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mp_en_viaje: putation for being a
nigger club, theres no fucking way youre turnin that shit around, unless you nuke the place with said niggers inside it and once I get the niggers out, which I will, who are you planning to replace them with, because if you think all of a sudden all the hot white girls of the world gonna start showin up in droves, youre seriously out of your fucking minds. Their response, and I quote, y
mp_en_viaje: a four-
nigger farm! the whole fucking discussion is about this married couple and their four niggers! they work together ten acres of shitty land, half corn, half cotton. THESE are the lofty concerns. this is what "the state" is supposed to exist atop and deal with ?
mp_en_viaje: this even way the fuck loftier 2 meaning, that "the message was transmitted by ~ONE OF THE~ hounds" of this sartori comedian. because he's so lofty and important and practically speaking a nation in himself, he can't even fucking talk, like trump. he has a humongous (you better believe) horde of vechili & other
nigger handles at his beck and call. he's just that fuckign cool, what.
mircea_popescu: (ethereum people are really 100% about bitcoin, kinda like how us-based, nominally "protestant" supposedly independent "churches" are 100% about catholicism ; or us-based "
nigger hating" / "taking down the zog machine jew by jew by jew" "white power" groups are 100% about
please fuck my wife now, she's ovulating. it's the us thing, don't ask me to explain it.)
mircea_popescu: by the time 2001 rolled around, that
nigger at dept of state and all the rest of the lulz -- about half of the top 5% had left
mircea_popescu: as
anil dash would no doubt wish to know, "are you even familiar with the redemption cycles in that culture".
a111: Logged on 2019-05-22 14:32 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, seems unlikely. the sort of fellow never surrenders, there's this deeply inborn sentiment of invulnerability burning deep in the technomoron. more likely, they're taking it as a "challenge accepted", came up with who knows what ratty,
nigger-rigged paliatives.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, seems unlikely. the sort of fellow never surrenders, there's this deeply inborn sentiment of invulnerability burning deep in the technomoron. more likely, they're taking it as a "challenge accepted", came up with who knows what ratty,
nigger-rigged paliatives.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: he dun want a bottle to enjoy with his private, personal, wholly owned whores. he want a bottle to drink by himself and feel JUST LIKE
nigger in x movie.
mircea_popescu: fucking move, if you don't like paying 5 cents for electro-watt and a further 10 cents so mammie mc
nigger fatass can afford lube and happy meals every time you burn a watt.
mircea_popescu: "staff" didn't know what's highly offensive to it until the
nigger brigade showed up to enlighten!
mircea_popescu: "we'd much rather not all be jack keefe, and you know what ? if we never ever mention it it's just as good as if we actually weren't. also, don't say king coon,
nigger or cripple."
mircea_popescu: the work-on-wallstreet is rather visible a collegiate track, sorta like "
a111: Logged on 2018-10-04 00:02 asciilifeform: i recently got hold of local uni's 'student newspaper', it apparently consists ~100% by weight nao of 'police report : someone wrote '
nigger' on a whiteboard' .
mircea_popescu: somewhere someone (lafond maybe ?) explains the problem of "conservative" or "republican" or w/e, johnny cash style pantsuit fucktard, whereby he's "lawyering up" in his mind, and can't curbstomp
nigger at first sign of potential disobedience. "oh, he just asked me the time FOR DIFFERENT REASONS ALTOGETHER, this isn't LEGITIMATE REASON to bas his skull in"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hence my "niggers
nigger rig" comment. they don't have the clue to make what they need.
phf: as BingoBoingo continues living in orcland and his subtle mannerisms lose the imperial edge the locals no longer perceive him as a white sahib, soon attempt to "back to work,
nigger" him
mircea_popescu: nah, as late as 1960 it meant "end of life" in that you became a
nigger and had to sell ("voluntarily", heh) your suburban home
mircea_popescu: he contorts that ugly
nigger face like it's propelling space ships.
Nigger all stars versus a country trying to be a nation
mircea_popescu: it's a fine example of "we promoted condolezza the
nigger, and now we're fucked".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform amusingly, that's almost 100% whore/stripper fare, the "ancient pharaonic
nigger" wank.
mircea_popescu: there's some depth here : talk psychiatry works for intelligent people only, and even then dubiously ; chem psychiatry does not work, at all, except it does disorient. this is sufficient in some views, in the sense that humans can't distinguish dizzy cows from plain cows, and angry bulls are kinda scary. so it's the perfect "solution" to the problem of "unruly
nigger". cheaper than the previous perfect solution (which was als
a111: Logged on 2018-06-10 18:07 mircea_popescu: and as far as most mouthbreathers are concerned, the world is too much and the little glass bead of "
nigger explains what '''events mean to me'''" archsufficient.
