500+ entries in 0.675s
mircea_popescu: "the kidney is composed of the maxint part superior, the maxint part inferior, and the lizard hitler part central"'=
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-24#1948112 << lizards & pension funds.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-15 11:20:57 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936375 << i suspect it's being done to scratch the ego itch of some hollywood lizard, rather than as rationally planned affair ( otherwise not even need to lease army base, would simply use 3d rendered scene )
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936375 << i suspect it's being done to scratch the ego itch of some hollywood lizard, rather than as rationally planned affair ( otherwise not even need to lease army base, would simply use 3d rendered scene )
asciilifeform: on bright side, 'lizard' set also thinning, e.g. last week -- perot
asciilifeform: ( famously , why was castro so hated by the lizards. cuz broke ranks b/w '2' and '3' )
diana_coman: that lizard hq is boring.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, also, you're not expected to understand the arcane wisdom of "lizards hq".
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: in usa would be moar common if were not artificially suppressed ( it is legal to be a hobo , but not to live in shipping container or anyffin else not Officially mortgaged via the lizards )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the 1 natural resource not yet exhausted in north amer, is (shit-grade) coal. lizards are fixin' for a return to 'golden age' of soot and aerially-dispersed thorium, for coupla decades nao
asciilifeform: interestingly, they're building a tram (!) also. apparently the last lizards who disassembled the original washintonistani trams in 1970s, have finally croaked. ( new tram, however, will go strictly to/from the communal flats and the bureaucratic shitholes where 'employed' )
asciilifeform: point, from lizard pov, is not so much to '+ev project', but to put new nails in the coffin of the independent farmer.
asciilifeform: dunno, they could all die of pox tonight and i suspect the lizards would shrug, less overhead
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: conceivably whole lizard.purpose of organized sport-gladiatorism is to get the derps to throw lit petrol in stadium, at one another, instead of at pantsuit.
mircea_popescu: that alf manages to do this naturally and with i suspect no malice aforethought (or anything else aforethought at all) is in a sense supportive of the hopes of humanity -- apparently ignorance breeds the nonsense on its own, no "dark lizard" behind it all needed.
asciilifeform: the lizards, having access to the http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-30#778096 figs, naturally switched to the 'help'em downregulate their wants' tack. ergo 'tits in the mud' becoming order of the day. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-06-05 16:13 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666045 << the way the lizards expect the shit to work is exactly in the way mp -saves-openbsd worked : as seen moneyz. recall the story of the us embassy spending a whooping 50k to start an "empire" of fake news tv stations etc ?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-05 16:13 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666045 << the way the lizards expect the shit to work is exactly in the way mp -saves-openbsd worked : as seen moneyz. recall the story of the us embassy spending a whooping 50k to start an "empire" of fake news tv stations etc ?
BingoBoingo: Well, that and the opportunity to run the printing press and spread bezzel to favored lizards bringing back a number of them along the way
trinque: the scandalize macroexpands to "tell mother", and if herr lizard admits to himself that it does nothing, suddenly he's standing all alone, very naked
trinque: the lizards don't have any other moves these days, than to "scandalize" and then pout impotently when it does nothing, or backfires
asciilifeform: not clear to me that the lizards actually want him gone, is all
asciilifeform: hmm, apparently what we have here is not even gekko, but a https://srelherp.uga.edu/lizards/eumfas.htm
mircea_popescu: fwiw, asciilifeform 's lizard hitler hypothesis is exact modern restatement of ye olde "civilisation started by aliens" theory, which was precisely because belle epoque thinking folk threw their hands up over this exact stability.
phf: brazilish: you can always wash it by hand. i've disassembled a lot of ebay thinkpads just to wash the frame of all the grease and dirt; but to answer the general question "libre" solutions are guilty until proven innocent around here. the pattern seems to be, find a seemingly unencumbered system, asciilifeform starts taking a look at it, discovers lizard hitler. until step 2 happens, impossible to say anything about the system.
asciilifeform: the old lizard dream, an equiv of broiler chicken business 'debeaking', was born.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-08 15:53 asciilifeform: heads, leucrota, manticores, vultures, paranders, weasels, dragons, hoopoes, owls, basilisks, hypnales, presters, spectafici, scorpions, saurians, whales, scitales, amphisbenae, iaculi, dipsases, green lizards, pilot fish, octopi, morays, and sea turtles.' -- eco's 'name of the rose'
phf: and as much as i sometimes scoff at the lizard hitler suggestion, the whole narrative, tacitly supported by the relevant designer, is very much it.
phf: well, it'll be like discovering alt-tmsr or lizard hitler, the way asciilifeform always wanted
asciilifeform: from both euro-american and chinese lizard pov, world without bitcoin is best, but second-best is world where it is exactly like plutonium, plebe who somehow finds some has no choice but to bury in the deepest hole he can dig and forget that it happened
asciilifeform: at one time asciilifeform hypothesized 'lizards want to unwind the mechant age and install selves as pseudo-feudal nobility' but today not sure of any such thing, possibly just fungal growth
asciilifeform: old crop of lizards preferred the drunken man; perhaps new crop -- prefers the 'pothead' as the ideal 'new sov^H^H^H^american man'..
