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mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski gotta appreciate, most of these soviet arrangements were built atop "free" waste heat from the heavy industrial plants the dormitory- cities were made to feed anyway.
mircea_popescu: just like lenin is the definitive soviet tho he didn't actually live there significantly, marx is the definitive american, tho he didn't even speak the "official" language. he spoke german, the unofficial one.
gribble: Object 279 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_279>; Object 279 - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es4Hy9VNDAc>; Object 279 Soviet Havy Tank [HD]-2014 - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjgNWD5DrNA>
mircea_popescu: in the FIRST soviet union.
mircea_popescu: FIRST Zasemsky Village Soviet ? you know, two streets down from petersburg center ?
mircea_popescu: "I hope, Comrade Stalin, that you will grant my request and reply to the Manturovsk District, Kursk Region, First Zasemsky Village Soviet, Ivan Philipovich Ivanov."
mircea_popescu: it's basically a soviet country, just like the russians were. unlike the other soviet union, however, it doesn't fucking know this, goes to bed every night collectively imagining that "start-ups" as implemented there are actual business ; and "stars" as implemented there are examples of successful people. it's really quite amusing.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu is still thinking like a normal person in some honest non-soviet economy
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-02-2016#1402730 << lol ferguson is not newsworthy anymore in the pravda, they moved the circus to flint now. this is so fucking soviet, they had a truck going around the country bringing "news" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: there is no reason to have multiple banks in soviet russia.
asciilifeform: someday make what the Soviet Union had look like a dream of a long
mircea_popescu: the irony of the situation being that the soviets weren't nearly as impressed by the significantly more powerful soviet state.
asciilifeform: including soviet etc.
mircea_popescu: kinda like the soviet equivalent, "oh, so you got kicked out of your party commission thing ? no, you can't have a job. because fuck you, that's why"
mircea_popescu: you are only a REAL soviet if you spend your time wit hthe pravda and at the parades/meetings etc.
mircea_popescu: i recall us discussing old soviet machines re that also
pete_dushenski: "…teacher pay in the United States seems more like something from Soviet-era Russia than 21st century America. Wages for teachers are low, egalitarian and not based on performance. We pay phys ed teachers about the same as math teachers despite the fact that math teachers have greater opportunities elsewhere in the economy. As a result, we have lots of excellent phys ed teachers but not nearly enough excellent math
asciilifeform: the soviet lisp.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the simple proof that wind is purely for show - so that soviet citizen sees it and is impressed with the usg, just like the red army red square parades of otherwise useless missiles - rather than for energy is that the one place where you should have them (tierra del fuego) doesn't have them.
asciilifeform: re: paying non-investorgrade folks (as in, people who need to ~work to eat~) in stock, do you know the soviet voucher story ?
pete_dushenski: soviet moon is best moon
mircea_popescu: still a dead end. exactly equivalent with soviet woman's conclusion that getting married is an exercise in insanity.
ascii_butugychag: hell, i'd buy a soviet motor
asciilifeform: i'm surprised your vendor did not also roll his own ps, out of an old soviet shaver or something
mircea_popescu: for that matter, why didn't soviet russia mobilize all those book-only assets ?
ascii_shmoocon: aaaand mining does not forgive 2nd-best 'z80 is enough for soviet motherland'-ism.
mircea_popescu: ro soviet socialism was very much a medieval arrangement.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-01-2016#1371193 << i actually got it and i'm not even a soviet refugee ☝︎
mircea_popescu: nope, shoot them down with the same rays usa shot down soviet strategic bombers
phf: my redneck friends took me to a state fair once, probably best "american" food i've had around DC area. icecream reminds me of the soviet one, that doesn't exist anymore. rich, fatty, none of them "substitutes", they were probably milking cows straight into the icecream mixer
mircea_popescu: "Russian Soviet SAMOVAR 3L there are violations of nickel hull see photos. A fantastic collectors item! Regards !!"
copypaste: so you have a soviet passport only ?
asciilifeform: kinda funny how americans laughed in '50s-'60s re: soviet cars costing a year of pay of average labourer there
asciilifeform: american elections are exactly as interesting as the soviet elections, and for exactly the same reason.
ascii_butugychag: ah i assumed soviet theme
mircea_popescu: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/business/dealbook/the-unsung-tax-agent-who-put-a-face-on-the-silk-road.html?_r=0 <<< ahaha check it out, the cover-up story is shaping up! it wasn't the usg using the holes in tor to try and steal some bitcoin, after which their agents stole most of it from them in turn. oh, no! it's a heroic guy that bla bla bla, just like in thye old soviet movies!
mircea_popescu: ever more soviet, soviet.
