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mircea_popescu: as it must. but god DAYUM!
mircea_popescu: o god. did you actuasllyu shoot it ?
mircea_popescu: these fucktards are god's personal gift to comedy goldmines everywhere. just fields upon endless fields of permalactating lulzcows.
mircea_popescu: i'm not asking how it'd be rendered, it god damn ed be rendered the same. im asking...
mircea_popescu: problem S will not be considered ; problem X is resolved by answering yes. because god fucking help you, if your patch has two antecedents you are a heretic anathema.
mircea_popescu: as i say -- i see no way out here ; we'll end up with the v-code + blog-commentary ostrich-camel and god help us./
mircea_popescu: god know it fucking was prosperous back when it was small enough.
mircea_popescu: god the time i spent with that thing...
mircea_popescu: "we didn't know how you wanted your house laid out so we put this sqm in the middle that has to be traversed FOR EVERYTHING! hope you enjoy all the copping a titfeel in your own god damned house"
mircea_popescu: not SO hard to use the god damned ascii pipes simple and double to make schematics.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760654 << fucking annoying this imperial summarization style. "it had a bug" costs as much to say as "it had so and so bug". but nooooo, god forbid anything effectual ever occurs. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, i understand why the sins of the flesh make this unavoidable. but it's still fucking wrong god damned it all to heck.
mircea_popescu: god knows nobody has YET written a piece for the usg faux news outlets that survived braindamaging at time of packaging (and some truly eminent examples documented by various parties)
mircea_popescu: god did not promise you get to keep all your napkins.
mircea_popescu: that's what "caesar was proclaimed god" means, to the roman mind.
mircea_popescu: now, from a strict probabilistic perspective, there's nothing evidently requiring ALL the god damned stairs to be one foot tall at the most. yet, they all are.
mircea_popescu: nah. cleverness in humans is simply equivalent of what drunks call "a moment of lucidity", ie, stopped being indescribably fucking stupid for one god damned moment. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: damned thing was the size of a god damned depth charge
mircea_popescu: fuck 'em, the salvation of the drowning is work for the hands of the self-same drowning. god may mercifully send you a sign, but that's already asking for too much.
mircea_popescu: oh, and the ATROCIOUS "computer enhanced" female actors. jesus god really, that untalented hack heathcote not only missed her only life's calling (which doubtlessly is playing the WAG for some retarded athletic team from aussieland) but actually looks like a whole filing cabinet's worth of anime fell on her ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-19#1753946 << good god. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-18#1753038 <<->> "Men, on the other hand, attach penalties to marriage, depriving women of property, of the franchise, of the free use of their limbs, of that ancient symbol of immortality, the right to make oneself at home in the house of God by taking off the hat, of everything that he can force Woman to dispense with without compelling himself to dispense with her. All in vain. Woman must mar ☝︎
mircea_popescu: god i love reading the old shit.
mircea_popescu: in other esthlos-powered insta-lulz, "I wish to God these calculations were executed by steam..."
mircea_popescu: night hall inherited from his granpa with modern teracotta item. THAT was progress, and the knights applauded, and felt proud to fight and die for such a greatly SUPERIOR homeland, as represented by their lords castle, as communicated to them by their god damned STOVE. and by, to quote period, "wer kriegt so prompt wie der preusse sein traktament!"
mircea_popescu: gets tedious after, which is why god made winter not last.
mircea_popescu: thanks god you said anything lmao, i'd have totally forgotten tis fri today o.O
mircea_popescu: i don't know how it allows if i can't move a god damned file.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-13#1750661 a better question is why exactly does one want to pacify them. god knows the erect penis is the only item in short supply, why fuck with it. how about instead of spedning a dime to "pacify", spend the dime to buy more acreage ; get them a dog and don't let them back in the house until the dog's not so exhausted it can't stand up. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: wtf is this. god invented cotton and silk for this reason.
mircea_popescu: take out the god damned clearsigns.
mircea_popescu: the important parts in order of importance : 1) distress call ("god damned it") ; 2. failure discussion "i can't do this c-s i was going to do for the cipher comp". these must be present as teh header.
mircea_popescu: what happened to "god damned it, i can't do this c-s i was going to do for the cipher comp because no ffa" ?
mircea_popescu: jezuz god i hate romanians.
mircea_popescu: arabs believed "if one doesn't believe in god, no matter which as long as one" world also ends. looked at me as you'd look at something thart crawled out of black hole.
