307 entries in 0.64s
jfw: hanbot: haha yes. Their code is the complete and exclusive source of ability!
asciilifeform is setting up a thing where invid. inhabitants could even reserve % of pipe for exclusive use. can discuss cost if anyone seriously interested in such variant.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: should need adjustment only in kernel flags : no amd-exclusive cpu instrs were used in building the binaries (given the vintage of the cpu targeted, none exist such that would fall into this trap)
lobbes: yeah, and per my "not mutually exclusive?" I don't see why you can't have both automation AND good ad copy is all
lobbes: in other words, trinque, you don't see the fetlife automation as the same item as pizarro automation? In any case, why are automated "hi's" and a voice for a pizarro mutually exclusive?
mircea_popescu: you're all sitting on the exact same piles of self-righteousness, too, it's something beyond parody. one dude's got the "suave exclusive" pile of veblens and is snickering at you other two, while the other dude's got his "truly truthful" pile o' divines an' is snickering a tyou other two, and you've got your single-path-impredictable-and-unreviewable theorems and snickering at them two. cuz nobody really understands the real
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-27#1920345 << strictly speaking, "imbecile" and "dangerous" not mutually exclusive. ☝︎
asciilifeform: i've prolly signed moar entirely logically-exclusive documents than anyone else, but they were proggy variants. if one were to do this re ip/name , then, what , gotta manually disentangle vtree erry time you want to resolve a site ?!
a111: Logged on 2019-04-27 21:10 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910057 << while not necessarily mutually exclusive, I understood the two branches as "those who want to import postgres as a dependence (logbot/logbot-command-router) and those who don't (ircbot/trilemabot)".
a111: Logged on 2019-04-27 08:39 spyked: as things stand currently, http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/080-botworks-regrind.html#selection-311.98-311.247 is true, but logging and responding to commands/voicing aren't ~necessarily~ mutually exclusive
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910057 << while not necessarily mutually exclusive, I understood the two branches as "those who want to import postgres as a dependence (logbot/logbot-command-router) and those who don't (ircbot/trilemabot)". ☝︎☟︎
spyked: as things stand currently, http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/080-botworks-regrind.html#selection-311.98-311.247 is true, but logging and responding to commands/voicing aren't ~necessarily~ mutually exclusive ☟︎
lobbes_field: Anyways,  I generally agree that there exists the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-22#1804603 problem (though, I'd argue the experience is not exclusive to pantsuit, but for anyone brought up in the usual 'amatuer' environment of usgistan) ☝︎
trinque: eh I think you'll rather want to -addnode republican nodes. -connect is exclusive
asciilifeform: ( 'swallowing' is not mutually exclusive, necessarily, with supplying patches upstream to orig -- diana_coman , for instance, 'swallowed' ada-udp , but did also post patches for my tree, a+++ )
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> sounds approx as appealing as krokodil << Use is pretty much exclusive to pichis and children
danielpbarron: i don't see the two being exclusive of each other. If you are saying that I don't do enough here, I can't disagree. But the reason for not doing enough isn't that I am morally opposed to it. If i'm to be removeed as lord it should be because I have been too lazy about it; not that it was in irreconcilable conflict with my religious beliefs
asciilifeform: bvt: when you absolutely must publish mutually-exclusive variants of a thing, they oughta be v leaves, yes
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 03:01 mircea_popescu: bvt "Ada exposes no functions that have 'exclusive open' semantics, so I imported C
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-14#1862386 << not at all! there's two possible ways to implement crc32 : with lookup tables, and with plain division. these are mutually exclusive. type 1 is faster, and therefore mainline. type 2 is smaller, and therefore of interest in certain contexts. therefore, at leaf=n, one has to chose : either n+1 type 1, or else n+1 type 2. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: bvt "Ada exposes no functions that have 'exclusive open' semantics, so I imported C ☟︎
asciilifeform: then p1, p2, p3 are alternative and mutually-exclusive pressable leaves.
ave1: I like it (I thinks it's paramount) that the republic is exclusive and not inclusive . (It then means something if you are included)
phf: afaiu the special baud rate is rk exclusive
trinque: non-exclusive or
mircea_popescu: zx2c4, look, think of a number between 0 and 2, 0 and 2 exclusive. have you ? here i go, ima guess it! you thought of 1!
emily22: so it's kind of an exclusive club, lol
BingoBoingo: !~later tell joecool It looks like you sat too long putting togther that "exclusive". Now the world knows Craig Wright is being sued for 10 Billion dollars and such are the wages of convincingly faking the wrong papers.
joecool: qntra interested in an exclusive?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-13 16:53 mircea_popescu: i guess if all the "exclusive gated community" schmucks weren't so schmucky thery could have a delegated hunter, get your steak in the mail by 10am.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i guess if all the "exclusive gated community" schmucks weren't so schmucky thery could have a delegated hunter, get your steak in the mail by 10am. << In old country missouri village of "Town and Country" licenses hunters, but only as far as reducing the traffic hazard posed.
