deedbot: r0nin- voiced for 30 minutes.
r0nin-: just curious about your latam travels?
r0nin-: mircea: ever going to settle down and set roots somewhere? or ever forever the jewish digital nomad
r0nin-: whats up with libertarians always taking on jewish traits?
r0nin-: everyone a 'wanderer' now
mircea_popescu: just because the duke of wurtenberg also holds luneburg doesn't mean he thereby isn't the lord sovereign in stuttgart anymore. he is, the people there bow to him like they always did, whatever other lands abroad he meanwhile acquired.
mircea_popescu: so, to ask the proper question here r0nin- , what is with the spawn of herdemocracy, always trying to edge in equalitits on some level or other ? ownership is not marriage, it is ownership. whether women or lands or anything else - the sovereign above, the thing below, their relationship unequal.
mircea_popescu: << muchly depends. if the office is the usual usian horror, and the casino floor is the item from glamour shots, with the floozies and the hookers and so on, definitely. but the casino floor can be pretty depressing, especially in fucking arkansaw. and the office can be a total insoutenable legerete de l'etre style hospital, especially in eastern europe 1990s "media" or whatever "i'm
☝︎ mircea_popescu: ^ sorry for teh delay. there's going to be a smg report next month, skipping the current.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-06 22:52 asciilifeform: ( i keep pretty much every intermediate step of just about every computation i ever do, because hell knows )
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 3207.1, vol: 5955.40184897 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 3219.7, vol: 16571.91315873 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 3187.319914, vol: 13066.43300000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 3227.14, vol: 5472.5686485 | Volume-weighted last average: 3208.56156797
mircea_popescu: also, is semetic a contraction of semen and semitic or does semantic get involved on some level ?
BingoBoingo: Naturally, cucks gotta clean up the wife and the bull
mircea_popescu: cue the ancient joke, "two jewish families go on vacation late august in this florida roach motel cuz it's cheaper. mid afternoon they can hear each other fucking the balabusta through the paper walls, cuz it's chepaer than going out. one yells "hey itzak, is this work or leisure ?" "leisure strul, if it were work we'd have hired the paper boy to do it."
mircea_popescu: and in other "rules to live by" : skirt always shorter than heels!
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 479428 | Current Difficulty: 8.60221984436E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 479807 | Next Difficulty In: 379 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 18 hours, 9 minutes, and 57 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
phf: asciilifeform: seems reasonable
phf: i mean, it's guy's personal ebay account
phf: heh, 2015 sportster too
phf: he will, we already agreed that he's staying at my place, sometime in september
phf: i think tron has a hoarding problem, i told him as much, but he really wants to keep those 36xx running in perpetuity
mircea_popescu: there's a substantial difference between that and a hoarding problem.
mircea_popescu: the clinical classification specifically requires "no utility".
BingoBoingo: <phf> heh, 2015 sportster too << Obviously didn't sell soul for enough if small sportster and not huge Electra Glide
mircea_popescu: incidentally, since apparently we are among cold war aficionados, anyone saw "the spy who came in from the cold" ?
mircea_popescu: with the anglo version of alain delon (richard burton)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's possibly the worst spy movie ever made. batshit ridiculous nonsense.
mircea_popescu: funded 262k personally in 2015 / 800 bucks under the corp name in 2011.
phf: mircea_popescu: i like to make that joke, because it makes me feel better about my tiny apartment
mircea_popescu: phf is it one of those you don't like painting because you feel the walls closing in every time ?
mircea_popescu: (for equity should also point out the 262k in 2015 is very exceptional, dude averages sub 100k over 5 years)
phf: i put a 2-person tent in the middle of the room and it made the room suffocating, yes
phf: oh i was just experimenting with a different setup, try to see what fits and how, and how big is the footprint, that sort of thing
mircea_popescu: i am not specifically informed ; but from common business sense looking at the cashflows, that contract was terminated in 2015.
mircea_popescu: vague rumors have alphabet taking over nuke softwarizing through special subsidiary also.
mircea_popescu would very much like to see the lulzpile involved. fully systemd yet ? etc.
mircea_popescu: (not the crap on the rockets itself ; but there's a lot of on-the-ground tracking and whatnot)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform aha. and the one capital acct where needed payments can be hidden.
