500 entries in 0.627s
assbot: 86 results for 'lizard' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=lizard
mircea_popescu: !s lizard
ascii_modem: lizards << credit d. icke
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform https://twitter.com/LizardMafia/status/548523618901454848 << i'm kinda curious, do you feel responsible for the naming convention ?
ben_vulpes: "no u guise seriously i do everything the way lizard hitler insists"
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: as i understand, the rioters have no truck with lizard hitler; they protest against an imagined comfortable white suburbanite
BingoBoingo: 'He retorts the all too common accusation thrown at rioters: “People wanna say we destroying our own neighborhoods. We don’t own nothing out here!”' << what does white man own in usa ? << Common mistake of using the general "white man", Whiteman own nothing for being white. Anglo-Saxon-Lizard hybrids though...
kakobrekla: makes me think lizard are affiliated with cf.
kakobrekla: lol lizard squad lauches 'ddos for bitcoin' service, on a website protected with cloudflare.
punkman: https://twitter.com/LizardMafia/status/548337811112611840
punkman: https://twitter.com/LizardMafia/status/548525026027507712
assbot: 3000 Tor relays in an hour, all called LizardNSA[0-9]+Interesting.
punkman: "“Thanks @KimDotcom for the vouchers–you’re the reason we stopped the attacks. @MegaPrivacy is an awesome service,” Lizard Squad tweeted, confirming the successful intervention."
BingoBoingo: I'm still not convinced it wasn't the Avians come to depose lizard hitler.
BingoBoingo: Either that it was the avians comping to displace the lizards
BingoBoingo: Wonder if the lizards had something to do with it.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what is the skepter of lizard hitler worth? the 300mn is simply the figure usg saw fit to write into the work of fiction
asciilifeform: lizard hitler ?
BingoBoingo: I dunno he can die, lizard heritage
mircea_popescu: i tihnk it was 4. "land of the lounge lizards" or something like that.
mircea_popescu: it's not exactly that evil lizard WANTS people to not contribute.
BingoBoingo: Lizard hitler has nothing on hawk hitler... dunno I want to disclose how I ended in that scenario...
mircea_popescu: wait, no lizard lukoil ?
BingoBoingo: Re: lizard hitler, Deposed? http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/usa-hunters-find-bullets-from-american-civil-war-in-185-year-old-alligators-hide/
adlai: probably the lizard schutzstaffel
BingoBoingo still awaits the avains to depose lizard hitler in favor of Hawk Hitler
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> this is a top reptilian priority. << this lizard hitler thing requires too much competence to be plausible. i prefer by miles and acres the "bureaucracy controlled by their enemies" interpretation.
gernika: Seemed to have a lot of references to the Nazis. 80s made for TV series in which lizards disguised as humanoids invade the planet.
asciilifeform: comes from an infamous crackpot whose name i've forgotten, who wrote a lengthy treatise on how planet has been secretly ruled by lizard-like aliens since time immemorial
assbot: 23 results for 'lizard hitler' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=lizard+hitler
asciilifeform: !s lizard hitler
gernika: May I ask where the reptilian reference comes from? (lizard hitler, et. al) I see some references to Hitler being a Lizard Alien Being on google, but nothing beyond a literal interpretation of that.
asciilifeform: not the lizard quarters.
asciilifeform: if it is happening, it is on lizard hitler's nod.
asciilifeform: the mob riots at lizard hitler's pleasure, for his purposes.
asciilifeform: the 'police brutality' crap is orchestrated by u.s. lizard media. ergo it is simply a prelude to a 'sudden, brilliant, hope, change 11!111!!' 'solution' - a national gendarmerie. think 'dhs' but this time 'for real.'
asciilifeform: lizard hitler: 'nah, not worth a nail. how about ddos his house.'
asciilifeform: lizard hitler: 'hmm'
asciilifeform: winblows file system handlers are porous on personal orders of lizard hitler.
asciilifeform: whether or not 'lizard hitlers' exist in the flesh, they certainly have an analogue in the hierarchy of mega-fallacies (that is, devices for leading otherwise intelligent people to do something damnably idiotic)
asciilifeform: but the lizard who buys a $40m rembrandt is not a fool, he knows he can get $50 next year
asciilifeform: canvas, the original altcoin for the lizard lords.
asciilifeform: of course, anyone with even a spitting familiarity with software crud world knows that lizard hitler does not need to order these into existence - they happen naturally
decimation: asciilifeform: if 'lizard hitler' is a physical entity, he's probably not working for usg
assbot: Logged on 15-11-2014 00:54:02; assbot: Logged on 14-11-2014 22:24:42; asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.)
mircea_popescu: in that it's neither a lizard nor hitler.
decimation: I guess my point is, if you are looking for 'lizard hitler', here he is - a couple of high level derps decide they can 'get away with X' and convince themselves that 'it's the right thing'
asciilifeform: lizard hitler << at 'meta-nsa' naturally, where else
BingoBoingo: Probably sunning himself on some rocks, like lizard hitler does
asciilifeform: for all i know, lizard hitler rides elevator with me every day
Adlai: lizard nazis probing the turmite colony's readership habits
assbot: Logged on 14-11-2014 22:24:42; asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.) ☟︎
Adlai: Homo sapiens [sapiens] being essentially some form of automaton / robot slave / controlled experiment, conducted by these lizard-nazis
Adlai: the lizard-hitler popular with my conspiracy friends has dabbled in history from a much earlier age
assbot: 5 results for 'lizard-hitler' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=lizard-hitler
asciilifeform: !s lizard-hitler
asciilifeform: unless there was a lizards-only 0th conference...
