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phf: i assumed same thing as asciilifeform, because sop in soviet union. my uncle died like that, botched centrifugation to extract alcohol from whatever was available, at his lab
mircea_popescu: i don't recall any sort of voting being held on when to attack, soviet style.
mircea_popescu: decimation dubiuous one could have "consolidated". that's what the soviet union tried. it collapsed. that's what the eu tried. it's collapsing.
decimation: "“Haven’t you ever been abroad?” “Well, obviously: Poland, France, Hungary . . .” “OK, they’re inside the EU.” “And the Soviet Union.” “You got in there without a passport?” I thought about it for a moment. “I cannot recollect anybody having asked me for one,” I replied confidently."
asciilifeform: <mod6> It drives me nuts, because I can't find a regular old-school (even a plastic one with a normal pour spout) to save my life. Might have to check at garage sales or something. All major stores only carry Soviet Gas can. << this is mega-lulzy because ~actual~ soviet gas cans were 100% metal, on the german pattern
mod6: It drives me nuts, because I can't find a regular old-school (even a plastic one with a normal pour spout) to save my life. Might have to check at garage sales or something. All major stores only carry Soviet Gas can.
assbot: Logged on 26-01-2014 19:43:12; asciilifeform: btw the chinese have scholars, of 'soviet collapse studies,' and some of their output is rather interesting and educational
ascii_field: how, i must say i wonder, did mircea_popescu even persuade anyone to shovel the sheer tonnage of shit to write his soviet pdp clone 0.6
asciilifeform: ^ incidentally, this touches on what imho was the major reason for the appeal of the soviet offering in the 'turd world.'
punkman: but it's totally a soviet forgery
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-07-2015#1196623 << just like there exists a class of innocent nazi ministers, and nice soviet officials, and respectable usg civil servants and so on. THEORETICALLY. in practice, no. ☝︎
trinque: russia is not gone though the soviet union dissolved
pete_dushenski: this 'ssdi party village' sounds like a soviet full moon party
asciilifeform: i was reluctant to throw gccisms in there, but if we go and start building on mircea_popescu's soviet pdp11 we can always roll equivalent macros for that
mircea_popescu: set in a faux soviet russia very much like present day us
ascii_field recalls the b-a jail from voyage. it was a very old-fashioned, respectable-looking thing, at least by soviet standards. i'd not be ashamed to sit in it.
mircea_popescu: almost like the things soviet russia is remembered for
ascii_field: cribbed straight from soviet penal code
mircea_popescu: "Our Solutions Leadership About Us Careers News Contact" who the fuck thought this is how you do it ? it's almost like the soviet butcher, "we're the advertising shop, we don't have publishers. fish is what they don't have in the shop down the street" ☟︎☟︎
trinque: it occurs to me that the fraud dept of paypal may look very much like some soviet bureau's office did
mircea_popescu: you recall the amply discussed "soviet realisation". the funny thing is, those people's sons had... a very similar realisation.
assbot: Logged on 22-06-2015 04:40:08; asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: re: spandrell and courage: think about the soviet propagandists' exhortation to 'go kill a german with your bare hands.' was it this that won the war? or also other things, like supply lines from factories set up in open air past urals, etc. ?
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: re: spandrell and courage: think about the soviet propagandists' exhortation to 'go kill a german with your bare hands.' was it this that won the war? or also other things, like supply lines from factories set up in open air past urals, etc. ? ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 12-09-2014 15:39:53; asciilifeform: every time i see the bed of nails i think of the soviet caricature
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-06-2015#1167674 << soviet lego clone did not come with book ☝︎
mircea_popescu: didn't you link some pics of soviet food and declare they made you drool a little ago ?
ascii_field: and did i just land in my grandfather's office in 1985 , fell through time warp? how did we come to wonder about authenticity of fucking soviet rubber stamps ?!
asciilifeform: i have lived in cities. in crappy soviet dwellings, with little room to move, even. in order to do this again voluntarily i would want something very valuable in return. such as not having to work for a living ever.
ascii_field: as it is, i would not trust serious coin, were i to have any, to anything other than brainwallet operated with optical keyboard connected to soviet z80.
mircea_popescu: the hero of the soviet union, marshall zhukov... no.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in fairness... rp oliver dude was beyond kooky. seriously, soviet conspiraci ?
