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a111: Logged on 2016-10-03 16:46 mircea_popescu: how is it that the republic can do just fine progressing at the clip of its own progress, no faster than that, nor slower ; and that while we don't specifically wnat to "do things" or set goals, nevertheless we do things and achieve (other people's) goals ?
mircea_popescu: how is it that the republic can do just fine progressing at the clip of its own progress, no faster than that, nor slower ; and that while we don't specifically wnat to "do things" or set goals, nevertheless we do things and achieve (other people's) goals ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: gotta have progress.
shinohai: progress
mircea_popescu: never gives up, tries again, "revolution", "progress", it's the lulz of all time. to think all this running away, running in circles, chasing of tail etc is simply the devil trying to somehow, hopefully, beyond all hope escape the fact that there really isn't any room for it here.
trinque: such progress!
mircea_popescu: t is impossible for human foresight to pronounce ; but there is just ground to apprehend that its progress may be marked with calamities of which the dreadful incidents of the French revolution afford a very faint image."
mircea_popescu: that it provides you with the delusion of learning to match the societal hallucination of "progress" doth not mean it moved.
mircea_popescu: d per se. except in the benefit that its checks will progress this much faster.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: 'abundance for all.' 'progress.'
ben_vulpes: crane draped over a container ship in progress
asciilifeform: but it does fear the thief. at the very least, as a class. rulers who interfere with a mass plunder in progress tend to develop 'problems'.
asciilifeform: Progress!111
alice_: god's an asshole, and it's complicated. i'm ready for anything i can understand as progress.
alice_: am making progress on that. say 70% done.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Progress, not perfection!
mod6: <+phf> asciilifeform: i did, he said something about "this being work in progress and don't want to commit" or somesuch << i could regrind them, yeah. ideally, each who want to use these unexamined items should do so on their own accord, placing them in their patches directory as a "WILD" patch. Until the day when the foundation moves forward and folds them in after examination and testing. ☟︎
phf: asciilifeform: i did, he said something about "this being work in progress and don't want to commit" or somesuch
mircea_popescu: which is precisely why, widely speaking, economic progress happened in the west, with the sandyvagina'd women that didn't marry and didn't have kids, rather than i nthe east, or in china, with the loving and tolerant she-rabbits.
mircea_popescu: "Technology means doing more with less. In the absence of technological progress, we end up with a zero-sum world, in which there must be a loser for every winner. It is not clear whether a capitalistic economic system could function without growth; and it is unlikely that a representative democracy, which requires the give-and-take of win–win compromise, would continue to function." << why hate on the guy ? other than the
asciilifeform: 'In some states, making a clean, quiet repo isn't just a safety matter, it's a legal necessity. Some state laws require that all repos happen without creating a "breach of the peace." That means that if the owner notices the repo in progress and comes out of the house yelling and screaming, the repo agent can't legally repossess the car. Of course, it's in the repo man's best interest to avoid a scene like this, but how?'
trinque: but you know, 2016, great progress
phf: progress!
asciilifeform: the message, loud and clear, to 'software industry', from the greybears who are the only thing that presently stands between the 'civilized' world and zimbabwe, is: 'kindly die in a fire, nobody needs yer 'progress'.'
mircea_popescu: yeah definite progress here.
mats: work in progress
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494310 << no because progress. tempered lime crapola is "just as good". PARETO SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE!!11 ☝︎
asciilifeform: ah so in progress.
mircea_popescu: ahahahah check it out, black community came full circle! from usher to usher! one century of revolutionary progress.
asciilifeform: are a consumer society, the bright store fronts and restaurants blinding people from seeing the general decay of the nation. Unless there's a revival of production and real technological progress, we are doomed...'
mircea_popescu: ok but how do you track progress ? "this is done" "oh yeah ? when ? by whom ?"
mircea_popescu: progress! community!
asciilifeform: 'I'm going to close and lock this conversation, because I don't see any meaningful progress on reproducing the issue in the last month or so, and because of the unproductive conversations and noise.
mircea_popescu: there's been 25 years of "pubic opinion" and "internet community" PROGRESS since then!
mod6: anyway, a work in progress.
mircea_popescu: in other news, the dictator is a shitty pile of forced memes, unfunny as all hell. its only distinction being that the progress is show to benefit some derpy woman whose only qualification is that she's not shavign her armpits (but she's willing to drop that), whereas the only loser is the actual competent engineer ; and that peter norton is cast as yet-another-celebrity whose only utility, value and stock in trade is being u
asciilifeform: what 'progress' since !1111
mircea_popescu: oh and re the perennial discussion of progress and "what things cost" : i'd like a pound of costards, please.