mircea_popescu: that "conventiona 1990 vga kvm" EXISTS so that people in the noc can look at their god damned comps
mircea_popescu: the idiot author of the linked piece is too fucking dumb to answer emails to his god damned own contact email as provided by patreon, notwithstanding he evidently is fucking starving. ho the fuck even told these schmucks they're at liberty to you know, "make own decisions" such as not pick up phone from god ?
mircea_popescu: incidentally, walked past item in market yest, "and god walked the earth, and came upon a man who was so very poor
mircea_popescu: consioder that for i in {1934360vii..1..12viii}; do usrix= << you can't fucking beat adnotated codelines jesus god.
mircea_popescu: jsm. could come with a handy "pronounciation guide", which the sort of tard outfits listing "evanghelist" and "at large" on their "Careers" page always include in their god-awful "phonetic" pigdin i mean peeg-deen
mircea_popescu: the whole time im sitting there going "Wtf why not just walk her to her god damned car, all this management for 10 steps, what are these dudes, planets moving by immutable laws ?!"
mircea_popescu: not before, god damned it, "waste" concrete on not-collapsed fence, it's uncatholic.
mircea_popescu: let the dumps contain 1000 plastic re-instantiations of the same god damned object, what if i could afford to pay 3x the price and leave it to my grandkids.
mircea_popescu: and in other "god fucking damn it", i used coffee grinder to grind down some clavo de olor, which was so fucking juicy and fresh it ACTUALLY DISSOLVED the god damned plastic.
mircea_popescu: god damn it
mircea_popescu: yes, well... ? who knows, maybe i got paid coupla hundy by orlando nicoara. god knows everyone else did, yes ?
mircea_popescu: "but for the grace of god, there think i"
mircea_popescu: god i hated those stupid shits.
mircea_popescu: because the enemy purports to a "dispassionate" which is to say batshit insane "application of justice", random woman like say monica lewinsky can go to jail ~forever for ANYTHING. such as you know, "having not told some nosy bureaucrats whatever detail of her own god damned private sex life". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: aaanyway. i hold that the situation is not similar in ru and ro ; neither the evolution / trends. but this will have to be as first hand word of god, because there's no better available.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's still an open thread god damned it. so re "in the hope they'll achieve usg agency status" above : the final socialism, usg's "ourdemocracy" came up with a gamified nationalization process : they naturally confiscate the domain leaders in all domains, under the guise of you know, "pension fund investments" and "consumer protection law enforcement". ie, there's a faux money and a faux legal prong which make sure ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-26#1729201 << oh god almighty, if they only started arresting romanians for bad parking. this is like arresting indians for poor hygiene, or native americans for drunkedness. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform im no immortal god ; i just fuck some.
mircea_popescu: the god of magic numbers gave them the 900 second and they're sticking ot it!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-13#1724860 << god damn it, nothing worse than unreliable archives. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: god's honest truth.
mircea_popescu: ccmtacks sorry for all the hassle ; re-do once more, use a 1something address like god meant it.
mircea_popescu: or else the please god, something, anything.
mircea_popescu: this is about as long room service takes in the god forsaken shithole.
mircea_popescu: the whole fucking ploy with the new testament is not simply http://trilema.com/2017/why-god-has-died/#selection-111.0-129.119 but actually turning the heavenly father into the heavenly mother ; hence all the inept bs starting with all the mary worship in the loser south.
mircea_popescu: they demand their exam papers to cheat for god dang it!
mircea_popescu: consequently this poor animal has a bunch of people STALKING HIM, watching his house at gecko's 7-8am. just as he's getting ready to try and beat the god damned traffic to work!
mircea_popescu: "are you a young leader getting ready to change the world ? consider procreation instead. god put procreation on earth to keep monkeys such as you busy! and it works, and has worked for generations!"
mircea_popescu: o god yeah.
mircea_popescu: much like the russkis, what these other marginal orcs have to show for "their great empire" is a barely functional bezzle scheme. i don't even mean the financial part, intellectually speaking the whole us can be comfortably sat down in two lines' worth of "don't say nigger and state-god will provide", which is what, somehow different from "quote marx and wait for moscow" ?
mircea_popescu: because that's how you resolve the "i can't tell if this young'un is galois or insane" in practice of elder, slower, heavier gents : "follow ONE fucking spur to allow me to organize your nonsense, god damn it!"
