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mircea_popescu: soviet-style ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-24#1757906 ) nuke plant development would result in cost per elec-watt being half of cost per oil-watt within generation. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759241 << it's not altogether clear to me soviet union wasn't continued exactly in the spirit and direction of "the great father". ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but the same drive to ever cheapen the soviet's offerings to the zek ("only political training contributes to forwarding teh revolution!! everything else contributes to costs!!!" said teh world famous elena ceausescu-zigglar) will cheapen the very rug from under your feet also.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there is that ; but not reliably, hence soviet alt-genetics.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-22 21:09 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756823 << abbrev has a funny history: "заключенный красноармеец" because of early soviet labour army experiments, later renamed to "заключенный каналоармеец", i.e. builder of беломорканал, to make it more politically correct. initially the abbrev had implications of forced labour specifically, but only later was generally applied to all prisoners. (probably bec
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756823 << abbrev has a funny history: "заключенный красноармеец" because of early soviet labour army experiments, later renamed to "заключенный каналоармеец", i.e. builder of беломорканал, to make it more politically correct. initially the abbrev had implications of forced labour specifically, but only later was generally applied to all prisoners. (probably bec ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2014-02-14 17:26 mircea_popescu: ok, so school in soviet russia
mircea_popescu: right, that's it. he just dun want to there be any jews. clearly unites nazi antisemitism with soviet antisemitism with etcetera. socialism, ie, dear lord protect us dumbasses from our betters.
mircea_popescu: good soviet types in the book he wants to read.
mircea_popescu: (i find it amusing how all the later day soviet saints have some shoe reference readily accessible to be retrieved by)
mircea_popescu: generally substance abuse in post soviet world would curl the contemporaneous mind. cluj tribunal, three levesl, maybe say 50k sq foot of floor space, a thousand or two (mostly women) working there had A TRUCK. i don't mean a van. i mean a semi.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744393 << i think i knew hundreds. widely abused in post-soviet medical system, for instance ; at some point a whole surgical section was losing it at the same time, one step away from ending up discussed in the national security council. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1742164 << hey, next the "instruction function of soviet pioneer org in protecting the poor clueless adults from toxic facts and hate truth" will emerge. and then, probably, the NEP. and then, i guess, the http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-enforcement/#footnote_0_55204 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: like czechs exactly (another major source of soviet such needs)
mircea_popescu: the problem with this is that soviet military man valuable ; chinese valuable ; romanian evidently valuable. what value does us tard bring ?
mircea_popescu: dood also had serious emotivity probloems -- extremely shy, etcetera. epicycle is perhaps that encounter with the czechoslovak "labour people" when they ask him a (simple, let's be friends) question (context is that he's the hero, against soviet invasion, etc) and he totally can't answer.
mircea_popescu: this is ~the whole story of soviet colonization of romania.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733491 << for the record, these were a lot more common in soviet union than in present days. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: not liek the public's doing much investment these days. approx on par with good soviet of 1987, had special retainer out of salary for "investments".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it works fucking admirably though, compared to the soviet approach...
davout: in soviet bitcoinlandia, forkers fork you
BingoBoingo: Why does it have to be junk? Just because it is soviet and nazi?
mircea_popescu: contrary to the aspirations of the anachronistic-minded science-fanfic author/consumer, the 1970s enjoyed 1970s tech ; and 1970s 2nd world shitholes (ie, the soviet bloc) enjoyed 1950s techs as a baseline. or as ceausescu's main tech theft guy said, "they'll sell us yesterday's technology for today's money, but what can you do."
mircea_popescu: you ever been in a soviet prison ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he failed to order the national guard to fire upon the parliament, in modern soviet terms.
mircea_popescu: basically, very strong signs of argentinization in the ex-soviet lands.
