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jurov: much better that turd.patch
jurov: yes, you prefer to name everythign "turd", i know
decimation: it's the hardware equivilant for the software phenomenon - first turd to market wins
decimation: thus, closed-turd asic eats everything
asciilifeform: then turd firmly cemented in.
asciilifeform: terrible, monumentally stinking cpp turd
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-06-2015#1173698 << wtf is that. for a sec i thought it had to do with bitcoin nodes, but turns out it's some random turd, l0l ☝︎
ascii_field: so apparently 'linux support' in modern scientific instrumentation means 'you can, maybe, write own driver in a week by studying pieces of the broken turd we published five hw revisions ago'
asciilifeform: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/net.cpp#1332 << l0l, stray turd
ascii_field: thing is a turd, from the black-box cpu (all 'arm' are builds of opaque licensed blob from uk) to the 'systemd' shit ecosystem that will run on top
ascii_field: the only thing more useless than a modern opaque turd is a 1990s opaque turd that no one is ~even working on~ reverse-engineering today
BingoBoingo: Shitgnomes leave turd traps and prevent nice things. Shit lords bury gnomes in turds to highlight their wretch. Mike Hearnia is a cononical shitgnome. Theo Deraadt and alf are cononical shitlords
ascii_field: like the 'yubikey' turd mtgox shipped ?
ascii_field: funkenstein_: the way it works is that there is literally no way to build a 'bitstream' (as the configs are called) for a chip without using vendor's turd toolchain
assbot: Logged on 17-06-2015 13:17:59; asciilifeform: you can pick up a textbook and write a dram controller for fpga from first principles - and it won't work. because, for starters, only a small number of output cells in the chip can function on both rising and falling edge of clock cycle (what 'ddr' means) and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric;
asciilifeform: you can pick up a textbook and write a dram controller for fpga from first principles - and it won't work. because, for starters, only a small number of output cells in the chip can function on both rising and falling edge of clock cycle (what 'ddr' means) and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric; ☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-06-2015#1165915 << key detail: 'IP-Core : MIG V:3.6.1'. that's 'memory interface generator', xilinx's gui turd. it shits out code which is a mere wrapper on a closed-source gigantic steaming pile of shit. and the output is unique to a particular model and subtype of chip. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ag3nt_zer0: how did you come to the notion that a closed turd of a platform such as 'raspberry' is a good starting point for learning programming ?
ascii_field: (they wish to have their 'directx' turd in universal, mandatory use)
ascii_field: otherwise it's a turd
ascii_field: turd
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: it's a turd
mircea_popescu: a large piece about what a piece of human refuse pao is, and what a huge turd everything ycombinator touches turns out, and specifically about what a failed human being altgman is and what a morally repugnant schmoe graham is for allowing the charade to continue
mircea_popescu: no, seriously, i'm curious how the majesty of the turd statue is going to recover from something like that.
BingoBoingo: wyrdmantis: Feel free to write it up. I'm taking part a Preet Bharara turd atm.
ascii_modem: and dump results in turd?
asciilifeform: tor is this thing where tcp is bounced via three machines, selected by shitgnomiferous mega-turd of a client, over ssl (ditto)
mircea_popescu: and to round off the bellbottoms point from before : and all sorts of things that AREN'T stupidities, various tiny gems ensconced in the broader turd get washed out with the water.
ascii_field: jp made and makes decent caps; cn happily sells you a turd with fraudulent jp branding printed on
trinque: alphonse23_: that irccloud thing seems like a turd
ascii_field: but of course, as with the 32-bit 'magic set', the bottom 32 are the same, and this key would probably work in some winblows turd pgptron
asciilifeform: Vexual: sd card with single-chip 'crypto coprocessor' (a la the atmel turd discussed a few months ago; possibly even the very same) - with extra holy water and marketing drivel included
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: i'm seeing a microsd single-chip turd
asciilifeform: which is why i think that at a certain point the advantage of a 'bitcoin' which can be -understood- will outweigh the danger of failing to enumerate every possible corner case of the original turd when crafting the ada safety-critical bitcoinatron
ascii_modem: and - plz remember how to read profilers - the 'turd' is merely the procedure that is at the root of call graph tree
decimation: by my eye, it looks to me that ThreadMessageHandler(void*) is a turd
ascii_field: cpp is a turd and it is boost which was used here to keep the turd sufficiently solid for lathe work
asciilifeform: who toil in the darkness to dig out the nuggets of choice turd
ascii_field: and once you've divided by the 'long' turd, what you're left with is small change
trinque: ben_vulpes: they're seriously thinking of using that avahi turd in their bitcoind?
ascii_modem: mats: my current understanding is that the turd in gpg2 is a malloc and doesn't leak phi. crashable bug though, & deserves closer look
mircea_popescu: then as a licensee you DONT know what you need to transform to wipe the watermark, so you have to transform... "everything". which results in a turd, which as he says, who the fuck will want that.