phf: nuke softwarizing? as in power plant software, or like electronics for bombs?
mircea_popescu: if you're not a fucking tribal hunter spending your time in pelts on horseback throwing spears ; if you're not a jailbird of the "jail -- only home" persuasion ; if you're not of any of the other few categories wtf are you thinking.
mircea_popescu: stupid girly with stocking ribbons tattooed mid thigh. "why, you figured you'll never live to afford stockings ?" "uhmmm".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, see, thats very specifically what i mean. oh, "She's a munition" ? what context is it in. woman is on the toilet taking a crap. is she a munition ? is it cool ?
mircea_popescu: doing something on the basis of "it'll be cook for 12 seconds the first time someone sees me and once in 7 months at a party" is very dumb in that it neglects the other 99.99% of the context.
mircea_popescu: this is my point : if you are a tribal hunter, you are a tribal hunter all day long. if you're vory, you're the fucking stars. fine.
mircea_popescu: but if you're some office plankton there's no tattoo thart can possibly fit.
mircea_popescu: the "im a munition" woman was going to actually be a munition MAYBE once, ever.
mircea_popescu: but this is again the fundamental problem : it;s not a matter of "use".
mircea_popescu: the "use" of symbolic / ritual behaviour is an attempt of primitive mind to translate for roman faggot.
mircea_popescu: most of the time, the item will only serve to prove that she's not what she thought she might be.
mircea_popescu: because she's a use aka gnoseology and tattos are a being aka ontology. and these do not meet.
mircea_popescu: was she going to be a munition living among the brazillians ?
mircea_popescu: the problem with this idea is that person spends 1 ppm if that doing the item ; and rest of 999`999 ppm doing something incompatible.
mircea_popescu: and this is the fundamental point here : white slut of contemporary does so many incompatible things she can't be meaningfully tattooed.
mircea_popescu: many uses, no specific identity. any attempt can end in involuntary humor and naught else.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform for "career women" trying to "balance it" and so on ? yes, no different.
phf: it's funny because by the time tattoo crazy started there was already enough old people with tattoos that both had the almost uniform "i made terrible mistakes" attitude and very much were self-evident personification of the sentiment. and then i guess there was a new generation planning on never getting old (or changing in any way)
mircea_popescu: and the reason they don't work is very strictly related to "freedom" and you know, consumer market segmentation. as long as there's no universally meaningfull root there can't possibly be meaningful tribal behaviour ; and if there is such a root there can't be democracy.
mircea_popescu: phf anglotard youths are not allowed to fuck their elders, and consequently anglo culture is impossible ; and there can never be such a thing as an anglo nation.
mircea_popescu: which is why they keep trying to "empire" instead. except empire dun work just because you need it to.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the tattoo situation (me asking girly "why haven't you yet figured out a tattoo that works to put on yourself!!!") is very much like me asking alf "where is the proper computer!!!". the complexities involved in making sense of the immense jumble that modern world puts at disposal are exponential on the base, and the base grew exponential on time. we'll, likely, never catch up. yes ppls 5k years ago could lick every in
mircea_popescu: dividual lego piece and make the "tallest pyramid" with the half dozen items available to them. there's uncounted items available today, what fucking X-property-deductively-proven item.
phf: what you need is a glass bead tattoo, a hypothetical multidisciplinary meditative practice that culminates in a tattoo that fully encompasses the complexity of modernity and that the practitioner can apply to himself before finally retiring from the public sphere
mircea_popescu: (rather : the proposition that they thereby must ascend to nirvana / retire / disappear in a loud pop and the laws of the universe becoming more complex is very much a symptom of teh problem!)
BingoBoingo: Nah, need living gecko skin skinwrap. Maintain just enough life in each skin for it to function as a pixel
phf: i ran out of the thought half way through and hoped you wouldn't notice, but it's not even consistent with the narrative that i was ripping from. in the original after they make the tattoo they are now ready for the highest office, etc.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo they're fabulous, the little shits. you know they actually change color, BUT NOT in the "oh, i have an ipad, i get how this works" thing ? they're not gonna display fucking sluts on their backs. but it CLEARLY works for the purpose (camouflage) shockingly well.
mircea_popescu: this is what it is : you get your stars, you are now an adult, protected by the storied item as all adults.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's the thing, it's not measurable! certainly not pixel resolution. it has a bizarre sort of say pre-compressed multi-cell-linked sort of resolution.
mircea_popescu: ie, "for its purpose" it has easily > 10mn dpi. but for your purpose, i doubt it has a functional .2 dpi.