assbot: Logged on 27-12-2015 23:06:44; kakobrekla: The required equipment was often purchased abroad and presented as someone’s personal design. By the way, it was common practice in industry throughout the history of the Soviet Union. For example, in the 1980s a computer “EC1841” was designed for military purposes. The designers even managed to get the USSR State Award. Later it turned out that Soviet computer chips had never been designed – the
kakobrekla: USA and embedded in the computer. Original labels were brushed out and Soviet labels were put on the chips instead of them...
kakobrekla: The required equipment was often purchased abroad and presented as someone’s personal design. By the way, it was common practice in industry throughout the history of the Soviet Union. For example, in the 1980s a computer “EC1841” was designed for military purposes. The designers even managed to get the USSR State Award. Later it turned out that Soviet computer chips had never been designed – they were imported from the ☟︎
kakobrekla: Soviet high-rank bureaucrats often acted like that when they were ordered to design something new. If they couldn’t cope with the task they committed outright forgery and sometimes it even impaired national defense.
assbot: The Soviet Laser Pistol - The Firearm Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1NIYnzo )
asciilifeform: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/10/08/soviet-laser-pistol << famous useless weapon
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354327 << dpa is not only not my idea, but it pre-dates the computer (see, e.g., https://fveydocs.org/document/learning-enemy-gunman concerning typewriters, or the soviet cipher machines that had ballast coils) ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353372 << "Politruk - a hero of the Soviet Union. You have an empty belly." ☝︎
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> phun phakt: virtually all american 'health insurance' is void abroad << ofcourse it is ? just like soviet ruble vouchers were void in bonn ?
mircea_popescu: it's funny how all the soviet defections were proof sovietism dun work (it didn't) but all the various us defections weren't proof usgism dun work (it... didn't).
danielpbarron: http://hackingdistributed.com/2015/12/22/bitcoin-runs-on-altruism/ >> Luckily, most of them are so heavily invested in cryptocurrencies that the best they could afford was a Mosin Nagant, a measly relic, Soviet war surplus direct from Stalingrad. << someone reads the log!
asciilifeform: i can only speak for self, but i don't WANT to use some landlord's cheapo pressboard standard soviet furniture
mircea_popescu: soviet soap (like cheap usian soap, for that matter) is a kind of detergent. this isn't what good soap is.
mircea_popescu: in the sense that soviet soap was a start-up. "hey, it's this or not wash. what dove ?"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345340 << and i also don't buy into this narrative. soviet russia was also a middling successful economy up until... what, hruschev decided to bury you ? i guess. the fact of the matter is that there's a shelf life for all delusion, printed right on the box. seoul adapted, pyongyang did not adapt. yes, it's true that neither had the resoureces to force the adaptation of t ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'Strictly the only difference between Argentina and Soviet Romania isn't that the Argentines "did it to themselves" while the Russkis did it to the poor Romanians (always there guarding the West from the barbarians so the French could build their cathedrals bla bla)' << l0l
mircea_popescu: just like tesla "can be bought" for 100k in soviet govt vouchers
mircea_popescu: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*Bf3w_7sOPfgJHVnkWzn_ug.png << the us seriously looks more and more like soviet russia.
ascii_field: the cheapness of turkeys/whores/petro/etc in shitholistans is a ~natural resource~, like any other thermodynamic gradient. and you don't get to ride the gradient just by asking, just like a random schmuck doesn't get to ride soviet plutonium just for asking.
ascii_field: but yeah, this whole thing is kinda replay of the old 'soviet vs roman army' thread, aha
mircea_popescu: nubbins` a) couple HUNDRED ; b) if i taped up not a couple, a single "jeans and chewing gum" ad in soviet blok, i'd have needed the canadian mounties to keep order.
mircea_popescu: Thus second main drawback to piece rates is that they motivate the worker to put out more quantity at the expense of quality. This can be devastating. The tendency of communist countries to pay piece rates, rather than hourly rates, is one reason that, while the Soviet bloc’s quantity (and thus the most straightforward measurements of economic growth) was able to keep up with the West, quality did not (thus the
assbot: Logged on 13-12-2015 13:06:20; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342262 << this very strange stupid number games thing. "they've commited a billion they'd never pay and i'll do things i'm never actually doing". мы делаем вид что работаем а государство делает вид что платит нам зарплату for the new soviet generation.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342262 << this very strange stupid number games thing. "they've commited a billion they'd never pay and i'll do things i'm never actually doing". мы делаем вид что работаем а государство делает вид что платит нам зарплату for the new soviet generation. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: if they were after eastern european votes they'd be going "support a stronger usg because you as a group have the institutional memory to show what a great idea a soviet union is, and the scars to prove it!"
