hanbot: <mircea_popescu> yes. the place you describe, btw, is prolly "bad curtain" mentioned afore. << badea cartan was indeed pretty satisfying. except for that one time i went to the fish shop on a blazing afternoon and found the attendant woman eating a rather underdone softboiled egg with a tiny spoon behind the buckets of crap and icre crap and experienced an acute tactile-olfactory horror
mircea_popescu: in other great usg victories against isis & co, "there was another team in the same area as the platoon ambushed in niger".
mircea_popescu: that was last year. meanwhile some of teh organized-criminals got convicted to 3-5 years, and some of the liberated-victims killed their father.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's some east/west differences, but yes. not just your father either, iirc i mentioned ro army general who was like "what did you think, i'd desert to moscow ? they're more fucked than we are"
mircea_popescu: but anyway. the czechs had it even ebtter than teh romanians and so following.
mircea_popescu: as to moscow, the new tsar has exafctly the problems of the old ones. problems tend to outlive tsars.
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, "Young Ukrainian woman with excellent command of English and previous experience of Britain wishes to serve a woman or couple in the UK. Little previous experience of BDSM but very submissive and obedient."
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Consider alternate income streams like taping cheese and wurst to groin then smuggling into US?
trinque: lol, if it were only unsatisfied demand for good things
mircea_popescu: basically, a vast majority of weblink remoras are simply wordpress / etc spambots trying to find the xmlrpc.php on kiwiirc.com
BingoBoingo: And in other news, today is 2nd anniversary of BingoBoingo's first AA meeting. Cake will be later.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: it's like an unwashed cunt, a good idea in principle implemented by imbeciles. as a result it provides a warm crack and fresh food to a whole pile of slime molds, cockroaches, worms, etcetera
BingoBoingo: And for some reason still worse when warm crack is chronically dry than when when chronically wet, this we learned from pantsuit
mircea_popescu: trilema has been a mindblowing exercise in "common man use of internet". EVERY fucking month a new botnet attempts to co-opt it into the totally-fucking-genius idea of ddos-by-wordpress. yes, that ancient hole published on trilema yuears ago, still unfixed.
mircea_popescu: trilema responds with a "fuck you" 40 byte message. THIS DOES NOT DETER.
mircea_popescu: they will try mns of times, 5-10-20 a second, because 0 interest in anything.
mircea_popescu: now and again i ban them (which results in attempts returning soft 404s, which is trilema pages, at a cost of 100kb+- per attempt)
mircea_popescu: this burns 10-20-50gb worth of BW before the lazy ass imbecile "hacker" notices and turns it off.
mircea_popescu: it's basically amoeba, 0 interest in doing anything right, 100% motivated by pain avoidance.
mircea_popescu: does the endless stream of 46 byte error messages do anything ? like in the vein of cracking us in the skull? no ?!?! THEN CONTINUE!!!
mircea_popescu: i full on suspect 50% or more of all the "work" engaged in at the offices of the various silicon-valley "building the future" "entrepreneurial" pieces of shit consists on repeatedly clicking "try again" on those old dos "general failure" error prompts.
mircea_popescu: who knows, maybe attempt #54654765986 does something different.
ben_vulpes: christ, erlehmann wouldja quit it with the join/part spam
a111: Logged on 2017-10-22 22:03 asciilifeform: erlehmann also wrote in re that lamport parachute is neat because can be fired using only paper. which is indeed tru, and quite neat in situation that calls for parachuting.
mircea_popescu: is this more of the same "i do not approve of mp, because i'm fucked in the head enough to imagine there my be such a thing as my approval of mp ?"
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 16:47 BingoBoingo: And in other news, today is 2nd anniversary of BingoBoingo's first AA meeting. Cake will be later.
mircea_popescu: because one of the advantages of harem is that it'll be someone's bday nigh on every month ; and female slaves means ima be awake before them. ha-HAaaaa!
davout: asciilifeform: go ahead, i'm more than ready for another chapter of "alfie and the chocolate factory"
mircea_popescu recalls olden days when whatever group of 14-15yo westerners joined in for a tour of the cluj chocolate factory (feleacul).
mircea_popescu: "where would you like to take them out of, not like they grow inside goats or on trees or something"
a111: Logged on 2017-06-14 15:42 mircea_popescu: so i was gonna quote this story with my grandfather regretting the time of stalin, except apparently it;'s not in the log ? and there's even attempts to find the shit, like
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-15#1433159 mircea_popescu: something in the lines of "oh, little people were great, and little things were great, it's just the great people (pars pro toto, ceausescu) that were bad".
mircea_popescu: old accountants and old housewives are the only enemy mankind ever knew.
mircea_popescu: yes. little men "just trying to get by" because "they have a family to support".