BingoBoingo proposing horror show sorta creation like remote controlled cockroach, but on bigger scale. Perhaps less adorable color change lizard would make better candidate.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo he slid over the floor at the rate and in the manner of a tiny tumbleweed being blown by wind a coupla days ago. i jumped up because wtf, tiny tumbleweeds blown by wind ??!?!
phf: would it be appropriate if slightly simplified for, say, knuth to get a algorithms/computation tattoo?
mircea_popescu: not just the animals, either. the people are SO FUCKING SUSPICIOUS if they lived in lafond's own they'd be shot like twice a week just "on general principle" to borrow a tarantinoism. and utterly unaware of it, also.
mircea_popescu: phf no. because how does he reconcile it with literate programming ?
mircea_popescu: this is the problem -- we do SO MANY things. "oh i'm a father and an employee of the month", says the office plankton. well... also a consumer, and a sayer of VERY finely tuned nonsense. wut now.
mircea_popescu: leaving alone that none of the things are anything but time-compatible : they're not mutually meaningful in any meaningful way.
mircea_popescu: "the more things there are to be, the fewer beings you will have". eventually that reaches 0 and that's that.
mircea_popescu: phf did you live through soviet long enough to know the 10yo fixed-form composition ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: like, say, the vacation page ? wit hthe "goodbye so and so landmark" closer sentence ?
☟︎ phf: i'm not sure, i went to "humanities special school" it's possible they didn't torture us with such nonsense
mircea_popescu: but see, that's not at all the point. for one thing : all scholarship is nonsense. for the other, soviet school si entirely propaganda, which is to say "prepare organ donors for a certain way of life". the fucking point of the fixed form 3rd/4th grade composition is to allow the submarginal intellects making up the bulk of the population to tattoo their brains into a form that'll then allow them to survive, as traffic agents
☟︎ mircea_popescu: writing up an incident report or whatever else in this manner.
mircea_popescu: soviet is very instructive for the anthropologist because it is roughly speaking "summarized early modern".
mircea_popescu: allows comparison of the item with its summary for maximal comprehension.
mircea_popescu: and the story it tells is that cca 1950 soviet / 1800 western world, it was already impossible to produce meaningful tattoos due to growing complexity.
mircea_popescu: substitute tattoo of wooden tongue was employed in soviet world, to the amusement of early postmoderns in the west.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> writing up an incident report or whatever else in this manner. << US has similar "5 paragraph essay" format used on standardized tests through High School
mircea_popescu: i'm aware. complexity in us world has been dropping abruptly in mainstream terms. teh people can no longer support an actually deliberative senate.
mircea_popescu: strangely, the us version is a lot less endearing, perhaps in that it so carefully avoids appearing naive to itself.
BingoBoingo first remembers encountering "5 paragraph" in 1992 at age of 8 in third grade
mircea_popescu: recount this. what's the rules for the construction of the item ?
phf: perhaps it's because it doesn't come with a high pitched, clear voice of a true pioneer singing about rodina
BingoBoingo: [1] Thesis, introduce points 1, 2, and 3 [2] Elaborate Point 1 [3] Elaborate Point 2 [4] Elaborate Point 3 [5] Conclusion, i.e. repeat thesis and reiterate points 1, 2, and 3
mircea_popescu: (and yes, of course this is the ancient papal legate rulebook for message composition.)
mircea_popescu: in the way of "la revedere, gara din pascani!" ie, "goodbye, train station of pascani!"
BingoBoingo: Students were not trusted with commas until 8th grade. Sometimes until High School.
mircea_popescu: in the way of "in our democracy" and "rights of all people" and so on. it's emergent in teh anglo.
mircea_popescu: "Ce frumoasa este iarna!" ie, "how beautiful $item is!". early, cheap, typewriter-and-indigo-paper powered shanonizing. fill in these blanks, and memorize the template they go into.
