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BingoBoingo: Well, gotta remember post-modernism and "social justice" were the actual KGB/Soviet plot to undermine west
mircea_popescu: schooling for the purpose of convincing as many unexamining intellects as possible that "in the soviet union kids get icecream". if it takes putting the agitprop mechanism in the middle of the forest cuz that's where the peasants go... well, they'll mount it in a truck.
mircea_popescu: point being : the "i'd give it to the soviet comissar rather than to this woman" preference ain't supported.
asciilifeform: this gives you cpu from 1960s soviet comp
mircea_popescu: welcome to the undeclared soviet republic.
js-of-mp: phf: there's a difference in the soviet lands between what people know and what they'll admit to knowing.
erlehmann: seems that in soviet america, arson is even weirder http://www.gq.com/story/san-francisco-is-burning
mircea_popescu: it's even better that nobody (tm) is even bothered by this, exactly like they weren't in teh self-same soviet union.
mircea_popescu: phf incidentally, it's a great thing the free world (tm) defeated the soviet union where people couldn't be published for writing things outside of the yemu sam's letters.
mircea_popescu: phf except the soviet writer jules verne later wrote star trek, "how great would it be to sit on your couch watching tv on which they show you some dorks sitting on couch watching tv"
phf: asciilifeform grew up on russian romantic literature (like the soviet writer jules verne), yearns to live on Nautilus
mircea_popescu: you have nfi. you keep going "oh, we have fruits also in soviet union." no, you don't, your ethylene pinkomatoes aren't fit for a dog salad.
mircea_popescu: the new soviet architecture is HORRIBLE btw. wtf is all the shit they built.
mircea_popescu: it's an important exercise, for the "land of the free home of the brave" soviet union citizen 2.0, to review the 1950s movies, and implicitly what things looked like.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform basically, there isn't at the present time one single stupidity of the soviet republic that's not implemented by the anglotard empire. not ONE thing.
mircea_popescu: in fairness it's a large ball of yarn and while it flows splendidly from itself, nevertheless it does flow exactlty opposite to ~everyone's acculturation in the soviet empire.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the functioning of soviet economy was not in any sense different. they'd just steal inventions outright, w/e.
phf: i don't know any properly soviet bureaucrats who are not also licking ass the same way they were doing it in soviet union, for peanuts. people that i'm talking about escaped, or left in the early 90s, and didn't have any problems going from one closed research institute soviet side to an equivalent u.s. side.
mircea_popescu: phf we are judging elite on the strength of action rather than ideology. properly-fat-female is elite because can fuck. properly-soviet-bureaucrat is not elite because can not do jack shit.
mircea_popescu: phf the point you're not seeing because it's so unexpected and i didn't make it specifically was that the definition of elite scales with society. elite is "who has objective value". in late soviet, much like in late usg reich, the strippers were the elite
mircea_popescu: now portion of this is also defensive, and should be separated. some dudes leaving left with actual goods. some might have and the soviet accountancy was slightly worse than us, they couldn't quite figure it exactly.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-30#1663421 << we had that in the soviet block. approximately http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-11#1450314 ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: vorwarts, soviet!
mircea_popescu: which is what soviet style econom,ies were, cca 1990.
mircea_popescu: only known similar example being soviet union. stalin - also elected. except rosas didn't actually behead his own lieutenants or all thje rest of the nonsense associated with stalinism. which is why they never fucking mention him.
mircea_popescu: which takes us right back to the kako lulz. i was sitting with girl earlier, idly observed "check out that dork, argentina was too far for him. china -- not. what the fuck is wrong with people." and she explained. "you know what it is. bitcoin went up. you're thinking, eh, he made hundreds, what does he care. he cares -- because he mostly sold them as he got them, good little soviet."
mircea_popescu: soviet jokes also "didn't catch on", which became a joke in itself -- teh georgians dun understand all these muscovy joeks!
mircea_popescu: somehow the soviet and soviet likes didn't annoy me nearly as much.
phf: oddly enough djvu is hated in angloworld (something something patents), but most of the archives of soviet written material is in djvu
mircea_popescu: note incidentally that even though delayed because slavs retarded, the soviet item served exactly same function -- how to be non-non-soviet.
mircea_popescu: plenty of "oh, everyone ELSE affected". now tell me fedex is a ... private company, not a usg agency. because that's totally how private companies communicate, and absolutely not how the soviet agencies speak.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in soviet prison, https://68.media.tumblr.com/cc9e312b8967c99c3ab3ecfe00cb81b3/tumblr_nkhaxd0ona1u5ddqjo2_500.gif
mircea_popescu: for me personally, the "young soviet" personified by cptn breznev was rather instructive.
mircea_popescu: the soviet hotties who willingly traded their charms for a cake of soap and two rolls of proper toilet paper whenever they could get the attentions of a not-born-among-retards visitor for long enough were nominally employed, in a nominally functioning empire, nominally making a great salary.