mircea_popescu: is this a lizard re female mediocrity ?
asciilifeform: iirc there was a (lizard-declared) 'ipv4 shortage' that supposedly accounted for what-mp-got vs what-BB-got
asciilifeform: it never quite made sense to me, from my admittedly distant and dark perch, why lizard hitler ~not~ yet dared. it ain't as if he'd have to eat the lead himself.
phf: ~vdiff~ is broken. not diff, not lizard hitler, not gnu stack
asciilifeform: ( even the typical ru chitchatosphere plankton has advanced from 2013 'sooner or later gas for all' to a 2014 state of the art 'the lizards use btc themselves, hence slow gas' or even a 2015 'lolcatcoin-of-the-future will sink errything as it tanks' etc
a111: Logged on 2015-01-17 22:38 asciilifeform: or, alternatively, like the choice of 'aes' over the stronger but 'slower' 'serpent' cipher, it was merely orders from lizardhitler.
a111: Logged on 2015-01-17 22:38 asciilifeform: or, alternatively, like the choice of 'aes' over the stronger but 'slower' 'serpent' cipher, it was merely orders from lizardhitler.
ben_vulpes: lizards dun like it when you talk like that mircea_popescu
a111: Logged on 2017-11-20 03:58 asciilifeform: 'rare art' is simply low-tech pre-bitcoin btc for lizards
asciilifeform: 'rare art' is simply low-tech pre-bitcoin btc for lizards ☟︎
ben_vulpes: even the mail! gotta keep the lizards on their toes.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-05 16:13 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666045 << the way the lizards expect the shit to work is exactly in the way mp -saves-openbsd worked : as seen moneyz. recall the story of the us embassy spending a whooping 50k to start an "empire" of fake news tv stations etc ?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> those were more of an attack on the system than actual part of the system. much like http://trilema.com/2013/compliance/ describes a specific sort of insult. << Kinda why Trump's ED secretary from the Amway family really grates the lizards scales. For all their talk, Amway made money helping blacks make money
asciilifeform: from lizard pov, he took what belongs to hitler, plain an' simple
a111: Logged on 2015-01-13 18:05 mircea_popescu: lizard empire very large, very porous, generally i get the good bits before they fully propagated even.
asciilifeform: mats: lattice is the last remaining non-usg-owned fpga house. lizard gosplan terrified that it might get sold and specs for the high density fpga, opened
asciilifeform: evidently lizard gosplan doesn't expect infinite continuation of this
a111: Logged on 2016-12-19 19:10 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the death of the 'fat consumer' system is not optional, it's an exponential/runaway growth hallucinatory nonsense. the lizard deindustrialization program is in re the ~controlled demolition~ of same.
asciilifeform: btw the original 'donor blood' BcHE 'bioscavenger' thing -- afaik still in production. when you donate blood in usa, chances are, some of it goes to help lizards survive their inevitable someday contact with the curative gas.
asciilifeform: for visiting lizards
BingoBoingo proposing horror show sorta creation like remote controlled cockroach, but on bigger scale. Perhaps less adorable color change lizard would make better candidate.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: as you know, 80 (90?) % of swamp inhabitants, 'medicated' << For very good reason. Shifts blame from lizards to their diseases.
phf: also can probably string them as far as adams morgan zoo from your bunker, have a secondary effect as definitely getting labeled as terrorist when caught (lizard territory)
asciilifeform: for some reason modern-day lizards prefer that surplus people slowly goring themselves, rather than cleanly blowing one another with mortar and cannon
mircea_popescu: thanlks god for the magical alien lizard nazis of bitcoin!
asciilifeform: while lizards -- retained
js-of-mp: lizard brain gets man out of more trouble than gets him into. except the former\s never counted properly.
phf: hmm, that last picture gave me a lizard overload for the day, did it to myself though.
mircea_popescu: there's no lizard point of any things.
asciilifeform: wasn't half the point of the syria thing, from lizard pov, to test current ru equipment ..?
asciilifeform: ^ ohnoez, TERRORIST, didn't respond CORRECTLY to being enpederasted -- instead of drinking to death, ohnoez, went to take a lizard or two with him to grave
erlehmann: > We analysed time series of lizard scale colour dynamics over four years of their development and demonstrate that this pattern is produced by a cellular automaton (a grid of elements whose states are iterated according to a set of rules based on the states of neighbouring elements) that dynamically computes the colour states of individual mesoscopic skin scales to produce the corresponding macroscopic colour pattern.
asciilifeform: lizard rep : 'why cantya just put in faeks' 21co gauleiter : 'oh but we always listed ip and port, folx can try and connect, so nao you gotta make at least aws sybils' lizard : 'mno, won't do, just nuke it'
mircea_popescu: which is why "eth has market value". the entire market value of ethereum (all chains) is under a grand. but the lizards will keep buying it, for all the fiddy bux a week that costs, to prop up the pretense. if it catches, they got "millionz" and if not they're out five coffees for a dozen losers who were getting that coffee off social security anyway.
