94 entries in 0.719s
asciilifeform: iirc large qty was surplussed by usg in bush II yrs (gestapo moved to some oddball newfangled caliber, iirc .40)
asciilifeform: ( what ~did~ at one pt step on, was, worked in a thing that paid -- by paper cheque -- quarterly, and depositing these took ~month, as the bank monkeys 'scheduled calls' with gestapo to Properly Register the 'suspicious' )
asciilifeform: apparently 'shutdown' means 'errything but gestapo'
asciilifeform: ( esp if you think there's an alarm, connected to gestapo , with current sensor )
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: id'd be the local , orc gestapo you'd be pissing on, tho << A lot of terraforming and corrupting can happen in 20 years
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: id'd be the local , orc gestapo you'd be pissing on, tho
asciilifeform: apparently 25 yrs of planting vulns / suborning iso committees / tapping cables / decrypting rot13 , makes for fat/lazy gestapo, whod'vethunkit
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1777321 << observe that in all such cases under modern usg, the corpse 'hangs' on the designated gallows bird; and never on the gestapo ( who can machine-gun or even demolish, as in florida 2y ago, entire houses , with clear conscience ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: shinohai: if gestapo had a www...
a111: Logged on 2016-04-22 04:34 asciilifeform: rmans really got to England my acquaintance of the Cafe Royal would soon have found his painting deteriorating, even if the Gestapo had let him alone. And when the lid is taken off Europe, I believe one of the things that will surprise us will be to find how little worthwhile writing of any kind -- even such things as diaries, for instance -- has been produced in secret under the dictators.'
asciilifeform: 'what if gestapo gets hold of me'
mircea_popescu: reich media/wikipedia greatly overstate both the reach and the capital available to teh gestapo.
mircea_popescu: and a fine example of nazi-socialism standing opposed to roossvelt-socialism. country essentially ruled by a fuhrer + the propaganda/gestapo construct (here, wahhabi clerics + "security" forces)
asciilifeform: existing gestapo aside, consider also future enemy. because even when the empires of today are forgotten, hogging sw spectrum will be a simple way to make new enemy.
asciilifeform: also i suspect that 'avoid gestapo' is a very small superset of the much harder 'physically undetectable'. for example, if you pirate on an already unusably-polluted band, you would probably never Have Problems for so long as you are not distinguishable from the usual polluters ( e.g. led light bulbs and other filth )
asciilifeform: as i currently understand, it is a kind of primitive voice-powered usenet group, with the diff that you can get gestapo to pick up spammers
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the broader point i am making is that the constraints on the gestapo are neither financial nor technological.
asciilifeform: and when gestapo says 'transmitter here' and they break the door, it in fact is there.
asciilifeform: concern is, it is prohibitively expensive for gestapo to search 100,000 houses. but not 10. hence 'fox hunt'.
asciilifeform: ( tldr : mexico in 1940s had no radio gestapo. this was used by folx in usa to circumvent the fcc racket, until quashed by fdr decree. )
mircea_popescu: what i care about is all the 50 trillion anodyne "concerned citizens" that got the gestapo so flooded with emails it had to get an unlisted number
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-02#1710031 << at a certain level of individuation, people are actually flattered, "oh, gestapo wrote our name on a napkin! THIS IS A FORM OF EXISTENCE!" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron yes, obviously. and in the nazi germany, gestapo had to stop taking calls from people because no clerks.
mircea_popescu: eminently the sort of thing resisting civillian population can do with little risk to disrupt obama-gestapo.
asciilifeform: e.g., bush, created dhs/gestapo unmolested, shots fired against same: 0 (afaik)
asciilifeform: 'because gestapo! stfu terrorist scum'
asciilifeform: in other vintage lelz, http://www.od43.com/Gestapo_file_Jew_Pollak_RB.html
asciilifeform: when did 'swat team' stop referring to troop of gestapo breaking, entering, raping
asciilifeform: foiled by brave gestapo stoo^H^H^H^Hagents!
asciilifeform: where was that greek gestapo quote...
ben_vulpes: and until they have a representative in the forum full-time, they are each and every one gestapo, regardless of how many 'phreedom phighter' claims they make, or their handlers make on their behalf.
