110 entries in 0.776s
asciilifeform: this allows 'P' to be a constant-spacetime operation, and hands the decision of 'just how important to constant-time the whole prime generation' to the author of the tape.
asciilifeform: per the ffa plan, 'P' command will take two numbers from the stack, a candidate integer and a witness. author of pcode tape determines how many witnesses to use, he iterates by generating witnesses and calling P repeatedly as many times as he wants
asciilifeform: oh hm i recall nao. ( it was because operator 'P' wants to be a general-purpose primality test, valid for any input whatsoever that fits in the ffawidth, rather than simply 'generate prime' )
asciilifeform: ftr it may even be possible to write a reasonably-performant ecctron in 'p'. i cannot currently say.
asciilifeform: ( hence why the debian collection gets run in two steps, 'p's' then 'q's' )
a111: Logged on 2017-07-19 19:00 asciilifeform: i have 'p' structured such that all it wants i/o-wise is a 'getbyte' and 'putbyte' that operator can replace with whatever
asciilifeform: ( i considered lispism, rejected for the given application strictly on account of moving-parts-count , 'p' gotta have parachute-level simplicity )
asciilifeform: and, will point out, is built into (adult) 'p'.
asciilifeform: 'P'
asciilifeform: phf: i came up with it in 2016 when wrote the orig, unpublished mpitronic 'p'
asciilifeform: it isn't untreated, it gets skipped. ( 'p' prototype in 'strict' mode will also stop and eggog if encounters a non-7bitclean char. which one can connect to a stick, to beat author of input )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu will probably enjoy 'p' syntax. char codes 0-32 and 128-255 do nuffin at all.
a111: Logged on 2015-05-20 00:29 mod6: take a look at this: http://dpaste.com/0SQPBKC.txt Is there any reason when allocating the space for p & q to do Eulers totient they would initialize the space with 'p' and 'p', instead of 'p' & 'q'?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-05 23:44 asciilifeform: 'p' stack machine ( to be featured in last episode of ffa series ) is a demo of sane ( e.g. demonstrably-correct and bounded , yet usefully complete operator set ) code execution.
asciilifeform: briefly revisiting upstack, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-05#1747117 + http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-05#1747122 >> there is no reason why the execution of ~any~ program, e.g. browser graphicolade renderer, whose output is known, byte for byte, in advance by the author, should not follow the 'p' model. ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: to briefly revisit http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-05#1747134 : a 'p' proggy can ~produce~ , as output, another such proggy, simply by printing characters. but, pointedly, CANNOT demand to execute it. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2015-10-14 20:15 asciilifeform: 'p' (draft title) - for the old pgp.
asciilifeform: 'p' stack machine ( to be featured in last episode of ffa series ) is a demo of sane ( e.g. demonstrably-correct and bounded , yet usefully complete operator set ) code execution. ☟︎
asciilifeform: as if the 'p' evaporates, unhappens, if not mentioned
asciilifeform: the posted unit is the entirety of the machine-dependent part of 'p'.
asciilifeform: spyked: i'ma post 'p' i/o routines, 1s
asciilifeform: ( this is how 'p' works, as you will see in near future )
apeloyee: how's 'p' going? still 'need GCD!!!11one'?
mod6: <+asciilifeform> after release 'p', i'ma return to civilized-btctronics among other wurk << cool, right on.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-13 21:07 mod6: what does 'P' stand for when you say "FZ_OddP" or "FZ_EvenP" ... etc? Parameter?
mod6: what does 'P' stand for when you say "FZ_OddP" or "FZ_EvenP" ... etc? Parameter? ☟︎
asciilifeform: mod6: my current ( unpublished, quite yet, because it relies on details of 'p' ) item, uses python's
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-12#1724326 << good habit to develop ~now~, 'p' has no hidden embedding of date (or of anything else) in sigs ☝︎
asciilifeform: in very other lulz, at most recent count 'p' stands at 3.2kloc, of which 2k is ffa ( this is inclusive of comments, tests, and commented alt-incarnations of certain routines, as discussed in l0gz )
asciilifeform: mod6: i've been using (unreleased) 'p' as the tester.