davout: my personal interactions with old accountants were mostly along the lines of "no, you can't do this"
mircea_popescu: the petit bourgeois buying britney spears records because they're "like" toscanini and unlike that, they're what he can afford.
davout: which quickly gets pretty annoying
mircea_popescu: when they were young they did "good enough" trucks and software, and when they're old they do "good enough" culture.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's very unlike. it's not unlike liking cunt but hating smegma.
mircea_popescu: the only oranges this scum grows on live in neglected orange groves.
mircea_popescu: there is however a culture without petit bourgeois old folks.
mircea_popescu: in fact, there can only be a culture if they're not around.
mircea_popescu: the question any 70yo has to answer, and CAN NOT escape anymore than 20yo can escape the draft or the call of the streetgirl, is "why didn't you die".
mircea_popescu: and the answer fucking better be something other than "because i carefully stuck to the walls"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you are in very plain and obvious danger of going that way, yes, with all yours "can'ts" and "Shouldn'ts"
mircea_popescu: but in no case do i care about stalin's statistics. so he killed 50 trillion imbeciles ? good for him ; if they didn't suck so bad they'd still be around.
mircea_popescu: what i care about is all the 50 trillion anodyne "concerned citizens" that got the gestapo so flooded with emails it had to get an unlisted number
mircea_popescu: the only immoral agent is the redditard ; boko haram comparatively frequentable.
mircea_popescu: because yes, the item existed. heck, it's noted for the year 1880, and for all previous decades.
mircea_popescu: in the sense of "small independent lord-in-his-own-mind with no wot links".
mircea_popescu: in the sense of "i have the freedom to make my own choices ; and they'll be informed by my diminutive stature"
mircea_popescu: anyway, no theorems isn't it. there's that famous case of my driver whom my mother (who was bumming a ride) asked in shock why'd he'd go around playing valet for a 17yo. he said something like "not everyone's a big deal". man had 0 theorems to prove, but also didn't go around deluding himself on the matter.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: what's it is the pretense to equality, the proposition that "no theorems is as good as any theorems", the "i know, i'll prototype bitcoin on windows, it's an os too" and so following.
mircea_popescu: the whore who dares pretend as if she doesn't owe the soldier her cunt, but rather, she... "has her own mind" and "her own options" and whatnot else.
mircea_popescu: "Итак, тебе не заплачу я: Но если ты простая блядь, То знай: за честь должна считать Знакомство юнкерского хуя!" is not some kind of fucking joke.
☟︎☟︎ ben_vulpes: "Someone blessed with enough ability so as to recognize the superior qualities in the chosen by the Fates as our hero here present, but who carries neither the sweet delusion of recognizing the same in himself, nor ..."
mircea_popescu: be all you can be, yes ; protect your ass as far as it can be, sure. BUT NO FURTHER. as far as it can be and no further! and don't go around pretending like anything's just as good as anything else, either.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> because one of the advantages of harem is that it'll be someone's bday nigh on every month ; and female slaves means ima be awake before them. ha-HAaaaa! << Wonderful
mircea_popescu: here's a question for the ages : i put on trilema at some point a photochop depicting this slightly fat, mongoloid teenaged male smiling proudly next to a taller babe that he had ms-pain drawn his arms around.
mircea_popescu: further research turns out it was actually godard, so now i need it ;/
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how and when did mubarak take over egypt ?
mircea_popescu: yes, well, don't tell me that a would-be mubarak nearly machinegunned romania's anwar al sadat a year or so later.
mircea_popescu: about as credit-worthy as the average 16yos recounting of his sexually amorous exploits.
mircea_popescu: for being incompetent enough to end up there, what the fuck else.
mircea_popescu: “Lîngă Făcăieni, aproape de Feteşti, ne-au turnat nişte săteni, care ne-au văzut odihnindu-ne lîngă o lizieră. Şeful de post, apărut din senin, ne-a cerut actele. Sub ameninţarea pistolului mitralieră, l-am legat de un copac şi am dat drumul la restul. Doar nu era să tragem. Nu furasem actele pentru asta. S-a dat alarma şi sute de miliţieni şi securişti, dotaţi cu elicoptere, ne-au luat urma”, îşi
mircea_popescu: aminteşte Rovenţiu. Au reuşit să scape din mai multe încercuiri; s-a tras în ei de sute de ori, însă “noi n-am folosit niciodată armamentul, deşi puteam să-i ciuruim de nenumărate ori”.
mircea_popescu: you will know wankery by that unerring sign, that it is wankery.
mircea_popescu: virgin boy's wet dreams work exactly like adult's, BUT, importantly, they lack any representation of the vulva. because he's never seen one. if all he's seen is his mom's boob the succubi will show him boobs and he'll cream ; if he's once seen a slit, his succubi will have slits, but no clits. and so following.
mircea_popescu: what is this jan valjean bullshit of would be assassins who "could but wouldn't" shoot ?
mircea_popescu: the faits d'armes of brave duellists who don't know what a foil is and how handguards work or why ain't.
mircea_popescu: i don't get it either, nor am i an expert in the matter. but still, shitty story is unpersuasive.
mircea_popescu: because the enemy purports to a "dispassionate" which is to say batshit insane "application of justice", random woman like say monica lewinsky can go to jail ~forever for ANYTHING. such as you know, "having not told some nosy bureaucrats whatever detail of her own god damned private sex life".
