83 entries in 0.505s
trinque: if the problem with wp is that it was designed "for everybody", putting improvements in an optional codepath (themes) seems exactly the wrong thing.
bvt: diana_coman: ty for spotting this. i will regring vpatches p.1 and p.2; i wanted to make the vpatch p.1 name the same in manifest and file system, but did the wrong thing there just editing the line from previous vpatch in vpatch p.2.
asciilifeform: imho it was The Wrong Thing tho (yes the 2d artist types got to keep their jobs and avoided relearning anyffin, but result is that nao there are 'wooden' monsters, lovingly 'painted', rather than 'tru' 3d...)
hanbot: i dunno, shit's supposed to fail if you do the wrong thing. possibly i'm a moron for making it too easy to do the wrong thing, keyboards oughta be 10ft apart, give second to surgical assistant, whatever. but it is fucking frustrating.
diana_coman: once I have the test machine in working order again I'll see what's going on there; in the happiest case it was just linking with the wrong thing and so it'll be easily solvable
mircea_popescu: germans did to platonic tank the wrong thing that you like doing.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-11 15:19 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886075 -> on additional digging, static lib apparently does have libnameinit so yest I was looking for the wrong thing
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-09#1886075 -> on additional digging, static lib apparently does have libnameinit so yest I was looking for the wrong thing ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: the simplest algebraic variant is shamir's split (which trivially nukes 'knownplaintextism'). but it introduces a usable relationship b/w plaintexts, which is The Wrong Thing, and is how i ended up with 'hmm automata?' etc
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform depending on his answer ima -1 "advertised the wrong thing".
mircea_popescu: you're putting load on the wrong things.
mircea_popescu: i'm not particularly invested in being right about it ; but i'd better not be right and we end up with the wrong thing.
mod6: oops. somehow, copied the wrong thing
mircea_popescu: maybe she had that in a buffer somewhere reg'd the wrong thing ?
a111: Logged on 2018-07-20 15:14 mircea_popescu: this is definitely the contribution of modernity to the human bestiary, items who know plain well they're doing the wrong thing and proceed nevertheless. such a wonder'd be incomprehensible to say aristotle.
mircea_popescu: this is definitely the contribution of modernity to the human bestiary, items who know plain well they're doing the wrong thing and proceed nevertheless. such a wonder'd be incomprehensible to say aristotle. ☟︎
asciilifeform: if it's gossipd transport layer, massively loud sw station is the Wrong Thing ( unless you're mircea_popescu , and have the cannon battery around the mast, and can be arsed )
mircea_popescu: "why no more persian empire after 600 ?" "because they started asking the wrong things of the wrong people"
asciilifeform: but quite definitely The Wrong Thing
a111: Logged on 2018-03-22 19:35 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: in my experience 20yo who already took home xxx,xxx $ 'for' doing The Wrong Thing , is incurable. but it was worth a try.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: in my experience 20yo who already took home xxx,xxx $ 'for' doing The Wrong Thing , is incurable. but it was worth a try. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: fwiw, i don't think shellouts PER SE are a bad idea, or the wrong thing, or untenable. much like the notion of building houses WITH DOORS isn't in itself problematic. now, what gets in through those holes, well...
mod6: Thanks for reading and trying to pick out if it said the wrong thing though. I appreciate that.
asciilifeform: and this is The Wrong Thing.
asciilifeform: 'in-house' annotations that will fall off the net if a particular logviewtron dies, are imho the Wrong Thing.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-12 23:11 mircea_popescu: 2. a fine example of how "i work for the web man" rots the brain, is that in an implementation of the above discussed mod-distributiver, the "common" consensus impulse would be to add a test, make sure the list elements respect the condition of <modulus. this however is very much the wrong thing ; and it is a tmsr-graduate level question to explain why and wherefore.
mircea_popescu: 2. a fine example of how "i work for the web man" rots the brain, is that in an implementation of the above discussed mod-distributiver, the "common" consensus impulse would be to add a test, make sure the list elements respect the condition of <modulus. this however is very much the wrong thing ; and it is a tmsr-graduate level question to explain why and wherefore. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: chose the wrong thing because "it's what mother cunt would have wanted". except what mother cunt would have wanted is ~always the wrong fucking thing.
mircea_popescu: and the reason we dun wanna tell you what to do is precisely that the identification of these things is only easy in retrospect, but hard in the moment, and there's no worse sadness than following the wrong goal for THIS kind of wrong reason -- that the wrong person told you the wrong things.
asciilifeform: point remains, it is the Wrong Thing to use flippable registers to store bits that ain't EVER supposed to flip.
mike_c: although probably with the wrong things.
mircea_popescu: curious about the wrong things with very definitely the wrong people.
asciilifeform: ( linux malignantly does The Wrong Thing here )
asciilifeform: my thinking is -- at some point the old kakotronic logs will either go away or be subsumed by enemy for whatever purpose ( if only ip gluetrap ) -- and it is the Wrong Thing to countenance the use of'em.
mircea_popescu: "how do you cure the problem of wanting the wrong things ?" "by getting rid of the strange notion that what you want matters."
mircea_popescu: stop squirming and don't make trusting noobs rm-rf-nuke the wrong things!
