725 entries in 2.106s
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: or you could go to like... hm. thailand, was it ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm, contract says you have to use judge.me ?
mircea_popescu: hm. you can usually tell by price neh ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: so Bastone did EskimoBob pay you to attack my exchange ? hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: Chaang-Noi doesn't it strike you as odd that i jsut cut interest on deposits if im trying to run with teh btc ? hm ?
mircea_popescu: rdponticelli hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm, does anyone make btc aparel ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm. when was mybitcoin fiasco ? march 2011 ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: Gladamas hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: EskimoBob hm ?
mircea_popescu: Azelphur hm ?
mircea_popescu: hm ?
mircea_popescu: kakobreklaa hm ?