mircea_popescu: also the ~best piece i ever read on russian post-soviet collapse : https://sashat.me/2017/05/28/will-moscow-ever-stop-growing/
mircea_popescu: but in any case, the process is wildly successful -- the whole "oh noes, corporate responsibility, banks stole our money" went exactly nowhere FOR THE EXACT REASON the usg "banks" play the role of the soviet planning committee. such can do no ill, by definition of state in socialism, and so... they WILL be rescued, with "money" freshly printed.
mircea_popescu: the process was apparently well received by "the society", which is to say poor people. exactly like in the original nazi and soviet implementations. except while in the first two the elite actually fled, in this last one the elite is playing the inept game of "i wonder if i can make a steelworks so successful hitler actually steals it from me".
asciilifeform: ( 'stierlitz walked on the streets of berlin. mueller recognized that he was a soviet spy, but not because of the ppsh machinepistol clumsily slung across his shoulder, and not because of the parachute he dragged behind him, but because of the maker tag on his waistcoat, 'bolshevikess', which in typical russian slopiness had not been torn off.' ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: pretty much the only thing that comes to mind is the now famous soviet самокритика, and the significantly less famous but culturally much more important habiot of medieval tards to conduct "religious debates" with the jews, lose miserably, then claim "draw".
mircea_popescu: a) that there was no direct route from imperial ranks to soviet ranks and b) that therefore the lenin moment is JUST AS necessary and "Correct" or how you call it as stalin's. there's no "error".
mircea_popescu: "there will be a moscow exhibition of arts by over 100 sculptors and painters of the soviet republics. these were executed over the past five years."
mircea_popescu: anyway, the whole meeting went in that vein, ceausescu pointed out to soviet troops still at praga, gorby was liek "oh, that is a bilateral matter" "da, stiu, este un acord bilateral incheiat dupa ocuparea cehoslovaciei" (yea, i know... post-occupation bilateral). then gorby says they can't agree in this matter and ceausescu agrees with him.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a pile of disinfo and general crap surrounding the events. as an example : on 2-3 dec gorbachev hung out with bush on a soviet ship. on 4th, there was the wasaw pact meeting. gorbachev was well excited of whatever, the new bulgarian (mladenov, his college pal) and generally the western press coverage.
BingoBoingo: Checks one box, opaque to pantsuit. Fails on its soviet style USSA idiocy.
mircea_popescu: but there is a huge difference between intelligent sovereignity and soviet idiocy.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-06 14:25 mircea_popescu: "Although ISIS have repeatedly attempted to claim credit for the shooting, saying Paddock had recently converted to Islam, both his brother and authorities have dismissed the claims. He had 'no religious affiliation, no political affiliation,' Eric said, adding: 'He just hung out.'" << good soviet!
mircea_popescu: "Although ISIS have repeatedly attempted to claim credit for the shooting, saying Paddock had recently converted to Islam, both his brother and authorities have dismissed the claims. He had 'no religious affiliation, no political affiliation,' Eric said, adding: 'He just hung out.'" << good soviet! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: very soviet experience.
deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2017/09/29/trying-so-hard-to-be-soviet-and-failing/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Trying so hard to be Soviet, and failing.
mircea_popescu: "regulatory compliance" it's called in-universe. but in practice, they're exactly like the old time soviet govt entreprises.
mircea_popescu: problem compounded by the fact that my only interest in the matter stems from an obscure mention in an post-war anti-soviet propaganda song by some guy i studied.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-27 05:36 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what was the soviet term for the "moment of realisation" that sovietism is actually a lie ? i forget
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what was the soviet term for the "moment of realisation" that sovietism is actually a lie ? i forget ☟︎
mircea_popescu: all offspring of all soviet citizens.
phf: asciilifeform: yeah, it was a very niche thing. a sort soviet retro future exhibit that somehow survived through the 90s. i don't quite remember what else was there, plasma globes, various magnet accentuated magnetic liquids, that sort of stuff
mircea_popescu: ie, when at the height of soviet obamacare you broke your leg and your mother made you an ad-hoc wooden contraption to fix it, she DID in fact bespoke you a traction, even if it sucked so bad as to compare negatively to african healthcare.
