375 entries in 0.813s
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: you know, I always ever heard it spoken only (strabunica apriga dixit, ofc.) so ...always wondered really.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/07/israelis-enthusiastically-burning-f-35s-stealth-window-with-strikes-now-in-iraq/ << Qntra -- Israelis Enth...ally Burning F-35's Stealth Window With Strikes, Now In Iraq
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other empire lulz, reader points out trilema "disappeared" q4 2018. magic!
mircea_popescu: wouldn't it be ~nice~ if you used some kind of sane naming convention ? trb.adding-ffa.alf ? something ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's esp. egregious imho that gcc dun do this, it has the AST internally, could disgorge. ( gnat fixes some of this 'dun disgorge', it puts some raw structure in the .ali intermediate crapola for 'gnathtml' etc to read )
asciilifeform: 1) build whole project, so that the .ali intermediate crud is present
bvt: i had a look in the .ali file, where presumably list of dependencies for a compiled .adb file is stored, but grep would find nothing in the dependencies
asciilifeform: https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1fwgtPpXXXXaJXXXXq6xXFXXXS/laptop-battery-cell-25R-Samsung-inr18650-25r.jpg << example of subj
a111: Logged on 2018-06-11 16:17 asciilifeform: here's a historical lul that mircea_popescu might find stimulating. asciilifeform ( and his brother, and a whole generation of folx ) grew up with a certain orc '100 bytes of ram, but hey it's fucking programmable' little box, http://www.alfredklomp.com/technology/mk-61 . and the Official b00k for it ( http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/G/GAYSHTUT_Aleksandr_Grigor'evich/_Gayshtut_A.G..html ) had various games (typically you had to draw on g
mircea_popescu: incidentally, usg.cloudflare got apparently mandated to involve usg.alphabet, they now import it
mats: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688613 << https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/ESP8266-chip-ESP8266EX-wireless-WIFI-chip_60665531335.html ☝︎
asciilifeform: https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1owCvKpXXXXXmXVXXq6xXFXXX1/Antrad-10-directional-UWB-antenna-6-8.jpg << 6GHz item, pocket-sized. not so simple to scale up, 2x2metre pcb is not off the shelf item )
a111: Logged on 2018-06-25 21:55 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience/ << Trilema - How to remove USG.Alphabet (usually called "google" by the jews & pantsuit) from your web experience.
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience/ << Trilema - How to remove USG.Alphabet (usually called "google" by the jews & pantsuit) from your web experience. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: like ye olde ;;google worked but really, no reason to have google still involved in any web process (in fact, i very much recommend iptable-blocking all their ip ranges, because whether you know or not, 80% or so of websites out there tattle back to usg.alphabet, via "google analytics" or w/e else)
asciilifeform: here's a historical lul that mircea_popescu might find stimulating. asciilifeform ( and his brother, and a whole generation of folx ) grew up with a certain orc '100 bytes of ram, but hey it's fucking programmable' little box, http://www.alfredklomp.com/technology/mk-61 . and the Official b00k for it ( http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/G/GAYSHTUT_Aleksandr_Grigor'evich/_Gayshtut_A.G..html ) had various games (typically you had to draw on g ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-05-21 23:11 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816404 << believe or not, i dun actually have a en<->de .txt . ( the arch-bestseller , v. k. mueller's en<->ru , is errywhere, e.g. http://www.alleng.ru/d/engl/engl150.htm )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-21#1816404 << believe or not, i dun actually have a en<->de .txt . ( the arch-bestseller , v. k. mueller's en<->ru , is errywhere, e.g. http://www.alleng.ru/d/engl/engl150.htm ) ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: and i will point out that 'adainclude.ali' does not exist on ANY of my systems.
ckang: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Fanless-Mini-PC-4-Gigabit-Lan-Ethernet-NIC-Core-i3-security-AES-NI-Qotom-Router-Pfsense/32847784876.html <-- ooo, i3
ckang: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Minisys-4-Lan-pfsense-minipc-Intel-atom-E3845-quad-core-mini-itx-motherboard-linux-firewall-computer/32825684280.html
mircea_popescu: no, what it should do is yell "alternate paths to press $vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch requirement $x.alloc : $vtools+patch and $vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc."