Framedragger: no worries - actual scanning progress will apparently be slow anyway..
mircea_popescu: part of the history of medicine, like it or not, mr progress.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> anywya, once mod6 gets that T thing going we can actually create tickets for all this, which'll make the task less insane. << making daily progress!
asciilifeform: but this is still quite apart from 'my anal telepathy muscles are ineffable and stfu finance made progress'
mircea_popescu: they already did the whole male genital mutilation thing "for medicine and science", no idea why not use the modern technology to enact the logical progress.
mircea_popescu: modern democracy and human rights etc. progress.
mircea_popescu: but if you ask the economiasts of the statu quo, they would say yes, this is progress - fewer idiots die now than then.
mircea_popescu: that's progress, neh ?
mircea_popescu: i do not care to distinguish which specific facet of progress did more, or most, or anything.
mircea_popescu: and since "progress" spans ALL the environment, the assessment's fair.
diana_coman: <mircea_popescu> i have no fucking idea how progress, improvement and liberation resulted in a palpable drop of 25-30 iq points across the entire population, but there it is. <- uhm, correlation ate causation much?
mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea how progress, improvement and liberation resulted in a palpable drop of 25-30 iq points across the entire population, but there it is.
mike_c: yeah. it's in progress. I started doing it but had to deal with a couple other things. I de-crufted btcalpha and killed half the site (bitbet gone, etc). now i'm halfway through a web framework upgrade which is going to make adding the new wot browser easier.
asciilifeform: http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-third-progress-report#comment-8551 << l0l nubsy is back
deedbot-: [fr.anco.is] BitBet receivership third progress report - http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-third-progress-report
ben_vulpes: yes in progress that's why i bring it up
mats: in progress
mircea_popescu: http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8471 << so it seems the winner is znort guy, 86 btc bid.
asciilifeform: http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8398
asciilifeform: '... The picture has improved slightly from a year earlier, when the nonpayment rate was 46%, but that progress largely reflected a surge in Americans entering a program for distressed borrowers to lower their payments.'
davout: also hanbot -> http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8435
davout: mircea_popescu: http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8416
PeterL: why are people putting bids in the second progress report comments, when the auction is supposed to be held in the comment section of the first progress report?
hanbot: davout moar for you. http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8410
davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445593 <<< answered http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8406 ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-second-progress-report#comment-8398
BingoBoingo: davout: apparently you have fans http://qntra.net/2016/04/bitbet-receiver-issues-2nd-progress-report-auction-closing-april-6th/#comment-50459
deedbot-: [Qntra] BitBet Receiver Issues 2nd Progress Report, Auction Closing April 6th - http://qntra.net/2016/04/bitbet-receiver-issues-2nd-progress-report-auction-closing-april-6th/
hanbot: davout http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8380 ☟︎
deedbot-: [fr.anco.is] BitBet receivership second progress report - http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-second-progress-report
mircea_popescu: davout http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report#comment-8366 to assuage teh concerned
mircea_popescu: davout : fr.anco.is root loads a list of articles, however http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-formal-application-and-letter-of-intent/ and http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report/ both 404 ?
asciilifeform: and speaking of other enigmas, did we ever learn what the 200 btc in http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report were ?
asciilifeform: http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report/ << holy fuck, is anyone else seeing spam in there ?
asciilifeform: http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report << mega-4uct10n
deedbot-: [fr.anco.is] Protected: BitBet receivership progress report #1 - http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-progress-report-1/
nubbins`: asciilifeform the rate of progress on all mp projects is what's outrageous
BingoBoingo: The Bahamas gang's reign is ending and the electoral progress is a mess in an effort to rig the contest in Clitler's favor. Qntra however has to prepare for lulztingencies. Among these is a contested convention.
trinque: jumped onto trb intending to cause myself severe pain such that gears of progress and whatnot
asciilifeform: and, unlike google, theirs has none of the secretive derpitude, it plays on kgs, they post progress reports, etc.
assbot: Kraken Bitcoin Exchange — Kraken Announces Significant Progress In MtGox... ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rph9x2 )
punkman: BingoBoingo: http://blog.kraken.com/post/139514011237/kraken-announces-significant-progress-in-mtgox
asciilifeform: i have nfi why it needed 'progress'...
asciilifeform: in bitcoin 'progress' just means something very different.
mircea_popescu: i see no problem with SOME software must progress. it does not follow that all must, or all should. bitcoin provably shouldn't.
mircea_popescu: are you proposing that "software must progress" ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo there's been a lot of progress with fine meshes or w/e, but i'm pretty sure they still didn't manage to catch up to li ion
assbot: Logged on 11-02-2016 06:56:52; punkman: in other nyooz, made some progress on punkdiff. I added file deletions without including the deleted lines in the diff. Now working on sane renaming, but I'm thinking it might be better to have renames represented as (copy a to b)+(delete a).
punkman: in other nyooz, made some progress on punkdiff. I added file deletions without including the deleted lines in the diff. Now working on sane renaming, but I'm thinking it might be better to have renames represented as (copy a to b)+(delete a). ☟︎
mats: overall progress is pretty slow. i would benefit from a mentor, but none of the greybeards i know, have time for me
ben_vulpes: more to the point with artifexd he bit off gossipd, claimed progress, and then vanished.
mircea_popescu: but many comments! visits! uniques! Social media! progress! apple could buy russia!
pete_dushenski: rather than just "oh some small block zealots are afraid of progress" such and such
mircea_popescu: but the derps ran off with progress and here we are.
mircea_popescu: computing gets to grow a fucking indoor voice and progress out of orcdom.
mod6: mircea_popescu: that's great! very nice progress indeed.
ben_vulpes: i'm stalking your log progress
mircea_popescu: because "progress".
mircea_popescu: you still value what you lost more than what you gain by that loss. you still need stimuli to grow geometrically for subjective sensation to progress arithmetically.
mod6: (a work in progress)
danielpbarron: either you are a liar claiming to believe in a false god that you know doesn't really exist, or you actually believe in the false god. In either case, your "spiritual progress" is not towards the truth but rather a damning lie.
BingoBoingo: It is written in the Big Book "Many of us exclaimed, "What an order! I can't go through with it." Do not be discouraged. No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection." page 60