phf: this is as heavy handed as soviet propaganda used to be. photographer dies during training accident, "heroic womens dies in war, we salute all the heroic womens in war, and call a photography honor after heroic womens!1"
mircea_popescu: what is wrong with the fucking soviet, it always builds these shits, roadways without parking spaces, brothel;s without bathrooms, raves without the requisite terarium scl etc ad infinitum.
shinohai: What is that, a Soviet block glory hole?
shinohai: In Soviet Russia, money disgorges YOU.
mircea_popescu: "maximum return" for shareholders and other gems of the soviet state.
mircea_popescu: what fucking "obvious" reasons, good soviet ?
mircea_popescu: from the monkeystan link : "Ms. Luz Lujan, his BOP contact, refused to provide him with copies of program statement rules". but ofcoars. and "ms" luz lujan is going to do no time for this, because hey, good soviet.
mircea_popescu: this isn't to say that the previous system was any good -- it truly was about as good as the soviet union, which is to say worse than nothing.
mircea_popescu: it's still called the same thing, but it has ~same to do with its own history as today's russia with historical soviet union.
mircea_popescu: was a time when data was a lot more valuable, basically on account of the world not yet consisting of the www pressed shitboard. in that world of little valuable data, having any chunk "lost in the pipes" would have appeared typically soviet wasteful bureaucratism.
mircea_popescu: makework. at the height of communism, 150% of soviet gdp.
mircea_popescu: aaanyway, must be one helluva trip for good soviet, it looks exactly like what su'd have been in 2017 had everyone involved been braindamaged enough to permit it to continue past 88.
mircea_popescu: and my party girls would not have been well served by the soviet dress fashions for professional females cca 1965.
Framedragger: heh :) pretty soviet
mircea_popescu: fucking ridiculous question. "what did soviet nuclear programme take from allies ? IT IS ALL BASIC SCIENCE!! THERES NAPKINS WITH FARTS DRAWN ON THEM SINCE 1933!111!!"
mircea_popescu: understand something about "declarations" in this vein : they themselves are an attack, if you can't universally enforce them. the us collapsed out of an attempt to declare that "they, not us, are the bad guys" without the actual strength to enforce this ; so did the soviet union, and so does every inept mother who tries to tell her kid what to do out of line. ☟︎
Framedragger: that's nice, but the true _soviet_ of the story is, official 'bigtime' academic 'historians' / 'history' 'professors' in .lt (with bigtime names and state grants for 'projects') got *livid*.
mircea_popescu: top soviet keks.
asciilifeform: on all comps, american, soviet, martian.
Framedragger: (re. scientific tree, grandfather had this notebook where he diddled lots of things. he was a kind of soviet accountant, and died when i was ~4. many years later when looking at notebook, i discover this 'game' across a great many pages of it. turns out... game of life - neat)
mircea_popescu: (not inept soviet foreign minister, for the innocent)
a111: Logged on 2014-08-30 21:23 asciilifeform: i later learned that v. n. chelomei (famous soviet rocket designer) proposed the placement of atomic bombs near u.s. east costs using a scheme much like this. (official story - it was vetoed as barbaric)
mircea_popescu: phf unsurprising ; indian industrialization happened mostly under the soviet... "influence".
phf: it means indians and russians are brothers, and is a slogan for soviet/indian friendship from about 50s to 80s
phf: in related lulz i got a lot of "soviet union was a good thing" from conversations with indians. a lot of older indians seem to hate americans and miss the good old "bhai bhai" days
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-27#1619262 << "plastics" in current practice is a very different material from "plastics" in the 1970s soviet standards book understanding. it ain't no longer pvc, plexi & pp/pet. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: 5% in cash payment + soviet comissar.
mircea_popescu: anyway. i guess the russkis really want to finish the job with the sino-soviet split.
mircea_popescu: anyway, pretty much everyone in third world will notice the parallels, from socialist egypt to soviet romania. because GUESS FUCKING WHY\
mircea_popescu: phf yeah. gold was already "A problem" in the soviet meaning of the term in india. with this idiocy, they're making it a fully gold standard place.
BingoBoingo: Seriously fucking cultural marxism was THE soviet wunderwaffen. Putin is doing the world a service by trying to disarm it.
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, inept hack trying to culturally appropriate soviet times (without citation, OF COURSE) - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/10/donald-trump-president-comedy-snl-satire
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-10#1613027 << i was waiting for that. first article i open mentions that the gold is there to put it out of moscow's reach, mentions european financial troubles and the lack of trust in trump in three paragraphs. almost can admire the fuckers, sort of like reading particularly gnarly piece of soviet propaganda ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-06 18:56 mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski it was the pre- and even post-soviet rank of what the us army calls "specialist"
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski it was the pre- and even post-soviet rank of what the us army calls "specialist" ☟︎
phf: parents obviously remember "friend of steppe's kalmyk" soviet agenda, and the affirmative action that came with it
shinohai: In Soviet Russia, watches wear YOU
mircea_popescu: "i wouldn't steal, honest!" "why are you wearing 48 wrist watches on your arms ?" "oh... that's the soviet fashion. they're... um... gifts!"
