them for this reason. now -- they do not. why can't we also have the payola they get ?" "uhm..." "and if you don't like this simple formulation, we can add 10mn words of rephrasings ?" "fuck"
mircea_popescu: some
clever bits of math permit one to encrypt a message with the use of that 221 so that only he who knows 13 * 17 =221 can ever get it back out.
Mocky: there are
clever ways to reduce, somewhat. but no silver bullet
a111: Logged on 2018-09-27 20:00 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-27#1854988 << we came up with this
clever thing sometime in 2015 or so iirc. not sure what is gained by doing 99995 --> 99994 etc in light of experience, but i clearly recall how cool it looked at the time.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-01 07:07 jurov: asciilifeform: it was not automagical
clever script, but that kako made available l1/l2 as .txt list. deedbot afaik does not have this, hence ml wot is no longer updated
jurov: asciilifeform: it was not automagical
clever script, but that kako made available l1/l2 as .txt list. deedbot afaik does not have this, hence ml wot is no longer updated
☟︎ mircea_popescu: for one thing, mpwp admits post-by-email, which'd be 100% replication of that state of the art, w/o any
clever scripts
a111: Logged on 2018-08-06 23:07 asciilifeform: phf: my alt-hypothesis is that it's something slightly different -- it's a haskellism. ameri-sad folx are irresistibly drawn to ~elaborately ineffective~ tech , that absorbs infinite 'ricering' (
http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-09#552410 ) while giving chance to 'show how
mircea_popescu: then got butthurt that his perceived importance no longer matches his actual importance, and why should it be his fault. then got
clever about it. whatever.
mircea_popescu: "sadly, in some fields there's only enumerable stable states, once not-in-1, then-in-other becomes unavoidable." there's no such thing as
clever honest man-alone.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, because they're not at ALL serious about "
esthlos: arrogance simply because you're pretty
clever compared to the dogshit around you
mircea_popescu: but they're doing the "
Clever" thing they picked up at kiddy rape farm (aka "school" in their lingo), whereby "doing it because getting away with it"
mircea_popescu: trinque, his other misfortune is of course environmental hazards. strikes me as a
clever fellow who'd have benefitted immensely by spending his youth among people who could read the original greek texts, rather than in the mindless hive of pests "quoting" bits at each other. the functional illiteracy of the protestant church crowd wrt classic languages is patently offensive. picture "security expert" conversant in php yet una
mircea_popescu: but since i've mentioned good, let it be stated that "Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however
clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an 'intelligence explosion,'" is a self-contradictory definition, entir
douchebag: I like lulz that involve being
clever and original
phf: it looks like i'm going to wrap up the rest of the "replicate diff/patch" this week, so that'll also be the time to start adding the
clever features
mircea_popescu: idle cocksucker trying to be
clever with his virtue signalling. "here's nothing for a very special dumb cunt!!!"
mircea_popescu: but before i go, let it be said that burn victim with intact lungs is, by virtue of that ALONE,
clever in the animal sense. no two ways about it, it's a definitive and absolute exam, like a few others.
mircea_popescu: freenode is about as sparse as a camho's brain, no need to get
mircea_popescu: it's this huge, taller-than-person, double-door purely usian abomination unknown in these lands. i just opened it and the act apparently upsed the
clever packing scheme used because i ended up covered in items.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-14 03:18 asciilifeform:
clever, seems to use unique rf characteristics of a random wire hairball
mod6: Thinking
clever person & log reader could discern which box belongs to whom by process of elimiation. Then depending on make/models, could try to dig up exploits.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-13 18:44 asciilifeform: and was played using
clever method , where normally '1-bit' pc speaker membrane was allowed to travel 'partial' way , squeezing extra 'bitness'
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-07#1766214 should prolly be in here in original, ie : "In most other language communities, having your ideas rejected is no big deal, because you can come up with another one at little extra cost, but if you spent a year designing something super-
clever that you really like and which you have used for a long time seeing it trashed viciously (because you refuse to back down and get increasingly h
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 17:14 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759185 << i sometimes wonder if there's some
clever way to link back split posts (i mean in cases where urls are lost, perhaps by looking at cases where 250 byte message, followed by same person within ~~<3s or somesuch)
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759185 << i sometimes wonder if there's some
clever way to link back split posts (i mean in cases where urls are lost, perhaps by looking at cases where 250 byte message, followed by same person within ~~<3s or somesuch)
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform words are "no matter how
clever, because they use far less technical means"
a111: Logged on 2017-12-05 19:33 asciilifeform: representative sample, 'bloodsucking bankers and governments are unlikely to be defeated by an algorithm, no matter how
clever, because they use far less technical means to enforce their interests: security agencies, criminal investigators and prosecutors, tax auditors, courts and prisons'
apeloyee: asciilifeform: in one receiver case, one can detect a narrowband transmission using autocorrelation; in case of "aperiodic" whatever, one can detect a spatially fixed transmitter by measuring correlation between signals of two stations. of course, in practice one would need to use many pairs (or a
clever algorithm I cannot now think of), and filter known stations