BingoBoingo: I've got some time before the Peruana gets off work
BingoBoingo: It's taken some time adjusting to "apartment != alt-hotel", but time is a sort of one way valve
mod6: ok I'm back. my apologies.
mod6: so am I correct in that we're going to set up the account for '' ?
mod6: yeah, it's fine. twisted ankle from jumping in a pool.
mod6: yeah, certainly. lesson learned i think :D
mircea_popescu: hey, i twisted my ankl;es numerous times in this here ocean. some things worth a twist.
mircea_popescu: jesus the pantsuit press looks just like the pravda. seriously, Ludendorff died ? aww!
mod6: Alright, so I ran the script, and I got an error when it did the apache configuration test near the end of the script.
mod6: The user has been setup, and her vhost configuration file is in place, it just doesn't like something about either an existing config, or hers.
mod6: mircea_popescu: apologies, we'll sort it out and let you know asap. Once this part is resolved, then we still need to unroll/setup wpmp, but she should at least have access to the host itself.
mod6: Thanks Sir. Probably will call it a night here in just a bit. Can pick it back up tomorrow.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo btw, you ever read the fascinating story of young george cottrell ?
a111: Logged on 2017-07-21 18:33 asciilifeform: upstack : if anybody knows where to get esp8266 , or knows who knows, etc.., plz write in
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 04:33 mircea_popescu: !#s Aleksei Navalnîi
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 13:37 asciilifeform: did he finally croak too?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-05 16:13 mircea_popescu: << the way the lizards expect the shit to work is exactly in the way mp -saves-openbsd worked : as seen moneyz. recall the story of the us embassy spending a whooping 50k to start an "empire" of fake news tv stations etc ?
mircea_popescu: sorta exact rewrite of the mccain story, except with different epitheths.
mircea_popescu: kinda like how imperial text production / shannonization works : they got an ancient piece of paper and a cutout, they put the cutout on the piece of paper and spray the right color bits.
mircea_popescu: eulogy or "political analysis" or what have you, comes out. it's true that it doesn't make much sense, and bears a very torturous relation to reality -- but bear in mind it has the right color!!!
mircea_popescu: george everytard's "yes i didn't do any work, but bear in mind i am in the smaller office" very much apropos.
a111: Logged on 2015-02-20 18:24 mircea_popescu: "Here's one that even The Onion would reject as too blatantly ridiculous: American right-wing radio and TV clown Glenn Beck believes that Sean Smith aka Vile Rat, the EVE Online diplomat who was killed earlier this month during the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, was actually a CIA agent, relaying communications to his fellow undercover agents at Something Awful."
mircea_popescu: lotta this "law enforcement, you mean kidnap uppity orcs" byzantine practice.
mircea_popescu: also the fundamental problem in thinking you'll "do something" with the fiat "government" of whatever satellite state : no, you won't. mother empire will kidnap you, and your erstwhile "friends" and "allies" in the daugther fiat org will clap along.
mircea_popescu: fiatists can't be trusted because what they are, not because some sort of circumstance that can be managed.
BingoBoingo: Just taking order except when they aren't. Then they just lying and stealing
mircea_popescu: sooner or later the "fiatism = reality doesn't exist outside of what we call it" birdy will come home to roost.
BingoBoingo: And the tiny brown girl is puzzling over the words on the screen, and why is your screen so weird
a111: Logged on 2017-11-11 05:04 mircea_popescu: sooner or later the dorks will understand that until/unless burned down us "embassy" / all ustards coming in detained and shot, there won't be peace.
mircea_popescu: they won't let ~me~ bring ~my own slaves~ even. fucking determined to live, these remnants of a world empire.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Ah, they turkey ban on estadounidense has been going on for a while now
a111: Logged on 2018-02-05 16:14 asciilifeform: this part i always found puzzling. why not take the chance for revenge
BingoBoingo: Amazing how they stopped talking and complaining about it within a week
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo quite impressive huh. good thing they conquered... what was thart middle east city that we can't remember ? very important site of "coallition" "victory" every other week for a coupla years.
mircea_popescu: and also good that russia disappeared altogether, under "embargo" burden. andf other things.
