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mircea_popescu: there pointedly isn't some "god of the rolls" that this is to be offloaded to. if you can't be arsed to save the .zip files after someone did all the fucking hard work you don't even know how to do nor can motivate self to even attempt in the first place, there's exactly no value you have to save.
mircea_popescu: new can of wasabi, dear god
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505489 << it is a very naive view to "Antisocial" that you will ... find a daddy to enforce the limits for you. God ocean has better shit to do, just like yahveh has better shit to do. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (similarly argentines don't read ll/y properly, but as sh instead. hence /saˈkate la moˈʧiʃa/ instead of the god given /saˈkate la moˈʧiʎa/.)
mircea_popescu: god help us.
mircea_popescu: thanks fucking god gpg doesn't clearsign such nonsense.
mircea_popescu: i suppose god might make an appearance. but i dun wish to commit to shape.
mircea_popescu: god smote sodomah for less, dudes!
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron what do you mean "jesus is god". when did the entire son of god thing go away ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501676 << what's with all the focus on jesus with this guy anyway ? i don't recall exactly where he actually said jesus when meaning god, but in any case god is certainly fucking proud. he says so! ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: the question is, the god of the torah.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron speaking of the jews, is that a false god also ?
mircea_popescu: i wonder if you can have a church that worships no god at all. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: well, on one hand certainly one can't have a church worshipping a false god ; as far as practice goes you can't have full control of the doctrine cuz it being a church, it has to have a metaphysical component.
mircea_popescu: god i hate those things. from an institutional perspective - all anyone has to do to open all your doors is cut the power. from an individual perspective fuck me i'm not going in the rat maze.
mircea_popescu: god damned thing was created centuries ago. by the fucking maramures people, the rough equivalent of being the darian colony, founded by the scots.
mircea_popescu: thanks god the technologies were so advanced.
mircea_popescu: for the anthropologist, god damned fascinating, they're like a family-sized snail building its conch. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "all things were preordained by god - ergo bbet logged".
mircea_popescu: it's like forcefield made of god's own pee.
mircea_popescu: fear of god undetected.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha o god.
mircea_popescu: i thought god taught through pestilences.
mircea_popescu: god
mircea_popescu: ("if money's a curse, let god strike me down with it! and may i never recover.")
mircea_popescu: god damned. let's ban avoid so that we can then do the same inept join part bullshit.
mircea_popescu: well what the fuck do i do here, the guy has a reasonable stand, but i mean... is this country so orcish it publishes no such thing as a god damned judges list ?
mircea_popescu: it's what i see here. can't be a god damned waitress, gotta do waitressing "ironically" like she's seen in clerks, because otherwise WHAT COULD HAPPEN! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: go the other way : why does it have to be a mechanism ? god knows people'v proven time and again they're perfectly happy with black boxen that do something vaguely related to what they expected 80% or so of the time.
mircea_popescu: the sheer amount of idiots pouring into trilema since the etherape is unmatched historically. not when the doge, not when the ripple, not when the mtgox, not when the any other thing. where the everloving fuck do they keep spawning from and when is their mother getting her god damned tubes tied already!
mircea_popescu: good god.
mircea_popescu: well, that or coldfusion trademarked by god.
mircea_popescu: they have pages worth 20 to 100 mb worth of shitty gifs, but can't display 10mb of a god damned s expression. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: dutch roll ? 3-4 times ? god bless embraer.
mircea_popescu: dear god these people produce such trite prose. unreadable.
mircea_popescu: slutty wife prays "god, let me be pregnant or not, but in either case please don't let my husband figure out HOW". socialist prays "god, let the etherape happen or not, but in either case please don't let THE BAD GUY have done things!"
mircea_popescu: god help us, we're drowning in molten comedy gold.
mircea_popescu: amusamentarium ahahaha o god.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "but for the grace of god there goes i" or how did that quote go.
mircea_popescu: o god almighty he was playing it straight. listen asciilifeform you'll say the exact same thing about your bovaric contraption down the road. "the program is fine the world failed it". need i quote brecht to you ?
mircea_popescu: so make a spec for god.
mircea_popescu: thanks god for pension funds.
mircea_popescu: the point is, if something should be found not to work properly, gotta know who to chase to fix it and more importantly, who to scrutinize in the future. which system allows us to not even bother with quality control - check your shit, and god help you if downstream keeps having to complain.
mircea_popescu: and this is systematically the problem of the fucking state. by inventing "god's marriage" it fucks up the natural social hierarchy ; where some get all and most get none. and by inventing "bureaucracy" idem. keep reducing "inequality" which is to say - those who deserve to starve and those who deserve to puke - all get the same three peas ; those who deserve to bathe and those who deserve to burn - all in the lukewarm pit.
mircea_popescu: it's like they've ~all imported a bunch of known-broken, proven-dysfunctional mental tools and by god will fucking use those! EMPATHY!
mircea_popescu: but certainly god fucking help the harem where I ACCEPT THAT.
mircea_popescu: god fucking help the slavegirl that says "oh, beating me's not worth it, i'll do the bad anyway"
mircea_popescu: if your idea of a fight is for the submissive to blather off, then o my fucking god what shambling abomnation is this!
mircea_popescu: harem heals ; and what that means if it's dead rather than alive ... god only help you.
mircea_popescu: oh god the writing.
mircea_popescu: your notion that "gods" could be just a label, and then you promote "science" to "god-dom" and everythig will be ok because "it's not really a god" is outright endearing.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-01#1474465 << god the fucking baiting you do. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: well so sure, but then the market isn't "a magical solution from god for all the crazy dangerous shit i don't want to have to deal with".
mircea_popescu: "o my god, that looked bad, how's your head ?"