asciilifeform: but yes, misprint, the 'p' oughta read 'm'
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform goes 'wtf, THIS crackpottery of mine - you lot find interesting, but the stubborn boojum that keeps 'p' from happening, not interesting somehow ' << Everyone has strong opinions on materials
asciilifeform goes 'wtf, THIS crackpottery of mine - you lot find interesting, but the stubborn boojum that keeps 'p' from happening, not interesting somehow '
asciilifeform: this is in fact the only item holding up release of 'p'.
mod6: have to use Interfaces.C to exec gpg and things. which, I don't love. but eventually, will need to be rebuilt to work with 'p'.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 22:26 asciilifeform: phf: at some point ( and by this i mean when finished ffa / released 'p' ... ) i'ma have a large board made, with, say, 8 ice40-8k's, and row of dimm-holders...
asciilifeform: phf: at some point ( and by this i mean when finished ffa / released 'p' ... ) i'ma have a large board made, with, say, 8 ice40-8k's, and row of dimm-holders... ☟︎
asciilifeform: was more of a philosophical observation : that mphf is not turing-complete ( in the same way 'p' is not. deliberately )
asciilifeform: in that spirit, other thing asciilifeform aims for with 'p', is to zap the idiocy where pubkey was strictly an item for ~machine~ to read, and make it something primarily for ~man~ to read.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform's intent with 'p' is to push in the direction of maximum barking anarchy re pubkeys. as it is we have too many 'standards' as it is, ~all of them ill-conceived and smelling of sulfur.
asciilifeform: 'p' is very different flavour from the old heathenry , however. think 'forth with bignums' approx.
asciilifeform: 16bit 'p' will prolly have to be asmed by hand.
asciilifeform: most particularly you don't need writable storage. i'ma make a demo box with 'p' and no nonvolatiles.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-19 19:00 asciilifeform: i have 'p' structured such that all it wants i/o-wise is a 'getbyte' and 'putbyte' that operator can replace with whatever
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: asciilifeform went to countryside house, attempting to finish 'p' 'schrodinger-style'
asciilifeform: i have 'p' structured such that all it wants i/o-wise is a 'getbyte' and 'putbyte' that operator can replace with whatever ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: ( i left the thing in a half-limbo when picking up 'p' to finish, but expect to get back to it before the summer's through )
asciilifeform: part of what asciilifeform was even doing re 'p' is answering the q of 'what is the minimal practical rsatron'
asciilifeform: relatedly, after adatronic 'p' is fully nailed down and flying, i'ma bake one in x64 asm.
asciilifeform: 'p' currently is ~2.5k of ada. and getting thinner.
asciilifeform: 'p' is simply software emulator of a $widebit machine.
asciilifeform: ftr 'p' stands at ~2500 ln. (incl. comments) presently. will need to lose some weight...
asciilifeform is quite looking forward to the frenzied butthurtz of the shitlibs folx when 'p' is released.
asciilifeform: phf: i posted one of these for 'p' recently
asciilifeform: mod6: it is absolutely imperative that all future users of 'p' understand exactly how this thing worx
asciilifeform: incidentally the time to understand why this recipe works, is now, because users of 'p' will be expected to grasp it and the rest of mechanism
asciilifeform: e.g. i fully intend a dos port of 'p'.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 23:00 asciilifeform: i was not going to expand on the 'p' thread until the proggy is done, but this is probably a good time to say 1 more
asciilifeform: 'p' is simply a calculator, a la 'bc', on top of it
asciilifeform: ( in 'p', nor ethertardium )
asciilifeform: i suspect that erlehmann will like 'p' ( not yet released proggy. ) where you give it a cycle count before it runs, and it gets to step ~that~ many steps, and produces no more than B bytes of output per step...
