119 entries in 0.875s
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-11-26#1953652 << this is true. I'm wary about bringing down snr, but refraining altogether also ain't a solution I suppose. Careful derailment
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in more practical considerations, today's log went from 2k words before you woke up to 4k words currently, while the snr went from 90% to 50% or so. it's not even simply the instant fact that none of your lines contribute on the desirable side -- it's that the whole show's a fucking re-run!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i won't repeat again, to keep up snr, but get outta there while you can. the atmosphere already eating you at the edges.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: was the point strictly that asciilifeform's output to BB, low snr , and needlessly stresses crew ? or that he oughta be doing something else than where i sent him ? or both ? neither ?
mp_en_viaje: snr not even really measurable for lack of any serious concept of s or n.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'm tuned in, but would rather answer concretes, and in pulsed bursts, to keep up snr. for nao will go to other terminal.
mircea_popescu: so basically, if i install steamos, then i can pay eg 35 eur to play sme random title.
whaack: but more's the point : and your hedonism actually kept you away from internets for the interval ?! << it certainly reduced it drastically. but i've been around, reading the logs etc. I would of course love to have done that, but I also feel a duty to keep the SNR down in this channel as i fix a lot of my shortcomings.
mircea_popescu: in other news, reading old logs is something else, my the snr has changed. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-18#565157 << back in 2014 dorky kids still thought "putin" is how you say "cool". in the intervening years -- they, changed not at all. everything around them... ☝︎
asciilifeform: largely archaeological interest ( tho he also has some 'modern-day' items, bypasses for winblowz 'seekoority', etc . overall surprisingly high snr. )
asciilifeform: ( via http://michaelnielsen.org/polymath1/index.php?title=Finding_primes , a www about http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-07#1733382 , but somewhat poor snr... ) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-26#1883094 << do i have this right, so the logs were ~43% shorter but this drove a summary ~37% longer ? ie, snr varied by at least a factor of 2.4 ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-20#1882358 << i can see the pov. otoh i dunno if it'd be great for snr if errybody's mothers tuned in ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 20:10 asciilifeform: apeloyee: the other thing to consider, is that the preserved bolix material has ~unspeakably~ rich ( and quite high snr ) collection of artifacts, perhaps 1000 asciilifeform-years of work. take the ns vlsi compiler alone. i have the binaries, but not the src. and ~someone~ will have to make a sane (i.e. fully lispified and zero-externals) vlsitron.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 20:10 asciilifeform: apeloyee: the other thing to consider, is that the preserved bolix material has ~unspeakably~ rich ( and quite high snr ) collection of artifacts, perhaps 1000 asciilifeform-years of work. take the ns vlsi compiler alone. i have the binaries, but not the src. and ~someone~ will have to make a sane (i.e. fully lispified and zero-externals) vlsitron.
danielpbarron: i don't know exacts, but you were talking back to me over in lrh around the same time you were polluting snr in here, and my +1 was preventing others from !!downing you
mod6: yeah, alf had him negrated for snr
a111: 100 results for "snr", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=snr
hanbot: !#s snr
asciilifeform: good snr will do this.
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-24#1775015 << Though I will warn readers: I am slow.. (but steady). Though the general strategy of "keep snr > 0 and try and learn from my betters" appears to be working ☝︎
asciilifeform: knubie: your snr is somewhere below the floor.
mircea_popescu: and no further than ONE DAY BACK in this log which seemed very respectable snr-wise on the basis of my hsaving read today, there's a PILE of "how to lisp on windows" and "how to utf-8 unicode etc".
mircea_popescu: uncharacteristically, the snr isn't even terrifying!
mircea_popescu: "12 este divizibil prin 2`12 is divisible by 2" holy shit. there are some useful expressions in the expression item, however a) very low snr, lots of useless crap and b) idiomatics not really a good fit for dictionary, much better fit in blog articles.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i have utterly no patience to listen to this kalman thing. i made it 13 minutes, but a) terrible snr and b) his voice is insufferable.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 20:10 asciilifeform: apeloyee: the other thing to consider, is that the preserved bolix material has ~unspeakably~ rich ( and quite high snr ) collection of artifacts, perhaps 1000 asciilifeform-years of work. take the ns vlsi compiler alone. i have the binaries, but not the src. and ~someone~ will have to make a sane (i.e. fully lispified and zero-externals) vlsitron.