mircea_popescu: god. wtf was the wanna-be big deal da who got von flondored recently ?
mircea_popescu: and no, none of the "three for five bux, plastic injected and happy face" is in any way competition (or god help us replacement!) for what's here discussed.
mircea_popescu: just roll up the god damned book, lube up and shove it.
mircea_popescu: but this is no reason to fucking continue in the same vein god have mercy on us.
mircea_popescu: it increases by one the length of the list of items god must maintain.
mircea_popescu: let god judge his internal state, i care little past the deeds.
mircea_popescu: like some god damned "restaurant" / morgue of some roach motel, "keep bringing the pasta in, dwayne, who cares it's 9 months old. they're paying for it eventually!"
mircea_popescu: i dunno, back in say 2014-2015 we had 1.5-2k-2.5k line logs and it wasn't such a load. but the lines musta gotten denser or something, because even 1k nowadays is like... god.
mircea_popescu: screenwriter for one of the hbo shows may have all of 11 syllables to explain whatever-it-is, and by god five or six will go to "REALITYWINNER" equivalent.
mircea_popescu: oh that's literature now ? god help us.
mircea_popescu: o god with the %20s
mircea_popescu: ahahahaha wait, they switched to termophillic bacteria polymerase ?! god help us.
mircea_popescu: clearly the cheap alternative has to change!! god forbid people see the value of bitcoin to the point they're willing to pay more to use it than to use SWIFT!!! WHAT WOULD THAT DO TO THE BANKS!!!1
mircea_popescu: coinmarketcap site lists "bch/krw" pairs, but if you use its own god damned "search currencies" item, it doesn't know what krw even is.
mircea_popescu: that's the extent of familiarity, i had to review the god-awful prose of the interwar imbeciles as part of writing the programme.
mircea_popescu: perhaps it was god-given ? came out of the pantsuited hilarity's hairy snatch ? who knows.
mircea_popescu: spyked jesus god T1...
mircea_popescu: o jesus god
mircea_popescu: there's no way out of this. there will NEVER be such a thing as respectable poverty. it's called slavery, and the poor that aren't slaves are in open rebellion against god, nature, and everything good right and proper.
mircea_popescu: "your job is to fill in this merkle.py". holy mother of god. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: goes right into that discussion of "god's church body", http://trilema.com/2017/dupa-dealuri/
mircea_popescu: andf in the "don't do more damage than the shop would charge ; and don't take longer than it'd take to take to shop" view... god help us. 0% and leave it at that.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, I do not believe ~MY~ life would not be worth living because of the god damned goats, in presence or absence.
mircea_popescu: at some point you're going to choke if you aspirate just one god damned single further corpuscle of calcium carbionate ; and you are going to strangle the next pubescent dicklet who imagines he invented novel problems and solutions through tracing the biological trace. THAT is when it's time to drop them all and go away. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: holy mother of god. in other unexpected user behaviours, i give you http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-07-23.log.html#t00:00:12
mircea_popescu: leaving aside who the fuck cares what the pron dudes do. what, i'm going to fuck a girl in that god-awful position of her straddling with her back to me because there's a camera in my livingroom too ?
mircea_popescu: this is no small matter, but touching to the very trunk of the tree of wisdom. inept schoolboy hitler saw WORDS proferred by anglo-sybils in new york as DEEDS of the jews. instead of embracing germany's jews and putting forth the god-obvious "those anglo muppets are jews like ford made tin cans are cars", cut them at the knees of their entirely absent legitimacy and then let the experts (all on his side) wipe the floor with t
mircea_popescu: "love of god as dancing" and what have you.
mircea_popescu: which is how the xtian god ended up married with picket fences and an obnoxious wife. it got corrupted.
mircea_popescu: the lion no kind of god either, not since its continued existence depends entirely on human gift-giving.
mircea_popescu: the ocean stays the ocean in this discussion for just as long as no one made it ; and not a minute longer. electricity, witness, no longer any kind of god.
mircea_popescu: "usg as god" is about as laughable as all the iconodule fare. really, you've made this god-box ? you did ?
mircea_popescu: as the wise jew once said, "here's a bunch of pennies, let god keep what he needs and let the rest fall back down"
mircea_popescu: hardly. none of these have a plain and simple nigger's "I never injured any of those women," reflected I, with meek resignation: "but God will be kinder to me and to my errors than they are!" conviction.