mircea_popescu: well, what doesn't starve you edifies you or how did it igo.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, perhaps re clocks though I keep thinking that the cheap ones were as clocks as current smartphones are computers
mircea_popescu: well, for a long time the movements in cheap and expensive clocks were ~same, with mostly a difference of fineness, precision of machining, to distinguish them.
mircea_popescu: much like lenses, really, the difference between a very expensive and a very cheap glass wasn't substantial, both made of polished glass. but much different in implementation, made of complicatedly boiled glass hand polished over months or not.
mircea_popescu: this is obviously an approximation, and it holds as well as it holds. but what can you do.
diana_coman: I suppose the argument is that they still were the same thing i.e. that the fineness & precision differences were not so crucial as to make the result essentially something else; I can see it as such and fwiw that'd have been the default way to see it - if not for all the experience of "things that people call X and supposedly is made out of same things as X but different in implementation"
diana_coman: anyways, I'm not pushing this strongly as "this is how I actually think it was" - as I said previously, I don't think I know enough to have much to say either way
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Could be China doesn't publish their national security export restricted list?
BingoBoingo: I have no concrete idea, but the gulf in quality between export grade chinese tooling and domestic chinese tooling is suggestive
BingoBoingo: There's also the excellent Chicom crescent wrench acquired from tienda inglesa which surpases the quality of "crescent" brand crescent wrenches available commercially in USistan
BingoBoingo: AHA, but still even when china is shitting out products whether or not people ask quality varies and the US does not appear to recieve the best
BingoBoingo: Why would Israel, "US Greatest Ally" still be recognzing Maduro in conflict with loud US delusions? Meteorology is an art.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'm digging through stuff and apparently Israel doesn't have a strong opinion on Vzla regime change is the US isn't going to have a strong opinion on Syria regime change seems to be the sentiment.
phf: still alive, been keeping up with the logs, but not much else
phf: unfortunately i failed to make careful note of various vpatch appearances. there's been some by people other than asciilifeform and diana_coman where the author didn't explicitly request a btcbase upload. so if anyone's explicitly missing a vpatch that they want to be up on btcbase, please leave note with me, privmsg also works
phf: asciilifeform: up to date
phf: i don't understand how anyone can read the logs with one eye, this shit's exponential: i'm behind on ffa, so the recent work on e.g. gcd or miller-rabin is particularly slow going.
mircea_popescu: the problem with knowledge : as reality scales with the set, knowledge scales with the powerset. not even calling it exponential does it justice.
phf: asciilifeform: yeap, i've been keeping up with what you've been publishing on the subject. i'm looking forward to your xray results, i mean that's not something i thought would be doable at home, even if a home lab
phf: i would not have been surprised though..
mircea_popescu: well, one possible explanation is "the smartphone revolution" : it managed to make say a butler overexpensive through the simple application of "why should i practice being stiff when i could just catpic all day". conceivably, if it managed to reduce the butler population to practical zero, it might've reduced others too.
mircea_popescu: ~nobody left that does work, because nobody left that can work, because nobody left that even knows what work fucking looks like.
mircea_popescu: pretty lulzy. you gonna take an article off once you publish to show off both his tests and your results ?
mircea_popescu: the fucking gall of these imbecile schmucks, then turning around going "oh, you shouldn't amateur"
mircea_popescu: yeah, right. because there is such a thing as experts, and the femstate spawns them.
mircea_popescu: exercises in narrative fiction for the fat and the dizzy.
mircea_popescu: cheaper than buying another pipe, that's for damn sure.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform a narrative is a set of interconnected events. as long as no interconnectedness is proposed, it's not a narrative, whether fictitious or factual. so you could say a painting is plastic fiction (while a photography plastic realism). cuz they're not narrative.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well no, but lots of people ~actually look~ at those images and so on.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-26 04:57 mircea_popescu: and i'm cordially invited to sponsor his delusion. and if i opt not to, he will... RETRY.