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asciilifeform: so that usg and its catamites could have their 1,001-year-reich
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 18:57 asciilifeform: there is no money, in modern usg reich, in SOLVING a problem
asciilifeform: there is no money, in modern usg reich, in SOLVING a problem ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i don't live in that reich.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not in this reich, it ain't. bank can unplug whoever. and charge $maxint, say, if it wants.
asciilifeform: but simple observation that ~actual~ oppositioner will not be permitted mansions and titles inside the reich he is nominally opposing.
asciilifeform: in the reich with seekrit laws (yes), who is surprised by 'secret plea deal' conditions.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it is verboten, in today's reich, to employ anyone.
asciilifeform: 'If I employ a gardener, I have to earn £3 for every £1 he can actually spend, because everything is taxed twice, first as my income, then as his.' << not only still true in today's reich, but today it'd be 10 : 1 . ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so no more pissing in the best reich ?
shinohai: asciilifeform: no I am entrenched in the Southern part of Reich unfortunately, would have to relocate to more friendly (and preferably Spanish-speaking) climes.
asciilifeform: who, currently, other than mircea_popescu and hanbot meet the ground floor qualification ( physically residing outside of reich ) ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nato-reich is verboten anyway.
asciilifeform: ( also requires keeping not only own skin, but money , in places reich can't easily get to ; getting hired help who aren't stoolies, also, somewhere; and similar )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: outside of reich, exactly same confiscation is carried out simply by slipping a hundy to the orc guard
mircea_popescu: and it would be out of the question doing business with nato-reich located dcs anyway, for basic moral reasons.
mircea_popescu: it'd seem the usg terrorist organization has succeeded in african-americanizing the hosting business much like it did to the inner city ghettos : yes there exist youngsters who live outside of the reich. none of them survive into adulthood.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612084 << mircea_popescu is mistaken in the belief that usa has a seekrit inner core of 'sane judges'. there is no such thing as a sane judge in a reich. any more than you can have a 'sane' rubyonlgbtpqrs programmer. ☝︎
asciilifeform: he got a pension out of it from the reich.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-24 06:09 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-24#1606239 << d00d has some rather surreal 'thousand year usg reich' wtf, e.g., https://huwieler.net/2015/10/30/quantum-cyber-warfare-the-defense-policy-we-dont-have-but-should/
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-24#1606239 << d00d has some rather surreal 'thousand year usg reich' wtf, e.g., https://huwieler.net/2015/10/30/quantum-cyber-warfare-the-defense-policy-we-dont-have-but-should/ ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: protecting own neck from the noose, as per http://qntra.net/2017/01/the-fourth-reich-grips-berlin
asciilifeform: the reich works in this case not by denying the parts to would-be builders, but in pushing the notion that, e.g., 'workstation' HAS to be a 4GHz wintel thing
asciilifeform: morse, incidentally, is a skill that the 4th reich would quite like to see die out entirely. ohnoez, can't have folx communicating with low-tech radios, flash-lamps, through prison toilets.
asciilifeform: the really lulzy bit, imho, is that titan et al were built when 4th reich SPECIFICALLY knew that su had 0 working rockets. (from penkovsky, specifically.)
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 21:52 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/01/the-fourth-reich-grips-berlin/ << Qntra - The Fourth Reich Grips Berlin
pete_dushenski: inb4 'birdbrain' becomes a compliment in the 4th reich
pete_dushenski: wagenvolks! in fourth reich, wagen rides you!
pete_dushenski: https://youtu.be/0OJjvYPV3oc?t=1m26s << yet another reason to avoid newer german cars (yes, the reich-gripped really are the worst offenders) : all-led lights. not just led drl and halogen/xenon high beams. the entire corners of cars will soon be led clusters with sophisticated programming that will selectively block light from shining in the eyes of on-coming traffic for example
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/01/the-fourth-reich-grips-berlin/ << Qntra - The Fourth Reich Grips Berlin ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the currency of the reich is, as the original hitler well observed, a sort of sweat.