ascii_field: 'soviet elephants are world's biggest elephants!111'
pete_dushenski: " They were probably my happiest years ever, as the hotel was THE place to be back before the nouveau riche scum from the Middle East and the old Soviet Union polluted the place beyond repair or redemption. Visit it and weep." ~taki
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-11-2015#1333296 << what's so "concerning" about this ? the neonazi retcons were driven by people who didn't own the printing presses. the usg retcon is driven by the usg, just like the soviet retcon was driven by the soviets. ☝︎
ascii_field: anyway soviet sop
mircea_popescu: see, had you stolen and sold some soviet tanks for scrap in 2009 you could have moved to ba in 2013 and been looking for an engineer to join your workshop today.
phf: same people who thought themselves inoculated from soviet propaganda, fell for western one hook line and sinker
mircea_popescu: i am sure it was the coolest movie in the soviet union.
phf: parents were telling me how saturday night was like the coolest movie in soviet uniont. nobody have seen it, but everyone talked about it. having a leisure suite from checkoslovakia was the pinnacle, etc. mom finally watched it in early 2000s, reaction was "wtf is this shit"
mircea_popescu: survival of soviet families depended on HOW connected they were, nothing else.
mircea_popescu: her : "you already said no company ever needs a soviet accountant".
mircea_popescu: so the year is 1988. the persons are a well connected mobster and a youthful rose. she is in a terminal year at university, studying to be a soviet state company accountant. he just came back from dubai.
mircea_popescu: jurov i'll remind you of "Three woodcutters in the nation of Georgia found two warm canisters near their camp and spent the night beside them. The canisters were discarded and unshielded heat sources from Soviet radioisotope thermoelectric generators, containing 30 kCi (1.1 PBq) of 90Sr each" not to mention http://trilema.com/2013/a-simple-example-as-to-why-fiat-institutions-cant-stand/
mircea_popescu: proper & civilised soviet citizen walking on street in romanian capital, suddenly needs to pee.
asciilifeform: like soviet typewriter fp. ☟︎
trinque: one name good enough for all glorious soviet product
mircea_popescu: at first, the failure is going to be the fault "of racists", like you see in missouri. like "foreign agencies" in early soviet times.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes aha. also piece work is a deal with individuals, this involves an [ex soviet] factory usually.
asciilifeform: so in soviet yugo, supposing i'd grown up there, i'd possibly be something more like jurov.
mircea_popescu: also diskettes = plutonium, in soviet yugo alf would starve with a planeful of diskettes because "there's nothing can do with"
mircea_popescu: jurov think in soviet yugo terms, which is exactly what the us is :
trinque: I fail to see how USG panopticon megastate can live any longer than the soviet megastate
analmaster: soviet libtards exist?
mircea_popescu: like soviet union was on both sides of THAT chessboard.
ascii_field: 'Gosh, all of this warm fuzzy coverage of the NSA just brings a tear of thanks to my eye. While you're at it, could you do a puff piece on Stasi, and the KGB/camp system in the Soviet Union? I'm sure they did a spectacular job saving lives and keeping people safe, as well.' << from the not-yet-censored commentz
asciilifeform: so, a 'soviet' comp built in 2015 would have to have a very specific purpose in life. e.g., xoring serial stream with a onetimepad stored on magnetic tape, or the like.
shinohai: has anyone ever made any soviet-era art of mircea_popescu?
mircea_popescu: in fairness all soviets to date pretended that they are special, and all the other failures of socialism were due to you know, those not being real socialism. this is the first pass around the stupid block when the supreme soviet actualy claims it's not doing socialism at all.
asciilifeform: even import of a soviet vacuum is mega-ordeal in ar ?
mircea_popescu actually said "well obviously" in class when learning about teh space race from soviet perspective. "FIRST SATELLITE!111"
mircea_popescu: heck, most soviet kids believed in "better soviet"
ben_vulpes: so my father managed a gentleman who'd moved from the soviet block many years ago. the man walks into my fathers office one day, asks for some privacy to talk about american things. "in odessa, we put children out to nap. cold air, is good for little lungs! anyways," hands my father a letter, "what is this 'child protective services?"
assbot: Logged on 02-02-2015 06:58:18; asciilifeform: but being tall, which someone CAN NOT get, <<<< ahahha. soviet science winz again. had a process for -actually- growing taller.
mircea_popescu: after all, soviet armies even are a thing because the reason prefers to sleep, or how was that quote.
mircea_popescu: nothing, least of which me, keeps you from running your own hoisehold soviet army style or any other style.
ascii_field was not advocating the merits of soviet armies.
mircea_popescu: soviet armies are evil.
ascii_field: anyway i know very well that mircea_popescu runs a roman army, where you gotta bringe the horse, and the armour, and not a soviet army.
asciilifeform: it is soviet sop.