BingoBoingo: So in trends, the neon nazis shifted to memeing against Trump in favor of a candidate promising 1000 "dollars" a month
hanbot: BingoBoingo please reboot me again at your leisure, any time tomorrow or tuesday'd be fine
a111: Logged on 2019-03-09 17:44 mircea_popescu: spyked prolly should redirect to explanation tho. 404 is ambiguous here
diana_coman: am as input/output, with the reference implementation to check against
a111: Logged on 2019-03-10 23:28 trinque: bvt: diana_coman: I wager that if you change line 14 of scripts/ to the following, my sig will verify on the resulting genesis.vpatch : dest=$pdir/profiles/${src#$bdir/usr/portage/profiles/}
a111: Logged on 2019-03-06 17:13 asciilifeform: afaik this can only mean that it is trying to link with a non-sjljistic gcc standard lib
trinque: diana_coman: woohoo! thanks for your help and patience!
lobbesbot: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-10 21:39 trinque: scripts/ << line 14, I do string-munging on the path that's specific to my own filesystem layout
a111: Logged on 2019-03-10 23:28 trinque: bvt: diana_coman: I wager that if you change line 14 of scripts/ to the following, my sig will verify on the resulting genesis.vpatch : dest=$pdir/profiles/${src#$bdir/usr/portage/profiles/}
bvt: asciilifeform: -- rather new constant time gcd from djb. i did not look at it closely so can't say if it's anything good or belong to the kunstkammer
bvt: iirc the c-t version of algorithm comes later - around section 5. there is a formula for calculating upper bound of iterations, but I did not check his math.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-11 17:34 asciilifeform: whereas the gcd litmus ( gcd(candidate, primorial) ) costs 1ms .
a111: Logged on 2019-01-24 00:44 asciilifeform: meanwhile , measurements : 2.533s is cost of 1 shot of 4096bit m-r (on standard tester iron)
trinque: wahoo, second confirmation. thanks bvt !
BingoBoingo: !!v E6CECFC7AF8F2F623069C903CB6EA1289C8E7F9306A5B932DAA1FA5F16A6C3A8
BingoBoingo: !!invoice trinque 0.04564028 Colocation + Shared March
BingoBoingo: !!v A3574FC1EF9AC5171B55662F353F0CAC23E045EDE97135474CF3953D452546D8
deedbot: Invoiced trinque 0.04564028 << Colocation + Shared March
BingoBoingo: !!invoice jurov 0.04364028 TBF Colocation March
BingoBoingo: !!v 48B73228D545B5D4C8A9BEDAF259EB24EAD7F33370ABE196B70BE1FF435D3DB8
deedbot: Invoiced jurov 0.04364028 << TBF Colocation March
BingoBoingo: !!v 5B23C6EFD0BC4F7BEB997C8F2F18FC0B7242C70AB0B0F2A4A6DB82FA92DCFA2F
deedbot: Invoiced bvt 0.002 << Shared hosting March
trinque: !!v A2FFA044AC088C323C517A4B8D3C4DF846ADD8412F13C9BC53C8EA52248EC329
deedbot: trinque paid BingoBoingo invoice 8
Mocky: asciilifeform: wp-syntax is what I'm looking for, thx