asciilifeform: 'A Finnish court has sentenced the former head of Helsinki's anti-drugs police to 10 years in prison for drug-smuggling and other offences. ... It ranks as the second least-corrupt country, after Denmark, in the global index compiled by Transparency International.' << in other reich lulz.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-19#1585532 << it wouldn't be so astonishing if in the process of 'heightening the contradictions', academitards who go against party line end up with revoked degrees. this was sop in the last reich, why not this one. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and as per the "Won't fucking yield" disbelief, they'll go to their shallow grave kicking and screaming about how great the reich is and how black women matter or some dorkage.
mircea_popescu: nato reich gradually being ghettoized, i dunno who the fuck will swallow this theory whereby you actually want to move banking out of brunei. what, world's richest state ? mmkay.
asciilifeform: mats: i dunno that many folx walk around with notions of 'thousand year reich' directly present in their heads. but 'will last long enough for ME' is probably common delusion.
mircea_popescu: the notion that someone somewhere thinks in terms of "x is worse than the us" is mindnumbing. fucking hell, the third reich only killed SOME people.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-12 15:50 mircea_popescu: set up your client to pick two-of-three, give it 1 republic and 2 reich servers. it'll give you republic for all the things reich doesn't know and reich for stuff like apple.com
Framedragger: (btw amusingly, non-reich DNS roots are called "alt roots". tmsr could call it "*the* dns root", or "the republican dns root". or something.)
asciilifeform: i'm still not sold on the concept of a pgp key in multiple pockets being any different an affair from old fiatola reich control.
asciilifeform: this is not plug-compatible with fiat reich.
mircea_popescu: set up your client to pick two-of-three, give it 1 republic and 2 reich servers. it'll give you republic for all the things reich doesn't know and reich for stuff like apple.com ☟︎
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i assume that you would not care much for a "preferred and secondary dns servers" setup, wherein if dns1 returns no record for whitehouse.gov, dns2 is queried? i personally would still like to be able to visit the reich's web. but dunno if this is compatible with teh republic :p
mircea_popescu: imagine as he sat in the bunker listening to the first artillery bombardments audible from berlin, hitler got a wire from bundesbank that the venusians just deposited 11 billiards marks in the eternal reich's account.
PeterL: that Robert Reich looks like a smug self-righteous bastard.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, check out robert reich : his latest https://archive.is/khty2 reprinted verbatim by salon, this aspiring qntra of velleity.
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/jX4Fd << from same rag, 'GERMANY'S infamous “Nazi Grandma” – an 87-year-old Third Reich fanatic repeatedly up before the courts for denying that the Holocaust took place – has been handed down a new 11-month term behind bars.'
asciilifeform: dunno about mircea_popesculandia, but here in ye olde reich we get: 'food'
asciilifeform: another 1000 years of reich, wat.
asciilifeform: Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein boolcrap .
mircea_popescu: eh. unlike the us, the reich worked.
pete_dushenski pictures alf summiting with pointed reich helmet
asciilifeform: reich rules.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: no such thing - reich wears belt and suspenders before putting on idiot show. they're locked into overlapping treaties to ~same effect as eu membership.
mircea_popescu: the funny part being, of course, that nobody is pushing to "crack down on corruption" when it actually happens, ie, here. no, "cracking down on corruption" is Reich-speech for what happens in a recently conquered land, to destroy its local elite. that's what's meant when you say random noplace government harping about how they'll crack down on imaginary "corruption".
asciilifeform: problem with this theory is that folks ~do~ propel towards d.c. - seeking to take part in great works of reich administration
asciilifeform: iirc if you calc the 'millimorts', the max theoretical lifespan of usian is CAPPED at somewhere like 300 yrs (taken, yes, with eternally unchanging Reich) PURELY by the car.
asciilifeform: (which really meant, wrecking su, so alternatives to the reich could not come to exist)
asciilifeform: even here in the heart of the idiot reich.
mircea_popescu: it's how the shit played out in the us ; and the scheme is systematically repeated in every colony of the reich hence.