mircea_popescu: whether some are actually imbeciles and, kakobrekla-y, "really really believe" in their idiocy is not a point of interest. between the gestapo man who did it because sadist, and would have done it for free or even paid to have the job, and the gestapo man who did it for the money there's no difference on the gallows.
mircea_popescu: and which, as an end game, i'm perfectly fine with. who the fuck cares the soviets don't like living in the best countryt in the world. a) i told them to leave and b) if they deserved any better they'd shoot the gestapo.
asciilifeform: the ro gestapo
mircea_popescu: teh gestapo ?
mircea_popescu: and to teh gestapo, and in general, she's got a vocal vulvular valvule an' is not affraid to use it!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: banned in usa other than to gestapo and army
asciilifeform: 'swat' originally referred to 'special weapons' but is also a very pointed double entendre , 'swat, like fly' - which is all that the lone unorganized malcontent with pea shooter is. insect, effortlessly crushed by gestapo.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform goes right back to the whole "gestapo couldn't keep abreast of all the phonecalls from the "innocent public" they kept receiving". just like policeman rarely works there as a job, and generally works there as a hedge against his own inferiority complexes, derps working for nsa work there mostly for to be working there.
asciilifeform: rmans really got to England my acquaintance of the Cafe Royal would soon have found his painting deteriorating, even if the Gestapo had let him alone. And when the lid is taken off Europe, I believe one of the things that will surprise us will be to find how little worthwhile writing of any kind -- even such things as diaries, for instance -- has been produced in secret under the dictators.' ☟︎
asciilifeform: and certainly every orcish pesthole where they ever burned a gestapo archive with stoolie idents, knows.
asciilifeform: gestapo - never.
mircea_popescu: ("A Michigan woman was arrested after she expressed a willingness to have sex with a pair she thought was a father and underage daughter, police said.", obviously. gotta keep teh gestapo fed. publish or perish!)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i mean, from purely technical point of view, i think i have sufficient brain, but if it became known that i have the ignition keys to xxx btc in my house, i will last maybe a day before gestapo.
mircea_popescu: problem being that every tard out there already "feels like he's secretly in a movie", so this, much like gestapo stuff generally, is well desired by the genpop.
mircea_popescu: anyway - i welcome the antivirus-based new gestapo. it will doubtlessly work as well as the new us model army, seen at the muchly trumpeted, quickly forgotten tikrit offensive.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the root of the matter is an elementary thing. google et al are deeply disinterested in cognition etc. but are paid for specific thing - solving the problem of usg needing an automated gestapo.
asciilifeform: washington has no key, but a snitch can walk into any of 1,000,001 gestapo ratholes and chat.
asciilifeform: often accused of being a stoolie gambit for gestapo, yes
assbot: Logged on 24-12-2015 19:32:46; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the other gestapo did not suffer from delusions of machine learning!1111111111 to help them process somehow infinite tips into an edible portion
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the other gestapo did not suffer from delusions of machine learning!1111111111 to help them process somehow infinite tips into an edible portion ☟︎
mircea_popescu: here's a fun fact : the classical gestapo didn't know what to do to keep the idiot population from givingthem tips.
asciilifeform: and how many days' worth of gestapo click tone did phuctor get.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, whatg, someone is good enough to make it appear continuous while at the same time inept enough to give 4 days' worth of gestapo click tone ?
mircea_popescu: pray tell what'd the gestapo have done ? better ? doubtful.
mircea_popescu: for every 5mn gestapo anon reports there was a shocking 0 coups on hitler's lyf.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha fucktarded gestapo is iliterate so xi ended up with a giant step forward sorta deal ?
asciilifeform: evola? prolly smelled too much of gestapo, triggered anaphylactic allergic shock in mr o
asciilifeform: the way i read him, he saw 'socialism' (in the sense of industry having a single mega-imperial owner) as a done deal, with the only question being whether the end result would have a gestapo flavour, british ponce buggery flavour, or some other
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-07-2015#1184505 << this is actually true. it pays to be a terrorist because then they don't hassle you in the hopes that you somehow don't notice that you're the only one unhassled by the gestapo in a field of obsequious peasants. ☝︎
asciilifeform: chetty: because their having to even file a defense is a mere formality. what, you imagine that court will say 'gestapo can no longer throw grenade before entering suspect house' ?