BingoBoingo: Most common meme was "Our school is too poor to afford the new world maps"
mircea_popescu: brain tattooing. because unlike skin, brain can present different facet in different context. to some degree.
BingoBoingo remebers high school classrooms in 2004 still occasionally showing USSR on world map
phf: i understand the point though, my understanding that i haven't evaluated in a while was that soviet were attempting to solve prisoners dilemma by training "a soviet man". brain tattooing makes sense in that respect, though my interpretation is generous to the goals
BingoBoingo: "Gifted students are creative students" << This point was alluded to in pseudoscience guy's creativity vs. tinkering essay
phf: game theoretical one, cooperate/defect with the corresponding payoffs
phf: it's in the statement of the prisoner's dilemma, "defect" to the hypothetical inquisitors by betraying the other prisoner (i know that the terminology used introduces interesting connotations within the soviet regime, but i don't think that's the intent)
mircea_popescu: no, see, you're thinking "to the west" with such intensity it can't even be voiced. suppose for the sake of argument, defect to chuka. why not ?
mircea_popescu: i know for a fact kgb had chuka defection directorate because hey, during the groznii siege all the signals folk involved had "experience in the problem".
mircea_popescu: this puts the problem in context : "don't defect to west because even if materially stronger, it is morally weaker. BUT ALSO!!!! don't defect to fucking mongoloids because even though morally stronger they... don't have enough dachas ?"
mircea_popescu: you had any contact with the living memory of soviet punk ? was this thing early on, "soviet too soft, gotta be moar hardcore" youth movement, wouldn't wash, didn't ask women to fuck, somewhat vaguelyt like the great leap forward kids in china.
phf: i wasn't actually thinking to the west, i was treating soviet union as a self-contained system. the point i was trying to make is that (and this is all very RANDian) in the absence of a market graph you needed an alternative mechanism to encourage cooperation, which in this case was the propaganda system "real soviet man does X" etc.
mircea_popescu: consider the case of kitty genovese ; or else a more general, abstracted point : you go into a field where men are working, in a rural, traditional, thereby market-clean setting, and i dunno, sayu a man is drowned in the river and ask for help. they will cooperate, won't they ? whereas if there's a market going they'll go... "go talk to the market-specialist, we're not in that line of work", yes ?
phf: if you screw somebody in a repeated trade, they won't necessarily do trade with you again
mircea_popescu: market organizes capital, of course, and man is capital, yes, but it doesn't encourage cooperation anymore than it encourages the grass to grow.
phf: yes, but then you're substituting village for city
mircea_popescu: phf wouldn't you expect, if market encouraged cooperation, for fucking to be most common in market-driven societies and least common in marketless ones ? whereas europe has a fertility problem and chuka very much does not ?
mircea_popescu: seems the natural basic quanta of cooperation, "making a new child".
phf: i think that's competing ideologies setting conflicting goals
mircea_popescu: if your notion of cooperation excludes reproduction you'll have to define it somehow because i'm not sure i know what it means thne.
mircea_popescu: i mean, "advanced" folk can't get a carpool to work, whereas "backwards" folk can drop a supernumerary child with the first woman/gaggle of children they run into, and it'll work out. "here, take this, i'll take it back tonight".
phf: hmm, i'm saying that market is one of the ways to encourage cooperation, where one wouldn't necessarily exist otherwise; there are other better ways, kinship, religion, king/leviathan
mircea_popescu: so is there any argument against the "cooperation is what happens anyway, there's a number of known ways to discourage kinds, such as market, faith, kinship, etc" ?
mircea_popescu: much in the vein of "hair-grows on face ; we call a moustache this particular shaving pattern, and sideburns this other shaving pattern" ?
mircea_popescu: for instance, traditional family ie kinship say discourages very acutely some specific cooperations, such as romeo and juliet's coop.
mircea_popescu: whereas usg is very dedicated to "anti money laundering".
mircea_popescu: doesn't specifically care who desdemona fucks, but very much cares if the moor sent any venetian coins back to mauretania.
phf: well, but if you're saying that cooperation is what happens, then at the very least same can be said about kinship.
phf: but i'm not even sure if kinship and cooperation are similar nature of happen. does kinship promote cooperation as it's only source, but then you can do mental tricks to extend kinship beyond actual kin to likewise extend cooperation?
