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ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-29 13:08:36 mircea_popescu: this 2 really goes all the way back to the proposed portage supremacy i nixed back in 2018 or w/e it was. NO, portage is not special cuntlet, NO, portage may not be more important than any other
turd. V rules, portage obeys or goes away.
mircea_popescu: this 2 really goes all the way back to the proposed portage supremacy i nixed back in 2018 or w/e it was. NO, portage is not special cuntlet, NO, portage may not be more important than any other
turd. V rules, portage obeys or goes away.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-28 17:36:35 nicoleci: lobbes, nice tagline 'Mangled
turd every single day' lol
nicoleci: lobbes, nice tagline 'Mangled
turd every single day' lol
mircea_popescu: who knows, if it gets cloudy, foggy an' dark enough, conceivably even
turd could shine ? or at least, you couldn't accuse it of not shining ? YES ?
mircea_popescu: and meanwhile in
cesspool news, every larger
turd splashing in there sends all the lesser turds into a tizzy. who knows, maybe it's their time now ?!?!?! THE
BingoBoingo: What seemed to have happened after that
turd got passed was a lot of live in domestic servants got kicked into the street if their employer wasn't fucking them. Derps who could afford it instead went to cleaning agencies. A handful of folks who aren't braindamaged simply have more girlfriends. Overall the number of bipeds getting compensation for doing something dropped.
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-15#1928982 << there's nothing in principle wrong with this solution. there may be some practical concerns (ie, might want to get a working unicode set first) ; but other than that i don't see the advantage to having numbers-in-a-rectangle, for instance, in preference of a fixed
trinque: I'll fucking use their prebaked
turd, or something fundamently not, but no incrementals ever again.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-19 05:19 lobbes: Currently going down the headless-browser path ben_vulpes suggested. Looking into phantomjs atm, which seems like it could do the job. I have an old craptop I'm thinking of using as the proverbial 'public toilet' to house it on. (This is the same craptop I was planning to put a trb node on. I put a spanking-new ssd in there but then realized that the ethernet dun work anymore; wifi only. May be a good use for the thing to just be a
turd server in
a111: Logged on 2019-01-06 17:28 asciilifeform: the 1st step to adaizing a cpp
turd is to remove the cpp threadisms, they will not only not work with ada's sane tasking but actually destroy the guarantees of the latter
BingoBoingo: And they became the paper of record because El Pais adopted still more user hostile web design
turd traps into their pages
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 19:24 mircea_popescu: s a file system AT ALL, and the "all things are files" is just a thin wraper on a
turd sausage made out of "we have no data model beyond ram and our disk doesn't actually work".
mircea_popescu: s a file system AT ALL, and the "all things are files" is just a thin wraper on a
turd sausage made out of "we have no data model beyond ram and our disk doesn't actually work".
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Gone from cover of "loud redditards" pissing UDP at webservers to bloat blocker shitting
turd boluses at trb nodes
mircea_popescu: i do not pose as expert gymnast in any sense ; and yes this caliber
turd is somewhat common in unixworld altogether. but still, holy hell, fucking gymnastics.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-05 00:46 asciilifeform: i dun recall if i mentioned : as of coupla wks ago, no moar 'emerge portage' on asciilifeform's-ban-masks gentoo boxen : it now ~demands~ gpg2
trinque: we'll have a clear chain of custody back into ye olde gentoo, and from there can continue to digest the
turd. subsequent vpatches should only ever contain one ebuild plus that ebuild's deps.
mircea_popescu: "those nameless idiots in siouxland are eating
turd sandwiches, so we here in paris must therefore eat
turd wellington!!11"
a111: Logged on 2018-06-08 17:30 asciilifeform: phf: if you are able to build the usb snake -- lemme know which cr50
turd ver is in your box