BingoBoingo: Raqqa? Or was it the hearts and minds of Fallujah Fall 2004 through present
mircea_popescu: right ? "coallition" "won", ie orc type K now fucking in the ass orc type W, on own power, in revenge for previous reversed state etc.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-15 15:08 Framedragger: << i understand the importance of this question and shall attempt some kind of answer, or will properly fail. bit later (took mdma last night with girl, after ~3 year break. so much love omg.)
a111: Logged on 2017-04-16 23:23 mircea_popescu: yes, i linked the paperwork coupla days ago. what the ukr split cost was 40k.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-05 16:13 mircea_popescu: << the way the lizards expect the shit to work is exactly in the way mp -saves-openbsd worked : as seen moneyz. recall the story of the us embassy spending a whooping 50k to start an "empire" of fake news tv stations etc ?
mircea_popescu: but anyway, since for some reason we're doing "political prisoners" today, let's also mention the interesting case of one kevin trudeau.
mircea_popescu: this fellow thought that the court has no authority to tell him how to conduct his affairs. this is a capital point which'd have been readily obvious in the 90s, echoes of "cold war" and "What we're all about" ideological gargle still resounding in everyone's ears.
mircea_popescu: by the mid 2000s it was becoming altogether dubious (and today it's pretty much accepted inside the zone, that courts can tell one what to do and how to do it).
mircea_popescu: so he got kidnapped sometime in the interval (2004 - 2007 - 2012, whatever) and well... they're still working him over for "hidden wealth".
mircea_popescu: the charge of "contempt of court" (the "court" being in this case quite very personally a certain gettleman) in the new soviet roughly approximates the never-formally-codified charge of "insufficient love for batyushka".
mats: asciilifeform: looks like 0.001usd/ea
mats: page says 2. i’m not even logged in
a111: Logged on 2018-08-16 18:18 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform obtained and testing a LTC3108 , 'energy harvester', they've become cheapo
mats: wake up is expensive+++
mircea_popescu: anyway, i lolled @ "literal millions". funny how ~erryone thinks it's ok to pretend to being mp, on words only.
mircea_popescu: yeah. and then they keep wording at each other and end up believing someone somewhere in there "must have $$$".
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 03:02 kanzure: yuep that's what we spent $27 million on. browsing walmart. k
mircea_popescu: sorta like kids in primary school -- no 9yo ever fucked anyone, but if you get 1000 of them together telling each other stories, the general impression ends up that "someone somewhere must've".
☟︎ mircea_popescu: the funny thing is, back when i was writing in romanian, THIS HAPPENED EXACTLY. rando nobody-pretending-to-be-mne threw shitfit in exact same terms over exact same "problems", i even quoted it on trilema back then.
mircea_popescu: what the fuck am i going to do now, lulz at 2018 anglo-repaste of stale 2008 ro dramaz ?!
mircea_popescu: there's just no way to squeeze an article out of this shit, it's so information-nil. even a few chatlines are pushing it.
mircea_popescu: wtf world, you were supposed to be complex and of many aspects. what the fuck is this lame ass crap ?!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform were "nazi". and ftr hanbot was genuinely concerned they were going to round up gypos, at the onset!
mats: asciilifeform: so we double the size of the peltier
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i am not supposed to be having these problems! post-modern textual deversion is supposed to be overwhelming not underwhelming.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-05 16:40 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform imo this is not even the wrong way ; will not only significantly cheapen our end, but ~all of the enemy hardware will ahve to be replaced, at capital costs far exceeding its current capacities (projected to diminish in the future as they may be)
mircea_popescu: it's actually cheaper to put in batteries than to half VA sorta deals on "renewables".
mircea_popescu: size battery to within 1 sigma of "dies anyway", and there yo ugo
mircea_popescu: (pretty much the only "modern" light that is spectrum-acceptable)
mircea_popescu: privateinternetaccess totally pwning this "i'm a cryptoretard" "market"
ben_vulpes: mod6: fixed. moved the log directives out of the directory block and into the top level virtualhost, and made the logdir for the user in question
a111: Logged on 2018-08-23 17:21 mircea_popescu: there's 0 slack on one hand ; and the whole thing is powered on "mistake".
a111: Logged on 2017-10-31 22:54 mircea_popescu: << everyone is, as a result of usg militant tardation. i can just drive into brazil. you -- can not. they "banned" turkish visitors, as if anyone from turkey could be arsed to go to the us ; turkey reciprocated, meaning about 70% of classical antiquity is now off limits to what in english passes for "the civilised world".
a111: Logged on 2018-08-16 17:24 mircea_popescu: i don't get it, what;s the rush ?
mircea_popescu: they actually don't. romanians like wolves. you can have an idiot mark or a whore mark, but no such thing as "bad guy".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the "what's the rush" was very specific : you go there, what do you care if you get your passport year 1 or year 8 of YOUR STAY THERE./
mircea_popescu: bringing to the fore that de-zeking INVOLVES DE ZEKING. you must NO LONGER ZEK.