☟︎ mircea_popescu: this then creates in the republic a pressure : since you might as well go to jail for jaywalking, DO NOT jaywalk, "because you have more important things to do" and "it'd be a pity to end up hanged for jaywalking".
mircea_popescu: this is exactly the idiotic "make it count" argument. and it should be obvious that ALL IT DOES is a) actually enact the "less important" enemy nonsense, such as "jaywalking laws" and b) fundamentally corrupt the republican opposition, because if you won't naturally jaywalk, hoiw would you naturally shoot obama in the face ? one needs the other, like tree needs roots.
a111: Logged on 2015-01-30 05:51 mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums.
mircea_popescu: "oh but mp, you're such an elegant intelligent dood, why would you". guess.
mircea_popescu: worst fucking thing you can do is allow this reduction-to-centrality, "only present the core of the argument cuz branches are just as dangerous but not as relevant" sorta nonsense.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 20:18 mircea_popescu: because the enemy purports to a "dispassionate" which is to say batshit insane "application of justice", random woman like say monica lewinsky can go to jail ~forever for ANYTHING. such as you know, "having not told some nosy bureaucrats whatever detail of her own god damned private sex life".
a111: Logged on 2014-03-05 02:05 asciilifeform: 'american does not believe the man in the uniform to be a bandit, with whom one can come to an understanding. he believes him to be a robot, who must be feared. american law enforcers are able to, by pressing on the keyboard of a multitude of laws and regulations, 'transmute' the most insignificant peccadillo into a monstrous deed. FBI did not need to beat up Monica or toss into her purse heroin or ammunition.
mircea_popescu: so yes, i expect you're right. everything in socialistupidstan is decided by irrelevant points of minutia, pointedly and carefully avoiding any substantive discussion. why'd you be an exception.
shinohai: yay or nay jhvh1 should archive sites
☟︎ mod6: archive the pastes?
a111: Logged on 2014-03-05 18:32 asciilifeform: '... courtroom recording showed that the last verse of the multiplicand was, as witnesses had claimed, sung in unison by the beautiful young fork.'
trinque: I guess Framedragger lost himself in leftist hackersauce "poly" pussy?
mod6: shinohai: yeah, both would be super helpful.
trinque: !!v C79DF7964C2E078A0D4EBD1DA3ABEC023E49A336B89A614F72146F745725AF04
deedbot: trinque updated rating of Framedragger from 2 to 1 << used to come around
a111: Logged on 2017-10-19 01:18 trinque: just give me the same key but without the idiot expiration field
jhvh1: Thank you, your link will be available in the /archive/ mirror shortly! You will be invoiced 0.00025 BTC for this transaction via deedbot.
shinohai: i on;y haz subdomain, need true dns 4 2 yrs
mod6: so, maybe a drive that grabs the pastes, and links and stores them somehow. then make another that backs up the first.
mod6: if it comes down to cash to get the drives and set up the stuff, maybe the foundation can support that.
shinohai: well soon i will make it spit out a tar or zip
mod6: cool. but i don't think invoicing everyone for this is gonna work.
shinohai: id love it to b like a warez markwt lel
mod6: ben_vulpes: thoughts? if given a proposal on this that is a resonable, should the foundation consider?
ben_vulpes: i can get behind paying for an archiver's operations costs
mod6: yeah, i think it could be pretty minimal. and be a non-annoying choice.
mod6: however... to the point of archiving things, say >1Mb, then by all means.
mod6: like... if I want to stick a porn movie in the archive... sure, i should be able to pay some nominal fee perhaps.
mod6: much like, I stuck a bunch of dependant files in deedbot. that obviously is probably not the best way to do that.
mod6: but if people did wanna emplace some thing somewhere your bot could be a good way to go with a reasonable pricing model.
mod6: so, yeah, perhaps come up with a plan, and hand it in to the foundation, and we'll consider.
shinohai: lol i got an email from a ver minion about paid writing for bitcoin crash!
shinohai: he redid the voorhees paid 2 tweet pyramid scheme
☟︎ ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: no, it very much mustest happen on republican boxes.