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-27#1472797 << ahahahaha o god i laughed so hard ☝︎
mircea_popescu: god damned it, writing piece for qntra, can't link to btcalpha profiles because well... it dun exist.
mircea_popescu: most argentards i talk to never heard of juan manuel de rosas either. they know all about kirschner and peron and all the other socialist shitstains. they even heard of most of the unitarios, if pushed, and well learned among their barefoot barbaric tribe. but they never ever heard of the federalists, god help 'em.
mircea_popescu: " Men, on the other hand, attach penalties to marriage, depriving women of property, of the franchise, of the free use of their limbs, of that ancient symbol of immortality, the right to make oneself at home in the house of God by taking off the hat, of everything that he can force Woman to dispense with without compelling himself to dispense with her. All in vain. Woman must marry because the race must perish without her tra
mircea_popescu: and the important point here is that no agent may be universal ; and no universal may have agency. which is why god can't act.
mircea_popescu: but perhaps if you're esl, "made public" means "made privately available to some people who aren't us" or something. god knows everything else means something else, so what the hell's the difference.
mircea_popescu: but that aside ... and incidentally THIS is why "apocalyptic" scenarios are so fucking dangerous. god only help you if you're trying to live "in the civilised world" and ANYTHING happens to keep any one of those three from his toys.
mircea_popescu: god i love my top hat.
mircea_popescu: phf i'm like the emperor-god xenomorph from the future, i go "what was that bullshit tv series from the early 90s with all the boats" and wihin minutes a woman pops the name. unfuckingbelivable.
mircea_popescu: fuck i found it. thanks god for internets!
mircea_popescu: thanks god for science and stuff.
mircea_popescu: yeh doing god's work here mod6
mircea_popescu: for god teh lord doth not throw dice.
mircea_popescu: however you dice it, by geolocation, age range, whatever, the fact remains there's a billion supernumerary on god's green earth.
mircea_popescu: "socialism didn't ever fail - it was only badly implemented n times" "puritanism is not entirely and completely idiocy - o, no, was just not correctly applied. should have been applied to faggots only, then god would have delivered the mana shippment"
mircea_popescu: who pays for this, god ?
mircea_popescu: i god danged mixed them up!
mircea_popescu: trinque thanks god you made it come back after getting fucked, seems an hourly occurence these days.
mircea_popescu: but god doth not play dice ?
mircea_popescu: weirdo guy going on about god something or the other ?
mircea_popescu: bickering endlessly in that tedious, god forsaken unreadable style of dostoyevski's, about who should have done what or w.e the fuck , i can never finish a page of his dialogue.
mircea_popescu: what a ustard thinks "science" is has a lot to do with what basil ii bulgaroktonos thought god was.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron you familiar with the old idea that you know, the creation-god is this hunchback covetous idiot of a fellow,
mircea_popescu: god damned it.
mircea_popescu: god damned it. so half hour's research has produced not the article i was looking for, and the knowledge that decimation actually introduced lafond to the chan.
mircea_popescu: if only god had the common sense ot include a hash with the material.
mircea_popescu: "oh my fucking god, fucking horrible. they started drinking with the dawn, spent all day gangraping me, then all night long these tedious endless meetings to draw the attention of the collective to immodest, unsoviet behaviours and identify & castigate the guilty"
mircea_popescu: ONE GUY survived. but i had 1k+ of the things, and god damned i used most.
mircea_popescu: an ancient, and rather netwonian explanation of the difference is that deduction is all from god ; and induction from sensata.
mircea_popescu: o god. why do people not go to primary school ?
mircea_popescu: (and if anyone's unfamiliar with the hunchback god, plox to take a break and read up on teh gnosis. it'll be good for you.)
mircea_popescu: will there be judgement day, when all there is is dark, or will there be "communism" aka "christianity" aka a hunchback god tries to create a world just like he's seen in his sane, healthy brother's hands ?
mircea_popescu: but ftr it's slowly dawning on me just how god damned ~HARD~ it is to speak in the forum. all sorts of separations, between descriptive and prescriptive, between time ; between causes and effects, between roles and hierarchies... jesus god how does anyone even keep it straight.
mircea_popescu: intelligence ? dear god.
mircea_popescu: dear god. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-03-2016#1433080 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: no. stop interfering with god's will.
mircea_popescu: amateur hunter returns empty handed from swamp. "nothing but migs out there good god what's the world coming to!"
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller might just be boilerplate. replace "to the public" with "on god's own earth".
mircea_popescu: (perhaps this is obivous to me only for some god-forsaken reason, but the next step after the view on the bitcoin protocol that it permits miners to arbitrarily reject txn and the collusion of miners is - you gotta get a license to bitcoinate. why hardfork to increase their revenue, even.) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ow fuck, that's ANOTHER thing i won't have to do, resolve that god damned bet, huh.
mircea_popescu: and in other news, dear god what log.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-03-2016#1431121 << that guy looks like he's doing god's work, ask him to come over ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, thanks god for kakobrekla's idea of implementing that calculator on site, otherwise with bets like these that draw loads of noobs (i don't mean to bitrcoin, or to betting, i mean to thinking) we'd have had degrees of magnitude more idiotic spew.
mircea_popescu: i'm not even saying that, nor is it even needed. even if you ~could~ actually, provavly, known from my personal discussion with the all-knowing god, do it, what the fuck sort of arrangement is this, "so b-a exists so that alf can fix it" ? how is it better than you know, hiring microsoft to do it.
mircea_popescu: he is actually in one of those god forsaken places, doesn't matter which.
mircea_popescu: thanks god we got rid of algebra ii in time for the education of arstechnica staff.