BingoBoingo: Apparently ye olde keys perfectly factorable in a targeted manner... stronger than turd keys
asciilifeform: ^^ recced to all. hilarious turd
ascii_field: and yes, the only way to solve the expire-for-new-sigs problem is, likely, to require blockchain turd emission for every single sig, for such a key
asciilifeform: to be fair, the item under review was a prng turd written for turdroid etc.
asciilifeform: and articles like this, https://freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/jbonneau/be-wary-of-one-time-pads-and-other-crypto-unicorns which is a kind of 'mouse poison' in the sense that it combines perfectly valid observation 'don't use random bozo's java crypto turd' with 'one time pads cannot work'
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-05-2015#1129622 << you were thinking of netbsd? which has that idiotic turd, using openssl ☝︎
trinque: they tell you specifically to *bury* it? like a cat turd?
assbot: Logged on 11-05-2015 17:41:02; ascii_field: at any rate, the reason to hold off creaming your pants on this occasion, is that 1) it's yet another von neumann turd 2) enjoy trading usg boobytraps for ru variant
ascii_field: at any rate, the reason to hold off creaming your pants on this occasion, is that 1) it's yet another von neumann turd 2) enjoy trading usg boobytraps for ru variant ☟︎
decimation: so you get a 'partially compiled' black box turd? it's amazing hardware vendors put up with that kind of shit
asciilifeform: rather, it is that arm is implemented by 'licensees' who get an opaque turd
decimation: yeah but the world seems to be adopting the arm turd instead
asciilifeform: so, for instance, if you -never- run winblows, you can nix -all- of classical x86 bios-compatibility turd
asciilifeform: but they all make turd built from same circuit)
decimation: asciilifeform: std_vector is one of those things that c++philes love (it just works!!), but when examined - contains refined turd juice
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: supposedly out. and, iirc it's a pedantically documented sparc, rather than closed turd
mircea_popescu: not sure why you, or i, or anyone would give a shit about some closed turd.
asciilifeform: but yes, it has been decided, the intel rootkittronic turd is to be in all x86 boxen.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu> sort-of like impromptu dentistry << big business in the turd world (of which usa is properly considered - a part)
asciilifeform: how a turd is sausage.
decimation: well, then why have a problem from pulling a key off a turd in the street?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117673 << it's funny tho, all the fraudulent pretense. "oh, a guy we never met is a founding director, because we wish to have the implication of legitimacy that would offer. next we make george washington founding director, and edit his wikipedia to say he founded the us and our turd" ☝︎
ascii_field: when i suddenly am expected to care what's in some xml turd, or expose a box to the net just to fetch changes, or similar atrocities - i reach for barf bag
ascii_field: and to have the canonical representation of the project be a git turd
ascii_field: (of the particular turd)
asciilifeform: it's a throwaway turd, l0l, not real article
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110320 << fits right in the the other 1,001 things that turn into turd ideas when 'everybody does it', like private automobile ☝︎
trinque: it's a problem that from the perspective of trying to maximize occupancy is much easier to solve with the virtualization turd
mircea_popescu: now you gotta go back through the turd and pick up my lines :D
mircea_popescu: ascii_launchpad turd is mostly processed hemoglobin.
ascii_launchpad: 'Consider for example Hadoop. Nobody seems to know how to build Hadoop from scratch.' << no one knows how to recreate a turd 'from scratch' either. though, there was this one 'art installation' fella who tried. had whole synthetic digestion apparatus, looked sorta like a small pharma pilot plant
asciilifeform: <BingoBoingo> ... the Phillipines interest me as an expatriation point << afaik - worst of all worlds: thoroughly usg-owned, but with all the 'pleasures' of the Turd World
asciilifeform: what if the "derivated mirrored user" was just an ID of a social network like Facebook or Twitter? Before strike me, let me explain my motivation: << what if the 'derivated mirror food' was just a turd from the local public toilet, with spices such as mustard or ketchup? Before strike me, let me explain...
assbot: Logged on 12-04-2015 03:14:45; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: can't speak for others, but i refuse to consider the leaking turd usable in any sense whatsoever.
assbot: Logged on 12-04-2015 03:14:45; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: can't speak for others, but i refuse to consider the leaking turd usable in any sense whatsoever.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: can't speak for others, but i refuse to consider the leaking turd usable in any sense whatsoever. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: virtually 100% envirowhinerism, 'solutions' for the turd world, or 'accomplishments' of the Officially Sad
decimation: there's a few ounces of wine in the turd-soup
Adlai: fluffypony: your turd is even fatter than satoshi's
decimation: yeah for example I have been trying to 'optimize' a std::vector<std::complex<float >> turd
BingoBoingo: bitspill: DKIM used to be a popular spamzor turd at first, guarenteed to hit yahoo accounts
decimation: a turd sandwich sounds delicious to someone about the starve to death
jurov: anyone can explain to me why the reddit turd is considered seriously here?
assbot: Logged on 08-04-2015 18:48:06; ascii_field: http://dpaste.com/22CZGG0 << mirror of the (since censored) reddit turd
ascii_field: to continue with the line of thought, as soon as we so much as frag less than gavin's turd, someone - anyone - could send us off on a fork of less-retardation.
ascii_field: the java turd ?
ascii_field: http://dpaste.com/22CZGG0 << mirror of the (since censored) reddit turd ☟︎
pete_dushenski: even if intel turd
mircea_popescu: "but without instructions on how to replciate, it's just that -- a turd"
nubbins`: can post the turd if anyone's curious, but without instructions on how to replciate, it's just that -- a turd
funkenstein_: am i correct in summing up turd polishing discussions, that once DNS is fully removed static linking will be back on the table?
asciilifeform: decimation: probably licensing turd for their proprietary kmod
ascii_modem: though i'm pretty sure it left a dns turd in somewhere - so a bit odd, this
asciilifeform: (it is arguably more of the language in the turd than cpp per se)
asciilifeform: i have the arm turd from the failed test (see earlier listserv post) running on 'arch'
BingoBoingo: decimation: Do you want to make sense of ZFS turd?
asciilifeform: why does one u.s. idiot get a 50K 'platinum' while another a 0.5K 'turd' ?
asciilifeform: because it is uncommon for the enemy to -invent- a turd ab initio