douchebag: .Alright
mircea_popescu: (not solitary case, https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/potpourrichordataoscilloscope.com etc)
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in "traffic" and other web 2.0 lulz, https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/namesakeoscilloscopemarquis.com
mp_en_viaje: dmesg has some acpi entries, BUT NO VIDEO ANYTHING. fucking lspic has nothing related to vga!!! at.all.
asciilifeform: normally you would have to call it like foo(X.all, Y.all) .
mircea_popescu: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/UTB8_GvwX_zIXKJkSafVq6yWgXXaL/BSAID-1-Unids-Calidad-Extra-Largo-Calzador-18-5-pulgadas-font-b-Flexible-b-font-Easy.jpg << item.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: looks like https://ru.aliexpress.com/store/product/USED-ITEM-Mini-ADB-USB-to-ADB-Adapter-2-Ports-for-IMac-and-G3/224546_32679510845.html
asciilifeform: in very other vintagelulz, http://www.alternatewars.com/WW3/Trigons/Trigons.htm
mircea_popescu: but the curse of stupid is amply distributed and heavy indeed. consider : for the past THREE YEARS i have been giving ANY WOMAN IN THE WORLD hundreds of dollars. this is more than ANY "organization" ever did for the women in this world, be it something from usg.alphabet, or usg.un bureaucracy or anyone else.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-26 15:45 asciilifeform: in other lulzies, https://archive.is/roEgM >> privesc 0day : '...all versions of CentOS 7 before 1708 (released on September 13, 2017), all versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 before 7.4 (released on August 1, 2017), and all versions of CentOS 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 are exploitable' << Aaaaaaand as usual linus sat on the goods since april, because 'responsible'
asciilifeform: in other lulzies, https://archive.is/roEgM >> privesc 0day : '...all versions of CentOS 7 before 1708 (released on September 13, 2017), all versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 before 7.4 (released on August 1, 2017), and all versions of CentOS 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 are exploitable' << Aaaaaaand as usual linus sat on the goods since april, because 'responsible' ☟︎
BingoBoingo: The mine where I found out https://www.alternet.org/culture/why-south-park-perfectly-armed-fight-alt-right
mats: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/09/trump-blocks-chinese-purchase-lattice-semiconductor-170914045430005.html
asciilifeform: in other fauxphuctors, http://www.allprivatekeys.com
a111: 337 results for "\".al\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22.al%22
mircea_popescu: !#s ".al"
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 23:23 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if dig dailystormer.al returns for you, your cache's been poisoned by teh tards over at eu nic
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if dig dailystormer.al returns for you, your cache's been poisoned by teh tards over at eu nic ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 21:40 BingoBoingo: https://dailystormer.al/christopher-cantwell-has-been-arrested-and-faces-20-years-for-standing-up-to-antifa-scum/
a111: Logged on 2017-08-30 21:37 BingoBoingo: And in other returns https://dailystormer.al/
BingoBoingo: https://dailystormer.al/christopher-cantwell-has-been-arrested-and-faces-20-years-for-standing-up-to-antifa-scum/ ☟︎
shinohai: Kudos to the `.al` tld
BingoBoingo: And in other returns https://dailystormer.al/ ☟︎
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D6A2FCD6A625943FA2904C14E29015200A3644E5F9DABFB5F66F4DF1FA03279F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1588...1823 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (vps5338.alfahosting-vps.de. DE NW)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D6A2FCD6A625943FA2904C14E29015200A3644E5F9DABFB5F66F4DF1FA03279F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1729...8403 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (vps5338.alfahosting-vps.de. DE NW)
asciilifeform: 'для проектирования используется САПР ф.Altera − MAX+PLUS II или Quartus II' << pfff yea suggests brute force 'crystal, complete with 'when you care enough to steal the very best' easter egg banner' copy.
mircea_popescu: oh also, did we do http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/07/attack-iraq-embassy-kabul-reported-170731071753080.html ?