asciilifeform: chetty: gestapo could have entered a picture of mickey mouse as a defense. and will win
mircea_popescu: the gestapo, is not pointed out enough, consisted of a small office with a few bureaucrats overwhelmed by citizen reports irl,
mircea_popescu: not every poltroonish german's a gestapo agent, not every poltroonish soviet's a kgb agent and not every reddit idjit's working for teh soup.
jurov: *gestapo
mircea_popescu: or is it just, like the gestapo, simply the only shared figment of their infertile imaginations ?
asciilifeform: cheaper than bullet, and ever more effete gestapo peopled by folks afraid of blood - perfect match
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes demanding to be gassed by gestapo ahead of schedule, lol
mircea_popescu: your " without gestapo suddenly breaking down the door and demanding to see if you've multiplied unauthorized numbers" is exactly equivalent i suspect to what i call who are you again ? fuck off, I don't give a shit" sort of approach to third parties of any man owning a computer
asciilifeform: rms was speaking of the right to do as you will with things that are physically yours, without gestapo suddenly breaking down the door and demanding to see if you've multiplied unauthorized numbers
mircea_popescu: since by very definition gestapo can't trust A B C
asciilifeform: afaik gestapo (fbi, dea, dhs, etc., etc) are 100% crypted now
asciilifeform: undata: orchestrated prelude for gestapo. it'll be greeted with cheering crowds. at first.
mircea_popescu: the supposed fbi/gru/gestapo/etc is simply a toilet box for the public idiocy.
decimation: yeah I think I mentioned about how the gestapo used the same effect to 'terrorize' the population
assbot: Logged on 04-11-2014 02:49:05; decimation: so after watching Stierlitz, I surfed the wikipedia describing the NASDP government intelligence 4th department http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo "According to Canadian historian Robert Gellately's analysis of the local offices established, the Gestapo was—for the most part—made up of bureaucrats and clerical workers who depended upon denunciations by citizens for their information.[78] Gellately
assbot: 15 results for 'gestapo' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=gestapo
mircea_popescu: !s gestapo
assbot: The Obamacare Gestapo 012 - Pastebin.com
decimation: the widespread willingness of Germans to inform on each other to the Gestapo that Germany between 1933 and 1945 was a prime example of panopticism."
decimation: so after watching Stierlitz, I surfed the wikipedia describing the NASDP government intelligence 4th department http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo "According to Canadian historian Robert Gellately's analysis of the local offices established, the Gestapo was—for the most part—made up of bureaucrats and clerical workers who depended upon denunciations by citizens for their information.[78] Gellately argued that it was because of ☟︎
asciilifeform: and not a few of the best gestapo folks ended up in stasi, etc.
asciilifeform: decimation: which is why, with the possible exception of folks who can cough up astoundingly large ransom, falling into the hands of u.s. 'justice' system should be thought of as equivalent to ending up in a gestapo dungeon.
asciilifeform automatically recalls an ancient sf story about a very unlucky immortal fellow, who goes from dungeon to dungeon, ending up at torquemada's, the gestapo, on and on...
mircea_popescu: the gestapo you gotta pay. else the court may not "think"
benkay`: i suppose that's discreet, if you're the gestapo.
asciilifeform: arguably vulnerable to DDOS by the gestapo, however, unless each unit comes with unique key and maintains a table of 'known friendly' ones.
dub: anon call to whatever us customers gestapo is relevant
asciilifeform: dub: how? it doesn't shed any light on the question of whether you (or i, for that matter) are a Gestapo mole.
asciilifeform: sort of like the Soviet scenario of KGB vs GRU, or Hitler's 'two in a box' management style of abwehr vs gestapo.
mircea_popescu: compare the gestapo's action in btc (the turning of gavin) with the gestapo's exact same action in tor.
asciilifeform: the gestapo probably got the login creds from a stoolie
asciilifeform: if this weren't the case, the gestapo would have to send an actual physical gasenwagen to round them up
mircea_popescu: omfg the gestapo is back.