725 entries in 1.901s
mircea_popescu: now wonder along with me : WHY is it that shithead gavin is SO VERY FIRMLY CONVINCED this must be done "before the end of the year" ?
hm ?
hm, does anyone remember this excellent write-up of the videogaming industry wrt drivers ? it was a fable-like story, didn't name intel nvidia ati etc but described the interactions with game developers in some intricate detail.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [13:34]
hm. you prolly took it from miserere ? like 4 ? << walked *past* misere at one point
hm, i guess what peterl's new job means is that scoopbot will have to be reimplemnted yet again ?
hm... i guess in the context "color me" is a faux pas ?
mircea_popescu: im not trying to accomplish anything.
hm... what exactly is your interest in this thing ?
hm, what other sports can b-a sponsor ? i vote for jai alai
hm well alexandria may have been replaceable/rediscoverable, but if nazi work goes down with usg, how long do we wait ?
mircea_popescu: so it may be a case that YOU be thinking of another usa
hm ? :D
mircea_popescu: <assbot> 0 results for 'resistor dac' << you know this came to 0 because you had to ruin steming ?
hm ?
mircea_popescu: mike_c:
hm. is it kosher for two nicks in the wot to have the same gpg key? << notrly. is this observable ?
hm... it occurs to me... wouldn't it be a good idea if all progressives were required to register themselves with the state ?
hm.... i never knew an "artisan" that works wood by the truckload ? this is akin to someone claiming to be dali explaining how he gets a truckload of paint a week...'
mircea_popescu: reference's lost on me lol, but
hm. what do you mean relate ?
hm, what brought you here originally badon ?
hm, just delele latest blk000*.dat, err..?
hm, jailing people for "support"?
hm reading about the assets project to roll back to 0.5.3, i see "rip out bdb" ? drop wallet support so it only functions as node?
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> The contemporary idea of the incredibly PC media mafia after the bush election exists as a creature of Nick Denton's creation <<
hm. sort of like anti-drudge ?
mircea_popescu: hickasthieves: they want you to review your own site? <<< who was saying earlier the coindesk spam is "not from coindesk" ?
Hm ?
mircea_popescu: but anyone else... who cares if the bill comes due just as you're due for pension payments?
hm ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: links are fine as long as they aren't videos without tits <<
hm, thinking about it, that's exacly the rule, isn't it ? observant daniel.