mircea_popescu: there is no magical pill whereby yhou can keep right on zeking.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 14:56 mircea_popescu: they won't let ~me~ bring ~my own slaves~ even. fucking determined to live, these remnants of a world empire.
mircea_popescu: iirc the condition to maintain residence is being there 3 mo/year.
mircea_popescu: IF there even still is one, which is dubious altogether.
mircea_popescu: tbh, i've known a precious few who NEVER spent a month in the same jurisdiction, but it's a bit of a nasty life. closer to backpacking / travelling jew-gypo-salesman than anything.
mircea_popescu: and of course "inside eu doesn't count as having left".
mircea_popescu: while that lasts --- looks like the union's going away
mircea_popescu: "pattern recognition and spacial awareness" ie visual "thinkers" ftw.
mod6: ben_vulpes: hey! ok thanks.
mod6: ben_vulpes asciilifeform BingoBoingo : Alright, looks like ben did clean up the vhosts for ben.conf and nicoleci.conf -- there is a warning about determining the servers FQDN, but it does return a "Syntax OK".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's basically lightly scripted html (think, serverless-php) for "games" in the sense of "click here for next page"
mod6: All: In 30 minutes I'll do an Apache reload and hope everthing is fine. Then will send the login info to nicoleci. After that, we need to configure wp-mp for
mircea_popescu: people were shipped to previous gulag. current gulag, nobody shipped you tards there but conversely -- the "guardians" were shipped in (mostly from india, where cheap, though a lot of promote-locals also atr work)
mod6: I've hand rolled the message to nicoleci that would normally be spit out from the script. Handrolled message has all of the correct information plugged in from the template.
mod6: mircea_popescu: I don't think that it does; mearly allows her to ssh into her shared environment. The wp-mp still needs to be configured.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i guess so, huh! but it was... for better life ?
mod6: BingoBoingo: Once I do the 'apache restart' are you going to do the wp-mp configure and note taking?
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 17:06 mircea_popescu: btw, most of what "sex games" do these days is "training".
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 16:58 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i see the angle of 'if you aint a zek what do you care what the locals think' but 8y is a long time to be stuck inside a border, anywhere. ( and yes i get it, mircea_popescu travels by u-boat and dun need passports. but this is high pilotage. )
mircea_popescu: but in point of fact, while you zek you're zek! if "real training of real women is too expensive" then NECESSARILY there will be canned end states and "hello pumpklin, this is mother speaking. this is your wife, and this is how your wife should be"
☟︎ mircea_popescu: basically the whole "conversation" is macro-reimplementation of broke-ass household discussing credit card debt. "this is what we can't have" "but this is what we want" "and it's what we can't have" "which we want" "but can't have" "want"...
☟︎ mod6: Ok hang tight for a pizarro shared environment apache reload.
mircea_popescu: mod6 you gotta reboot the thing every time you add an acct ?
mod6: * Gracefully restarting apache2 ...
mod6: It just does a 'graceful' mircea_popescu
mod6: This loads in the new vhosts file into apache's mem
mod6: I figure it's more professional to alert customers that this is happening than to just haul off and do it.
mod6: nicoleci: Here is your login info to the shared environment's shell (terminal). Mr. Popescu's version of WordPress (wp-mp) isn't setup for you yet -- we're working on that. But you should retain this information: mod6: nicoleci: One of us from Pizarro ( BingoBoingo , asciilifeform , or myself ) will update you when wp-mp is all set to go for you. Stay tuned. Thanks!
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 17:34 mircea_popescu: but in point of fact, while you zek you're zek! if "real training of real women is too expensive" then NECESSARILY there will be canned end states and "hello pumpklin, this is mother speaking. this is your wife, and this is how your wife should be"
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 17:35 mircea_popescu: basically the whole "conversation" is macro-reimplementation of broke-ass household discussing credit card debt. "this is what we can't have" "but this is what we want" "and it's what we can't have" "which we want" "but can't have" "want"...