mircea_popescu: and as far as most mouthbreathers are concerned, the world is too much and the little glass bead of "
nigger explains what '''events mean to me'''" archsufficient.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: but that said -- seems almost a certainty that the pothead is preferable to the drunk, from the socialist
nigger's perspective.
mircea_popescu: anyway. bitcoin is bitcoin. the various "i can't believe it's not bitcoin" scams the usg has been trying to push are just that, margerine ~nobody cares about (notwithstanding every
nigger out there is trying to pretend like they're eating it an' lovin' it)
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ( tho in usa folx wash obsessively, to the point of annihilating their skin bacteria dangerously ) << Two of the potato
nigger femayos insisted on wearing tank tops while they had actively draining boils in their armpits
mircea_popescu: there's no way to state it ; the streets of 70s ny are now cubicals ; the "that ain't the question" is some
nigger's whine about "bombed villages" ; this age's depp "speaks arabic" as the magical god-downloaded-just-in-time hero ball. and so fucking on until you fall over.
phf: but at the same time i suspect that the hostel in question doesn't for example have mosquito nets on bed frames, so it's possible that
nigger runs deep in this particular case.
BingoBoingo: Turns out the answer is a bunch of Irish potato
nigger "English Teachers" doing a visa run from Argentina.
BingoBoingo: After I put in some effort trying to teach them to say
nigger mircea_popescu: where the fuck is the "queer" modifier anyway. you can say "
nigger washingmachine judge" but you can't say "faggot judge" ? what's this, fellow traveller disenfranchisement ?
mircea_popescu: (for the young reader : xojane was some bullshit wanna-be "platform" for imaginary "cimmunities" that got bought by the suckers (time warner) in 2015 and frozen in 2016. because myspace wasn';t enough or something. and huffington post, well, need i even point out, it was exactly the same thing, ran by a
nigger somewhat more dextrous still. adriana made out ok from the swindle.)
mircea_popescu: yet magic doesn't work in the working sense of the verb to work, as found in hospitals as opposed to magic shaman
nigger hut.
mircea_popescu: anyway, getting back to the point of bill gates / whatever pantsuit commentators on the fringes of the republic and old man jamemary of jamemary114@gmail.com / whatever
nigger commentators ~ALSO!!!!~ very much exactly and entirely identically in each and every way also! on the fringes of the republic : there's really no difference.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 01:57 mircea_popescu: it's little more than a restatement of ye olde, dearest dream of all
nigger, "we'll get in later anyway:"
mircea_popescu: if you are to evaluate a <30 yo boy, do you want to see his
nigger records or his work records ?
mircea_popescu: (has any of the reformed-judaism-that-calls-itself-xtianity folk even CONSIDER to date that it's fucking weird their divine item was shown as ~a very competent
nigger~, talking smack in church and whatnot, but is not even CONSIDERED in terms of his vocation ? where's the passage in the "here's what we stole from torah" where it is gone into detail as to the quality of the man's joints ? because there's oodlebunches of idle pa
mircea_popescu: it's little more than a restatement of ye olde, dearest dream of all
nigger, "we'll get in later anyway:"
☟︎ mircea_popescu: ie, out and out "we got a line into the oil pipe, now we need mass to swing it!" joy call of the
mircea_popescu: "Revolutions sometimes do work, but their cost in human terms is /enormous/." << no revolutin ever worked, in any sense of "work" distinguishable from "
nigger got his delicious free chicken". for the same money, "pillage works". sure, it works fine for as long as you're the one doing it.
shinohai: imho Ubuntu is is simply another
nigger word for Ebola
BingoBoingo: Anyways if you go into St Louis now at night, even in the "nice" areas... there is a 50/50 chance you get surrounded by a crowd of youth with half of them on their phones calling your pasty ass a
nigger and waiting to surprise you with WORLDSTARHIPHOP
mircea_popescu: because srsly, it's better being born a
nigger in alabama than being born a krautz in germany.
shinohai: Logged: 15:57 <-- lollig400 has quit (K-Lined) <<< Now we are closer to
nigger free.
lollig400: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY
NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! elmkussi: whaack phf The20YearIRCloud asciilifeform danielpbarron ben_vulpes _whitelogger Framedragger ang-st gribble jurov shinohai mquander spyked mod6 MTW StarmanDeluxe punto yangwao_ Techman deedbot kjj dooglus mircea_popescu trinque mimisbrunnr
lollig400: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY
NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! xezmscxkyz: ang-st cblgh kjj davout_ mobile46836 joecool toohigh trinque asciilifeform webbyz jhvh1 midnightmagic mats a111 dooglus mod6 gribble _whitelogger BingoBoingo
shinohai: What happened to indiancandy, in here offering
nigger language lessons.