asciilifeform: no amount of sophistry will justify a bespoke rollsroyce with soviet pistons, or a bespoke kbd where letters wear off .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu would buy rollsroyce with bespoke cabin and soviet-quality engine ?
mircea_popescu: russian womahn : oh it was terrible. during the night they took turns fucking me and during the day they held soviet committee meetings to infiereze my whorishness.
shinohai: In Soviet Russia, fluid vaporizes YOU
mircea_popescu: of course they did. had it even during soviet times.
mircea_popescu: http://mobile.wnd.com/2017/08/the-sex-pervert-as-anti-fascist/ << randos discovering national socialism still socialism, much like soviet socialism or "progressive" socialism.
mircea_popescu: certainly. but no, sometyhing, anything. "in the past nine years while the republic choked the remnants of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-10#1696459 we at the soviet biolabs have a) deployed ten thousand chips in the back yard resulting in three different bactins ; and have this microscope that spit out 10k gifs. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-27#1703695 << to quote the definitive formulation of this particular bit of post ww2 new-us-soviet propaganda (delivered by cagney in the roaring twenties), "there's a new kind of setup you don't understand. guys don't go tearing things apart like we used to. people try to build things up. that's what lloyd's trying to do. in this new setup... you and me don't belong." ☝︎
mircea_popescu: typical soviet americana.
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-23#1702601 << turns out the soviet bureau of intertubes was laying me a fatter pipe. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: So much old trilema to read and link as Soviet America collapses
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/08/nytimes-corporations-moral-voice-of-america-soviet-america-continues-thrashing/ << Qntra - "NYTIMES: Corporations Moral Voice Of America" – Soviet America Continues Thrashing
mircea_popescu: (and , of course, they're making the eternal soviet mistake, spending 5bn on "research", except in healthcare, ai, batteries, self-driving vehicles, satellites etc. ie, trying to spend money to rewrite history with themselve in the picture. if you have a fucking clue you never invest in R&D in "hot" shit)
mircea_popescu: and you know i'm right, because soviet distributed goods in the exact same manner, and ppl... didn't "pay" units of nothing for them. and this had no impact whatsoever.
mircea_popescu: that dude's a fine example of usgistani ersatz. he hangs out in "personal finance" talking about finance, all the while his worldview is purely soviet socialism, command economy etc.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-07 04:30 mircea_popescu: but see, that's not at all the point. for one thing : all scholarship is nonsense. for the other, soviet school si entirely propaganda, which is to say "prepare organ donors for a certain way of life". the fucking point of the fixed form 3rd/4th grade composition is to allow the submarginal intellects making up the bulk of the population to tattoo their brains into a form that'll then allow them to survive, as traffic agents
mircea_popescu: in soviet, maybe. in usg, it's really just a social game.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-07 04:27 mircea_popescu: phf did you live through soviet long enough to know the 10yo fixed-form composition ?
phf: i wasn't actually thinking to the west, i was treating soviet union as a self-contained system. the point i was trying to make is that (and this is all very RANDian) in the absence of a market graph you needed an alternative mechanism to encourage cooperation, which in this case was the propaganda system "real soviet man does X" etc.
mircea_popescu: you had any contact with the living memory of soviet punk ? was this thing early on, "soviet too soft, gotta be moar hardcore" youth movement, wouldn't wash, didn't ask women to fuck, somewhat vaguelyt like the great leap forward kids in china.
phf: it's in the statement of the prisoner's dilemma, "defect" to the hypothetical inquisitors by betraying the other prisoner (i know that the terminology used introduces interesting connotations within the soviet regime, but i don't think that's the intent)
phf: i understand the point though, my understanding that i haven't evaluated in a while was that soviet were attempting to solve prisoners dilemma by training "a soviet man". brain tattooing makes sense in that respect, though my interpretation is generous to the goals
mircea_popescu: substitute tattoo of wooden tongue was employed in soviet world, to the amusement of early postmoderns in the west.