asciilifeform: apeloyee: the other thing to consider, is that the preserved bolix material has ~unspeakably~ rich ( and quite high snr ) collection of artifacts, perhaps 1000 asciilifeform-years of work. take the ns vlsi compiler alone. i have the binaries, but not the src. and ~someone~ will have to make a sane (i.e. fully lispified and zero-externals) vlsitron. ☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: and it's considerably larger but also low snr
apeloyee: can add a phase offset so that they are in-phase at receiver. N stations, more than N times SNR increase, but opens to attacks based on partial knowledge
apeloyee: more: set up a site, bemoaning "radio intruders" on $band, stream from several nearby radios on it. the recipient can then improve SNR by subtracting whatever interference (from your POV), or estimate atmospheric conditions
apeloyee: more crackpot ideas: live in flyshitville, can then have ample warning about enemy detection equipment, and plenty of RF emission by and neighbors' equipment to hide behind ( but few neighbors, important for SNR)
asciilifeform: but somehow not obvious that dropping snr by churning out liquishit is every bit as destructive as burning library ?
mircea_popescu: too low snr to bother by now.
asciilifeform: but because they drop snr and make a mockery of thinking itself.
mircea_popescu: anyway, a very large portion of why the forum has such large snr is the reference system. it is not only the first level advantage, of reference. it has massive second order effects, such as it gets people to organzie their thoughts for it.
mircea_popescu: kanzure i'll tell you, i read the log every day, first thing, chiefly because it's the higherst snr item i know of. so not really noisy, no.
asciilifeform: the snr of 'cryptographers' is somewhere south of that of tardstalk.
phf: i know trinitr0n personally, and i also spent time on #bolix a year or so ago, but snr went down, and now it's mostly tr0n's personal shit talking place, so i just communicate with a handful of people from that channel who i think are useful by other means
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680511 << partly it is that i'd like to do a fair share of keeping the snr high, by... ~not having same thread 9000 times~, see if perhaps the l0gz will do their bit and answer ' what does asciilifeform say to X ? ' q for those folx who have it ☝︎
asciilifeform: sorta why asciilifeform goes a-spelunkin' in old maths crackpotteries. every decade back ~doubles the snr
ben_vulpes: "our demoooocracy!": https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/07/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijacked-democracy , also, further hijinks in the era of epsilon snr
phf: i've met him on another irc channel where he was equally non-contributing to an overall low snr. i was curious if he will maybe step up here, but nope doing exactly the same thing. the whole thing is reminiscent of the catv, a channel full of companioncubes
mircea_popescu: has no "dropping snr" component.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: while we're on subj of 'gets in the way but not enemy' -- how come 'adlai attacked republic by dropping snr' but not indiancandy ? is it because the latter lays claim to tits ?
asciilifeform: we do not however have an infinite of brain cycles. hence banishments of low snr folk etc
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel_p: you're the one damaging snr tonight
mircea_popescu: i suppose getting two tuned to the same frequency and then debiasing them together may result in something (precisely because taking advantage of n in that horrible snr). otherwise with a single item... tough.
asciilifeform: world's cheapest 40MHz-2GHz receiver (with terrible snr, but what can you do)
a111: Logged on 2016-11-07 11:46 mircea_popescu: can anyone think of any possible reason thestringpuller is actually voiced here ? i've just about had it, the snr ratio is by my count exactly 0, if you got something i wanna hear it plox.
mircea_popescu: i ain't about to stand for it. the politicos get to pay per line for their existence. everyone else is free to say whatever the fuck. which is exactly why i'm not counting your snr, but i am counting his.
Framedragger: i personally don't see how he is doing any worse in terms of snr as compared so some others. (e.g., myself; that's probably not an argument that is very favourable to me, but anyway). don't see why you are suddenly so fussed.
mircea_popescu: can anyone think of any possible reason thestringpuller is actually voiced here ? i've just about had it, the snr ratio is by my count exactly 0, if you got something i wanna hear it plox. ☟︎
phf suspects hackgod.me has a significantly higher snr than google.com
adlai: lol yes, stupidest suggestion i ever got was a businessman telling me to look up algorithms for evaluating snr of a time series
adlai is not idiot enough to simply dismiss everything outside his current understanding as idiocy, so he's trying to differentiate between SNR as best he can at what seems closest to bring within his future understanding
a111: Logged on 2016-09-29 22:07 phf: i was part of a similar channel, where snr started dropping rapidly and the founder didn't have the heart to start removing people. a handful of us who were actually doing things just ended up moving to a different, much smaller channel. i remember one of the guys who started ineptly throwing weight, kremlin, from that other channel. useless hangeron. the default banter just reminded of the other low snr place...
phf: i was part of a similar channel, where snr started dropping rapidly and the founder didn't have the heart to start removing people. a handful of us who were actually doing things just ended up moving to a different, much smaller channel. i remember one of the guys who started ineptly throwing weight, kremlin, from that other channel. useless hangeron. the default banter just reminded of the other low snr place... ☟︎
ben_vulpes: generally try to keep the snr-damaging wailing and gnashing to my self.