mircea_popescu: cooperation is a behaviour ; kinship is a status. they're not compatible in this sense.
mircea_popescu: the trick here is the usual "sleeping mind goes backwards through causal-time". the kinship is a particular shaving of the cooperation field -- you're supposed to help your kin and not help the nonkin. this does not mean "kinship made you help your kin" ; you wer going to help and this told you who NOT to help.
mircea_popescu: 16yo is going to suck some cock. unless she's biologically broken, mentally retarded, in some manner not-human, dysfunctional failure, she is. now, whether she sucks hunter's cock because that's who daddy brought home or wolf of wallstreet cock because that's what the cat dragged into the bar is an ulterior consideration. she's not gonna be without.
phf: i understand the reversal (and it's a neat one) but i don't see how it's supported by anything but itself. you're basically saying that "oh someone's drowning, that's not my brother, fuck im" is what's happening, where's i'm saying "nothing's happening of note, oh it's my brother drowning! i should help him" is what's happening
mircea_popescu: but you're not helping him because he's your brother. you're helping him because you were going to help ; the part where he;s your brother is a 2nd step, where he doesn't get not-helped for being on do-not-help list.
mircea_popescu: 1. phf is walking down the road ; 2. phf perceives something in river ; 3. phf goes to help ; 4.a. phf discovers it was scarecrow, unloads helping module ; 4.b. phf discovers it is muscovy and he's from lvov, unloads helping module ; 4.c phf discovers it's his brother AND CARRIES ON.
BingoBoingo: 4.a.1 phf loads salvage module and recovers scarecrow
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly alf -- teh russkis came up with the following item : a 20 ton truck with two engines, one powering the left side wheels, the other powering the right side wheels. i thought you should know.
phf: ok, i'm convinced of "cooperation is what happens anyway". now i think that it doesn't work with conflicting interests. save person from river, potentially drown yourself kind of situation. or trade with them with smaller payoff, kill them and take their stuff for higher payoff.
phf: i suppose that's the point of prisoner's dilemma, it establishes simple example of such conflict
mircea_popescu: the problem with payoff is, of course, identity. to quote that splendid film, "when a man takes an oath, he is holding his soul in his hands, like water. if he opens his fingers then, he shouldn't worry about ever meeting himself again."
mircea_popescu: this doesn't happen just when you want it, but generally. if you're gonna kill the dude drowning to take his underwear, you'll be stuck wearing a pair of stained underwear which you didn't stain yourself.
phf: smooth, i suppose you could say that a raider wouldn't make a choice to trade, likewise trader doesn't necessarily have the inclination for raiding
mircea_popescu: the problem with this view is that most cultures ethnonym is "man". raider/trader/etc would have to be exonyms.
phf: well, those things that i brought up, kinship, religion, they are part of identity. "he's not my brother i won't go out on a limb" vs "my life's not my own, god told me to help even if i die".
phf: so to revise the original point, markets create additional conditions under which higher payoff is obtained through cooperation in a situation of conflicting interests. though i'm not quite sure how that applies in the drowning situation, since it's missing the whole exchange of resources
phf: this is turning very much into "how i spent my summer" essay
mircea_popescu: every ideological clothing of reality will priviledge some possible, occuring exchanges for others.
mircea_popescu: take the combustion engine -- yes, the fuel burns ; yes it'd have oxidized anyway, eventually.
mircea_popescu: in this configuration, it spins an axle. in another configuration, it'd have fed a mold or w/e.
mircea_popescu: knowledge has you stick finger in some holes as opposed to others ; depending on the kind of knowledge so vary the kinds of holes.
mircea_popescu: and so yes, a functional commercial environment will have you do some things, such as painting masterpieces and discovering the new world, in preference of others.
mircea_popescu: whereas a dysfunctional socialist environment will have you chant nonsense in a circle.
mircea_popescu: still, the masterpieces and discoveries are not objectively valuable, even though the socialists love using them whenever they figure how to.
mircea_popescu: even if it's conspicuous consumption in the manner of "burn all these decadent bourgeois rembrandts"
mod6: aha, how monday should begin!