asciilifeform: snorera: calls, at the very minimum, for an expert sapper, who is not a reich subject
asciilifeform: hence nato reich.
asciilifeform: what a high-ranking reich officer!
asciilifeform: was none too happy with the 'reich for women' thing
asciilifeform: it is on just such folk that the reich still stands.
asciilifeform: plus the whole climatology thing was a misguided excercise - the reich for some reason thought people would happily deindustrialize and starve out of religious fervor, but then understood that bayonet is good enough
mircea_popescu: a feat usually credited to a certain reich minister.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-01-2016#1362452 << quite how the reich would like north kr to 'put down the nuke' ☝︎
mircea_popescu: actually discouraging adoption among the welfare horde is probably very useful for bitcoin. it's quite clear that adding nato reich puppets is a marginal loss per capita by now.
asciilifeform: 'whatcha doing in the bowels of the reich then'
assbot: Logged on 19-12-2015 17:32:44; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347209 << 4th reich now owns moar europe than 3rd did
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347209 << 4th reich now owns moar europe than 3rd did ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345740 << at this point even children in zimbabwe likely know that not only does usg record every phone call in nato reich, but has been doing so since hdd platter cost fell to where it was economically feasible. but the portable mitm gadgets are for something else ☝︎
ascii_field: '1. Books ghost written for a Fox news Op-ed figure, 2. Jingoistic tomes on the defeat of the evil Nazi empire by “the greatest generation” of Americans, revealing as yet unfathomed Nazi evils and under-appreciated American heroics. [WWII is no longer, apparently recognized as having had a Russian or Japanese component, and the Third Reich is represented as an engine of global extermination that was
asciilifeform: anyone else operating trb within the reich seeing same ?
asciilifeform: trinque: none of the folks calling give a tinker's damn re: 'sane computing' or b-a reich or whatnot. they just want good ol'fashioned reversing.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: aha, why do you suppose they bothered to smash serbia and roll up all of old yugo into usg reich ?
jurov: eh, pete's trying to paint us fourth reich or whatevs
mircea_popescu: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1981-149-34A%2C_Russland%2C_Herausziehen_eines_Autos.jpg <<< usg dept of human disservices THIS CLOSE to catching up to third reich technologees.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform all reichs always collapse because of the reich, and the outside enemies. never was it the case "the people" did anything relevant.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you think the reich collapses "because the people"...
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-09-2015#1265812 << if this recipe were actually followed, you get a usg reich that lasts 10,000 years. still want ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so yes in weimar, no in 3rd reich.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-08-2015#1253815 << pretty sure the reich had those, even. ☝︎
asciilifeform: or what, the schmucks thought that the reich is dead and the thing has no owner ?
mircea_popescu: much like the third reich military had no debts owed to weimar and generally was hitler's creation.
mircea_popescu: thousand year reich fo sho.
decimation: traitors to the third reich
mircea_popescu: nah, us bombed romania plenty in the early 40s. major oil supplier for teh third reich.
decimation: "7. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich."
asciilifeform: anglos still rule their reich
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-07-2015#1199113 << there is an interesting caveat, which is that land prices in the nato reich are proclaimed 'too big to fail' in the sense that they will never be permitted to fall into where a schmuck can buy a serious land holding ☝︎
ascii_modem: i get that the reich is not 1000year, aha
asciilifeform: certainly in nato-reich
assbot: Logged on 15-06-2015 15:50:15; asciilifeform: from the pov of the chumps, the more sinister aspect, as always, is the non-cryptographic concept of identity used in nato reich, where folks can actually impersonate you if they know a handful of basic biographical facts
asciilifeform: mats: as nato reich continues its path down the drainpipe to join the earlier reichs, various folks' temptation to find out 'if the nukes still work
ascii_field: 3rd reich 'nervously smokes in the corner' compared to the things 4th reich will be remembered for
mircea_popescu: or the third reich, for that matter.
ascii_field: mats: belgium is in the reich, therefore just as good as florida etc
asciilifeform: BitLazy! the reich's #1-selling bitcotron! Mine While Not Giving a Flying Fuck (TM) (R)