712 entries in 0.628s
ben_vulpes: <mats> a clever manager and the same budget could fund a brigade of farmer warriors indefinitely << you're starting to sound like undata
mats: a clever manager and the same budget could fund a brigade of farmer warriors indefinitely
mircea_popescu: that's different from a mathematically bound ai, no matter how clever
fluffypony: clever advertising: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SRmgQH0TbJ4
undata: BingoBoingo: that's clever, get the peasants to silence each other
undata: *clever
asciilifeform: hell, some apparently clever folks (taleb?) can't even be bothered to dredge up a computer, or figure out 'irc' - so, no amount of free voice will help.
nubbins`: clever
mircea_popescu: "I’ve been thinking about all the ways you could have found the necessary passwords to get into my computer and actually be using it overnight. None of them too easy. You put some pieces together in a pretty clever way and worked around my many accounts with 2fa." << 2fa works.
mats_cd03: if you're clever enough to win, then you live long enough to see the mess you've created
undata: yeah, I suspect they're paying people very well to find clever ways to subvert the language
asciilifeform: he is thinking of another variety of clever tricks.
mircea_popescu: 'It follows that he cannot know that certain people at certain times do not understand in Parry-or Eliza-like ways. That is to say, he has no way of knowing that we do not ourselves sometimes function by means of "clever tricks".' actually, i will go as far as to say that it is always certainly the case understanding happens through "clever tricks"
ben_vulpes: clever you, hanbot. it's cremant du jura though.
assbot: 0 results for 'clever hans' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=clever+hans
asciilifeform: !s clever hans
asciilifeform thinks back to various stories of captive soldiers getting messages out through various clever means.
asciilifeform: incidentally, they have quite a bit of clever automatics re: reflow
mircea_popescu: clever, dirty thinker is pretty much how you say "utopian"
asciilifeform: too clever a man for utopiawank
asciilifeform: clever optical trick.
asciilifeform: "magic packet" undocumented behaviour of the subverted gavin-bitcoin << can't rule this out, but this would play straight into my 'clever buggers after all' hypothesis.
asciilifeform: johntraveller: outside of the anglo world, there is (or at least, until recently, was) a bacchanalia of xenophiliac idiocy ('let's copy usa! they have cadillacs and we have trabant, they must be clever')
ben_vulpes: wherever's clever.
asciilifeform: for idiot users - idiot vulns. for clever users - clever ones. to each - his own.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Not quite dog, too independent, insufficienlty clever for dog
mircea_popescu: the clever ones find better lines of work than ddosing noobs.
fivezerotwo: asciilifeform, there's also a bit of brain drain with the more clever ones choosing to work with a vendor instead
asciilifeform: orcs pilfering the wealth of men is a thermodynamic inevitability - like waterfalls. but there's a clever bugger drinking the waterfall, to run with the metaphor.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: and in people i know to be clever! << wait, do you mean me ?
asciilifeform: and in people i know to be clever!
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> no, they constantly dilute except for active writers. << clever
Lycerion: clever
RagnarDanneskjol: i get it very clever - imma send this to him today
mircea_popescu: <mats_cd03> quite clever IMO, but no dice. sovereign immunity. << exactly.
mats_cd03: quite clever IMO, but no dice. sovereign immunity.
mircea_popescu: Uh HUH!" Dan Witz's mosh pit paintings? "AbsoLUTEly!" This is actually a clever form of communications ju-jitsu, because, over time, you start adopting the same affectation just to fit in, until one day you hear yourself saying "That ghost tour was AMAZING!" and you wonder if you have lost your identity somewhere along Highway 86.
mircea_popescu: which is why the us is so successful in retarded thirld world countries (say, the uk, or switzerland) and so utterly ineffectual in clever thirld world countries (say, iraq)
mircea_popescu: bounce "idiots seldom differ" is apparently a natural law, not merely a clever theorem.
mircea_popescu: <JuliaTourianski> cazalla one of the contributing factors is the hash rate deviating away from the price point, so if they're so upset about price crash, at least stop mining. << this is like the first clever thing i recall you saying
assbot: 2 results for 'clever poor' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=clever+poor
asciilifeform: !s clever poor
mircea_popescu: it's mindblowing just how clever, on the point and far seeing reginald braithwaite is, while at the same time how idiotically fixated on "equality" and "empathy" and all the rest of that pointless drivel.
asciilifeform: shamans, if clever, will merely crib from the deviants as needed.
ben_vulpes: clever boy u
asciilifeform: surgeon breaks both of your legs with a clever little instrument; sets them in such a way that they grow 10cm or so at a time - longer.
asciilifeform: decimation: eco, pelevin, others - were clever chaps; understood that if you suck cock, you become a cock-sucker, even if 'your heart isn't in it' at first
asciilifeform: he's a clever enough fellow to understand that this would cement his already unenviable position
asciilifeform: decimation: popular bot << no need for 'bitsquat' here. most of the clever sort of botnet use domains generated weekly, based on time of day. but, clever folks also use rsa signatures for payload auth.
asciilifeform: (rumour has it that it was obsoleted by a clever satellite downlink employing laser)
mircea_popescu: There once was a son of a bitch, neither clever, nor handsome, nor rich. Yet the girls he would dazzle and fuck to a frazzle, and then ditch them, the son of a bitch!