mircea_popescu: in other news : cutting up a fresh vanilla bean and leaving the cuttings to sit under costa rican rum qs in a brown glass bottle results after a week or so in such an incredible vanilla tincture as the senses can scarcely believe.
mircea_popescu: o wait, are you saying it's not actually a butt plug, but something else ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-07 04:27 mircea_popescu: phf did you live through soviet long enough to know the 10yo fixed-form composition ?
mircea_popescu: fixed structure is a cognitive necessity, from the kuhn-popper theory of paradigma-based research throughout the actual practice of scholastics all the way to a 10yos fixed structure "composition"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform here's the difference : "bad guy gets it (death)" and "woman gets it in the end (cock)" are fixed structure, they create the usian fictional narrative.
mircea_popescu: whereas "don't say nigger" and "good guy wears white hat" is fixed form.
mircea_popescu: maybe, if that's what you mean by it. i always interpreted it to mean "fixed form resulting through exhaustion of alternative by an ancient, methodical culture". whereas generally fixed form is arbitrary.
mircea_popescu: i'm not enough of an expert on stupid-theatre to be able to say if this is fair or not to teh kabuki.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform other than the butthurt of matt levine, who apparently holds the irrational impacted belief that usg matters/has a future against all possibnle evidence, what about that piece ?
mircea_popescu: i don't suppose either him or bitcoin or anything else talked about is related to the piece. the whole item is matt levine being his usual judische insolence self, whereby he imagines he can talk out his ass and he won't hang for it because "someone had to say the alternative thing".
mircea_popescu: this doesn't work, of course, but he'll whine loudly about the unfairness of it all.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's the usual strategy of the cattle, discussed previously in teh logs.
mircea_popescu: "oh, there's 5bn things that could be said and 3bn moo moos saying things, well, i'll be better served to "differentiate" myself from the herd by saying things according to how few others are saying them, than according to the things said"
mircea_popescu: "better own 100% of obscure nonsense than ~0% of reasonable statement" because "you never know" etc.
mircea_popescu: necessary corollary of "people can have ideas". of course, "people" can't, but that's too advanced for the prostitextuate.
mircea_popescu: the other moo moo strat, since we're doing moo moo strats, is, of course, : spend a little time trying to follow a particular line into some detail, then "totally overwhelm" your betters by pointed questions. cuz you know, they totally don't outthink you on a regular basis.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-08-07 01:25 r0nin-: still argentina?
mircea_popescu: this was actually formalized by caragiale cca 1880 : "sunt chelneri cari, dupa cite au prins pe apucate din dezbaterile si conferintele intelectualilor, pot face mart pe un profesor de universitate, mai ales daca l-or lua repede".
mircea_popescu: ie, there are waiters who overheard enough in bits and pieces from the intellectual's disputes that they can overwhelm an university professor, especially if unprepared.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's kinda the thing, they self-flatteringly imagine i ended up here cuz i fell from a pot, not because i can see through them like so much glass beads.
mircea_popescu: i suppose the moral being, we're going to see ever more waiters who read the log for i-log-ical purposes in teh futures. and, the imbecile (aka narcissist in ballas' terminology) being more dedicated to the preservation of the malfunctioning "self" he already has, they'll just run off the moment that dun work, to either try [the same stupid shit] again later or not dare to try again [ie, proclaim some sort of incomprehensible
mircea_popescu: anyway. items who aim to ask questions but can't answer questions are not yet ready for peopledom.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-07 04:28 mircea_popescu: like, say, the vacation page ? wit hthe "goodbye so and so landmark" closer sentence ?
mircea_popescu: well, you can always undertake two week vacation in ro, go northwest, the whores will be recognizably ukrainian and certainly friendly.
mircea_popescu: heck, go cluj-iasi-chisinev-odessa for maximal linguistic lulz.
mircea_popescu: eh, you buy tickets, you land at airport, you go to hotel and you chat up the clerk. find out where the university is, go there, hang out in the cafeteria, offer to buy girls drinks / hire one to show you around.
mircea_popescu: take pet along, only feed her that day if you're happy with teh results. can't possibly miss, srsly nao.
mircea_popescu: hey, i recall when this was being discussed on trilema in the future tense! what was it, coupla years ago ?
