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asciilifeform: in many cases (quite arguably dns included) the turd was an ad-hoc hack from the days of arpa but was cemented in place because guess-why.
asciilifeform: i'd rather not put a multigig turd on my puny hostatron
nubbins`: gentoo is ostensibly used by alf because it's the sanest. the fact that bitcoind doesn't compile on it doesn't necessarily mean that the OS is the problem, nor does it mean a turd should be adopted as the OTBT
asciilifeform: which is why that human turd jon callas kept going on and on about how 'real security patches, even against user's will, because updates are the most important thing in security'
asciilifeform: it is nothing new to the veteran turd-shoveler.
asciilifeform wonders where everybody went... reading the sr mega-turd? hacking on pogotron? beating off rabid weasels ?
asciilifeform: it is rather like pointing to a grain of sand in a turd, and advocating shit as a construction material because 'that grain is solid'
Chillum: there is always another turd around the corner, it is the circle of life
jurov: will get replaces with just different turd
asciilifeform: rather than a mega-turd each, if diffing from a virginal buildroot
trinque: at least the turd was in the can, not the bed
nubbins` recalls staying in Crowne Plaza Bogota and cutting up a particularly dense turd with a sterling silver butter knife so it would flush
ben_vulpes: someday we'll be tops for any string starting with turd as well
ben_vulpes: <Chillum> [14:55] In my opinion SSL is not a turd to be ripped out << dude this is a something like 4 month long project going on here
Chillum: I certainly did not mean to offend anyone by saying SSL is not a turd, if this is a controversial statement I will keep it to myself
Chillum: okay sure, turd pancakes
mircea_popescu: Chillum "i like turd pancakes, it's my groupthink"
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 14:56:34; Chillum: In my opinion SSL is not a turd to be ripped out
Chillum: In my opinion SSL is not a turd to be ripped out ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Chillum we don't trust it because very suspicious corp / closed turd.
ascii_field: nubbins`: it's a mega-turd. not just one config, but four, and they have to be packaged in a certain way
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: ar collapse << and the americans won't buy it up at firesale like every other turd world collapsatron?
asciilifeform: tendrils of usg in the turd world
asciilifeform: i dropped the link to that turd here. can go and see for yourself
ascii_field: or emplacing own turd there
ascii_field: academic turd.
ascii_field: danielpbarron: this is an ancient plague in the apple world. vendor releases an unusable os, and then various 'entrepreneurs' show up to expensively offer to paper over the turd, and users - oblige
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i need something beyond "turd" now << wai wat
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i need something beyond "turd" now
ascii_field: i though the 'jar' was just a turd that loads from blockchain.info
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: castles and drawings by picasso are not fungible << i'd argue that picassos are more or less 'analogue bitcoin' for the ultra-bezzlerich. hence my interest in the linked turd
trinque: pete_dushenski: I'm on a lenovo turd currently, do not recommend
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: do the links contained in the turd point to the genuine site ?
BingoBoingo: It sucks that the thing is a slide deck, but at least it is a series of images and not a ppt or pdf turd
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: but as it happens - it's another mega-c-turd
davout: Adlai: so it should really be "boss makes a dollar while I make a dime, and a turd"
trinque: I've seen a dog devour cow turd after cow turd; a mere human ass is nothing
thestringpuller: ascii_field: "this is a turd free zone"
ascii_field: selling turd where c-machine abstraction stack continuously leaks into the supposed 'lisp' - is pure sc4mz4tr0nix
thestringpuller: one mans turd, another fly's delicacy
ascii_field: 'work into market' by reducing turd %
ascii_field: trinque: and let's sell candy made from 9 parts sugar to 1 part turd
asciilifeform: one could literally pierce a tank with a compressed turd
ascii_field: and yes, it's crufty '80s turd
ascii_field: thing is, actual hawala isn't a roundedcorners iPnohe turd app
jurov: <mircea_popescu> i don't recall why we didn't like the pi for this purpois << alf proclaimed it as depending on binary turd (that supposedly leaks key material by any channel conceivable), thus unworthy
asciilifeform: and mircea_popescu appears to get exactly the same spam as my spam-magnet, turd for turd
BingoBoingo: <sjsqd> but works with bitcoin just the same as any other client (multibit etc) does? << Very different from multibit. Multibit is based on the Hearn BitcoinJ turd.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Aha they took reop as is... Even with the part where it only exists as a "go" turd
asciilifeform: closed turd?
asciilifeform: not that backport should be used as is! but why piss away time on a turd ?