HeySteve: this looks like a clever scam: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-08-22/south-africa-reels-unexpected-bailout-one-bank-has-modest-proposal-give-us-your-gold
asciilifeform: alternatively, use a clever electrolyte that is only an electrolyte where illuminated by a laser.
asciilifeform: if clever, emplace a magnetic field of the appropriate geometry around the fluid intake/return channels, so it is propelled entirely electrically. if even more clever, emplace a system in the reservoir to re-separate the metal from the electrolyte.
asciilifeform: (current flow sensor, and, if clever, modulated current, exploit 'skin effect')
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron the prepended dpb is actually fucking clever. how do you do it ? this must be a standard, ima put it on trilema too.
mircea_popescu: this sort of clunk will sink what otherwise is a clever promising thing.
mircea_popescu: i thought it was pretty clever.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> indiancandy1:wher is mp BingoBoingo: Where isn't MP? ndiancandy1: india << you know y'all gonna have to start giving the girl some credit. she's both persistent and occasionally clever. << Definitely persistent, seems to be developing clever
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1:wher is mp BingoBoingo: Where isn't MP? ndiancandy1: india << you know y'all gonna have to start giving the girl some credit. she's both persistent and occasionally clever.
assbot: Amazon.com: Clever Coffee Dripper (L): Single Serve Brewing Machines: Kitchen & Dining
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell pete_dushenski there can only be one: http://www.amazon.com/Coffee-Shrub-CLEVER-Clever-Dripper/dp/B0047W70GY
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, he's trying to be clever, in the manner of an accountant
mircea_popescu: y saying investing in a "just-in-time fashion would be too clever by half." << guy's got a point. he shgould be here.
decimation: Bezos insists on taking the long view. In his letter to shareholders last year, he responded to criticism about spending by saying investing in a "just-in-time fashion would be too clever by half."
Duffer1: that's pretty clever lol
mircea_popescu: fluffypony why not clever use of space ?
fluffypony: but it doesn't seem to be a very clever use of space
decimation: the DoD was very clever in its spending of $0.6 billion for crapware
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bubbling | Bubbling. A photo editing technique which uses clever positioning of transparent circles in an opaque color layer to trick the mind into thinking a person in a ...
asciilifeform: sometimes you get clever folks who finally get to 'do their thing'
fluffypony: I must say, Risto is really a nice guy, and the whole thing was a lot less batshit insane than expected. I think he has very little self-confidence, and makes up for it by being flashy and trying to be as ostentatious as possible, but he's a fairly clever trader and pretty harmless, all things considered.
moiety: someone clever hid all his bath towels, good work.
mircea_popescu: benkay: <Vexual> not atc\ // i can't tell if this is the real Vexual or if his nick's been suborned by the most clever team to date << as opposed to what, before ?
benkay: <Vexual> not atc\ // i can't tell if this is the real Vexual or if his nick's been suborned by the most clever team to date
benkay: clever m'lad
mircea_popescu: did bitpay pr, ever clever and professional, have anything to say yet ?
mike_c: !sorry assbot, you're very clever. and good looking.
fluffypony: clever
mike_c: i don't think there is, but thought i'd ask to make sure i wasn't missing some clever trick.
assbot: Clever piece of code exposes hidden changes to Supreme Court opinions — Tech News and Analysis
jurov: http://gigaom.com/2014/06/12/clever-piece-of-code-exposes-hidden-changes-to-supreme-court-opinions/ lmao law bitrot
assbot: Clever boy! Dogs prefer to EARN treats by solving problems, rather than receiving handouts | Mail Online
chetty: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2656101/Clever-boy-Dogs-prefer-EARN-treats-solving-problems-receiving-handouts.html
benkay: too clever. not usable.
benkay: <mdev> well as you said it took you awhile, and you maybe quite the clever fellow, so it could take others even longer. I just don't see the point, versus letting all participate // "all" sucks.
mdev: well as you said it took you awhile, and you maybe quite the clever fellow, so it could take others even longer. I just don't see the point, versus letting all participate
fluffypony: darlidada: yes - clever tags will provide a map
asciilifeform: clever bugger knows exactly where to go
asciilifeform: finally resolved to kill & cook it, but it's clever, hides.
pankkake: http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/06/03/0312232/seattle-approves-15-per-hour-minimum-wage notice the clever trick… it will be in 2021
Vexual: u tink someone clever will make a sha256 chip to end the game ascii?
Mats_cd03: the clever ones, like the clown of aurora infamy, or the mildly retarded but creative tsaernev brothers
Vexual: Clever
fluffypony: rithm: so clever nobody will guess it
asciilifeform expected at least a clever sham, from the outward smell of the thing; disappointed.
Mats_cd03: His corp has been slandered in the media by enterprising media figures and one clever lawyer
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: the clever fellows who presently escape surveillance by eschewing mobile phones, will be collared at last << nbot really. just have procurement contract with select shop, order stuff pay on month's end.
asciilifeform: the clever fellows who presently escape surveillance by eschewing mobile phones, will be collared at last
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: they were trying to be clever and demonstrate their knowledge of the sub-culture because they're "been around" for so long