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-23#1660326 << mod6 , i have adatronic block/tx parser, reencoder, done, mmaptron also! but put on hold to finish 'p' (aka 'tmsr rsa') ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'P' will, i suspect, get some unexpected use as number theory sandbox for n00bz
asciilifeform: however on bright side!: mircea_popescu will quite like, i suspect, 'P' : all nonprinting octets are NOPs in P.
asciilifeform slowly ironing the ugly out of 'P' stack machine
asciilifeform: ( originally planned to wait till 'p' release , did not anticipate the appetite of readers )
asciilifeform: ( as for code -- in the end it mist be entirely self-contained. and provably correct. it's a backbone for, e.g., 'tmsr rsa', 'p', eventually gossipd, etc. )
asciilifeform: ( the first command in a 'P' program is to set the register width. )
Framedragger: re. priorities and (natural) lack of 'global amazing konsensus priority list of shit to do', in my humble and very noob mind they are something like; 'p'; gossipd or partial iteration towards it; invoicing system; << these three'd useful for outside-tmsr interests fo sho; and nfi re. trb, as on the one hand it's supposed to be super important,
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: when 'p' is released, it can be put to use in eulora and elsewhere
asciilifeform: and nobody will need to make much change to switch to 'p' keys/seals.
asciilifeform: there is (not yet released) 'p', mentioned in earlier thread today, which will eat from 1 or more FGs
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 23:00 asciilifeform: i was not going to expand on the 'p' thread until the proggy is done, but this is probably a good time to say 1 more
asciilifeform: (yet unpublished) 'p' is a 'bytecode' system -- all ops are 1 byte long, and take no operands, and all bytes are valid ops.
asciilifeform: a 'p'-style vector graphics thing might be interesting , in some distant future..
asciilifeform: i was not going to expand on the 'p' thread until the proggy is done, but this is probably a good time to say 1 more ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aha, in 'p' i have a 'next N bytes are payload' marker.
asciilifeform: trinque will like 'p'.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: they are, and 'p' shoots it in the head.
asciilifeform: btw when 'p' is out i will show folks who want to keep their old moduli, how
asciilifeform: Framedragger: it had working title 'P'. think 'rpn calculator' and you -- mostly -- have it.
asciilifeform: (i just threw in the 'q's , last night the 'p's ran)
a111: Logged on 2016-09-17 04:54 adlai always feels some sorrow when people (lowercase 'P') faceplant over these hurdles
adlai always feels some sorrow when people (lowercase 'P') faceplant over these hurdles
asciilifeform: i suppose i ought to dust off an' publish the 'p' demo.
asciilifeform: hey i read the 'p' that was actually there, lel
asciilifeform: but, handily, 'p' actually has 'if [this program evals to true] i rate [key k] [rating r]' as primitive...
asciilifeform: i expect to see similar reactions, to, e.g., 'p'
asciilifeform: 'p'
ben_vulpes: Version: 'p' sqrt(etotheipi, give or take a kelvin) << adlaii re-found this amusing
mod6: phf: well, other than saying "interesting" and "cool", i couldn't figure out how to do that either. unless we create a vtron signature style in 'g' or is it 'p'? i cant recall.. cause how will someones vtron be able to pull the bit string out to know how to categorize someones seal?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-03-2016#1426496 << 'p'. ☝︎
punkman: asciilifeform: I'm assuming cardano could also do 'p' one day
asciilifeform: well it technically doesn't have to be scheme. draft ver of 'p' for instance is more forth-like.
ascii_butugychag: it kinda reduces to 'p'
mod6: i think his 'p' or whatever the name is, is going to do away with that -- least iirc.
ascii_butugychag: i intend to use it to demonstrate that, e.g., all 'p' programs terminate.
asciilifeform: adlai: i think phf was asking about 'p'
ascii_rear: ok so it turns out that mircea_popescu is simply insisting on 'p' !!
asciilifeform: in fact, whole point of 'p' originally in my head was so that mircea_popescu could have these.