mircea_popescu: i guess if all the "exclusive gated community" schmucks weren't so schmucky thery could have a delegated hunter, get your steak in the mail by 10am. ☟︎
BingoBoingo discovered EIRELI and investor's visa apparently mutually exclusive
ben_vulpes: which reminds me "Symantec is no longer allowing governments to review the source code of its software because of fears the agreements would compromise the security of its products" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyber-russia-symantec/exclusive-symantec-ceo-says-source-code-reviews-pose-unacceptable-risk-idUSKBN1CF2SB
mircea_popescu: or in other words, your design is nonsense. it demands mutually exclusive properties.
mircea_popescu: that's two mutually exclusive demands in one package.
mircea_popescu: that's you know, how it's going to be communicated to me that we're in an ~~~exclusive~~~ millieu of great value and vehement importance! by complicated locking mechanisms. cuz i
ben_vulpes: tee so the thought police cracked down on the dood behind the (entirely wackily formatted) http://gizmodo.com/exclusive-heres-the-full-10-page-anti-diversity-screed-1797564320 : https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-08/google-fires-employee-behind-controversial-diversity-memo
mircea_popescu: as per google : "SPARC is a global coalition committed to making Open the default for research and education." and Sparc - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparc Sparc is an exclusive import distributor for the Philippine market.
mod6: X0.Z(X0.Z'First .. K) := X.Z(X.Z'First .. K); << X0 will be assigned to X.Z[0] -> X.Z[4] ? or is the 'X.Z'First .. K' part exclusive? where it'll only do X.Z[0]->[3] ?
mircea_popescu: and talking of nigger spawn, http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/03/party-girl-malia-obama-freaks-accosts-white-house-correspondent-lucian-wintrich-exclusive-ny-club/
BingoBoingo: English has a poverty of conjuctions, trying to use an exclusive sort of "and"
a111: Logged on 2017-05-07 18:54 gabriel_laddel_p: Real estate in one of the most exclusive / ritzy / whatever zip codes (atherton) and they stock it full of retards.
gabriel_laddel_p: Real estate in one of the most exclusive / ritzy / whatever zip codes (atherton) and they stock it full of retards. ☟︎
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> auditions for his exclusive rave / festival. << ha
mircea_popescu: auditions for his exclusive rave / festival.
mircea_popescu: then they go hole themselves up in "exclusive" cul de sacs with bollards and shit.
mircea_popescu: by and large, if there's a gps there's not a war and vice-versa. they're entirely and without remainder mutually exclusive.
mircea_popescu: but, let the record reflect that i've myself done all that ; and will. i find it in no sense contradictory or mutually exclusive with understanding or the thought process generally.
BingoBoingo: http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2017/04/16/exclusive-gay-porn-kingpin-protect-america-muslim-barbarians/
mircea_popescu: these are not mutually exclusive statements.
mircea_popescu: ok. THAT's exclusive. not because it's expensive but because you can't fucking get it.
mircea_popescu: academics is the exclusive domain of the written form. if one can not convey in that manner, one is entirely inadherent to any sort of academic life.
ben_vulpes: is the cask system design necessarily exclusive of a mempool design?
phf: i briefly had an account on a mac warez server, that you could only connect to using a mac os 9 exclusive tool (in 2010!)
mircea_popescu: well yes but sniffing solvent and writing on paper are rather mutually exclusive.
mircea_popescu: in which we find python uses () incorrectly : it's inclusive on the bottom and exclusive on the top ? shouldn't it be [) then ?
ben_vulpes: "but why don't we spend the wall money on fixing our infrastructure?" "were you even /listening/ during the campaign? it's not an exclusive thing, he's doing both."
mircea_popescu: these aren't mutually exclusive.
mircea_popescu: academics and republic are mutually exclusive constructions.
mircea_popescu: and there's no "up to good" or "no good" directionality of intent involved here. he is up to nonsense, because meaning and universality are mutually exclusive.
davout: exclusive republican army footage -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZvF3M7vhSs
BingoBoingo: Likely barrel were to far out of spec for blending into standard 20-30/bottle product so "exclusive" label attached.
asciilifeform: re the 'crowbars' from earlier, we have a 'This BIP defines a new witness program type that uses a Merkle tree to encode mutually exclusive branches in a script. This enables complicated redemption conditions that are currently not possible, improves privacy by hiding unexecuted scripts, and allows inclusion of non-consensus enforced data with very low or no additional cost.'
znort987: mats: yeah, agreed, but easier said than done. assembling payout tx's by hand from deposit addies exclusive to bet is a PITA
mircea_popescu: i suppose this leads us to the fundamental tmsr reform. our view is exclusive, "either it works with this or is banned" ; their view is inclusive, "either it works with this or we change the this"
shinohai: https://www.fxinter.net/en/free-realtime-forex-news.aspx?ID=160987&direct=Exclusive%3a%20Full%20Interview%20Transcript%20with%20Alleged%20DAO%20%E2%80%9CAttacker%E2%80%9D
asciilifeform: https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/exclusive-full-interview-transcript-alleged-dao-attacker << moar lulz
Framedragger: ephermeral keys are usually used for encryption; i don't think the functions of permanent vs. ephermeral keys are mutually exclusive at all
Framedragger: i would maintain that the socialist set and the doesnt-deserve-bitcoin set are not necessarily mutually exclusive; at least this cannot be known a priori. mp et al. would argue that it can; so be it
asciilifeform: from the l0ltr0nz, https://news.vice.com/article/edward-snowden-leaks-tried-to-tell-nsa-about-surveillance-concerns-exclusive
vc: when you're paying 2 grand fast and quality should not be mutually exclusive
mircea_popescu: why not ? what you say and what i say aren't in any sense exclusive. yes it was the time of a horde of imbeciles "saving hte world". the behaviour of such horde is exactly as per the soap example. an item will not be used because it exists and is useful ; consequently existence and functionality aren't predictive.