phf: fwiw i never did experience that whole formulaic writing thing (though i know there were all kinds of other cases of "tattoos for the mind"), my russian/literature/foreign literature classes were brutal, i still have nightmares of cramming poetry last moment, 2-3 hours essay sessions that never seem to end, the three giant Yuri Lotman books
mircea_popescu: o wow, this is like, usg foreign policy done by the guys they stole it from, so therefore ILLEGITIMATE OMYGERD!
mircea_popescu: playing yesterday's game. as if it's fucking 1930 and "the masses" matter or some dumb shit.
mircea_popescu: oh, don't tell me, "we will not make payments to non 1-led addresses" hurt the butt quite THAT much did it ?
mircea_popescu: wait, in some paralel github universe bitcoin crash is actually "a majority fork" ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: for unexplained reasons not a very popular/studied/modded chip.
mircea_popescu: "she spends two hours each weekday poledancing at various clubs and her hymen's intact". rly ?
mircea_popescu: it wasn't so much solved as the producer documented it, isn't it.
mircea_popescu: apparently surest fire way to obscurity is to properly document your hardware.
mircea_popescu: from the little actual i've seen, dude's just a very serious engineer type of the 70s, entirely unequipped to deal with the metrosexual fucktards of the 90s
mircea_popescu: something like that. though i expect they had a coupla people specially for interfacing with him.
mircea_popescu: reason contract ended prolly was those finally retired.
mircea_popescu: coupla women, not really secretaries/receptionists, not really subsecretaries of state. the forklifts of government, doing the actual paper pushing. prolly in their 30s when they met, 30 years ago. eventually, gotta quit to hang out with the dogs / grandkids.
mircea_popescu: ~only correct way to understand post-cold-war government is as a public funded term paper mill. there's a bunch of people writing the papers and a bunch of nominally designated "students" "turning their work in".
mircea_popescu: anyway. "creates jobs" right. you too could be retiring to dogs and grandkids if you only copy/paste from wikipedia!
mircea_popescu: except, history dun repeat, even if it rhymes. those coupla women retiring are the last to make it on that conveyor belt.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the pretense of "secrets" and "classified" in such an environment is even more laughable than the theory whereby public grades it.
a111: Logged on 2015-06-10 03:40 asciilifeform: 'watchman may not know what is behind the door he is guarding; if he knew - would steal it himself' (tm) (r) (sov army)
mircea_popescu: in soviet, maybe. in usg, it's really just a social game.
mircea_popescu: nothing is actually secret, nor could be. cuz how the fuck.
mircea_popescu: literal kabuki, "and then we pretend the man with a black headband is invisible". exactly the same, "secret".
mircea_popescu: you keep thinking the usg has actually interesting secrets, rather than the rejected scripts for reality tv we keep turning up in the sikrit vaults.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: literally, "anything but rejected reality tv scripts".
mircea_popescu: it's not that they lost the nuke schematics. it's that they can't even find the boat designs from back when their boats actually floated. so they end up with littoral cardboard sheeps.
mircea_popescu: you're welcome to not believe, on ops grounds, "i will not believe enemy is dumb". but that aside, as a theoretical concern, how the fuck else will you explain "recent models actually worse performing than earlier models" ?
mircea_popescu: if you don't fuck as well as you used to, it's because you forgot how to fuck, there's no more to it than that.
mircea_popescu: yes, in the sense door is a constellation of wood and divine grace.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the problem with those is that we get them as soon as they touch them.
mircea_popescu: incentive is irrelevant. stupid unfucked chickie imagines "she has no incentive to put out", as fucking if.
mircea_popescu: but reason has nothing to do with it. neither lockheed nor anyone else could.
mircea_popescu: full fucking stop. they can't build the "hypertube" or w/e, and just in the same way, they can't build a fleet of b2s. just, simply, overpoweringly, can not.
mircea_popescu: father with inept son watching keys locked inside -- "did you do it deliberately ?!?!" "uhhh i dunno...."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not so. below a certain level (self-reflection), planned and spontaneous project to the same point.
trinque: somebody did it in a movie.
trinque: only reason any ameritard does anything
trinque: surely some "wiccan" bitch will exactly that.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, who the fuck can make sense of the stuff. kids come up with kid notions.