assbot: Logged on 09-06-2015 12:21:50; mircea_popescu: there existed an "official" one, MMN80CPU and a number of unofficial clones made in small runs and mostly clandestinely. (most of ex-soviet bloc economy in the early 90s consisted of "anyone who is clever enough to use this nobody's fixed capital - welcome to do so for the cost of the consumables")
assbot: Logged on 09-06-2015 03:36:59; asciilifeform: it is interesting to contemplate how many of the traditional nato stereotypes of soviet industry were not only false, but apply to nato wholly and not at all to sov
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-06-2015#1157660 << fnargl problem. the soviet politbureau was secure. the usg "feminists" are not. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: there existed an "official" one, MMN80CPU and a number of unofficial clones made in small runs and mostly clandestinely. (most of ex-soviet bloc economy in the early 90s consisted of "anyone who is clever enough to use this nobody's fixed capital - welcome to do so for the cost of the consumables") ☟︎
asciilifeform: it is interesting to contemplate how many of the traditional nato stereotypes of soviet industry were not only false, but apply to nato wholly and not at all to sov ☟︎
mircea_popescu: it's about as much a country as the soviet union would have been, if it were run by quisling.
mircea_popescu: decimation soviet justice moved more and more towards administrative adjudication too
thestringpuller: in alternate timeline superman falls to soviet russia and is raised as communist
asciilifeform: 'the great soviet encyclopaedia' and the 'corrections' mailed to owners, complete with razor for slicing out 'unpersons', notwithstanding
decimation: heh > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsmark < "The Soviet Union demanded copies of the engraving plates, ink, and associated equipment in early 1944, and on 14 April 1944 Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White of the U.S. Treasury Department authorized the immediate air transfer of these to the USSR. Using a printing plant in occupied Leipzig, the Soviet authorities printed large runs of occupation marks. Since these were converti
mircea_popescu: o shit, the tins of soviet caviar.
assbot: Logged on 27-05-2015 04:19:15; asciilifeform: http://valaamov-osel.livejournal.com/171595.html << unrelated. catalogue of a soviet 'birch' store (sold products to K00l K1dz for d0ll4rz) circa 1975.
asciilifeform: http://valaamov-osel.livejournal.com/171595.html << unrelated. catalogue of a soviet 'birch' store (sold products to K00l K1dz for d0ll4rz) circa 1975. ☟︎
decimation: my hypothesis (floating around here awhile) - nobody wants to read about soviet times because they will recognize them as being depressingly familiar
decimation: " And technique aside, these books are difficult because they don?t subscribe to a neat, binary way of thinking, i.e., Soviet Union equals bad, democracy equals good ... In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn satirizes the evil absurdity and unnecessary suffering of the gulag, and yet he extols the discipline and work ethic that it engenders; since human nature is so lazy and depraved, he muses, perhaps it?s benefici
decimation: no my understanding is that folks are 'recycling' old soviet tubes mainly
asciilifeform: it's like a soviet tank on a pedestal in cemetary
ascii_field: incidentally, rust's flight caused the sacking of pretty much the whole of soviet air force brass.
mircea_popescu: basically, the east germans came up with a rationalization of their soviet time. "we really were right. excesses were made but..."
assbot: Logged on 25-03-2014 20:41:17; asciilifeform: Officially, all Soviet representatives regard these parasites with touching feelings of friendship, but privately they call them 'shit-eaters' ('govnoed'). It is difficult to say where this expression originated, but it is truly the only name they deserve. The use of this word has become so firmly entrenched in Soviet embassies that it is impossible to imagine any other name for these people. A conver
trinque: determining that 50% taxes is the magic number is not soviet because "the people"
mircea_popescu: it's how the greek's do it. its how ex soviet empire did it.
asciilifeform: cazalla: take a roll of toilet paper home from work each day << top soviet state-of-art.
mircea_popescu: you know, these schmucks have nothing of the quality of schmuckdom in the soviet times.
ascii_field: since soviet times, even
mircea_popescu: also, consider that a comparison of new nuclear with old coal is pretty stupid. you're not advertising deployument of 1970s soviet nuclear plants. consequently, you don't get to compare to 1950s coal plants.