TheNewDeal: lizard hitler is dating bitcoin jesus?
mircea_popescu: lizard hitler is nowwith bitcoin jesus.
asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.) ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: lizard-hitler loves it when his zoo animals fight ineffectually among themselves
asciilifeform: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2826980/Winston-Churchill-s-bid-nuke-Russia-win-Cold-War-uncovered-secret-FBI-files.html << ideal example of 'crank bait' method. perfectly factual allegation, regarded as nearly hundred percent proven by ru historians for decades. 'smoking gun' finally out. what does lizard hitler do? orders it printed in 'daily mail.'
asciilifeform: the other thing happening is that the lizardmen will never pass by a good excuse to 'regulate' (ban) powerful general-purpose computers.
asciilifeform: engineers, who (as shown by the 'monolith' gedankenexperiment, search logs) often do not really apprehend how lizard-reich and its subordinate bureaucracies really think. ☟︎
Vexual: whaadday got lizards?
asciilifeform waits to find a 'www.meta-nsa.lizard' pen under his pillow when waking up.
BingoBoingo: In hung over hypnagogic terror might as well be a trap to the lizard brain, and I am not letting the spiders win
asciilifeform: 'lizard king' perhaps should be understood as 'set of remaining competent commanders'
asciilifeform: jurov: perhaps i implied that a literal 'lizard king' lives. this is not a necessary hypothesis for a cryptologically-strong usa
chetty: <asciilifeform> bitcoinpete: this (as discussed in the log) is not a thing in every u.s. uni, but only at the 'ivy' ones (most expensive, direct ladder to the lizardocracy)//trickle down will get there
asciilifeform: bitcoinpete: this (as discussed in the log) is not a thing in every u.s. uni, but only at the 'ivy' ones (most expensive, direct ladder to the lizardocracy)
princessnell: i don't think there's much hope but i always enjoy when the lizards have to scramble http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-06-11/boeing-tumbles-as-cantor-loss-clouds-ex-im-bank-s-future.html
asciilifeform: a lizard goes to the clink when a fatter, more senior lizard wishes it, and not at any other time
fluffypony: "Tell Agent Mazzotta the lizard has entered the fibreglass cage of resourcefulness. Do not miss a word. Also tell him that the following message is CICADA 3301-F encoded: OSDJFSH02382oaSDFaweasdFAWr3q23eaq#RWQAE"
Apocalyptic: dem lizards
bravetheworld: +princessnell lizard tourist?
princessnell: jeff tucker is a lizard tourist
ThickAsThieves: the lizards are taking over!
BingoBoingo: It's just the machine language of the lizard brain I consult for bets is rather dense.
BingoBoingo: These are the reasons I drink to consult my lizard brain
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> all i'm sayin' is that by your reasoning, the farmer shouldn't plow the field /// It's a lizard brain thing - the most innate thing we're here to do is reproduce, so i'd assume a man's desire to bare his own blood is not only natural, but reinforced by male social roles. Of course this is becoming quite distorted, as you point out about betas feigning alpha. Having
asciilifeform: http://www.billthelizard.com/2009/09/getting-fair-toss-from-biased-coin.html
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: apparently the part where they were collapsed into chairs was the source of the discomfort. The lizard brain's desire to breath in such situations reportedly overrides the higher human element's ecstasy at all of that mu receptor agonism
fiat500: the lizard or bitcoin?
Vexual: thats an aussie lizard
nubbins`: jesus lizard had a bunch of records produced by steve albini
ozbot: The Jesus Lizard - Club - YouTube
nubbins`: that and the live jesus lizard album have both been getting some heavy play
KRS|gotyawallet: now they are eating giant lizards..i bet it tastes like chicken
Vexual: when i close my eyes i see a big lizard mating with the eifell tower
gecko_x2: that lizard is funny
KRS1: heres what im seeing http://www.newsytype.com/8404-monitor-lizards-florida/
ThickAsThieves: but lizards are not amphibians
KRS1: i've seen them 4-6 ft..thats a big damn lizard.
KRS1: in Miami, Florida we have these big monitor type lizards that get to be that big..they've become a bit of a problem..people got them as small pets and let them go into the wild to reproduce.
gecko_x8: i am the lizard
ThickAsThieves: can't they use lizards or moths instead?
truffles: <Lizardbitcoin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97XF8ucPQVY>> some ppl need to be led
benkay: way better idea, lizard.
deadweasel: Lizardbitcoin, what did he say?