mod6: well... he's just saying if he wants ~something~ put up. (right?) much like i use mod6.net
trinque: shinohai: might do better with a "archive as much as you want for x / mo" style arrangement
trinque: though what happens when someone unsubscribes, archive is gone? doesn't serve the logs very well
trinque: arguably future logotron oughta preserve links itself
☟︎ trinque: so then, subscription might be to a particular logotron. and hard to price those given that the market has ample, usable free
trinque: not that I fault a guy wanting to charge people for the use of his bot, obviously
trinque: it's why I said price access to archive, but then wtf is that too, can copy while access is had
trinque: and reason I'll yet grunt out a dht webthinger, central archives are nonsense
☟︎ trinque: still not bad for folks to cause themselves problems by doing things.
shinohai: nestle charges for water so what
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 21:17 shinohai: yay or nay jhvh1 should archive sites
trinque: mircea_popescu: no, unless he didn't bother to tell me.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Error: The "Market" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "all" in it. Try "list Market" to see the commands in the "Market" plugin.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market <market>|all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitfinex. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure the code is a valid (1 more message)
mod6: i did this recently when looking at the rsa thing that happened back in like august of '15
mod6: and it was pretty nifty that it had archived all of the pastes.
☟︎ jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 5760.11, vol: 12026.47225216 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 5759.4, vol: 40666.43322517 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 5768.0, vol: 3133.02309215 | Volume-weighted last average: 5760.03559702
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 0.00025 * 5760.03559702 = 1.440008899255
mod6: i don't know if it is doing this any longer, or if it does zips or whatever. no idea.
shinohai: mircea_popescu: well obviously that *wasnt* real
a111: Logged on 2016-07-21 22:10 mircea_popescu: i suppose one thing we could do is change how a111 works so that on every outbout link posted here it a) makes an archive.is copy of thje page ; b) downloads the corresponding zip
mircea_popescu: i ~think~ it ~might~ have been implemented, to some degree at some point somwhere.
mircea_popescu: anyway, storage is about 2 fiatcents aka 300 or so satoshi per gb
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 21:45 shinohai: he redid the voorhees paid 2 tweet pyramid scheme
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 22:02 trinque: arguably future logotron oughta preserve links itself
trinque: lol what, like someone's browser cache is doing as they click?
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 22:07 asciilifeform: afaik nobody knows where to even begin resolving this knot,
trinque: whole log's worth of archive is, bet, one drive's worth at most
mircea_popescu: trinque idea being that there's a necessary and natural cut between log matter and linked matter.
mircea_popescu: the principal impediment to republican logging, atm, is that nobod yucan be arsed to write a html de-fucker ; there is one already written, by the archive.is dood, which spits out zips. the solutions then are either a) piggyback on that, which alf has (irresponsibly) been trying to obstruct throughout, and in the laughablest of manners or else b) make own, which will without exception require making own, and RIGHT NOW, not "n
☟︎ mircea_popescu: thatg aside, the more pressing problem is that we don't have a proper pdf-decrufter, (random moron with delusions of self-impoirtance failed to be useful, as you prolly recall), and if we're going to do something by hand this'd be more sorely needed than that.
☟︎☟︎ trinque: sure, separate items. I was attacking the price and that which was priced.
mircea_popescu: between logotrons that reliably maintain the archive.is produced zips of any linked pages and a service which spits out text versions of pdfs (and youtube videos etc), to be also archived, we'd actually have a complete solution
mircea_popescu: the only problem in all this is that i'm not willing to put "use archive.is" into the logger spec ; nor am i willing to go "write html-decrufter or die". so... we're FOSSing about.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 22:08 trinque: and reason I'll yet grunt out a dht webthinger, central archives are nonsense
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 20:31 mod6 jaywalks all the time
mircea_popescu: for a long time it was reliable, but so far in october it's about 10% up or so.
mircea_popescu: which means that even if we have 10 such loggers we'd still lose 16% or so of all links through simple coincidence at this level.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 22:09 asciilifeform: so long as they don't tear hair out when it becomes clear that no, you can't charge for sunlight
mircea_popescu: i suspect that contrary to what operator-minded examiner might wish to believe, the limit is the operator not the economics.
mircea_popescu: shinohai how did you compute your 0.00025 anyway ? "gotta type a number in" ?
trinque: "bitch is taking selfies again; snoar"
trinque: trilema in the model has a key, chatters to peers when something is published. peers retain or dont as their node is set, allow others to connect to retrieve items or dont as idem.
☟︎ trinque: anybody recall directconnect? probably closer to what the thing oughta look like than say gnutella, but with a hierarchy of nodes instead of connecting to one station.
☟︎ trinque will elaborate more after a necessary errand