asciilifeform: rather than bug-for-bug equivalence to the turd
asciilifeform: fully algorithmic statement of bitcoin cannot have 'and a turd goes here'
asciilifeform: target market is presumably wealthy usian tourists to the turd world
asciilifeform: sorta like the argument that if there is already the usg-mandated maximum of xxx ppm of turd in your dinner, might as well go full-blown coprophagiac
thestringpuller: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douche_and_Turd << no its essentially having to choose between giant douche or turd sandwich
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: are you familiar with giant douche vs turd sandwich?
asciilifeform: if it doesn't - that is to say, doesn't match fucking 1980s state of the art - it's a turd.
asciilifeform: mod6: thanks for posting a tarball << it contains a 12MB turd (mostly nulls) that can be booted to show that netbsd boots on pogo and diddles the network. that's all
BingoBoingo: Other library school particular onstacle to windows exodus is catalogging class with OCLC turd
mod6: one turd to rule them all...
mircea_popescu: and im pretty sure the us had this too, even if i wasn't there t o witness, for reasons like the beginning of gate's career, when he was a whiny turd outcast at computer conventions.
danielpbarron: is debian a systemd turd?
BingoBoingo: <decimation> although the rumor I heard back then was that most of the 'smart guys' working on solaris were spending their working days trying to unravel the gordian knot of kernel locks << But as an Oracle turd they can now break whatever they want in the name of handling one database faster.
BingoBoingo: Shame the solaris 10 with the SMF turd introduced was the only "open" one and likely inspired so many systemdevaintisms
asciilifeform: it'll be in every ring0 turd on the planet before the year's out, possibly.
asciilifeform: 2) tearing out 'boost' while keeping the project in cpp will turn it into an unreadable morass of crud that makes the existing turd look like the finest sausage ☟︎
asciilifeform: but why force user to use turd service ?
mircea_popescu: if you can trust their closed stack turd.
asciilifeform: re: the question of ripping out 'boost': not happening short of a total rewrite. it's used for virtually all iteration constructs, heterogeneous data structures, and 100 other things in the turd.
asciilifeform: and, skipping straight to the end of the turd,
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: linux 2.6.x kernel is a mega-turd. and while there remains a single line therein which does not execute during the normal operation of bitcoind-on-pogo, i will maintain that this is true.
asciilifeform: and while i could, with some effort, shoehorn bitcoind into one of the still-produced alternatives for 'pogo' - all of which have no more than 32M of ram - it presumes something other than the mega-turd that linux kernel is.
asciilifeform: automated rewrite is equivalent to original turd
asciilifeform: now the next phase of moon-chair-stacking, that nix may or may not have yet entered, is to decide that the turd they have created and are doomed to dine on is in fact a sausage, and to lash out angrily at folks pointing out the actual facts
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [] how do you plan to use it w/o a wallet ? << gotta move all the transaction generation logic out of the turd. implies a database replacement using something that can actually be queried, not a braindamaged k/v store.
asciilifeform: you may end up pulling in much of the openssl turd in the process
asciilifeform: imho in the final turd we nuke it
asciilifeform: other than that, one can take a snapshot: dd if=/dev/mtd0 of=turd.bin
trinque: but yeah, sausage... turd...
asciilifeform: you know, the folks who walk in with a turd and explain to you that it's 'just the same' as a sausage, but 'more up with the times'
decimation: one would have to write software to craft the correct binary turd
mod6: well, sooner or later this turd is gonna fail
decimation: decimation: sun have been lowered into oracle or that turd 'joylent' that was discussed awhile ago
decimation: the LXR 'concordance' is pretty neat, it would be cool if it were possible to create that without webserver turd
asciilifeform: and is that a closed-source turd i see.
pete_dushenski: but clearly the supermagickuserfriendly core is a turd so i might as well just go for the real deal
asciilifeform: the master of a particular turd can 'turn the screw'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, ben_vulpes ^ turd from last night's thread
asciilifeform puts the traditional turd back on
asciilifeform: any thoughts re: the idea of replacing std::allocator in the turd with a pool allocator?
mircea_popescu: adaptec's private turd ?
asciilifeform: a determined luser could, in principle, rebuild the entire thing with phoundation's turd in place of ours, sure
asciilifeform: where? in my turd ?
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> [] a deterministic builder of statically linked 0.5.3.xxxxx. for arbitrary cross-compiler. and ran. and turd runs on pogo. << f yeah. share?
mircea_popescu: and turd is a reasonably rare usage
assbot: Logged on 21-01-2015 18:50:39; asciilifeform: turd is not a substitute for sausage, despite the topological similarities.
asciilifeform: a deterministic builder of statically linked 0.5.3.xxxxx. for arbitrary cross-compiler. and ran. and turd runs on pogo.
BingoBoingo: decimation: GPS time is USG turd. Want to be able to keep own clock.
asciilifeform: every bubble's going to bring more into the fold << trying to make argument that they weren't 'in', but more like the clingers-on one sees hanging from trams and trolleybuses in the turd works