mircea_popescu: and so, to get back to it, and in the words of the great
nigger Hussein Bahamas, "if you did a thing you didn't do that thing". therefore matt blaze neither was touched nor could have been touched by anyone, be they john drapper or anyone else ; nor has matt blaze had published anything of any note, re ciphers or cooking or anything else.
mircea_popescu: is it weird that there's no women in the list ? just jew
nigger mexican ?
shinohai: ^ I heard the above was edited by sjw on Google translate. It used to be "Take a look at the
jhvh1: shinohai: charges associated wound nigga
nigger shinohai: !~translate so to en oogi boogi nigga
nigger a111: Logged on 2016-04-08 22:17 mircea_popescu: this guy, thinks he's a
nigger. got a bad scar and missing eye.
mircea_popescu: (tl;dr :
nigger jew faggots at google conspired to hinder anyone not of
nigger jew faggot political persuasions.)
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: person of african american decent. Also see [
nigger] [ex:] Damn blue gums stole me bicycle [/ex] | A synonym of African American, this word describes the bluish color typical of a black mouth. [ex:] Hey! Somebody hang that bluegum! [/ex] | An African or African American with exceptionally dark skin. [ex:] He ain't high yellow, he's a bluegums. [/ex] | Any black person whose gums are (3 more messages)
mircea_popescu: much like the russkis, what these other marginal orcs have to show for "their great empire" is a barely functional bezzle scheme. i don't even mean the financial part, intellectually speaking the whole us can be comfortably sat down in two lines' worth of "don't say
nigger and state-god will provide", which is what, somehow different from "quote marx and wait for moscow" ?
mircea_popescu: amusingly this whole thing stems out of : some obnoxiouys pantsuit hag started harassing that spencer dude's mom, to get her to "disown" her son and donate his inheritance to the
nigger fund or some shit. THAT part was a-ok ; but when this dork put some words on a website and as a result THOUSANDS of people told that woman what a shitstain she is, THEN it became scandalous.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-01#1708973 << no. some non-people are trained as part of their non-people training at the hands of old women to a. never show their cunt in public b. run away whenever specific sounds are heard (1. sirens, 2. "freeze", 3. "
nigger", 4. numbers and math, 5. etcetera). this is how old women build "a society" which looks exactly like fucking john gast's "american progress", a "painting" made by tele
☝︎ trinque: did the pantsuit mayor last time, wasn't enough, now
nigger mayor who will seriously review serious matters and things.
mircea_popescu: "look mom, i'm just like the
nigger on tv! talking of the satcom portion!! would you like to hear more meaningless words ???"
mircea_popescu: whereas "don't say
nigger" and "good guy wears white hat" is fixed form.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo wait, was that
nigger in the trilema sense ?!
mircea_popescu: "at the time (october 2006) i was spending a lot of time jacking off to stuff i downloaded from the piratebay and i saw their hilariously republican blog ; so i figured... hey, i'm an american and therefore worse that a shitstain in a paki's undershorts. how could i possibly try and run off with as much of that as possible to sell to my
nigger masters for some mountain dew ???"
mircea_popescu: hardly. none of these have a plain and simple
nigger's "I never injured any of those women," reflected I, with meek resignation: "but God will be kinder to me and to my errors than they are!" conviction.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile on the other side, what the chumpmasters are doing is simply create and inject irrelevant complicacy. people discussing splat distance ? let's talk about drag. it is a 0.1% factor at the most, so let's discuss it. people wanna pick a president ? let's find out who said
nigger more times. this matters, to 0.1% or below, so let's focus on that. etcetera and forever, and amusingly enough they replicate it.
mircea_popescu: sort-of like
nigger-rigging is what they call us navy works.
mircea_popescu: yet once more poverty is the edge distinguishing man from
mircea_popescu: the "uncles" ie uppity aunts don't like it anymore these days, though. too much
nigger in it, not to mention a very strong vein of "things are as they are not only because that's how they are but also because that's how tyhey should be".
mircea_popescu: "oh but he said
nigger 85 times!!" "yes but he just uses that to denote tomatoes."
mircea_popescu: and underutilized elite "i'm a
nigger stomper, but '''we just don't do that in my country'''"will find their actual useful levbel.
mircea_popescu: what was he supposed to say, "dun lie to me bitch, i know a field
nigger when i see one" ?
BingoBoingo: From the cancerous faggot department: "Maher seemed encouraged by the answer and said that he should get to Nebraska more. Sasse then replied that the comedian was welcome to go: Wed love to have you work in the fields with us. Maher seemed surprised by Sasses invitation and then jokingly replied, Work in the fields? Senator, Im a house
BingoBoingo: So in other local lulz, Marxist aggitators want to remove Confederate memorial from park in StL city. Same aggitators love/ignore local "farmer's" market that used to hold "Pick-a-
Nigger Sunday" sales.