asciilifeform: at this point ftr i'm quite firmly convinced that baking in massive open sores shitbucket, e.g. ext4, is The Wrong Thing
mircea_popescu: so no, the peasant didn't blame the boyar because the boyar did something. the peasant doesn't care about that (nor was the doing actually verifiable as such, nor did it likely happen rather than the opposite). the peasant blame the boyar because the boyar was the wrong thing, a do-er rather than an is-er.
danielpbarron: after somebody complains that it's showing the wrong thing
asciilifeform: earlier this year, i wanted to fit symmetric cipher into trb, and get rid of 'blackholing' etc. but mircea_popescu correctly pointed out that it is the Wrong Thing to cement a pseudoscientific abortion like AES (or ANY OTHER known symmetric cipher!) into place
mircea_popescu: fuck i searched for the wrong thing o.O
copumpkin: whoops, I pasted the wrong thing
asciilifeform: also mixing v press and makefile build is imho The Wrong Thing.
BingoBoingo: Ah, linked the wrong thing
asciilifeform: it is entirely, thoroughly The Wrong Thing
punkman: ben_vulpes: aaand that was actually indonesia, so i'm probably thinking about the wrong thing. << it was actually floods in Thailand.
ben_vulpes: aaand that was actually indonesia, so i'm probably thinking about the wrong thing.
mircea_popescu: they're worried about the wrong things.
mircea_popescu: at this point, i find myself persuaded that email is the wrong thing, knuth was right, it should have died long ago.
kakobrekla: happens when i tail the wrong thing.
assbot: Logged on 15-08-2015 18:01:27; *: mircea_popescu contemplates the strange notion that every time he included hashes in stream he was actually doing the wrong thing.
mircea_popescu contemplates the strange notion that every time he included hashes in stream he was actually doing the wrong thing. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'GPG for data at rest. TLS for data in motion. You can also use Guttman’s cryptlib, which has a sane API. Or Google Keyczar. They both have really simple interfaces, and they try to make it hard to do the wrong thing.' << l0l!!
mod6: oh, just looking for a version of IgProf to grab... maybe im looking at the wrong thing.
mircea_popescu: seriously, how inept do they need to be, these people. "unless everyone X currency will die" is ~exactly~ the wrong thing to say. everyone will not, currency will not die, now suddenly vice has [even more] egg on its face.
mircea_popescu: either set req.http.X-TVIP = client.ip; in varnish fucks up and sets the wrong thing ; or else, mod_remoteip fucks up the RemoteIPHeader X-TVIP conversion.
punkman: you dig up the wrong thing, you no longer can use your land.
mircea_popescu: " The external pressures to do the wrong thing are enormous, but yielding to them would be fatal for the academic enterprise, while resisting the pressure reinforces its strengths. The pressures are, in fact, so strong that I do not know a university where there is not some faculty or some department that has yielded, but there should be no mercy for snake oil pedlars on campus."
the_scourge: i agree with everyone's sentiment regarding hipsters trying to figure out what ism they are. as someone who's had to earn all his priviledge, i went to uni with such people but cannot relate to them much. however didn't we just tell mr BigBitz and partner that it doesn't matter how hard you work, if you're working on the wrong thing?
BingoBoingo: tch is being able to surrender to hearing the wrong thing when they perform themselves and simply mapping correspindence to the right hting.
mircea_popescu: it also happens to be the wrong thing. it makes it easier for ~everyone~, which is bad for user privacy. it requires more complexity, which costs money and opens the door to errors
bounce: though that'd be the wrong thing to compare with. the other 'bitcoin'-news services would be better to compare with
bounce: well, that's something. IMO a blacklist on actors in the system is still entirely the wrong thing to even have. if you want to filter "abusive" txes you'd have to have some objective measure and preferrably a deterministic detection algorithm of abusiveness.
bounce: there's plenty routers that do mostly the right thing but then subtly the wrong thing in some cases, and the costs doesn't show up as prohibitive
mats_cd03: oh wait... i think i'm referencing the wrong thing actually. seppeku.
mircea_popescu: i bet he would. jesus fuck these people, always ready with the wrong thing.
mircea_popescu: you're focusing on the wrong things.
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight methinks you're showing teenage girls the wrong things.
danielpbarron: 01:39:44 < Ex0deus> monetary incentive makes people do all the wrong things
nubbins`: see, business cards are exactly the wrong thing to silkscreen
mircea_popescu: plenty of people trying to make a career out of doing the wrong thing.
ThickAsThieves: like i said, you are comparing the wrong thing
nubbins`: the trick with these "the way i like my women" jokes is to fool people into assuming the wrong thing
mircea_popescu: then argue about getting the wrong thing
mircea_popescu: pankkake tips are exactly the wrong thing in that they would split the community into two types, the actual devs and the people who make a living pretending to be devs.
mircea_popescu: so retarded this, speaking of "exactly the wrong thing"
pankkake: but things like php help you do exactly the wrong thing
mircea_popescu: well since he does, he's invested in the wrong thing.
dub: last time it got hacked he ended up saying 'lol oops, no i was looking at the wrong thing'
mircea_popescu: etc etc, endless and everywhere, the wrong thing always appeals.
unbalanced: Once I stop consistently doing the wrong thing at the wrong time I can begin to scale up.
dub: mjr_: they're probably arguing the wrong thing but factually SD using the blockchain for accountign is retarded
Ukto: and copied the wrong thing :P