119 entries in 1.399s

trinque: asciilifeform: will find time this weekend to do the minimal
duct tape to keep the thing connected, probably amounts to simply lopping off ssl
a111: Logged on 2019-05-29 08:51 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with
duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-29 08:51 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with
duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915245 <-- in other c coad, /me spent his last 2-3 weeks looking at the tcp stack implementation in linus' kernel. it is truly a fungus, macguyvered with
duct tape and rubber bands, such that changing one line almost anywhere breaks shit all over the place.
☝︎☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-24 02:10 trinque: the !!subscribe lever is detached, yes, since it used to run back to a pretty sad pile of
duct tape.
trinque: the !!subscribe lever is detached, yes, since it used to run back to a pretty sad pile of
duct tape.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-02-09 18:04 asciilifeform: regex belongs in the tool chest next to '
duct tape'.
mircea_popescu: i can't read it any other way than "my racing toolkit consists of
duct tape, cyanoacrylate, and just-add-water wheel assemblages to be bolted down on any 2x2 inch flat surface you might wish".
mircea_popescu: all "sawing through the cage" proposals i've seen to date (and a major part of what i do is look for exactly that) consist of either idle wankery (german philosophy school etc) or else "here's how to cut a two inch hole in the wall, stick a paper bag out of there, and
duct tape it to the hole from outside". ty... but... this replaces a wall with a paper bag ? "yes, but it goes FURTHER OUT!!" sure, but i still know it like my
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cut up cardboard, coupla inches larger than window,
tape on.
mircea_popescu: at all points
duct tape can keep it shut. the opening muscles are very weak indeed. the closing muscles however... 50kN, like fucking metal press.
BingoBoingo: Common "
Duct tape" is too vulnerable to temperature fluctuations and decomposition to be useful on ducts
BingoBoingo: <thestringpuller>
duct tape is useful for actual ducting... << NO!!! For that you need a Mastic Ducting
mircea_popescu: "how do you fuck a chicken ?" "wrap it in
duct tape" "and how do you fuck a cockroach ?" "wrap it in
duct tape and fuck it with usg scientific penis."
duct tape everything!
mircea_popescu: basically, these concerns previously glued together in o'reilly brand
duct tape just came apart, and will have to be re-negotiated socially.
ben_vulpes: can't tell how poorly without actually trying to
tape more open sores together, though.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-09 20:43 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-09#1479266 << mno. it bonds well the skin, and ftr cutman (boxing item) actually had a very
tape-y thing before ducttape, and used cyanoacrylate early also. but no such things as "cut liver", infection is the larger problem there.
shinohai: The official tmsr roll 'o
duct tape.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller> if already nigga rigged, might as well
duct tape the whole thing << that's actually not even the worst solution.
thestringpuller: if already nigga rigged, might as well
duct tape the whole thing
mircea_popescu: i think it is built out of
duct tape and spit, and the process is not reproducible outside of sheer luck.
trinque: eh I knew that ball of
duct tape and twine wasn't going to last
BingoBoingo: <nubbins`> telling people to shut up and drink their oil << When plasticar was geared up in "Mad Max" mode with
duct tape everywhere it was the mega trucks which offered it the widest berths.
ben_vulpes off to
duct tape more open sores together
shinohai: thx pete_dushenski .... might buy a few hundred,
duct tape them together and melt the white house
trinque: I'm not doing it with
duct tape this time
mircea_popescu: does it move ? yes -> should it ? yes no problem / no ->
duct tape | no -> should it ? yes wd40 no - >no p[roblem
mircea_popescu: just, you know, imagine my face when it shone through one layer of
duct tape ff
mircea_popescu had girl make herself shocking device out of mono copper cable,
duct tape and a dozen 1.5 volters. FOR PUNISHMENT
phf: mircea_popescu: in the
duct tape programmer spolsky used jamie zawinski, jwz, as his main example, and i think it's an odd, backhanded characterization, that's mainly there to drive a point about something that spolsky imagined
ascii_modem: so far there is no structure remotely enough to take up the weight if the
duct tape is ripped out
ben_vulpes: it just takes the "
duct tape the jet fighter to the submarine" mindset to a revolting degree
mircea_popescu hands ascii_field a roll of
duct tape and taped old tv shows
ben_vulpes: did you
duct tape the submarine part to the heli part?
Pierre_Rochard: anyway, lesson learned and appropriate
duct tape applied
mircea_popescu: anyway, it was good enough for the webpage + guestbook era, which is back when it shone. everything goes away eventually, and the
duct tape and chewed gum contraptions holding togethere the everyman's arpanet especially so.
ben_vulpes: ('here, let me
duct tape a bunch of libs together so you get emails when your derps break the cpp compiled into the android code')
Vexual: Yah can
duct tape anything its true. But it's nice when shit works properly
BingoBoingo: What does a 3D printer actually fix that a roll of
Duct tape doesn't fix faster and better?
punkman: "Your editor's laptop recently started to fall apart, to the point that some sort of action was required.
Duct tape was considered as a solution; it would show that LWN is making careful use of its subscription revenues"
punkman: jurov, ah yeah that might be a good way to
tape this together
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo how does
duct tape get a bad rap ? i used it for a sex act earlier today!
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I know
duct tape gets a bad rap around here, but...
duct tape punkman: he did
tape the thing pretty quickly, I'll give him that