asciilifeform: 'your lizard majesty, we are low on moneys with which to pay for improved NN for wiretap-to-text coverters.' 'make the victims pay' 'how?' 'sell them 'convenient' voicecontrolled toys, they'll buy voluntarily'
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666045 << the way the lizards expect the shit to work is exactly in the way mp -saves-openbsd worked : as seen moneyz. recall the story of the us embassy spending a whooping 50k to start an "empire" of fake news tv stations etc ? ☝︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: this is like, lizard internecine warfare.
mircea_popescu: tell you what, if boats were made of plastic the MTBS would be a week, and the "lizards" runnin the coast guard would charge you.
mircea_popescu: you mean the same lizards who provide the fire dept services your "house" utterly needs ?
asciilifeform: not cheap because lizards pocket the cost diff
a111: Logged on 2017-05-19 19:41 asciilifeform: there is, however, a logical (if you will) component . there's a school of thought among lizards - normally ted turner is the name that comes up, but only because he afaik was the only unabashed, publicly confessed adherent -- that it'd be nice, from lizard pov, to physically exterminate the (actual) free world
asciilifeform: there is, however, a logical (if you will) component . there's a school of thought among lizards - normally ted turner is the name that comes up, but only because he afaik was the only unabashed, publicly confessed adherent -- that it'd be nice, from lizard pov, to physically exterminate the (actual) free world ☟︎
asciilifeform: for lizards.
asciilifeform: bitcoin drives the lizards up a wall because it was the first immovable object that resisted the 'irresistible force'
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1657737 << as i understand it, house 'buying' (virtually nobody actually buys , in usa, they take out massive mortgage) by a human, is not a financial transaction in the usual sense, in the sense you buy petrol . it is instead a fat-harvesting transaction, where you pay 100% of what the lizards weigh you to be worth. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 12:36 phf: i moved into a new place closer to the lizards, had a funny exchange in the lobby. this lady "got lucky" and "bought a house at list price" because apparently "everyone's scared because of the upcoming impeachment".
phf: i moved into a new place closer to the lizards, had a funny exchange in the lobby. this lady "got lucky" and "bought a house at list price" because apparently "everyone's scared because of the upcoming impeachment". ☟︎
asciilifeform: so closing borders, even supposing this were somehow desired by the lizards, ain't happening
phf`: i appreciate chomsky, he gave me a useful analytical tool of considering social and economic dynamic systems in terms of dependency graphs (which doesn't necessarily preclude lizard hitler, but allows for wider range of topologies that includes lizard hitler along all others)
a111: Logged on 2017-05-09 04:53 BingoBoingo: Lizards are vulnerable to accidental dope OD too
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-09#1653746 << lizards are for practical purposes ~immortal , but they do sometimes die of ennui. sometimes this takes the form of dope od. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Anyways how would the CIA lizards have any money at all without their trafficking business
BingoBoingo: Lizards are vulnerable to accidental dope OD too ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'sub-dissociative' nonsense, yes, for you an' me; opio-cocainiferous goodness by the gigatonne, until head explodes, if he wants, for lizardman.
asciilifeform: ruined paper is a win for lizards, not a loss
mircea_popescu: this whole "nefarious AND COMPETENT lizard usg" theory would fare a lot better if it weren;t the case that during ~WELL EXPECTED~ hurricane hit about 500bn in negotiable paper got ruined.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-02 01:14 asciilifeform: whether lizard hitler alone, or 10,001 scriptkiddie derps, have the key, is immaterial
asciilifeform: whether lizard hitler alone, or 10,001 scriptkiddie derps, have the key, is immaterial ☟︎
asciilifeform: mod6: 1 day of wasting away in cheapo hospital costs 5k, and y'know why? it's so that the lizards can get your house, supposing you owned one.
asciilifeform: and every day that an auto lasts past its purchase credit being fully paid in -- is a bug , from lizard pov.
asciilifeform: total rejection of the lizard cathedral.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-16#1644428 << lizards are at war with the very concept of sovereignty. ☝︎
gabriel_laddel_p: having both text & the js/images/etc prevents lizardhitler from "unhappening" headlines, while ensuring that DOM dumping and other crazy nonsense doesn't have to be implemented.
phf: i don't think it's a problem for an arbitrary chain. i was more thinking lizard hitler patches compiler to specifically fuck with rotor3 chain
BingoBoingo: In lizard unsanctioned pizzagates https://archive.is/sQWw4
asciilifeform: others -- not even on the lizard throne.
asciilifeform: my other irritation, fwiw, in taleb, is that he positions himself as 'opponent' of lizard system, while in fact being a creature of it
phf: i still think that the reason is that there are no lizards in a recognizable form (i.e. the 1984, hugo boss clad), it's all a chomsky style dependency graph, and the complexity so high, micro level so varied, that nobody can make sense of it