85 entries in 0.57s

a111: Logged on 2019-04-23 23:09 asciilifeform: incidentally, even a very brief look at the 1801 item confirms the troof of
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1896836 -- thing defo aint a 'and here is where the ameri-crystal does x' , it's a quite '
fits-in-head' object , very evidently produced from page-long spec of the orig instruction set
spyked: re ffi, in that older research I've tried to avoid fast-running code in favour of
fits-in-head, but I'll make sure to double-check in this iteration. the only www-related cffi dependency I recall was in cl+ssl, which I will remove on sight before genesis
bvt: OriansJ in #bootstrappable has a notion of hygiene (at least basic, ie groks
fits-in-head), and still works on the stage0; i had no interaction with janneke (mes author) yet, so can't make claims about him. he does make some noise in the #bootstrappable and #guix
bvt: myeah, complexity does not go too well with both constant-time and
a111: Logged on 2018-08-21 18:28 asciilifeform: all i particularly care for in re scripting is to obtain a replacement for perl/python/bash where the interpreter is simple (i.e. readable,
fits-in-head, auditable, correct)
a111: Logged on 2018-08-21 18:28 asciilifeform: all i particularly care for in re scripting is to obtain a replacement for perl/python/bash where the interpreter is simple (i.e. readable,
fits-in-head, auditable, correct)
a111: Logged on 2018-05-01 14:59 trinque: and in service to
fits-in-head mod6: <+asciilifeform> which, btw, imho is intrinsically unsuitable for a
fits-in-head rsatron, it is extremely gnarly and uses float approximations that get magically unfudged back to int, etc << ugh. right.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-11 00:27 asciilifeform: ROP is why you want not only '
fits-in-head' source of proggy, but the smallest binary physically possible.
ben_vulpes: the situation's a good example of the tension between writing code that does one thing really specifically well, and
fits-in-head, vs a larger program that handles eg conditions and the concomittant complexity
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-13: [17:51:53] <asciilifeform> the reason why we ~have~ spec-by-program is because it is the only actual alternative to
trinque: doesn't this run directly against your
fits-in-head thing?
davout: anyway, my point is that if nobody remembers, that nobody bothered to blog it, the fact that completeness is a problem might indicate a violation of
fits-in-head punkman: "because why trust on a single cryptographic primitive" << because it's nice if the whole thing
fits-in-head, and even if you cascade there is still the possibility of meet-me-in-the-middle attacks or I dunno what else
assbot: Logged on 04-02-2016 15:56:22; ascii_butugychag: punkman:
fits-in-head only plox.
ascii_butugychag: 1)
fits-in-head. also known popularly as 'knowing precisely wtf you're doing'
ascii_field: it is important to remember why we came up with the whole shebang of '
fits-in-head 1-page' patches, 'v', the lot
ascii_field: understand, i have no objection to tools such as computerized theorem-proving, data flow analysis, etc. except in that these are put forward as ~substitutes for
fits-in-head simplicity~.
ascii_field: my other problem is that i have not yet found an implementation of ml language that
ascii_field: from usg's point of view, ANYTHING is better than having folks wake up to cpu-with-bounds-checking-on-all-ops and
fits-in-head trinque: Naphex: as far as what it means to have a
fits-in-head system, please do read asciilifeform's material; he's far more qualified to say.
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> ... prevention of
fits-in-head << can vouch for the pita of this in clojure
ascii_field: there is no incremental path from -committee of crud- to -individual
fits-in-head is the only answer. though it goes well with a balanced diet of public impalements for wreckerz