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 16:27 mircea_popescu: sorta like kids in primary school -- no 9yo ever fucked anyone, but if you get 1000 of them together telling each other stories, the general impression ends up that "someone somewhere must've".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, in the "games" there's generally some specific characteristics. "demon girl" whartever.
deedbot: diana_away voiced for 30 minutes.
diana_away: oh hey, asciilifeform I saw the ocelots!!
diana_away: yes, there is this "refugio herpetologico" - basically a sort of zoo though mainly with rescued animals
diana_away: there were 2, curled up and twitching their ears only
diana_away: kid loved the whole thing, went like 3 times and questioned the poor guide on everything from birds to sewers and "why is that door so small and why don't you cover the hole where that rat came through?
diana_away: hi mircea_popescu apparently we timed it perfectly, just got in and then the rain started
diana_away: those were just local rats that apparently sneak into the macaws' cage and eat their food
diana_away: or these other big parrot-like green birds that I can't seem to remember as other than parrots
diana_away: as big as macaws but green and with a bit of yellow on the neck
diana_away: asciilifeform: for bonus points, the male ocelot is called Oleg
a111: Logged on 2018-08-26 17:06 asciilifeform: '...I know enough to know I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as someone who seriously studies the tools but I'm trying to get results fast so I skip the real learning use google and find code that suits my needs then memorize and apply it as best I can...' << homo perlicus , as described by naggum & elsewhere
mircea_popescu: "how do you change others' minds so me being utterly fucktarded works out better for me ?"
diana_away: mircea_popescu: I figured out the motorway exit our taxi took that time when we got there faster than you - it's quite a bit after the Sheraton, it doesn't seem to be marked in any reasonable way; there is only this name carved in greenery on the side as you go "villa real"; on the opposite side it's where it says country club santa ana
mircea_popescu: i thought that was one of the "private developlents" / cul de sac things they do here
diana_away: mircea_popescu: ugh, I know that "approach" from several students at the uni and they usually even got better marks with most "teachers" because "faster" myeah
mircea_popescu: pro tip : endogamy is generally the strategy of the inadequate. there's a fucking reason prince gets himself gal from timbucktoo.
BingoBoingo: <mod6> BingoBoingo: Once I do the 'apache restart' are you going to do the wp-mp configure and note taking? << Sure
BingoBoingo: Also and have records for now as per dig @
mircea_popescu: There was a problem with the NameServers you entered for the following domains: This is likely caused by the entered NameServers not being created yet
mircea_popescu: mindblowingly, io have OTHER domains,
trinque: hey folks, going to pack up the wallet hardware and move it to a new home this afternoon.
trinque: if anybody needs to use, please do so in the next 30min, and any withdrawals will be processed this evening
trinque is moving out of the beehive
mod6: thanks for the heads up, Sir.
trinque: np, before long this part is going to sit down at pizarro instead.
trinque: alrighty, deedbot wallet will be back this evening. cheers all
mod6: mircea_popescu: nice!
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Nice, I will advise when mp-wp is ready for your chattel
a111: Logged on 2016-07-10 22:04 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron good work. so the practical question here is, would you be personally interested in running a us tmsr church ?
mircea_popescu: anyway ; i guess we add "need a religious fellow" on the list, alongside an artist and a not-braindead-chinese-female-adolescent and so on.
mircea_popescu: shockingly enough, it turns out just about ANY specification besides "homo perlicus" is in very short supply. somehow.
deedbot: 2018/08/08 01:39:01 <esthlos> (comms will still be shakey for a few days)
mircea_popescu: "2. mp combats retarded gringos oogling his domestic arrangements"
mircea_popescu: eh, who the hell cares they're looking. it veers into retarded/ridiculous once they try to pretend equality.
mircea_popescu: i suppose, pushing a point. i dunno, i guess in a sense it's the sad lot of senescence, to pretend community "with those crazy kids"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform very easy to have pocket model of this : go out the door, turn left, sit down at "entrepreneurial" "cowork" whatever neet social house, say "bitcoin".
mircea_popescu: the ensuing "oh, I KNOW ABOUT THAT" storm is made in the end of the same substance, "oh, she's your slave ? well back in 'nam..."
mircea_popescu: "really, back in nam you got some scared child that didn't speak your language to shove firecrackers up her butthole ?! SO TOTALLY THE SAME THING AT ALL!"
mircea_popescu: kinda common occurence @bootcamp, this, too. "well bimbo... it turns out we don't speak a common language. we share some vocabulary, i guess, but i use the king's english, who's been dead for a century or two, and you're doing something or the other with unimemecode."
mircea_popescu: wasn't even thinking of ye olde usenet, believe it or not!
mircea_popescu: " 1. phuctor gets search feature 2. phuctor then runs out of disk"
mod6: didja spec out the drives for an order from ben?
mircea_popescu: in other sorta-news, the identity of the yellow fellow that i like so much here was finally established! it's a fly tyrant, the great kiskadee!
mircea_popescu: pitangus sulphuratus! for truly he is sulphuric yellow.