asciilifeform: using k.algo ( you wouldn't, in life, but principle remains same )
diana_coman: not against it as such, but as ...alternative; not the end of the world etc
jhvh1: shinohai: Stuffed Plush poop toy Price - AliExpress.com: <http://www.aliexpress.com/price/poop-toy-price/Stuffed-Plush-poop-toy-100002145-200003396.html>; Amazon.com: Etosell Stuffed Pillow Cushion Emoji Poop Shaped ...: <https://www.amazon.com/Etosell-Stuffed-Pillow-Cushion-Shaped/dp/B00RVDBI64>; Amazon.com: Pee & Poo Plush Dolls - Set: Toys & Games: <https://www.amazon.com/Pee-Poo-Plush-Dolls-Set/d
mircea_popescu: in other news, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/04/destroyed-iraq-mosul-civilian-deaths-170405072214906.html
Framedragger: (probably wasn't clear, i mean the photo, i've read the blog before. ..almost looks like it was shot on film or sth)
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Alexa's Web and Site Audit Crawlers – Alexa Support: <https://support.alexa.com/hc/en-us/articles/200450194-Alexa-s-Web-and-Site-Audit-Crawlers>; ia_archiver user-agent / bot - BotReports.com: <http://www.botreports.com/i/iaarchiver.shtml>; ia_archiver : to block or not to block? - Alternative Search ...: <https://www.webmasterworld.com/forum16/921.htm>
asciilifeform: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB16LIuIVXXXXXqXFXXq6xXFXXXW/Wireless-PCI-E-Atheros-AR5BXB6-AR5424-Wireless-Wifi-Mini-PCIe-wlan-card-for-IBM-T60-T60p.jpg << them
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8B41FD1277568BE56BB412786A805ACDE44E0C862A6F95213F3F7610BA154318 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1650...8933 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (104-251-100-201.dedicated.allstream.net. CA)
mircea_popescu: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/alxsite.com << and here's how lulz look.
gabriel_laddel_p: my mistake: usg.altman, not usg.maga
a111: Logged on 2016-12-31 02:31 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/308C79ED32BB1D28E5F59EC4ADB2E56B1ED16614D3B4C737238FC3D169AF94B0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Robert J. Hansen; Robert J. Hansen <rjh...rg>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EE6E84ED0485E5C4615D47E7BF518A35F1A8DE60C6DFBBF1F60B1911839726CE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. DE)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/320074624769C4288C4D85636555E72FA35CEF0F542A2481AF3BC98F17C1C6E3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Jonata Jose da Silva (Seguranca) <jon...om>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BC3860B1F474ECBA8A5E4B3EE68EC611E2A60731994E56C22070EC864766D4A6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Ben Donnachie <ben...om>; Ben Donnachie <ben...om>; Ben Donnachie <bd3...uk>; Benjamin Donnachie <ben...uk>; Ben Donnachie <ben...rg>; Ben Donnachie <ben...om>; Benjamin Donnachie <ben...om>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/98E64FB1ABF7C775990A4AA54D1343054420514921F489B3D4C670EFCB3CD2C5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Tim Fiedler <tfc...om>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3C16E916A1B9000F42AEA3C5B8543948091513B10CCC520BF05F8AE73C466B3A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'addyGIRL <add...et>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/403ADCADE94C1040C399D0ADBF2FB49D66B5C1265718AC90EDDF2906C904DF37 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Brian McDonald <brianm@ou.edu>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/308C79ED32BB1D28E5F59EC4ADB2E56B1ED16614D3B4C737238FC3D169AF94B0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Robert J. Hansen; Robert J. Hansen <rjh...rg>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown) ☟︎
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59193035CE75C92A2701BAE7930E75D22B2743E84765E63D4CDE48B39EB04247 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Enrico Zini <enr...rg>; Enrico Zini <enr...it>; Enrico Zini <enr...om>; Enrico Zini <enr...rg>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0EC2595B3A73D6A0E4E6FADA533889C908187FAF397A6D09DB6E0748891CB69D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'ich...b.de <ich...de>; ' (al108.albit.servdiscount-customer.com. Unknown)
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Don't Impeach ; Impale | Alternet: <;' target='_blank'>http://www.alternet.org/story/33598/don't_impeach%253B_impale>; Will Durst: Don't Impeach ; Impale | Uppity Wisconsin: <http://www.uppitywis.org/will_durst_dont_impeach_impale>; Don't Impeach ; Impale - Politics and religion - Quarter To Three ...: <https://forum.quartertothree.com/t/dont-impeach-impale/25069%3Fpage%3D2>
mod6: if I were him, this is what I would do: take the schematic blob, encode it, clearsign it with a note at the top and a hash of its output value. submit to deedbot. next, edit the code somewhere or prefereably create a README.txt that points to that deed, create a new fuckgoats_genesis.vpatch and fuckgoats_genesis.vpatch.alf.sig on nosuchlabs.com, point to them with your www.
