109 entries in 0.598s

kanzure: they actually
know nothing about you
gabriel_laddel_p: I
know nothing about hardware. All I've got is a list of log lines where you talk about hardware that sucks less, and each and every time I record it.
ben_vulpes: so does not even the wsj do anything but contract for think pieces without any research by people who
know nothing about the topic but that which they can find on google finance?
Framedragger: ah damn i must have heard of him in a lithuanian context but i probably
know nothing of him, even though evidently i should. /shame
assbot: Logged on 17-03-2016 04:08:30; liquidbasic: I
know nothing funkenstein_: so you are comparing usistan to a place you
know nothing about?
BingoBoingo: Seriously though I
know nothing of Coastal life in USia
jurov: blockchain.info and blockexplorer.com
know nothing of d8e60a0979024cce9159bd7b59594eae7dec627db5ac6bd088866afea533b0e9
adlai: "as a recovering government bureaucrat, i'll refrain from commenting things i
know nothing about" ed moy wins the panel
mircea_popescu: these schmucks
know nothing of anything. i can't pickle cabbage because in spite of not having proper picking barrels, yet i found something, and in spite of not having picking salt, except i found some (they use it for curing meat!) and in spite of not having etc etc,
mircea_popescu: "i
know nothing about how kernels work but i'm 36 and i don't think the nielsen box in my house does enough to mess up society - here's some rephrasing i've done in my mysteriously abundant spare time"
mircea_popescu: it both perpetuates the jwz "i only want to" class and it creates the "i
know nothing and have some oppinions" class of stolfi/swanson/etc.
funkenstein_: as I see it the reason to have a crapple is you can pretend to
know nothing about computers
mod6: i
know nothing of python... although from reading your code, i'm starting to grasp it.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you
know nothing prevents you from doing even the balance, in plain html.
decimation: usians
know nothing other than rabid egalitarianism
ben_vulpes: halls, about "great open spaces" and "the need for a population." But they
know nothing of the real British Columbia.
ielo: mircea_popescu, you literally dedicate your life to gossiping about shit you
know nothing about
gabriel_laddel: trinque: what I'd do is try to land a client that gives no shits about masamune, but needs something it can do << I plan on approaching both. But yes, to restrict oneself to those who Lisp is braindamaged - people who
know nothing about computer programming notice when software works well and will happily pay for something that doesn't break, get h
danielpbarron: I have no doubt that these same people, had you enthusiastically said to them, "Your 64MB flash drive will hold a 64GB in a few years and cost less!" would have scoffed at the idea. The same thing is happening with Bitcoin. Men who
know nothing about software are scoffing at the idea that Bitcoin can change and improve. Its an a-historical perspective, to use parliamentary language. On IRC, they simply say, "DERP!".
nubbins`: i
know nothing about aws, can you pull an image of that machine down locally?
ben_vulpes: confession time, i
know nothing about the arcana of irc modes
adlai: we
know nothing about failure rates from outside U, or failure rates of the original users after more have joined
Vexual: tell us about it, i
know nothing of amigas
dgeats: I
know nothing about computers and I’m 31 y/o
ben_vulpes: Pierre_Rochard: okay so indulge me, because i
know nothing about the pros and cons of taxation: what are the benefits of taxing revenues?
Vexual: i
know nothing about moolah
kakobrekla: "lets go to class to learn about this thing we
know nothing about."
Quinn_: and I
know nothing about you, a quick google search doesn't reveal anything either
midnightmagic: mircea_popescu: I see. Just curious. I
know nothing about Romanian, sadly, but I love the weird incompatible concepts that seem to pervade languages like tlingit..
xmj: so, if you don't know no one OR don't
know nothing, either won't help you
mircea_popescu: willy nilly bitcoin forces a lot of fiat
know nothings into here.
diana_coman: any part, I
know nothing more about it than that I won 500 of it lol
mircea_popescu: "let me tell you what i think of all the things i
know nothing about. it's the reddinternet!"
dpb_reddit: I know a lot about this. Why assume I
know nothing?
fluffypony: just started watching it, I
know nothing about American Football
mutate_: I'm fairly keen on being in the queue for one of the first alien blowjobs, before the novelty wears off and they start marrying humans and making them unhappy. Unfortunately I can't by any magic Ether cards because maths and computers got you fairly badly bullied at school and so I simply use a computer to have my bank details stolen from and
know nothing whatsoever about Linux. What can I do?
benkay: if i
know nothing about how you're going to turn a profit what the fuck?
CheckDavid: But you
know nothing about how I'm going to turn a profit
MisterE: they absolutely
know nothing else but Word Excel and FB
benkay: i like smart clients who
know nothing about compute.
cazalla: well, i
know nothing about it so please share which of those it is
pankkake: but I could trust someone I
know nothing about
mike_c_d: so you're question is "how do i make money on shit i
know nothing about"?
nubbins`: i
know nothing of the internals involved there, tho
davout: r3wt: i
know nothing of your code, but aren't you trying to test strict equality with a string when the value is a boolean?
Diablo-D3: a bunch of fuckwits that
know nothing about running a company
mircea_popescu: well they're not useful to me, i don't much care for real estate and i
know nothing at all of that market.
ThickAsThieves: but otherwise, I
know nothing of the Seedcoin manager, so it's hard for me to count on him to choose and make good deals
ThickAsThieves: i
know nothing of Oracle vs this or that. Honestly my personal impression of Oracle is negative
benkay_: it's not unbelievable that the nerd running the SR show would
know nothing about actually moving product
gecko_x8: if you are a numiosmatic expert, then i
know nothing about them
Diablo-D3: why would I be butthurt because the mass media keeps printing articles proving they
know nothing about bitcoin and nothing about financial regulation
pankkake: "i
know nothing about this company or their plans" => so you're like all their shareholders
mjr_: why, i
know nothing about this company or their plans
Stardust: <FabianB> why do people buy stuff they
know nothing about? // cause they're people
FabianB: why do people buy stuff they
know nothing about?
ThickAsThieves: i
know nothing of whores, but i'd assume they, like many, want the easiest work for the most pay
saulimus: I
know nothing of options, but are they that much more profitable than simply buying/selling USD/BTC directly?
tiberiusiv: smickles: i
know nothing is guaranteed
ZedsterX: i
know nothing...i will wait until I know wtf i am talking about
ThickAsThieves: seems like a thin court defense, but i
know nothing of the laws
mircea_popescu: i
know nothing at all. you can create a gpg sig right now as 34jk5hty895ytg9g4t
jcpham: i
know nothing of romanian culture
jcpham: sorry jurov i
know nothing mircea_popescu: waaah, people who
know nothing about security are creating btc websites and getting hacked...
BTCHero: Well, I
know nothing of his living conditions, just that I want them to deteriorate
Diablo-D3: then yes, you
know nothing, legally.
Chaang-Noi: i
know nothing about payb.tc other than he is not wanting to work with the sec or the kill pirate mob
jcpham: they teach you that you
know nothing thing