ben_vulpes: in other bezzles, musk raising 1.3b in 'high yield' bonds
ben_vulpes: to make a car the rumor mill suggests isn't particularly profitable
mod6: everyone is doin it
ben_vulpes: i want to issue junk bonds backed by battery powered dreams too!
mod6: that whole scam reminds me very much of the alt craze of '13
mircea_popescu: they're crazy about that dumb shit throughout latin america also, "condominios". who the fuck would want to live in them is unexplaiend, but they'\re everywhere.
mircea_popescu: "oh mr p, wouldn't you love to PAY so some inept schmuck can waste your time with a barrier on the road and everything ?" "totally!"
mircea_popescu: at this rate they're going to have a privatized tsa in the bathroom.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> 'oops, we forgot to stack the deck. can haz backsies?' << lol, exactly
mircea_popescu: anyway, "a guard" pish. that's where you take the riots, if you're serious about rioting. brick pelt pelosi, feinstein and friends.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform betcha is exactly the same dude with rolled up newspaper in retail bank.
mircea_popescu: you keep saying this as fact, then i link you to dead feinsteins, then you forget about it for a week or two, then back to it.
mircea_popescu: did you mean specifically assassinated sitting senators ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, one doesn't need to look far : man opens fire in group of 50 congressmen june 14th current.
trinque: "oh that guy just hated baseball"
mircea_popescu: anyway. giffords got shot in the head 2011, scalise was shot in the hip 2017. that's two for the past decade ; first two since 73.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the person doing the shooting from the crowd will always be you know, the person doing the shooting. if your idea is "show me senators shot by helicopter moms" you're going to turn out empty.
mircea_popescu: anyway. there was trhat whole puerto rican nationalism slaugther, they got like a half dozen in the 50s iirc.
mircea_popescu: technically, rioters can't shoot anybody, because by definition they donb't have guns.
mircea_popescu: the us army hasn't had comparable command structure since the 80s.
mircea_popescu: your notion of the baltimore riots is thoroughly fictitious.
mircea_popescu: nothing is wholly accurate, but that's neither here nor there.
mircea_popescu: let's just say that shooting feinstein would have done ~0 as far as the drug market is concerned, so she escaped.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform like in any field, you piece together the bit reports of people in the know, pondered by their context. doesn't take an expert analyst to figure out briots were convenient cover for underground resettlement.
mircea_popescu: well yes, they expanded territory like 30%, losing some areas, gaining others, look at teh map neh ?
mircea_popescu: generally, the black-powered underground in the us is very much migratory, it wants to move towards the places with teenage fuckbunnies, and away from the dead zones.
mircea_popescu: migration is slower than in their african home, but still, tectonic like underlyin phenomenon.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, the grass sprouts back once they leave.
mircea_popescu: to them, feinstein is nothing more than any other old bitty. she dun fuck, she dun twerk, she's as interesting as a printed picture of a bone is to a dog.
mircea_popescu: this view happens to be closer to reality, amusingly enough, than the hallucinations of power and import of the various borderline sleeves "interning" for her.
mircea_popescu: not a matter of price, a matter of all the strings. gotta keep it maintained, tank full, etc. you realise 50% of all arguments among car using negros is "who left the tank empty" ?
mircea_popescu: the sort of idiot who'd go into petty crime does so FOR CONVENIENCE. if he was willing to follow check lists he'd go to sv and be a fucking pm.
mircea_popescu: in order to be a petty criminal, you must be innumerate. there's no other way.
mircea_popescu: otherwise, the "you'd make more washing dishes" chokes all the fun.
mircea_popescu: dja have any fucking idea what an oil rig veteran makes ?
mircea_popescu: "about same as sv and oh btw all catered meals and accomodations are free"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, they could hire the girl also, and for the 450k you can get a 2 bedroom and rent one. this'll work well as you'll never see each other again
mircea_popescu personally knows guy who, instead of divorce, got spouse job at his place of work, never saw her again.
mircea_popescu: they're by and large folks who'd have signed up for mp slavery except no mp offered.
mircea_popescu: the problem with this simile is that i am unsure which is mapped on the cake and which on the wasps.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-07 18:51 mircea_popescu: wait, in some paralel github universe bitcoin crash is actually "a majority fork" ?