vc: I don't think those are necessarily mutually exclusive ;)
asciilifeform: 'civilized humans' laugh at primitive orcs, who had their party-exclusive wankatrons where everybody could see them.
mircea_popescu: anyway, tbh this silence seriously enhances teh value of phuctor, at least to my eyes. imagine, i can link something from trilema that's not just interesting, but actually exclusive content ? sign me up lmao.
mircea_popescu: right, up to march 1st exclusive ?
mircea_popescu: "bitcoin" in the sense of a collection of (whitepaper by satoshi, 2-3 shitty mutually exclusive prototypes by satoshi, even shittier code in prb) is much like "russia" in the sense of "the kiev kingdom".
mircea_popescu: i dunno about your or anyone else's experience, but i personally have spent my entire life to date in the company of people whose takes were fundamentally irreconcilable. ever since a wee tyke doing double time between the upper crups exclusive school and the criminal underworld.
assbot: Exclusive: Israel’s rash behavior blew operation to sabotage Iran’s computers, US officials say - Middle East - Jerusalem Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1RKk9WT )
assbot: Exclusive: Snowden intelligence docs reveal UK spooks' malware checklist / Boing Boing ... ( http://bit.ly/1WgjM5y )
mircea_popescu: "I understand a business has to make money. 8chan needs to make money to survive, but making money and being open source is not mutually exclusive. Lots of sites do it, including reddit, one of the biggest sites on the Internet today."
asciilifeform: 'Peter Borwein wanted very much that I do a Ph. D. on the ISC but he wanted also to publish (with his name of course) an article before I deposit the thesis. Again the same story was going on, these 2 guys are so greedy I can't believe it. The behavior they had with me was not exclusive, especially Peter Borwein he was the same with most of his students, especially the good ones, sucking the maximum. Jon is the same but he has
asciilifeform: mno you never 'start from here and apply everything' because there can be mutually exclusive branches
ben_vulpes: unrelatedly, how does one calculate the odds of mutually-exclusive outcomes from binary odds on each individual outcome?
assbot: Logged on 09-12-2015 08:19:42; punkman: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-bitcoin-exclusive-idUSKBN0TS0AB20151209
punkman: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-bitcoin-exclusive-idUSKBN0TS0AB20151209 ☟︎
ben_vulpes: http://thetab.com/us/uconn/2015/12/07/exclusive-interview-artist-pissed-off-greek-life-1908 << victoria valentine actually went so far as to file a Fair Use doctrine appeal. doesn't appear that vimeo gives a shit, though.
assbot: EXCLUSIVE: Leading Councilman to Propose Taxi Bailout | Observer ... ( http://bit.ly/1OaZXHI )
pete_dushenski: http://observer.com/2015/04/exclusive-leading-councilman-to-propose-taxi-bailout/ << maybe this was the joo who took out massive loan, saw values fall, AND THEN ASKED CITY COUNCIL FOR A BAILOUT ?
brg444: btw pete_dushenski was reading your last article on contravex. great stuff as usual but noticed a typo, if you care: 2nd "exclusivity" should be "exclusive"?
assbot: Exclusive: Green Light or No, Nest Cam Never Stops Running | The Security Ledger ... ( http://bit.ly/1IiAqKv )
assbot: Exclusive: China's Tsinghua Unigroup to invest $47 billion to build chip empire| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1kZz7e3 )
mircea_popescu: "|Ulanoff completely fails to examine this "oh yeah, we suck in some areas claim". Why? The guy's a "car reporter". No more, no less. If he says negative things about the companies that pay his salary, he gets fired and the publication for whom he works never gets another scoop/lead/exclusive." << BUT WHY ?
mircea_popescu: the equivalent approach is to say item acquired a new property in going from a to b. in both it's the same thing, but in b it is also an exclusive good
lobbes: CableDude: "Sure I understand, but this IS an exclusive offer. So can I sign you up today?"
lobbes: so cable company just called me; 'Because you're such a loyal customer, I'm going to give you this exclusive *unadvertised* offer! For MORE money per month, I can give you faster internet!"
ascii_field: he ran a kind of 'retreat', exclusive, posh, for high-level police types
assbot: Exclusive: Saudi offers Russia deal to scale back Assad support - sources| Top News| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1VjwY8l )
psztorc: MSRs are a formula which relate [1] the current quantity of outstanding shares (of mutually-exclusive states) to [2] an account filled with money.