deedbot: ben_vulpes rated covertress -1 << snr
ben_vulpes: !!rate covertress -1 snr
ben_vulpes: $rate covertress -1 snr
a111: Logged on 2016-09-14 08:04 Framedragger: unrelated, http://store.steampowered.com/app/502940/?snr=1_7_7_popularnew_150_2 could provide some fun
Framedragger: unrelated, http://store.steampowered.com/app/502940/?snr=1_7_7_popularnew_150_2 could provide some fun ☟︎
asciilifeform: popped by ze snr police!1111
asciilifeform: snr, in db.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-26 14:15 phf: particular transport. never the less when the conversation about current spec comes in you are eager to point out how spec is useless. it's a significant effort to drone you out long enough to actually attempt the implementation, and since in my experience attempting the implementation is a significant step in grokking, i think you repeating the same point over and over again actually lowers overall snr.
phf: particular transport. never the less when the conversation about current spec comes in you are eager to point out how spec is useless. it's a significant effort to drone you out long enough to actually attempt the implementation, and since in my experience attempting the implementation is a significant step in grokking, i think you repeating the same point over and over again actually lowers overall snr. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "<audrow> pipping: I see. Femlisp seems good. I think femlisp, LLA, and GSLL meet my requirements. Do you have any idea how to compare the performance of various libraries, short of trying them all?" << ok, i must say i am deeply impressed with those snr enforcement measures :D
a111: Logged on 2016-08-19 17:04 phf: you just forgot how it was in '98. you now have wider range of available shit, so it's the snr that has changed. there was definitely a peak free software where available range also had max hacker value, i.e. intangible quality of buildable, inspectable, etc. but before that free software was kind of shit with a lot of dyi required.
phf: you just forgot how it was in '98. you now have wider range of available shit, so it's the snr that has changed. there was definitely a peak free software where available range also had max hacker value, i.e. intangible quality of buildable, inspectable, etc. but before that free software was kind of shit with a lot of dyi required. ☟︎
phf: fractional snr, and only because there's a few paragraphs about how they used clisp at yahoo stores)
mircea_popescu: possibly higher snr tho, i guess.
mircea_popescu: there IS NO SNR of those folk.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: only to the extent such a thing will ding the snr of those folk
asciilifeform: other than the lower snr.
ben_vulpes still has no idea what he's doing on the lordship, has barely adlai-grade snr
phf: i suspect snr on reddit is so low the event is not even going to be perceived as something that requires a cover up on such articulated terms. the burying is something in the range between "confederate flag? downvote." and "mircea? something not scam? downvote."
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well the stop drinking thing was a rather substantive change in the usual. I think reduced the N in my SNR, but I'm not entirely sure.
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 21:54:38; ascii_rear: ty adlai. my advice is to try for high snr
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> makes for low snr is what is does << The classic lulz are worth watching just because the trigger might get pulled leading to the other triggers getting pulled. Peace in Our Time (TM)(R)
ben_vulpes: makes for low snr is what is does
mircea_popescu: heh. to quote, "This is stupid way to adjust SNR for a few reasons not least that it is already solved in the IRC protocol. Chanops are a group of people the founder trusts sufficiently to regulate the conversation, deal with bad actors and operate the channel in the manner he intends. Kind of like a web of trust without the numerous failures this bullshit introduces. Default deny will prevent the channel from growing,
adlai: ^ pure snr imnsho, along with !down etc
adlai considers it one of the higher SNR #bitcoin-channels
adlai raises the SNR a little, by "leaking" the address of the local 'bitembassy's ATM: 1DdfiZffjxNypZ6NbLuMP3w84vfzXfxiqc
ben_vulpes: adlai: d'you intend to do something about the snr complaints?
adlai: re: snr... i realize it's an Unsolved Problem, and in precisely the same way that "racism works", it makes sense to triage text by the mouth it whenced; but "the opposite of stupid is not wrong"
ascii_rear: ty adlai. my advice is to try for high snr ☟︎
adlai spends a couple minutes reading RFCs and realizes just how big a crime against SNR this whole BIP thing really is
BingoBoingo: I just hate the abysmal news SNR ratio this time of year.
adlai notably doesn't touch scalpl during this latest tirade, because the Real Men (tm) in the audence have already learned to dissociate snr, right?
adlai: re:bundle-390596, if it ever shows up: it's the best kind of snr amplifier, fueled by the tears of gamblers and the sweat of 'investors'
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for liquidassets with note: has yet to improve SNR, but negrates are an invitation to improve, you jimcrowwit-chickenshit
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for liquidassets with note: low snr
asciilifeform: !rate liquidassets -1 low snr
jurov: truth has low snr
asciilifeform is experimenting with avoiding activities with low snr.
ag3nt_zer0: snr = so no reason? :)
asciilifeform: snr too low for me.