asciilifeform: the 1 other worth mention,https://www.aldeid.com/wiki/Exploits/proftpd-1.3.3c-backdoor
a111: Logged on 2016-12-04 23:38 mats: oops, this is actually the one i was looking at https://m.alibaba.com/product/60555752827/ESP8266-ESP8266EX-Wifi-Chip-with-SDIO.html?spm=a2706.7843299.1998817009.5.p7nmiv
mats: oops, this is actually the one i was looking at https://m.alibaba.com/product/60555752827/ESP8266-ESP8266EX-Wifi-Chip-with-SDIO.html?spm=a2706.7843299.1998817009.5.p7nmiv ☟︎
mats: asciilifeform: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/esp8266ex-wifi-chip-wireless-chip-esp8266_60442239876.html?s=p
a111: Logged on 2016-11-28 22:29 mats: e.g. http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/new-and-original-Module-ESP8266-with_60443370641.html
mats: e.g. http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/new-and-original-Module-ESP8266-with_60443370641.html ☟︎
shinohai: It's blog is a treasure trove of lulz as well: http://www.alexandraerin.com/care-and-feeding/ "If I exert myself too hard, I pay for it later."
BingoBoingo: http://www.alpharubicon.com/quippage/urbaninvisibility.htm
anond: thanks ...all this is alot of new info..
asciilifeform: http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/67d913c979ee44a8931481143d5c3d0a/channel-lock-wrench-in-a-pin-matrix-akn840.jpg
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160912/#935 << word ; http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160912/#937 << then you talk to all. there's no such usg.all as you use defined in this space.
mircea_popescu: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/MF-500mm-Aluminum-Tube-Folding-Four-axis-Alien-Quadcopter-Aircraft-Frame-w-MF-BMP-Brushless-Gimbal/206605_1562408736.html << neat looking thing, too.
asciilifeform: http://www.aliexpress.com/item-img/M18-DC-2-wire-proximity-switch-NPN-NO-metal-sensor-proximity-switch/1561429874.html << earlier subj.
mircea_popescu: and... eulora...already... lol
asciilifeform: http://www.allpar.com/history/amplex.html << oilite.
asciilifeform: in other nyooz, seems like they moved argentina to egypt: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/markets/2016/08/10/Egypt-closes-48-forex-bureaus-in-black-market-crackdown.html
BingoBoingo: http://www.alpharubicon.com/prepinfo/chlorinestoragestats.htm
mircea_popescu: http://news.alternet.org/files/screen_shot_2016-07-25_at_6.22.30_pm.png << the graph of ridiculous dreamer "hope". check that shit out, the idiots in the vats are actually saying the hillary electorare IS SLOW.
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile from the idiot panic chamber http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/shock-poll-nate-silvers-election-forecast-now-has-trump-winning
asciilifeform: https://ant.isi.edu/address/it.37.all.16-subnet_stats.3px-per-point.annotated.png
asciilifeform: '...all the grain needed to support a village fits in a hole so small you won't likely find it in a week of searching. A week you don't have.' << this led to many lulz during ru time of troubles in 1920s
mats: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/07/12/US-troops-head-to-Iraq-ahead-of-Mosul-fight-.html
asciilifeform: ..alcatraz?
phf: http://guns.allzip.org/topic/9/1433825.html << that's probably same production line as the one i had
a111: Logged on 2016-06-18 01:48 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 11340455409 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Daniel Almeida <daniel.almeida@sherpany.com>; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FD1F5A39C2449D3C826DF9CBC70E30181A60577B56E9A61A23AEF0BDF776BCAD
deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 11340455409 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Daniel Almeida <daniel.almeida@sherpany.com>; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FD1F5A39C2449D3C826DF9CBC70E30181A60577B56E9A61A23AEF0BDF776BCAD ☟︎
mircea_popescu: “The Chinese coolie is the ideal industrial machine, the perfect human ox. He will transform less food into more work, with less administrative friction, than any other creature...Also, they cost nothing but money.” << from what i understand this is getting fixed these days.
shinohai: http://www.alternet.org/sex-amp-relationships/why-trans-porn-hugely-popular-among-hetero-men "The people of Brazil, Italy, Argentina, and Russia appear to be the most likely to watch trans porn."
BingoBoingo: In still further news, why is Amazon.com still a thing? https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Home-smallest-diesel-inverter-generator_60282975913.html