assbot: Logged on 10-05-2015 17:28:51; asciilifeform: hence why ru missile controllers are built using ancient soviet arch, yes, but the fab is winblows-controlled and the design turns from circuit to mask also in winblows
asciilifeform: hence why ru missile controllers are built using ancient soviet arch, yes, but the fab is winblows-controlled and the design turns from circuit to mask also in winblows ☟︎
asciilifeform: https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/asset-viewer/n-e-muratov-sketch-of-the-poster-%E2%80%9Cremember-leningrad-scumbag-%E2%80%9D/JQHoySKCXwQxlQ?projectId=second-world-war << soviet death ray in use
mircea_popescu: ahahaha that's a soviet trick
chatquack: In Soviet VPS, files poke you!
mircea_popescu: original soviet empire was historically the result of the race to asia they had with the uk, and it's certainly not above revisionism.
asciilifeform: and, the absolutely key soviet part, gendarme will be posted far from his home town
decimation: asciilifeform: in the context of the time, the us was probably worried about strengthening the cause of pro-soviet 'rebels' in south america
mircea_popescu: actually, hopefully we end up in prison, like the early soviet leadership. i'm gonna write a dictionary and a history of the world.
mircea_popescu: direct soviet translation.
ascii_lander finally ran into old soviet goodiez in mega-junkstore that ben_vulpes found
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: as oft said here, the situation is so soviet it bleeds. << ahahaha guess what.
mircea_popescu: as oft said here, the situation is so soviet it bleeds.
pete_dushenski: soviet-harvard delusions will lead to cold and disenchanting cities
asciilifeform: the apparatus-of-state-as-distraction thing is not even specifically soviet
decimation: so who gave a fuck about whatever the local soviet declared? folks who wanted to climb the power structure?
decimation took a class on soviet politics in undergrad, but it wasn't terribly informative
decimation: actually the soviet constitution is exactly an excercise in 'process determines outcomes'
mircea_popescu: soviet constitution was notbad.jpg
asciilifeform: during and after 'new deal', american constitution and derived 'law' became approximately as interesting as the soviet constitution.
mircea_popescu: it's funnier (to me) than the old soviet confusion.
asciilifeform: i, for instance, happen to believe that soviet mathematics will not be equalled for the next 500 years.
mircea_popescu: decimation the problem with a "democracy", aka representative democracy aka people's soviet is that the victory is always to the fearless.
mircea_popescu: bauhaus on the cheap = soviet prefab flats. from berlin to pakistan.
trinque: well the soviet state was the patron of these scientists, yes?
ascii_field: P. Ya. Ufimtsev, Method of Edge Waves in the Physical Theory of Diffraction, Soviet Radio, Moscow, 1962.
trinque: ascii_field: looks like his capitalist was the soviet state
ascii_field: trinque: 'soviet economics' was the kind of fool who is the only kind who can make sufficiently long bets.
trinque: so then this sounds like soviet economics at best :D
mircea_popescu: i think this is even mentioned in meanwhile declassified soviet stuff. they actually sorted the blacks by "switzerland or germany"
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel anyway, i'll bet you i'll have him publicly recant his soviet chocolate cant. the chocolate here... o mai gawd.
gabriel_laddel: soviet cocolate
mircea_popescu: yes the market would be a great solution, were it applied. sadly, "the political costs". ie, exactly the same tired old record that drove the soviet union into the wall.
asciilifeform: or soviet 'iskra'
asciilifeform: works on soviet 'elbrus' as well as american '486'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu> but i never put any serious effort into electrical engineering! << said the chap with his own bitcoind running on soviet trinary comp
asciilifeform: see also the gigantic pile of soviet jets in timisoara
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ... dacha is kinda designed for man wife and girlfriend. << complicated. 'dacha' literally means '[that which is] given.' as in, granted as reward by the king. in soviet times, it was of course not 'given' (except to officials, but even then was not their personal property but more like obama's car.) but for normal folks, the standard was an unheated cabin and the regulation 100 sq. metres of garden.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-03-2015#1080512 << everytrhing even moderately costly is in severe permanent shortage in the soviet america. the only thing they have in ample supply is "technologies", a la facebook. exactly mirroring the situation of the previous soviets, eating pravda on bread, except "real" pravda on imaginary bread. ☝︎
gribble: wn: persecute v 1: cause to suffer; "Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union" [syn: {persecute}, {oppress}]
assbot: Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century Part II ... ( http://bit.ly/1CzOOy9 )
asciilifeform: from orlov's 'lessons' ( http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/062805_soviet_lessons_part2.shtml )