mircea_popescu: she did this, no matter how stupid, because usg told her to ; and when usg says, she does, no matter how stupid. this is the core of her identity, she's not a woman, or a person, or a mother, or anything. she's, first and foremost, good soviet ; and anything else to the degree there's space (and usg tells her to).
mircea_popescu: there isn't going to be a "us mil" if things fall apart. there wasn't a soviet one either.
mircea_popescu: hence the early soviet ruble / 1970s renminbi etc
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-24#1606292 << this is actually pretty solid reasoning. ie, if you're going to live in soviet union, might as well live in moscow. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-01 19:16 mircea_popescu: "mice were found in germany which is a country that once invaded the soviet union where lenin introduced electricity which goes through tubes in which tubes today in england most mices live." "OH NOW IT ALL FALLS INTO PLACE!!!"
mircea_popescu: oh that's what it is, "conferences" specifically. dude... i have nfi why anyone with any sort of qualification would actually appear at one of these. for one thing, they don't pay. for another thing, they are about on 1980s soviet level of amenties, fucking hell ima brownbag food because i don't eat burger king ?
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: the island of post-soviet (homeland) for the time being :) it has a proper summer, friends, forests, sea and lower living costs; i don't know where i will land after that that, if anywhere. for the first time not worried, tho.
mircea_popescu: obviously cinema has a strong escapism vein, but historically the escapism is directed towards poverty and individual restrictions. you need a septicemic soviet union for it to be "a source of hope for the aparatchicks"
BingoBoingo: https://www.rt.com/sport/371531-khl-team-soviet-anthem/
asciilifeform: 'those with title to something worthless will find a way to extract value from it, making it even more worthless. An abandoned suburban subdivision might be worthless as housing, but valuable as a dump site for toxic waste.' (orlol's discussion of 'asset stripping', in http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/062805_soviet_lessons_part2.shtml )
asciilifeform: btw folx may be interested to learn that the LM393 op-amp IS available from old soviet stock
asciilifeform: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Soviet-Air-Force-Pilot-MiG-23-Cockpit-Control-Column-Joystick-Stick-Grip-Yoke-/322073122808 << example of what you get if you buy 'mig stick'
asciilifeform: 'Just as LaRouche took issue with Hitler's version of total mobilization, so he criticized the Nazi leader's military strategy of waging a two-front war against both the West and the Soviet Union. Hitler should have mopped up the Rothschilds' headquarters, Britain, before marching east. The London blitz was not carried out boldly enough.' << genius.
mircea_popescu: i also didn't see meat airplane borne out of the soviet maternity circuit. this proves something ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-01 19:16 mircea_popescu: "mice were found in germany which is a country that once invaded the soviet union where lenin introduced electricity which goes through tubes in which tubes today in england most mices live." "OH NOW IT ALL FALLS INTO PLACE!!!"
mircea_popescu: the chinese don't have the soviet problem with sharia law from what i've seen.
mircea_popescu: (alf would have liked this one, the rats live so closely packed they have cultural constructs re intramural participation in sexual congress - the woman is offended but subverts it as normalcy. OF FUCKING COURSE the "next door neighbour" would play music to go with our intimate discussions. this is soviet america and the walls are thin!)
mircea_popescu: "mice were found in germany which is a country that once invaded the soviet union where lenin introduced electricity which goes through tubes in which tubes today in england most mices live." "OH NOW IT ALL FALLS INTO PLACE!!!" ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: in random fun facts : soviet military expenditure in the 30s was ~12% of gdp. it jumped to ~18% in early 1940. this is BEFORE germany invaded (1941). today "normal" military expenditure is 1.x%, from japan and australia to italy or germany. the us does ~3.x. of the rich countries, the saudis are the only ones being reasonable (ie, over10%). the jews are half that.
Framedragger: in soviet russia, the dog make redundant *you*
asciilifeform: 'When the economy collapses, hard-drinking people everywhere find all the more reason to get drunk, but much less wherewithal with which to procure drink. In Russia, innovative market-based solutions were quickly improvised, which it was my privilege to observe. ' << orlov's megaclassic, http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/062805_soviet_lessons_part2.shtml
asciilifeform: though i ~have~ considered purchasing 'big soviet e.' in dead tree...
asciilifeform: (not speaking of marvels like 'the big soviet encyclopaedia', which famously in '30s had 'updates' mailed in to subscribers, complete with razor blade to cut out undesirables)
phf: "... why are you crying, little nastasya? -- i too want to live in soviet union"
a111: Logged on 2016-11-02 19:31 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-02#1562159 << he was born in soviet russia. there isn't a purpose, just, electricity is all he's got besides "the power of the soviets", and while neither can fill a hand before pissing in it would, nevertheless at least electricity DOES SOMETHING.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-02#1562159 << he was born in soviet russia. there isn't a purpose, just, electricity is all he's got besides "the power of the soviets", and while neither can fill a hand before pissing in it would, nevertheless at least electricity DOES SOMETHING. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: northkr may well be the last 'soviet coldwallet' remaining.
trinque: they look like backwards villagers that got dosed with SU one day, now to this day say LOOK AM GREAT SOVIET TOO