mircea_popescu: and the story it tells is that cca 1950 soviet / 1800 western world, it was already impossible to produce meaningful tattoos due to growing complexity.
mircea_popescu: soviet is very instructive for the anthropologist because it is roughly speaking "summarized early modern".
mircea_popescu: but see, that's not at all the point. for one thing : all scholarship is nonsense. for the other, soviet school si entirely propaganda, which is to say "prepare organ donors for a certain way of life". the fucking point of the fixed form 3rd/4th grade composition is to allow the submarginal intellects making up the bulk of the population to tattoo their brains into a form that'll then allow them to survive, as traffic agents ☟︎
mircea_popescu: phf did you live through soviet long enough to know the 10yo fixed-form composition ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-03#1693329 << typical "rule of law" for soviet / banana republics. ☝︎
asciilifeform: also i'll note, there are 2 types of copy, the basic 'soviet' type ( where you life everything incl. dec's 'when you care enough to steal the very best' easter egg inscription ) and the kind where you actually get the ~concept~ out
mircea_popescu: phf's nightmare fuel, high octane : being alf's personal secretary in an alt-soviet ww2 wherein alf is zhukov.
mircea_popescu: he's exactly right, at that. precisely the sort of thing that happenbs in soviet unions.\
pete_dushenski: "The whole experience was horrifying," says Adam Lackman, founder of TVAddons and defendant in a copyright infringement lawsuit launched by the television giants. "It felt like the kind of thing you would have expected to have happened in the Soviet Union." << my fav quote from piece.
mircea_popescu: how the fuck is he going to run a socialist soviet with antitrust laws on the books is anyone's guess.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-01 23:39 mircea_popescu: meanwhile here's what bloomberg hasd to say about... oh you've guessed it, putin : http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-17/putin-revives-soviet-deal-of-pretend-work-and-pay-to-hide-crisis
mircea_popescu: meanwhile here's what bloomberg hasd to say about... oh you've guessed it, putin : http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-17/putin-revives-soviet-deal-of-pretend-work-and-pay-to-hide-crisis ☟︎
mircea_popescu: like in that joke with the soviet policemen.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how did they say this in soviet, "we pretend to work, they pretend to pay us, long live the socialist republic" ?
phf: asciilifeform senior plotting the downfall of soviet union in his garage, aha, runs in the family
mircea_popescu: the politruk blather has reached absolutely soviet levels by now. what the fuck are they about even ?
trinque: strikes me every time when I get a whiff of the apparent.. "placehood" what american folks would've referred to as the "post-soviet collapse space" of the 90s, had
phf: i'm a soviet man, i prepare my own defense even before i start thinking about doing it
mircea_popescu: yes, but plenty of people live in the by now soviet traditional http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682694 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: meyer lansky is a name you know. anon soviet uni professor is a name you do not know.
asciilifeform: to which fascism had led the nation, with the former Kom-mandant of Auschwitz heading the Commission for the Detention of Nazi Criminals, and SS generals explaining in clear and simple words the importance of liberal values, while the whole cabal was led by the newly enlightened Gauleiter of Eastern Prussia. Tatarsky, of course, hated most of the manifestations of Soviet power, but he still couldn't understand w
mircea_popescu: (at the time, soviet industry more or less indian industry today)
mircea_popescu: this is to say, standard soviet matchbox dwelling, like berlin is still full of, came from the maker with a "balcony", which was open to the outside. they -- paid, scions of the decrepit metalworking industry, to solder/weld/glue to the balustrades ugly scrap metal pikes and pipes, and in between them put glass.
mircea_popescu: a sort of soviet cultural worker if you will.
mircea_popescu: this soviet soyuz 2.0 is really a very shitty remake.
mircea_popescu: afaik they made these built in for 1970s style matchbox 500sqft soviet flats.
asciilifeform: funnily enough actual soviet gas can was a 100% solid clone of the german one, probably to this day made in ru
mod6: everything is child-proof. don't get me started about the soviet gas can.
mircea_popescu: do your part to keep america relevant, soviet.